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March 11, 1961
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WrZ/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/ZZA pproved for Release: 2016/07/05 C 06541063W/ 7//////////1 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) 1M-013--SECRET___ kve 11 March 1961 Copy No. C t.141 CENTRAL IYTELLIGENCE BULLETIN- Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541063 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541063r ET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 11 March 1961 DAILY BRIEF Congo: J a 9 March discussion on the Congo with an American official, Hammarskjold expressed the belief that further outbreaks in the Lower Congo were unlikely for the time being. Relations between the UN and local authorities however, remain uneasy. He indicated that he had not yet found a replacement for Dayal and said that Makki Abbas of Sudan, the interim appointee for the job, was "not the best man in the world but would be all right." Hammarskjold is also hopeful that several additional countries will contribute contingents to the UN fors Another UN official has said that the Somali and Malagasy republics might contribute a battalion each within a month. The Tananarive conference, by conceding the existence of several de facto centers of power in the Congo, has strengthened Katanga's claim to autonomy and has enhanced Tshombe's 'Position as the leading figure in the anti-Gizenga bloc. (Backup Page 1) *Laos: El his remarks to Ambassador Thompson on Laos,�KEushchev took a generally positive line, pointing out that the US and the USSR agree that the objective should be neutrality for Laos, that this represents a step forward, and that bilateral conversations should be continued. He said that neither the US nor the USSR stands to gain anything from a continuation of the fighting and that this would only damage relations between the two countries. He warned, however, that any prolonged delay in reaching a solution would complicate the problem and could cause the fighting to flare up.. He al.s.23 PRE z _ (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541063 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541063 SEeREZ %Noi Ibire Situation in the Congo According to a UN military official in New York, the 1,000-man Moroccan contingent in Katanga seems to have embarked on a systematic program of harassment and non- cooperation with the UN Command. Their morale is said to be completely broken, and they allegedly have "laid down their arms." fflammarskjold had hoped to send the group to Matadi in a show of force, but the troops reportedly stated that they would obey directives only from Rabat. Rabat has ordered this group--the only remaining part of a force which originally totaled 3,200--to withdraw from the Congo, but it has been delayed by transportation difficulti_e_9 The Tananarive conference apparently has agreed that the existing central authority should be scrapped, along with the present provincial structure. In their place a group of new states, based largely on tribal lines, would be created, with an ill-defined "community of united nations" arrange- ment for a central authority, presumably in Leopoldville, which would become a "neutral city." The participants ap- parently are agreed that any solution reached at the conference will be an interim one and that any definitive reform must wait until the country is pacified. The absence--and presumably the nonconcurrence--of Gizenga will make implementation of these proposals difficult and will probably lead to opposi- tion to them among his international supporters. Tshombe seems to have been successful in his efforts to reach agreement on replacing the present structure with a loose confederacy. Except for Albert Kalonji of southern Kasai--who is largely dependent on Tshombes patronage-- the other participants have an interest in retaining some type of central authority�Kasavubu and Ileo by virtue of their positions in the present central government, and Leopold- ville Provincial President ICamitatu because of his long as- sociation with Lumurnbars ideals of a unitary state. However, local ties still have considerable importance for most of them, and none seems to be willing to face up to strong pressure, -SECRET_ 11 Mar 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 1 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541063 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541063 Nee tau, from Tshombe. As a result, the conference has been able to issue a vague communique recognizing states now exist- ing "by right or in fact." The only well-defined point on which the participants agree seems to be opposition to the UN. For the most part they are trying to limit their discussions to general princi- ples, leaving contentious details to be worked out in a larger conference tentatively scheduled for the end of March in Elisabethville. Such a conference, which might be attended by as many as 400 leaders of varying political stature, would be likely to become involved in extensive wrangling. 11 Mar 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN page 2 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541063