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(b)(6) science "degree" from
(b)(7)(c) his Agency BIO.
Approved for Release: 2024/11/05 C06628007
16 August 2011
SUBJECT: (U) Unaccredited Degree: Global Response Staff Officer
CASE: 2011-10162-IG
1. (U/ /..EQUerl Based on a 2008 United States Secret Service
investigation that identified an Agency contractor as possessing a degree
from a known diploma mill, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) initiated
a proactive investigation on 5 August 2008 into Agency staff claiming
degrees from non-accredited institutions. OIG matched a list of
unaccredited institutions against Agency BIO information to identify any
individuals who had provided degree evidence to Human Resources. 12
One of the individuals identified, presented a bachelor of
received in on (b)(6)
(b)(6) (b)(7)(c)
is an unaccredited institution.
2. (U/ aggee) OIG reviewed the claims made by
regarding his degree and the associated education to determine if there
were false statements or improper use of an unaccredited degree, and if
there was an improper reimbursement for the degree by the Agency.
1 (U/ /S441:10r The term unaccredited refers to the recognition and acceptability of a degree for use in
federal employment as recognized by the Office of Personnel Management. Unaccredited degrees cannot
be used to meet the qualifications for federal positions that require a degree. The complete definitions of
accreditation are included in the Appendix.
2 (U//1401::+07 The Agency biographical profile (Agency B10) is the mechanism for tracking information
on individuals who officially declare their education to the Agency by providing proof of attendance.
The Agency BIO is made available to hiring managers and used directly in staffing decisions. Only staff
employees and former employees were covered by this review because there is no central database on
contractor educational records.
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) CIAAct
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3. (U/ /1.01407 OIG reviewed
4. (U/LE014ef OIG reviewed
(OPF) and online Agency BIO.
5. (U/ OIG interviewed
regarding his unaccredited degree.
(b)(3) CIAAct
security file for any degree
Official Personnel Folder
(b)(3) CIAAct
on 5 September 2008, (b)(7)(c)
6. (U/ LE0.14)). OIG obtained and reviewed internal job
applications and resumes for positions that he held at the Agency as well
as his Performance Appraisal Reports.
7. (U/ LE0T4e)- OIG reviewed Agency regulations and relevant laws
related to the allegations.
9. (U/ /EQUO)
holds a bachelor of science
courses at other schools, but confirmed that his only "de
. In a 5 September 2008 interview with OIG,
"degree" in
had completed
ee" was from
stated that
he started at in and finished in
estimated the total cost of his degree as between $2,500 and
(b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6)
(b)(7)(c) (b)(7)(c) (b)(7)(c)
(b)(3) CIAAct$2,900'
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) CIAAct
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Approved for Release: 2024/11/05 C06628007
13 (U)
claimed accreditation by
was never accredited by the US Department of Education.3
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(6) 14. (U/ LEO/JOT initially presented his bachelor's degree
(b)(7)(c) information to this Agency in his applicant Questionnaire for National
Security Positions (SF-86) dated included his
degree information in his Agency BIO, where it remains.
(b)(3) CIAAct
15. (U/LE01:40") In an interview
was advised by the background investi
with OIG,
ator who
stated that he
his initial
(b)(3) CIAAct
applicant background investigation that
was a diploma
This information
address in
based on the investigator's travel t
as well as subsequent internet research. (b)(3) CIAAct
3 (U/ LEL:GO} According to Title 20 U.S.C. � 1099b (Recognition of accrediting agency or association), the
Secretary of Education is responsible for recognizing accrediting bodies, which in turn recognize
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acknowledged that he considered the whole experience embarrassing and
was not aware that was a fraudulent institution.
(b)(3) CIAAct
17. (U/L.E.QUerf
non-accredited degree does not meet
(b)(3) CIAActthat requirement; however, his resume indicates that he does possess the
requisite equivalent experience,
to qualify for the position in lieu of an accredited bachelor's
degree. It is unclear to what extent, if any, that listing the (b)(3) CIAAct
bachelor's degree may have influenced the Agency's decision to hire him at (b)(6)
the pay grade of No record was present in his personnel file (b)(7)(c)
indicating he received a higher grade or step due to his degree.
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) CIAAct
18. (U/ /T During his OIG interview, acknowledged (b)(6)
that his degree consisted of transfer and life experience credit granted by (b)(7)(c)
, and that he had not taken the courses listed on his transcripts
(b)(3) CIAAct
stated that his (b)(7)(c)
experience more than qualified him for his duties, and that
he had obtained his degree through because he believed he
needed a degree but wished to minimize the cost and time expenditure.
(b)(3) CIAAct
19. (U/LE.0.140) While
uirin neither coursework nor testin
profited from the degree.
is an archetypical diploma mill,
there is no evidence that
provided information on his
4 (U) The Human Resources/Recruitment and Retention Center (RRC) provided information that
confirmed individuals who had degrees when applying for jobs that did not require them were given
step and, in some cases, grade increases. According to RRC, degrees were only one of the factors
considered in grade/step determination and this would only be documented in the hiring notes if they
still existed.
(b)(3) CIAAct
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Approved for Release: 2024/11/05 C06628007
degree to be included in his Agency BIO after being informed by (b)(6)
background investigators that it was a diploma mill. OIG Deputy Counsel (b)(7)(c)
determined there was no criminal or regulatory violation on the part of
Based on the currently available information, no disciplinary (b)(3) CIAAct
action or further investieation is recommended. OIG will notify HR and (b)(6)
request degree information be removed from his (b)(7)(c)
Agency BIO.
(b)(3) CIAAct
Special Agent
Supervisory Special Agent
(b)(3) CIAAct
(b)(3) CIAAct
Approved for Release: 2024/11/05 C06628007