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Publication Date: 
May 28, 1971
PDF icon JACOBO TIMMERMANN[15515222].pdf164.26 KB
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626682 MEMO TO: USIS POLL 3.5(c).' SUBJECT: Jacobo TIMMERMANN _ The following information has been compiled-on Jacobo TIMMERMANN GYM .111) grnit Emu LW 'I, May 28. 1971 , � ,11V I ; Bio data: Born: 6 January 1923 in Bar, Province of Podol, Russia. Nationality: Naturalized Argentine. Applied for Argentine citizenship on 29 Jane 1964. � _ Religion: Jewish 4 -Political Ideology:, Communist , 0 � 1942: Affiliated to the "Junta Juvenil Por La Libertad" (which is , described as a !'Communist" group). 1944: Arrested on 30 November along with 67 other persons who were taking part in a meeting of the Argentine League for the Rights of Man (LADH. a known communist front group). (POL 11 Comment: His participation in the LADH would not seem to be particularly significant, 'given the fact that at that time, the Soviet Union and the United States were allies in the fight against Hitler, and the LADH may have seemed an appropriate mechanism to combat fascism in Argentina.) 1959: Listed along with Marcos MERCHENSKY as editor/director of the daily "El Nacional" of Rogelio FRIGERIO (described as , Marxist).' 1959: Worked as a sports writer for "Noticias Graficas" but "was = dismissed for, among other things, showing himself to be a bold and unscrupulous liar.", Worked for a short time with "La Nacion.,"*. Moved on ",La Aaron"..vAaere,he tried to find ,, ";"-. � ''.4� '4,;*-bi�. r rot 4 4 � � � CONI TIAL � e Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626682 � ��� _A eeet, 1 ,..;�1 ,4 r ' tr -f - � C�4 1 . 41P_ gm. Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 006626682 C 0 L . se 2 - support for the Frigerio line. Changed from "La Razon" to "Clarin." During this time. Frigerio provided him with opportunities, particularly in the pursuit of common business interests. 1959: Acted as a Presidential Representative in Germany on business matters with the firm "Ferrostal" along with Frigerio. Their activities in this regard brought on complaints from both the German Government and the Argentine Ambassador to Germany. 1960: Acted as Secretary General of Editorial "Haynes" when the latter was acquired by Frigerio. 1962: . "On leaving his position with the daily 'El Mtuido' (Marxist. Frigerista-Pro Castrista), he became director of Public Relations of the U. S. firm CARLO LOEB Y RHOADES. At this time he also had close ties with Felipe BESRODN1K (Treasurer of the Communist Party of Argentina in that year). 1964: Director of the magazine "Primera Plana." Was paid (by whom not given) 11 million pesos to leave the magazine. The sum was paid as an indemnity and shortly thereafter, he left the country for Mexico. 1965: � Director of "Confirmado" (whose tendency at that time is described as "Frigerista-Comunista"). , ' I � ��� , � Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 006626682