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Publication Date: 
February 24, 1967
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Approved for Release: 2018/04/17 C06571780 fticret DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE WEEKLY SUMMARY ittraL 54 24 Februl� y 1967 No. 0278'7 Approved for Release: 2018/04/17 C06571780 Approved for Release: 2018/04/17 C06571780 SUKARNO RELINQUISHES AUTHORITY IN INDONESIA President Sukarno's turnover of his remaining authority in Indonesia should considerably ease the pressures that have ac- companied the nominal sharing of power with General Suharto dur- ing the past 11 months. His bow- ing is a personal triumph for Su- harto, who has consistently main- tained that the downgrading of Sukarno should be a gradual process. As long as Sukarno remains as titular president, however, some of the old problem of exec- utive duality may remain. His behavior in his new role prob- ably will largely determine the extent of further measures against him. The most immediate test will come in the emergency session of Congress still sched- Page 5 uled to begin on 7 March t) de- bate Sukarno's position. General Suharto proba:):y will try to persuade Congress 11)1. to bring Sukarno to trial for Jis alleged involvement in the abor- tive coup of October 1965. Su- harto's remarks to service com- manders on 23 February strssed that "justice" must be the nuide- line for congressional actA,n with the rights of both Su-,arno and his accusers taken int) con- sideration. Pro-Sukarno elements, _nclud- ing those in East Java whe-c they are strongest, have Imo yet reacted to the announcemen._ The Indonesian Army has juAaed that there would be no tro!Ible if Sukarno "voluntarily" s7epped down, as he now has seemed to do. �751TV,9:4441._ WEEKLY SUMMARY 24 Feb 67 Approved for Release: 2018/04/17 C06571780