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Publication Date: 
May 25, 1977
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Approved for Release: 2018/10/05 C06627609 Weekly Situation Report on Inkrruitional Terrytirm 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Se 1L 3.5(c) 25 May 1977 100 Approved for Release: 2018/10/05 C06627609 Approved for Release: 2018/10/05 C06627609 3.5(c) WEEKLY SITUATION REPORT CONTENTS 25 May 1977 Stomach Pumps--New Weapon in Counterterrorism Arsenal (Page 8) Argentine Terrorists Prepare for Tougher Times (Page 8) NR 3.5(c) 3.5(c) SECREr- NR Approved for Release: 2018/10/05 C06627609 Approved for Release: 2018/10/05 C06627609 SZERET 25 May 1977 . 3.5(c) Stomach Pumps--New Weapon in Counterterrorism Arsenal The Argentine government element:responsible for opera- tions against subversives has recently included in its task force a medical detachment which can provide prompt emergency treatment to terrorists who have swallowed cyanide pills, according to a U.S. military report. For the past year or so, Argentine terrorists have been carrying lethal pills to take in the event capture appears inevitable. After several incidents in which terrorists avoided capture by committing suicide in this manner, Argentine security forces outfitted an emergency medical unit with an ambulance carrying stomach pumping equipment in an attempt to save the lives of ter- rorists who had taken cyanide capsules. Government counter- subversive forces have reportedly experienced a great deal of success in reviving terrorists through .the use of this new technique. 3.5(c) Argentine Terrorists Prepare for Tougher Times There are presently about 250 active members of the People's Revolutionary Army/Revolutionary (ERP/PRT) remaining in Argentina, About 100 of these :individuals reside in the Buenos Aires area. They were directed to settle there in the belief that it will be difficult for security authorities to detect them in that heavily populated region. A number of top figures in the ERP/PRT have reportedly been forced to leave Argentina because of increased govern- ment pressure against terrorists. They continue to exercise control, however, through their directives, which are being handled by a recently created political secretariat. This body has been given the responsibility of actually managing the ERP/PRT until such time as the leadership is able to return. Workers' Party 8 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2018/10/05 C06627609