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Publication Date: 
March 12, 1979
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Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626846 VLLAlt 1984 131302Z MAR 790:4 1;ftii-41"4" INDICATE cl COLLECT E3 CHARGE TO 12065 E.O. UM: TAGS: SUBJECT: ACTION: AMB DM POL 3 ECOM POL/R ICA CHRON RF DRAFTED BY CLEARANCES 50153-101 FROM Amembassy BUENOS AIRES CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL GDS 3/12/85 (THAYER, Yvonne) OR-P AASHUM AR (rAimerman Conditionally Accepts Columbia Invitation Secstate WASHDC IMMEDIATE CONFIDENTIAL BUENOS AIRES 1984 REF: State 054956 ErriFire --ext) Jacobo Timerman, through his brother Jose, asked the Department to convey to the Columbia School of Journalism his gratitude and conditional acceptance of its recent invitation. Jacobo received both the University's cable and letter of invitation at his home, asking for a prompt reply, and as he is not permitted to cable or correspond with other than his immediate family, he would appreciate the Department's transmitting his reply to Columbia. He would be pleased and honored to accept, depending on his ability to leave Argentina. Jr. Jose Timerman sent a copy of the cabled invitation to Interior Minister Harguindeguy through MinInt Official San Roman on March 9, asking that Jacobo be permitted to depart Argentina to accept the Columbia invitation. He had not received a reply as of March 12. Timerman has also provided copies of the cable POL:YTha r:sz POLCOUNS JdHHallma USICA:RC DRAFTING DATE 3/12/79 TEL EXT 278 CONTENTS AND CLASSIFICATION APPROVED BY DCM:MC CONFIDENTIAL CLASSIFICATION Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626846 OPTIONAL FORM 153 (Formerly FS-413) January 1975 Dept of State 50152-201 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626846 CONFIDENTIAL Page 2 Cleassfication MRN I-- to the Buenos Aires Herald and La Prensa. There have been no press reports here to date. 4t Jose expressed doubt that his brother will be released to accept the Columbia invitation, though he seconded the family's gratitude for the continued interest and pressure from abroad. He cited recent press reports in Newsweek, the New York Times and Israeli and British press. 37 The Ambassador will raise the Timerman case with high- ranking Argentine authorities again, without specifically mentioning the Columbia invitation. Based on previous replies to the Ambassador's many earlier inquiries, it appears un- likely to us as well that Timerman will be released any time soon. Columbia's invitation, however, will once again underline the continuing cost of Timerman's confinement to Argentina's image. We remain in contact with Jose Timerman regarding the invitation and Jacobo's situation. I:. It appears to us that an additional, possibly useful means of carrying this matter forward would be Columbia's informing Ambassador Aja Espil of the Journalism School's invitation, briefing him on para. 3 of reftel and enlisting his good offices. CASTRO iessiVt( e--"' CONFIDENTIAL Classification . Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626846 OPTIONAL FORM 152e(H) (Formerly FS-413041W January 1975 Dept of State