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Publication Date: 
July 6, 1977
Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06626241 Weekly Situation Report on International Terrorism 6 July 1977 ERECORD COPY PCS/DDO Sep/ret 100 (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06626241 Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06626241 _SECRET___ 6 July 1977 The Guatemalan Guerrilla Army of the Poor The Guerrilla Army of the Poor (EGP), the latest coalition of various Guatemalan guerrilla and terrorist organizations, poses a growing threat to the lives and property of U.S. and other foreign nationals in Guatemala. With its links to Cuba, South American radical guerrilla and terrorist groups, and Salvadoran terrorists, the EGP could eventually become a threat to the other countries of Central America. The EGP consists of three operating groups or usegments;" the Urban Segment, the Plains Segment, and the Mountain Segment. All three groups are responsive to a single national leadership. The Guatemalan government in mid-1976 estimated the EGP's hard core membership to be from 255-320 with another 1800-1900 people involved in support activities. The strategy of the EGP, as enunciated in an internal document dated December 1975, is to convince mass organiza- tions to support guerrilla warfare, thus assuring that the EGP's terrorist acts do not occur in a vacuum. The same document proposes that it engage in political-assassinations, kidnapings, and economic sabotage in both urban and rural areas. Leaders of the EGP and its predecessor groups have maintained contact with Cuba since the 1960s through the Cuban embassy in Mexico City. Over the years there have been reports that Cuba has provided the EGP with weapons, communications equipment, and financial assistance. Although aid has, in fact, been given, it is not known in precisely what amounts. Cuba has been helpful in aiding the EGP to establish contacts with Latin and Central American leftist revolutionary and terrorist groups. Earlier this year the EGP kidnaped a Guatemala City businessman-who holds dual U.S./Guatemalan citizenship, releasing him in March after his family paid the $300,000 in ransom. On 26 November 1976 the EGP raided Shenandoah Oil properties. In late 1976 the Sheraton Conquistador was the target of an EGP bombing. From January 1968 to April 1970 terrorists belonging to groups that later ,formed the EGP were responsible for the assassination of two military officers � attached to the U.S. embassy, the murder of U.S. 2 ����������.". RECORD Cc.,:n PCS/DDO SECRET (b)(3) Aft. (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06626241 Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06626241 SECRET 6 July 1977 Ambassador John Gordon Mein the kidnaping of a U.S. embassy labor attache. the West German ambassador. 3 SECRFT RECORD COPY PCS/DDO Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06626241