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July 27, 1977
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a' �
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626877
Language: Spanish
Date of Communication July 27, 1977
Addressed Patricia Derian
Name and address of writer
Mr. Hector Timerman
c/o Mike Obrian
U.S. Embassy
LS No. 63625
Substance of writer's statement
Mr. Timerman thanks Patricia Derian for all that she has done for his father
since his arrest. In the last three months his father, the victim of false
accusations, has been tortured and has suffered greatly. Mr. Timerman would
like Mrs. Darien to speak with Ambassador Todman about requesting his father's
release. In August, Senator Abraham Ribicoff will visit Argentina. He has
been invited by the Argentine Government to demonstrate that country's lack
of anti-Semitism. The torture applied to Mr. Timerman's father has been largely
due to his Jewish identity, to force him to admit that subversion in Argentina
is financed by Jews. Mr. Timerman feels that only alth Ambassalor Tolman and
Senator Ribicoff's intervention is there any liklihood that his father will
be released.
" 05-378
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7 ,
,!timada Patrice:
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626877
/, I -
Buenos Aires,27 de julio de 1977
Eh primer lugar quiero agradecerte todo lo que has hecho Dor
1. padre desde que est& presoaas personas que han venido de Estados Uhidos no
tenido mis qua elogios para tu persona.
Creo innecesario contarte todos los padecimientos y torturas por la que Ja�
;bo ha pasado en los dltimos tres meses.Etpero aue una vtz que todo esto ternd
puede ir personalmente a verte y estos episodios seen solo un tena pare tom
Quisiera pedirte un ftvorteunque se que ya to has ocupado bastantety es que
7b1es con Todmen pare que el pida la libertad de mi padre.En la Argentina lo
Itien_espereAdo con muchos deseos de quedar bien y demostrar gm este es un pal
mocratico,por 10 tanto creo que una gestion de Todman va a ser fundamental.
Tambidn se que en el mes de Agosto vienen a. la Argentina legisladores ameri-
mosan� de ellos Abraham Ribicoff ns un gman luchador contra el antisemitisnt
no ha y que olvidarse que lo de mi padre es fundamentaImnte por au condicidn
Judi�. Ia nnyor parte de las torturas fueron pare que reconozca que los
Idios financian la subersidn en el pais.Oomo te dards cuenta que este legislad
to segdn los diarios de acd viene a controlar el antisemitismo intercede por
padre pare lograr su libertad es muy important� porque juetamente el gobiax
, argentin� lo invit par demostrmle que no exists antisemitismo en Aln ol pai
A mi modo de ver si estas personas interseden mi padre va a tener chances de
:lir en libertad de otra manera lo veo dificil.
Demas est& decirte que todas las ecusaciones que se hioieron contra mi padre
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626877
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626877
, a
oficialmente)son falsas.Ouando estuvimos reunidos contigo ya sabiamos
e el iba a ser detenido y nuestra decision de quedarnos en el pais fue jus�
mente hacer un aporte =is a la lucha por la democraciaao que nunoa nos ima�
namos fue qua iba a ser tan torturado
Espero que todo esto termine rapidamente y nuevamente to quiero agradecer lo
cho que bas hecho por todoe nosotros.
Cualqtier infermacion que me quieras hacer klegar lo,nuedes hacer por
ho de Mike Obrian a la Embajada.
MUchos saludos
Hector Timerman
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Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626877
4/edWacioidehe.,&:dn 12,9310 41PN1Rm1,R zAuolvy,
1.1nbona orpnaeoAtoz rt.ltattedem
Sen.nalcasiropft, �
�Mhos Aliest attic:Are 091 . do 197f
. quo vier= estee aeteedcsO doalsan del TtIbmal 07.1. viutad
del recurs* interpuesto por hiseho tannin de- Tioarmtn eafttra la TeiN.
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odIneilla del seaar Jnea nesnis0 obrant0 r0432/34 por Ia Vs's*
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ttialdm a dial-postai& dol Doder.Vjeoutflvo noelonol virtnd ao aRs
titeulwen, *to:me-J.3sti de Is Cimetitani4n Noe/one/To
deoroto no 1093 del 21 de slog popdoez an atowien a lo Procodontomcnto es8alsondo0 no surclon-
do quool-mentodo deerGto sea:mtnitle,ttnmento arDitrwla y hablendo
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�refeadoa a Is oDlifftoOn coneroto do. 3pa padoroo do exoopeidn
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Anft pues0,os pliocedentio la revisida por-pOrte do 1oa4daces
c;A*Ado in mail& OZA.P1101/ no gOArde rfanOida Om los ratitliim Rtte �
roneraron la onaloraeldn 4o,;. ottldo de 14!il o bIon on el oopuosto
. on 41ae ls jet.oaclen mo iwolusse! por 1.13 INIVO ta tittO torna Aopror..
� ifit.
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626877
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626877
" ////CIA4.14 utA reviada no re4ohne1lided (cangolljca 04Autorano0
;ji ,i;arlas Zt...rianou del 4 do abril pepdami Mu:920544w .
Moen* de versa lun ninanna de tale3 extremos no dA en la Gauen / �
smineou �
No empooe a le narmAdo procedentenente In 02rOUnStarain de 1110 el
detanido hubiare estAdo. A diopoololdn ,Jo la Justiola Mll4tar cosando /
Viaazo ea tal aitmacionl. td a Yez gee el deoroto Ante* nme;Lowlan,se
rentdvco 1lSontel Ilabiando. ostudo el iienefleleriUdal prootinte returnee,
H eg un momonto dude, ndi3pocL3 =junta d&. la autoridAd pertinent*
Caqn Justicia MilltAr y el Feder Bjeoutive Naelonals y 'en for.* exeldsiVap disf..osio/$n do este &time Vier fse73) quo �nlugar a .
dude* oeiiimpueste de tal situaol4ro.
7xk frock) aiguno puede ad*tirce$ coo lo protende le aolicitgntog.
quell junta ViiIitar0 el. Peder 14eautilta Nacional tencen-la fAcuLtn4 de
4 dietar "bills ofAlttainder a bills or pains and.panaltien" Utextue1)0 711.
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'Aatltuoldn Naelopel) eonteniendo la u.iatan Carta FurelauentaI los.lfnit0.
!I � .-
: Auo. no paeden treopasarse, eland� loca4.4ticnable, cox:lo. ail ha reauelte rel..,
Iteroanmeate, qua dicho paler no tiege I:Amato:los p(Ir imponer p0naa00 --. ..
..1 feet* case en eancretal-habida =ante dales olomsnton,qp jeleio
0 oaleotathmt *arras:A:1de abmologar o1114010arlo Apeladego, .
1 � . � l'ar trA0 (lab V an ,i,,6.7u8iltful 3:0).v...itiniima le rosaucida 44.
34 en cy.p.!nto MAAzA el prosonte 'imourao de 'llaimeacorpno intoTpueto .
en Zocr do JACODO TIRRAI400,022) Tenor ;;Tesohto el ease federal planteadoso, '
Bezfotrese, hi:case wiziaaD 7 devu�lt7ase,00
Aldo 4.41d. 14.ant.cattai;
Victor A0 Guerrero Leconteow
Ran Roarlawa Araya.-, :
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626877
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626877
'�,1� � (
Habeas Corpus appeal
� for Ti merman rejected
THE COURT of .Criminal Appeals has t:Litried down a
� habeas ;corpas lodged on behalf of Jaeobo Timer-Man.
former editor of La Oplaioa by his wife Rische.Mindlin
� .deTiMertrian . � .;
A.previous.'appeall submit* to Judge.Norberto.:Angel
Gkletta. wasalso rejected byhis Cond.
Timerman has been under arrest for .sevetal :mOntbs
�powon charges -connected with the so-called -Gralver �
� Case-, Timertrian has not �yet been tried And is being
� held At thedis.posal of the goverment . �
� �The ruling of the Appeals CoUrt signed 'by.,Doetors.
Victor Gberrero Leecinte.. Aldo Montesano Rehon and
. -:Raiil 'Rodriguez A raya. as that in upholding the:
'previous ruling of Dr G ilett a. it corifirmSlhal Tiinerm an
� is beilig held in :acrorda nee; with the terms of the -
.nal intuit co fist �ti Ilion and the .State!of ;Sieue-deereei ;
� �
� 1
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626877
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626877
1 �
The Ambassador
Mr. Maxwell Chaplin - DCM; John Corr - APAO
Michael Oil - Press Officer
DATE: December 13, 1977
The attached publication, LETTER FROM ARGENTINA, has recently
appeared. According to the editor, its chief source of financial
support "comes from U.S. firms who operate here-.1' (note the guest
'ffirff�fal by Alex Perry) The editor, Antonio Rodriguez Carmona,
is a well-known right-wing journalist with very close ties to the
army. His deputy, Martin Allica is employed in the Presidential
Press Secretariat and is also a strong right-wing fanatic. Some
sources identify him as a SIDE agent.
Of special interest in this issue are the articles on "Timerman
and Cgmpora: Two Crooks" (page 12); "The New York Times, Juan de
Onis and I" (page 16-17); "A Reply to Mr. Carter" (page 27); and
the open invitation for US journalists to visit Argentina - for free
issued on page 95.
The articles about Timerman. and Juan de Onis are particularly
vitriolic. For example, the article on de Onis referring to his
November 20 article on Jewish unrest states "we have to disapprove very
strongly of the lies disseminated by the feverish and easily upset
Juan de Onis ... somebody in Argentina, governed by the armed forces,
must put an end to 'subversive aggression' by Juan de Onis, a direct
accomplice of the guerrillas the government must be firm in the
face of this 'stab in the back' by.a foreigner who is.infringing
Argentine laws never mind how much of a journalist he is."
Editor Carmona is no less charitable with Timerman and bemoans
the fact that the international press is making him out to be a modern
day Dreyfus. Carmona says "Timerman was never popular (in Argentina)
and for very good reasons ... Timerman's offenses against the nation
are public knowledge, and Argentina, which once protected him as an
immigrant, now wants justice."
From all appearances LETTER FROM ARGENTINA is a back-door government
effort, as juvenile as others it has attempted, to improve its image
abroad and specifically with U.S. journalists.
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