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August 17, 2011
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Approved for Release: 2024/11/05 C06628009
17 August 2011
SUBJECT: (U) Unaccredited Degree: Telecommunications Information
Systems Officer
CASE: 2010-10166-IG
1. .(er Based on a 2008 United States Secret Service investigation that
identified an Agency contractor as possessing a degree from a known
(b)(1) diploma mill, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) initiated a proactive
(b)(3) CIAAct investigation on 5 August 2008 into Agency staff claiming degrees from
(b)(3) NatSecAct
(b)(6) non-accredited institutions. OIG matched a list of unaccredited institutions
(b)(7)(c) against Agency BIO information to identify any individuals who had
provided degree evidence to Human Resources.1,2 One of the individuals
identifi&f, , claimed a bachelor's degree from
an unaccredited institution, on his Agency
BIO. (b)(6)
1 (U/ /FOUO) The term unaccredited refers to the recognition and acceptability of a degree for use in
federal employment as recognized by the Office of Personnel Management. Unaccredited degrees cannot
be used to meet the qualifications for federal positions that require a degree. The complete definitions of
accreditation are included in the Appendix.
2 (U/ /-N�Qi4E3)- The Agency biographical profile (Agency BIO) is the mechanism for tracking information
on individuals who officially declare their education to the Agency by providing proof of attendance.
The Agency BIO is made available to hiring managers and used directly in staffing decisions. Only staff
employees and former employees were covered by this review because there is no central database on
contractor educational records.
(b)(3) NatSecAct
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Approved for Release: 2024/11/05 C06628\009
(b)(J) uiAAct
2. kel OIG reviewed the claims made by regarding his
degree and the associated education to determine if there were false
statements or improper use of an unaccredited degree, and if there was an
improper reimbursement for the degree by the Agency.
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct 3. (U/LEQU'CI) OIG reviewed
(b)(6) claims.
(b)(1) 4. (1.1/ /1_0140)- OIG reviewed
((bb))((33)) CNaIAAtSeccttir and online Agency BIO.
(b)(3) CIAAct 6. (U/ /-F-QUe)- OIG obtained and reviewed internal job
(b)(3) NatSecA5pplications and resumes for positions that he held at the Agency as well
as his Performance Appraisal Reports.
7. (U/LE.GeelT OIG reviewed Agency regulations and relevant laws
-c (b)(3) IAA-ilated to the allegations.
(b)(3) NatSecAct
(b)(6) RESULTS:
security file for any degree
Official Personnel Folder
(b)(3) CIAAct
on 9 October 200E(b)(3) NatSecAct
5. (U/ /DUST OIG interviewed
regarding his unaccredited degree.
holds a bachelor of science "degree" in
with a minor in from
that he received
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(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct
10. (U) provides bachelor's, master's, and doctoral "degrees"
through "life experience."
13 (U)
claims accreditation by
of these are accreditation mills, and neither is approved by the US
Department of Education (DoE). was never accredited
by the US DoE.4
14. In a 9 October 2008 sworn statement to OIG, stated
that or so after receiving a diploma from (b)(6)
during a transfer between assignments, he provided an HR Officer with
documents showing completion of his bachelor's degree. He said that the
documents were then inserted into his personnel file. He stated that he
went into his Agency BIO profile and added his "degree" from
because he wanted recognition.
4 (U//Egfge, According to Title 20 U.S.C. � 1099b (Recognition of accrediting agency or association), the
Secretary of Education is responsible for recognizing accrediting bodies, which in turn recognize
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15. .(e) In a PAR for the rating period of
, the rating official reported that
completed his bachelor of science degree
(b)(3) CIAAct
through (b)(3) NatSecAct
recently (b)(6)
from (b)(7)(c)
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(6) 16. ,021 On 9 October 2008, told OIG that he believed(b)(3) NatSecAct
(b)(7)(c) (b)(6)
was a good option to assess his prior course credits,
experience, and work experience, es ecially because he was moving SO (b)(7)(c)
(b)(6) frequently. He said he believed claimed to be accredited. He
(b)(7)(c) acknowledged that he would have had to do more work to obtain a degree(b)(6)
from a more traditional university. He added that he "tested" (b)(7)(c)
(b)(6) prior to enrollment to assess its legitimacy by submitting false information
(b)(7)(c) to review response. was unable to provide any (b)(1)
substantiation for this assertion or why he would need to "test" the (b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(1) legitimacy of (b)(6) (b)(3) NatSecAct
(b)(3) CIAAct (b)(7)(c) (b)(6)
1/-stated that after he received his "degree" from (b)(7)(c)
(b)(3) NatSecAct
(b)(7)(c) his instinct at the time was that was not accredited, but he(b)(7)(c)
indicated its Web site did not cite whether or not it was accredited. As a
(b)(7)(c) result of the interview with OIG, he said he became aware that (b)(6)
was not an accredited university and not something that he can present as (b)(7)(c)
a legitimate degree.
18. During his interview with OIG,
stated that his
"degree" from was not a credential he used or ever needed to use.
A records review confirmed that submitted his com letion
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct
evidence to HR and included the degree completion in his
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct
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19. (U/ /143140)
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct
reported that he had a degree on his PAR, and it was present on his
Agency BIO between and the present, where it would have been used
in consideration for obtaining ositions. Based on the currently
(b)(7)(c) available information, no disciplinary action or further investigation is
recommended. OIG will notify HR and request degree
information be removed from his Agency BIO.
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) NatSecAct
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) CIAAct
Special Agent
Supervisory Special Agent
Approved for Release: 2024/11/05 C06628009