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Publication Date: 
August 7, 1989
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Opproved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619094 i',:001}Ilkg- MID .NICTOM Cii[EX tiltc)jic1 Ppiiimat) KatORTYciAls 7 yer EVENSION a. .r."? Auvoist I 5 Y* (OrtiltQv 40sivatRion, mum zati buildirig) tamiva) 'Mr= OVVICCa'S 1NIYIAL4 COMMiMiS (Numbor �tic *hIO CDIU:1W itInft t.i% 0 hi whom. Skew caross3 column anc, .xach twain:mi.) DC/ / / 14 Inte or Methods Sources o -etL 5 (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619094 Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619094 SUBJECT: KRONTHAL, James Speyer Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619094 Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619094 SECRET 7 August 1989 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: KRONTHAL, James Speyer (U) 1. On 4 August 1989 the undersigned attended a meeting with representatives of the Office of General Council (OGC) concerning SAD's planned interview with Samuel Papich, a former FBI employee and FBI liaison officer to the CIA during the Kronthal period. Present at the meeting were all of OGC, and the undersigned. (C) 2. Some concerns were raised that the SAD interview may violate in the area of criminal investigation or the gathering of intelligence against domestic targets. It was explained that the interview would be part of a counterintelligence investigation and would be background against the allegations about Subject in the book Widows, Papich's knowledge of the Agency investigation, or any FBI investigation, or substantiation of Corson's claim to be an ex-aide to DCI Dulles. (S) 3. It was agreed that the interview would be within our purview, but that the FBI liaison officer to SAD should be informed of the interview as a courtesy. OGC will be sending a written decision on the matter to SAD for our records. (C) 4. The Papich interview will be scheduled after t e interview with Bruce Solie, planed around 13 August 1989. C WARNING NOTICE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619094 Ashes on the mantel shelf Mlles Copeland handles a hot property Widows by William R. Corson. Susan B. Trento and Joseph J. Trento Macdonald. 1.14 95 PUBLISHERS, as we all know, customarily describe even their tamest properties as 'explosive'', asserting that they "blow the lid off" some- thing or other and bare secrets that governments have tried to hide. The publishers of Wid- ows. however, have opted for understatement. They assert that their latest product is merely "the most sensational and disturbing spy non-fiction ;f3 ..ears" when it is. in fact, a hot property that it almost burned a hole in the wrapper in which they sent it to me It has Washington's intelli- gence community in an uproar, with a senior member of the CIA arguing that it has set the American counter-intelligence effort back for years. It claims, for example, that John Paisley, a top analyst in the CIA's Office of Scientific Research. didn't drown in the Chesapeake but that he was whisked away by KGB agents to be now alive and well and living in Moscow. If also - asserts that James.Kronthal, a top CIA official and an old col- -league of mme. was a .,KGB "Mole- who might one day .have become head of the CIA had his Kc).3 Masters not been alarmed at signs Of a gnawing- -:conscience, deciding that they - had best liquidate him. The writers support these claims, and others, with details resulting from what was clearly a masterful job of investigative journalism, and their findings are endorsed by William Corson. author of the best book to date on the Soviet KGB and no amateur. No intelligence professional in his right mind would chal- lenge the claims without first checking them with sources who ought to know. So I did. I Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619094n"" The Wall ; Journal The Christian Science Monitor New York Dalty NOWS USA Today The Chicago Tribune spent an evening calling Wash- ington insiders on the transat- lantic telephone to find them unanimously convinced that the book's principal claims are "a lot of rubbish'',,as a mem- ber of the CIA.'s present counter-intelligence staff swore to me., There was some mix-up over Paisley's body, and the CIA's top brass (contrary to popular opinion, sticklers to a man) did indeed toy with the idea of a cover-up. Being the in-house machiavellian at the time. I was appointed to examine the possibilities: after so doing I could have taken a polygraph test and sworn in court that, whatever the truth about the body, it was Jack Paisley's ashes that wound up in a jar on Mrs Paisley's mantelpiece. rdidn't investigate the Krbrithal suicide, but those who did were the CIA's best. and any one of them would hive been delighted to find ,that an Eastern seaboard gay blade such as Jim Kronthal Was involved with the KGB in some way that would have led' /to his murder by KGB agents. But. no, -they found that Jim had swallowed enough- of/the ;CIA's standard-issue-"Kpills - .2to have killed every homoSe-xual- . in the Agency had Allen Dulles acted on _a suggestion' I rmade that this was one way of -plugging� a particular � holt in the CIA's security armour. So what's the verdict on Wid- ows? I see it as a valuable ency- clopedia of the mythology that has grown up around fiascos in the CIA-KGB cold war. The investigation that produced it was a work of consummate skill, but the conclusions are those of wide-eyed conspiracy theorists who've read too many John le Carre novels. It is an excellent read, but should have been clearly Libelled: "This book may endanger not only your peace of mind but also your judgment." Date Page 39. Approved for Release: 2020/01ii g