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PDF icon CAMILION ATTACKS TIMERMAN[15515225].pdf659.45 KB
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626789 VELULt /0 CN: 4811 291935Z JUN 81 INDICATE 0 COLLECT 1:3 CHARGE TO FROM AMEMBASSY BUENOS AIRES CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL 12065: E01 XXX GDS 6/29/87 (Friedman, T.B.) OR-P TAGS SHUM PINT AR MALIET GAMMON ATTACKS TIMERMAN ACTION INFO: POL-4 CHARGE ECON Sc' FAS DAO ICA MILGP ADMIN 4�01 -r CHRON SecState WASHDC IMMEDIATE Amembassy MONTEVIDEO Amembassy SANTIAGO USCINCSO QUARRY HTS USCINCLANT NORFOLK VA CONFIDENTIAL Buenos Aires Lifil 1 (U) 1./INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY. Foreign Minister Oscar Camilion publicly charged that an anti-Argentine campaign is being conducted in the United States with Jacobo Timerman as its agent. Camilion, who sought the press out to make his charges June 26, reportedly stated that "the campaign against Argentina is built around Mk. Timerman, who is its agent and at the same time the center of an operation that has overshot its original objectives, the Argentine Government, and now attacks the Argentine nation." END INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY. 2. (U) Camilion expressed particular concern about a U.S. DRAFTED BY POL:TBFriedman:gb dLEARANCES BOISE 101 DRAFTING DATE 6/29/81 POLCOUNS:JFKing TEL EXT 220 CONFIDENTIAL CONTENTS AND CLASSIFICATION APPROVED BY Charg�WRus CLASSIFICATION Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626789 OPTIONAL FORM 153 (Formerly PS 413) January 1975 Dino of Skit� Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626789 -je CONFIDENTIAL Fags _2_ of et- Claassfrcatzon MRN Sri 50153 201 r-Tri broadcast of June 25 which "overstepped the bounds-1 of the reasonable and the tolerable...mention of concentration camps is worthy of comparison to the techniques of Goebbels." Camilion, who reportedly was visibly angry, went on to say thaAhe reiteration of such charges can have a serious impact on US public opinion, although the US Government has all the elements for knowing the truth:*lat is being done in the United States is an attack on the Argentine nation...the grotesque and slippery technique being used is totalitarian...and was the venom that was injected into the peoples of the West and (holocaust) produced a hecatombin 3. (U) Camilion reportedly also stated that "We accept the rules of the game of America's democracy but nobody can stop us from expressing our concern and protest in the exercise of the most legitimate right of self-defense." 4. (U) The press reports that Foreign Ministry sources stated that the Foreign Minister had called in the US Charge to discuss these same concerns earlier that day. 5. (U) Only one paper, thus far, has probed the issues raised by Timerman and his allies in any depth. Prensa" accompanied its report of Camilion's CONFIDENTIAL Classification Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626789 OPTIONAL FORM 163A (Formerly FS-413A) January 1975 Dept of State 4- 50153-201 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626789 CONFIDENTIAL Pegs 3 ef Classification MRN [�remarks with, among other things, comments from different members of the local Jewish community. DAIA, Mario Gorenstein, the President of/NXI� for example, stated that, "the opinions of Timerman have not been well received by the Jewish community, in general, We are convinced that the origin of his detention was not in the fact he is a Jew. Some incidents during his detention had the flavor of anti-semitism, but this is all." On the other hand, American Rabbi Marshall Meyer, a long-time resident of Buenos Aires to whom Timerman dedicates his book, told the paper, "Why don't we focus on real issues. Who is befouling Argentina's image? Those who tortured Timerman or Timerman?" 6. (C) COMMENT. It was-Jimmismiip inevitable that the US debate on the Argentine human rights situation and on the condition of the Argentine Jewish community would become ensnared with Argentine nationalism, Camilion has made this connection explicit, but he did not invent it. More likely, the Foreign Minister made his private demarche and his public comments with his eye carefully fixed on the Argentine military. He may hope to slow down the reaction to Timerman's and/ more pragmatically charges in those quartiii-Tor,/kmmtAgammilqx to show Llgmilitary that he and his Ministry are on J CONFIDENTIAL Classification Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626789 Of/ OPTIONAL FORM 153A (Formerly FS413A) January 1975 Dept of Stele 4- 50153 201 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626789 CONFIDENTIAL 4 a Pegs Classolication /ARM Ethe right side mf in this issue. 7. (C) The comments of Gorenstein reflect generalized attitudes in the leadership of the Argentine Jewish community. Though that leadership is sometimes accused by foreigners of being intimidated, we note that the June 28 issue of "La Prensa" carries a DAIA message of support for the paper in its current embroglio with the government, as well as for its assaulted columnist, Manfred Shoenfeld. RUSER CONFIDENTIAL Classification Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626789 OPTIONAL FORM 153A (Formerly FS413A) January 1975 Dept of State Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626789 Timerman Shows That 'Authoritarian Generals' Are Keepers, Captives Of a 'Totalitarian Beast' By Robert Cox CAMBRIDGE. Mass � Jacobo Tlmerman, expelled from Argentina and stripped of his citizenship and most of his property by the military gime, is demmstrating that writing well Is the best revenge. In a searing document, his book "Prisoner Without a Name. Cell With- out a Number." he has revealed the se- cret world of terror in Argentina. The book is so powerful that he has achieved something I thought impossi- ble: He has made the people of the United States care about Argentina. Etching in blood, sweat, and tears the torture be underwent in mind, body, and soul, through a year's im- prisonment and subsequent house ar- rest bra total period in captivity of 30 months, he has grabbed public opinion by the scruff of its neck and taken ft to where the totalitarian beast lives. Mr. Tfteerman has torn off the flimsy veil of respectability with which the upholders of the new ortho- doxy in United States foreign policy hoped to dress up the Argentine re� gime. The moiling authoritarian =tahave been revealed in his d in a series of dramatic news. media encounters, as the keepers and the captives of the totalitarian beast that lusts in the darkness of the se- coney forces where Nazism lived on after World War IL It is anew kind of totalitarianism. It does not smut. It BUM& There are no swastikas on armbands for public' view. No mass rallies or ranting speeches. The dreaded symbols � the portraits of Hider � are kept for the torture chambers and cell blocks, where only the prisoners, victims of the new fascism, can see them. Mr. 11merman has revealed the as- true of the regime. Can a regime that has sent at least 0.000, probably 10,000, and maybe more people through m- ain death camps be described as au- thoritarian? When the torturer turns up the voltage because be has a Jew on the tedsprings, or a guard gives an- other Jew a methodical kick every time he passes his bound form, are these acts merely characteristics of "a moderately repressive regime?" Clearly, Mr. Timerman must be dis- credited. Otherwise, the pretty little theory that, for foreign policy pur- poses, the world can be divided up into clear categories, goes by the board. The new orthdoxy under which tyrail. ales that appear to be anti-Communist can be euphemistically described as authoritarian is dangerous for the United States and the world because it demands witting or unwitting gelid& caption. To consider the Argentine Govern- ment authoritarian denies reality. If labels must be applied, Argentina could best be described as feudalistic and anarchic; it b divided by the rival- ries of the separate fiefdoms rem- seined by the armed forces, with their various free-wheeling intelligence services and the beleaguered, power- less Presidency. The tragedy stems from the fact that central authority, and the responsibility that goes with it, has never been established by the moderates in the military who have held nominal power since the March NM coup. Self-delusion in Argentina is under- standable. In a country cowed by justi- fied fear, it is safer to hope for the best and to -pray that the moderates will eventually win out and establish the moderately repressive regime that the new United States foreign policy ortho. dozy would like to penuade us already exists. It is immeshed reality, not mislead- bw Jargon, that United States foreign policy must address�this is the mos- sage that public opinion has extracted from Mr. Timerman's testimony. The reservations expressed about Mr. Timerman by defenders of the doe. trim that would make the distinction between totalitarian and authoritarian regimes crucial to the Administra- tion's human rights policy are irrele- vant to the central issue of Mr. Timer' man's revealed truth. But if some lob- byist seems to be working up a cam- paign of character assassination by feeding understandable doubts. I would like to try to clear up some of these peripheral questions. Like most people with more than a passing aquaintance with Argentina, I too was astonished that in his book Jacobo Thurman made no mention of David Gratver, who was his friend and financial backer at La Opinifin, the daily newpaper that Mr. Timerman published. Mr. Greyer, who is re- ported to have died in a plane crash in Mexico in 1976, has been accused of act- ing as a financial agent for the left-wing terrorists called the Montoneros, and most of his close relatives are still in Jail in Argentina. The military _has never revealed what has been proved against Mr. Gravier and the charge against him remains in the realms of � THE NEW YORK TIMES June 9, 1981 supposition, no more reliable nor dam- aging than the rumor that the current President, Mut. Gen. Roberto Viola, was given a gold watch by Mr. Grever. If the military would make public the results of its investigations into Mr. Gravier's activities, the sewer of dan- der and libel that has sullied many prominent Argentines would be cleared up and the country "'fluid be healthier. The truth is that the allegation that Mr. Graiver handled the terrorists' blood money led the Nazi-minded hardliners in the military to the conviction that there was a Jewish-Marzist-liberal (in the Argentine sense, a liberal is a did- Heed conservative) conspiracy linldng all their enemies. Mr. Timerman was kidnapped when this collective psycho- sis was at its height, and scones of com- pletely ftmocent and some very emi- nent people disappeared for a short time. Mr. ilmerman, although all charges against him were dropped, re. manned in prison, where he was prob- ably unaware of the intensity of the I smear campaign latmched against him because of Ids perfectly legidmate rela- tionship with Mr. Graiver. Another charge against Mr. Timer. ' man is that he exaggerates. His antics call his torturers thugs, as though they ' were unrepresentative. Yet, he says be saw Gen. Cairo Suarez Mason, then the commander of the most powerful military garrison, watching a torture sessioL I can vouch for the lunatic for. vor with which Mr. Timerman's tor- ' mentors pursued their anti-Semitic quest for proof of the Jewish-consphu acy theory because I was close to his fondly throughout his ordeal and what they told me then coincides completely with the account in the book. Mr. Timerman's political views, which have always been "parlor pink," seem to be as annoying to the right as Aleksandr I. Solzenhitsyn's majestic moralizing is to the left. But Mr. Mer- man emerges as a committed demo. ant and as a profound He is a man who has always, as far as I know, had an equal loathing for all , forms of totalitarianism. I have never heard him call any left-wing totalitar- 'fan regime authoritarian, for example. The totalitarian nature of the mili- tary regime will prevent his bpok and his message, which is that the respect for human rights transcends ideology, from reaching the Argentine people. The worst term of censorship � self. suppression � has been imposed by state terrorism for fhe years. So the Argentine people will remain ignorant of the fact that the true rulers are the men who nm the clandestine jails and operate torture machines. Even the de- cent but weak military leaders at the top seem to live in fear of the creatures ' of the Argentine netherworld. Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626789 Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626789 THE NEW YORK TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1981 A few days ago. I received a letter roses couple whose son was kidnapped by security forces in August MM. About a dozen young people disappeared then, but this was a case with a difference. The rams people were allowed to tele. phone from their secret jails from time to time and to write letters to their families. Two young mothers among the kidnapped were allowed one day to visit their children. These communica- tions continued tmtil March 1980, and then stopped abruptly. Before I left Ar- gentina. at the end of 1919,! tried tome quiet diplomacy on behalf of the miss- ing young people. I spoke to the interior minister, the army's secretary general. even the President, Lieut. Gen. Jorge Rafael Videla. I left lists of their names and the circumstances of their abductions with top Government of& dais. I published nothing because the families believed that the Government and military leaders would transfer their children from the secret death camps to the law courts, military or civil, if they were allowed 41 do so without publicity. One couple con- cluded that their son has been mur- dered. Now they have asked me to publicize the case. I will not name them became! fear that they might be driven from Argentina or murdered by the real totalitarian rulers. Can Washington afford to support a mime that�three years after the de. teat of left-wing terrorism, in a coun- try that has not suffered a major left- wing terrorist attack since late Ma� bee the built-in instability of secret killers loose in its security err"".- If an authoritarian Government is es- tablished, the pros and cons of the "IC' Doctrine" (tor Jenne J. Kirkpatrick. its - originator) can be debated. Mr. lima% man's ideology of concern for human rights and opposition to both leftist and � rightist totalitarianism is, after all, based on a compelling experience of evil whose very horror Iles in the fact that no authority in Argentina will even aclmowledge its existence. Robert Car, on leave of absence as edi. tor in chief of The Buenos Aires Her. aid, has just completed a Nieman fel- lowship at Harvard University. Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626789