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Publication Date: 
May 13, 1961
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Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 C066267983.3(b)(1)>25YrS OCCFIDENTIAL 17.1e0RAPDUM CF aONVERSATIOR 1 1437 Buenos Aires DATE: May 13, 1961 PARTICIPAATTS: Jacoto TIAMERMAN, Consultant to Channel 9, NBC-affiliated Television Station Irvine W. Salert, American Embassy Jacobo Timmerman, former editor of El Mundo and public relations adviser to the Minera Aluning group (liebaes: Despat7177ET): ena recently appointee auolic relations consultant to Television Oeannel 9 (aertially owned ev NBC), visited the reporting officer at his (man's) reeuest at has name on Saturaay, May 13. Timmerman, eho is eonsiaered to te 4 keen observer of aolitical trends and a Frigerio man, tole me tat Aabassedor Mario AMADEO, Argentine Ambassador to the United Nations, had arrived in Euenos Aeres eith a special message from the U.S. government. He askea me whet I knee aoout this matter and I said that I oily knew that Ambassador Anedeo was in Buenos Aires and hack conferred according to press reports, on two occasions aith the President. Timmerman then said that he had it on the highest autnority that the Argentine goeeramant was almost certain to break relations 'Atli Ceba. He se-id the only problem that as being niven serious consideration was we problem raised by Roeelio FRIGERIO, that a break with Cuba was not feasible unless the University (the University of Buenos Aires) was inter- venea. He said that Fronaizi and his intimate adviser Frigerio were, at the momene, weighing the consemences of such a drastic move, but that it was almost certain that the areak in relations eould be made and the University intervened. He also SEiCt that during the past 10 aays, former Presiaent, Pedro ARAMBURU, had, on two occasions, met with hare-core Peronist labor leaders Andres FRAMMI an Augusto VAnDOR, aoth Provisional Secretaries General representing the Peronist camp. He, Timnermen, saij that Aramburu is -leo anxious for Peronist support of his candidacy for the Presidency of me Repuhlic in 1964 and, for that support, Aramburu is gilline to guarantee taat there will be no eovernment action desienea to remove Peronlet labor 1e- ere from the trade-union scene in any future aovernment headed by him, Areeburu. Timmermer faro se:ia that. Oresolcao F. LARRALDE, a arominent IICRP political leer is .leo lookine for Peroniat suceort for its canaelen as UORP careadete for eo-ernor o: :.uenos Aires P:ovence in the fortecomine election:3. Timmerman saia that the Ilea? caneiletes eill be Larralde end a man name SOLAR for vice-governor ana that ACUoA eaZOREaA, preeert Minister of Labor, eho eill be the UCRI candidate for eovernor of Buenos Aires, will be elected because he will most likely receive Peronist suaport for ais caneeiacy. He selel that the Peronists could not possibly sueport the IMP eeceuce taet z.rt- ees so completele laentifiee by the Peronist r.ek -netile eitn 're iieeretina Re-olution ena that Fronlizi an the aCRI were amert aseeuse they ha a aivorced theeselves from that stee-me. He, Timmerman, teoe nt ;het. -Clare .ould ce anotner ::reeeeet reaehee eitn the Peronists soon, receeee t'ee Peronists eaa no oher elterretied no thet an 1'64 the Peronists aen15 eueeort reaereo as taeir caneinete ,or :be Presidency. He aGIFIDENTTAI Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 C06626798 Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 C06626798 -3.3(b)(1) ireus 3.3(b)(1) ;elide Moe un tiempo sectores importantes de la videnorteamericana, inclui- dos parlamentarios, ensalsan la supuesta actividad en favor del periodismo libre de un periodista quo dirigid diversos medios de 'spreads en nuestro pais. Los hombres de la Unidn Cfvica Radical tenemes tftulos Deis que auficientes pars opinar sobre las libertades pdblicas, entre las qua naturaImente as cuen tan is de la prensa.., Nacida la UCR a la vide �dblica haee 90 Otos pars oonseguir is libre expre- sidn de la oludadania en la eleccidn de sus gebermantes, (mend� ejercii el poder, primero can Yrigoien y Alvear entre 1916 y 1930, y despuis con Ulla desde 1963 a 1966, sus gobiernos fueron los dnicos on is historia argentine de este siglo que no utilisaroa leyes de excepcidn pare perseguir I sus ad- versaries. Ningdn goblerno radical detuvo a ciudadano alguno por rezones po- liticas, n1 cerrd 'Rollos de expreeldn ni pereiguld a periodista alguno. El gobierno de su primers' lipase y el del doctor Illia fueron derrocados por pronunciamientos militares que el paissya ha jusgado como errores histdriccoa Incluso nadie niega quo el onmienso de la deoadencia argentine arrianca del 6 is Setiembre, cuando fUs derribado Alpdlito Yrigoyen. En los muchos aftos en quo Argentina estuvo gobernada por sistemas que avasallt ban is Constitucidn mi partido fus tense 7 vtgoromo opositor, siempre busoado is libertad y la justicia. 1ln is actualidad.todos saben en is Argentina quo so - mos severos criticos del actual procesogy junto con otras ouatro expresiones representatives de is (mini& popular, estamos elaborando ooincidencias en bus- ea de la unidn nacional que permitan tine rdpida democrattmacidn de la Repdbli- ca y is Consolidacidn de gobiernos elegidos por el pueble que-impidan nuevas distadtras militares. Necientemente, is Umerte de quien condujo a la UCB durante los × veinti- cline� aftos, el dodtor Ricardo Rabin, puso de manifiesto que el pueblo, todo el pais, lo considerd el mile important. damdorata de la Argentina moderns. ' Con estos tftulos y a'pesar de las vicisitudes por 'las que pudo haber pasado el periodista on cuestidn durante su detenoidn, que de ser (aortas, repudia- mos, como lo bsmos Moho cads vei que se leeiond is dignidad humane, considers- mos que su actuacidn en el periodismo argentine edlo lo caraoteried como un =reader de la preisa, al servicio de los intereses mds eepurios, lo que que- 46 demostrado con-si calumniosa campafla contra el Gobierno Constitucional del: doctor Arturo this, orquestada junto a los militares que,produjeron su derro- camiento. Por otra parte, to entendemos odmo una inetituoidn de tanto prestigio como la Universidad de Columbia puede premier a tine persona que fu e condenada a pri- sidn en 1967, per is justioia argentine, en toda sus instancias, por el de- lito de calumnies e injuklas inferidas a q funoionario de uno de los gobiernos mds bonestod de su histo Buenos Airte Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 C06626798 3.3(b)(1) 3.3(b)(1) 3.3(b)(1)