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Document Creation Date: 
April 3, 2019
Document Release Date: 
April 12, 2019
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Publication Date: 
November 16, 1977
Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 C06628369 4 Q�E Ve 4 /?-?-- /511_6, M Jorge Rafael VIDELA (Phonetic: veeDEHla) President; Member, Ruling Junta; Commander in Chief of the Army Addressed as: Mr. President On 24 March 1976 Army Commander Lt. Gen. Jorge Videla led a long-awaited, bloodless coup against the govern- ment of President Maria de PerOn. Five days later he was installed as Argentina's 39th President. As such, he performs monial duties of Chief of State, supreme governing authority with of the three-man military junta, the three services. MICROFILMED ARGENTINA all the cere- but he shares the other members which represents 11; The junta inherited a country in near chaos, with uncontrolled inflation and rampant terrorist activity. Under its leadership, both problems have been significantly reduced, although not eliminated. The President travels extensively in Argentina and has met privately with representatives of the religious, scientific, business and rural communities, as well as with members of the press. Fe has also made several trips to other South American countries to strengthen relations. Videla came to the United States several times before becoming President. In September 1977 he visited this country for the signing of the Panama Canal Treaties. Videla is a man of great integrity who loathes corruption and will not tolerate any degree of it in his government. He is a deeply religious man and serves as a lay reader in his hometown Catholic parish. The President, 52, is married and has seven children. He speaks poor English. CR M 77-15826 16 November 1977 MICRO ONLY Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 C06628369