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April 25, 1977
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626854 CONTRa4 3052 � � 25 APR 77 1745 DEPARTMENT OF STATE VLLLLRAUA INDICATE E:l COLLECT Ej CHARGE TO E.O. 11652: TAGS: SUBJECT: ACTION: Ate ECOM USIS LEGAT RF MON FROM AMEMBASSY 13UENOS AIRES CLASSIFICATION SECRET EO 13526 3.3(b)(1)>25Yrs r*CDS-2 PINS SHIM FLAB AR impplimmomGraiver/Timenman Investigation and Related Developments SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY SECRET BUMS AIRES "52 REF: Buenos Aires 2948 1. While a more conclusive judgment must await a detailed revela- tion of what evidence the GOA has developed in the Graiver case, we find it significant that inquiries by the Embassy Legatt invariably have elicited responses from usual sources in Army Intelligence (601st Army Intelligence Battallion/311131111 Buenos Aires Provincial Police and Federal Police that they have uncovered no rpt no information to support thesis that the Montoneros "laundered" their funds through Graiver financial institutions or had any other financial links to Graiver. 2. La Razon of Apr 18 reported the investigation had revealed that, in order to reinforce their attempt to ensure that David Graiver would do their bidding, the Montoneros kidnapped his brother Isidoro (for ranson) an one occasion and attempted to rob Graiver's Banco Comercial de Ia. Plata on another. According WPOLC)UNS:AGF4ejr DRAFTED BY CLEARANCES 50153-101 DRAFTING DATE 4/25/77 LEGATT: RScherrer 10116 POL/R: JSeare TEL EXT 121 SECRET CONTENTS AND CLASSIFICATION APPROVED BY DCM:MChaPlin AMB: CLASSIFICATION Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 006626854 OPTIONAL FORM 153 (Formerly FS-413) January 1975 Dein of State � � � 4 80183-201 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626854 2 601.4411.L4.1. Page of Clas2nficatron MRN r- to Legatt's information, the kidnapping report is probably a reference to a successful extortion perpetrateinftg?ry Montoneros posing but by Buenos Aires provincial policemen who, diappinkesi as Montoneros and with the approval of Isil4lagovernor 911441 MitiVAIMVOI at the time, obtained $800,000 in exchange for freeing Isidoro. 3. Clarin of Apr 18 reported the assertion appearing a day earlier SIM in "La Nueva Provincia" of Bahia Blanca that, following payment by the Born family (of the Bunge and Born cathine) into a Swiss bank account for the ransom of Juan and Jorge Born in September 1974, former Peronist Economy Minister Jose Ber Gelbard and David Graiver net with Montonero leader Roberto Quieto in Buenos Aires and allegedly put the final touches to a financial commitment between the Montoneros and "the Gelbard-Graiver grow." We understand, however, that the bulk of the $30-60 million ranscm reportedly paid for the Born brothers was effected by bank transfers in Europe and did not have to be "laundered" out of Argentina through an Argen- tine bank. Moreover, Roberto Cirieto, who has been cooperating fully with Argentine authorities since his detention in December 1975, told his captors that the Montoneros maintained a Swiss bank account containing $150 million, with another (350 million distributed throughout Argentina. At no time has Quieto, whose life has been spared because of his cooperation, stated that Lany of this mrxey was "laundered" through Graiver banks. SECRET Class:location Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626854 OPTIONAL FORM 163A (Formerly FS-419A) January 1975 Dept of State r- Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626854 SEGKET Paso 3 ot Classificahon V a") MRN Argentine intetligence services' spectacular coup in February-March 1977 in which they recovered Montonero financial reserves on the order of $85 minim, including $64 million plus which was deposited in too European banks (one in Madrid and the other in Geneva) and $21 million hidden in safehouses in Cordoba and Mendoza, Argentina. 'Mese funds con- stituted the Montoneros' principal financial reserve, but none of it evidently had been '1.auncktree through Graiver banks. most of the Mbntonero operations had been financed by interest earned an the two European accounts. (According to information purportedly leaked to the local press in recent weeks from a 346-page Buenos Aires provincial police report, the Montoneros entrusted David Graiver with somewhere between $12 and $25 million, with which capital he allegedly founded his banks in the United States and in Brussels. In return, Graiver allegedly agreed to pay the Montoneros over $130,000 monthly in interest.) However, the Buenos Aires provincial police, which had the Initial responsibility for investigating Graiver's financial manipulations following his death in an air crash in August 1976, told, Legatt that their bank squad had uncovered no L__ evidence of any financial dealings between Graiver and the __] Montoneros. SECRET Classafication 3.3(b)(1) 3.3(b)(1) OPTIONAL FORM 163A (Formerly F8-41314) January 1976 60153401 Dept of State Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626854 60153-201 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626854 SECRET Clansficatrair ..�11=1, tft r-- 5. As for La Opinion publisher Jacobo Timennan's connections �1 to David Graiver, the local press and unsigned pamphlets circulating here in recent weeks have made the assertion that Graiver had controlling interest in La Opinion enterprises-- the implication being that the newspaper was controlled by the Montoneros' financial agents. Actually, there are two companies involved In La Opinion: Gustavo S.R.L. owns the print shop and (LTA S.A. has title to the newspaper. According to one version, ex-President Lanusse has a. part interest in these enterprises and the missing Edgardo Sajon, manager of the print shop, represented Lanusse in the venture. (thus allegedly impli- cating Lanusse with Graiver as well). On April 19 Editorial �LTA issued a notice, signed by its Vice President, Hector limerman (Jacobo's son), stating that from its inception an absolute majority of OLTA's shares have been owned by its founders who have the power of decision in the enterprises, and that the "Graiver group" has never had any shares in the enterprise, formed part of the board, nor participated in the ownership in anyway. The note made no mention of Gustavo S.R.L. However, Legatt's information is that while Graiver's Banco de La Plata guaranteed a loan to the print shop, the loan was fran another unidentified source. 6. On April 22 Jacobo Timerman's name appeared on a list released by the Interior Ministry of 105 persons who have L__ been arrested since April 6 and are being held at the disposit!ll SECRET Classification Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626854 OPTIONAL FORM 159A (Formerly F5-413A) January 1976 Dept of State 60163-201 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 006626854 Page of Chum-frail= MRN ������� r-- of the PEN (executive power). Timmamanmes the only person --1 on the List whose arrest was attributed to "economic crimes" alone. Eighty-nine persons on the list are accused of "econ- omic crimes in connivance with subversion," and 15 are charged simply with "subversion." Previously, the Army's I Corps, in answering a habeas corpus request, had stated that Timerman was being held under Law 21,460� mill& is the national security law pertaining to subversive crimes. The change in the legal ymtification for holding Timerman suggests that the Amy is unable to make the charge of subversion stick and may be fall- ing back to the less serious accusation circulating against Timerman in recent weeks that be, like hundreds or probably thousands of his countrymen, has illegal dollar accounts abroad. The particular charge against lineman seems to be that he, along with other prominent Argentine Jews, trade union leaders, Peronists and others, including commentator Bernardo Neustadr, Edgard� Won, exCGT leader Casildo Berreras and exProvisional President of the Senate Italo Luder, got their money out through the Graiver banks. Military authorities may argue that it was legitimate to haul in Timerman in order to check out further his connections with Graiver and, presumably homing failed to prove any subversive link, to continue holding him on the basis of new reirelations concerning "economic crimes." lanctizziartexibasanockanamalthal Bbwever, this procedure smacks of arbitrariness and raises our L__ suspicions regarding the motives involved. Particularly if SERET Classification Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 006626854 OPTIONAL FORM 163A (Formerly FS-413A) January 1075 Dept of State Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626854 =Urea page6 at 50 .5-2J � Classifica MR141 � 0. ." 60163-201 our information is correct concerning the absence of any financial links between Graiver and the Montoneros, the view abroad ofThmerman as the martyred victim of an attempt to discredit him and his newspaper by hysteria-possessed hardline antisemitic and antiperonist elements in the Army and provincial police, undoubtedly will be strengthened. 7. The April 24 issue of La Nueva Provincia charged that the principal investors in Graiver's La Plata bank were former President Juan Peron, his wife Isabel, Herreras, adtomdbile (SMATA) union/leader Jose Rodriguez, Won, exPresident Lanusse's two sons and others. yfricliyyjamminmppyiniejenamayiyypmvppi tiPPPYVYPIOWMPWAP1001/#0000/00/000000A0A0/01 igom4466444tA41/ The Argentine government recently asked Interpol to locate and arrest Herreras for allegedly defrauding the ow of large amounts of travel and other official monies. In a related development, six persons implicated in the Graiver case and who man recently were included in the Act of Institutional Responsiblity have had their bank accounts frozen by the Central Bank. 8. La Opinion's subdirector Enrique Jara was released Apr 23 without charges. 9. Notmithstanding the promises to carry out the current in- vestigation "to its ultimate consequences," it has been reported that the Army has rejected General Vilas' request to convene L__ a special military court of honor to review ex-President SECRET aassification Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626854 OPTIONAL FORM 163A (Formerly FEI-413A) January 1975 Dept of State 801153-201 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626854 =UAW. Page / W � ClauiJu.uliuss N E Ianusse' s statements in connection with the disappearance of --1 his former civilian aide Edgardo Sajan. According to our in- formation, Lanusse quietly let it be known to President Videla that if he were made to stand trial he would be compelled to reveal his files implicating high-ranking Argentine military officers in crooked financial schemes including the famous ship scandal involving AdnrisaiGnavi and others. SECRET Classification Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626854 OPTIONAL FORM 159A (Formerly FS-413A) January 1975 Dept of State