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Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541059 COPY NO. oci No. 036B/ 23 Pehruary 19 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE WEEKLY SUMMARY CENTRAL INTELL ENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF CURR INTELLIGENCE DOCUteff cwik%E. CLAW. OECX.MaREO CLAS-3. OfPeL0 T. Nexi Remus; VAlt: AView WI 10-7 DAM 116-180.. mvevArt Approved for for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541059 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541059 V tt b a Streeger naiate Security COunCil UN y General Hemmereirjeld ably move quiekly to Seoetate COngeleee !1c Iron poittles --a move be believes is seaential to any settlemeat in'the Congo. The latest renOlutiOn 44 the Congo. Weed by the Seeurity COenell on 21 February, authorized the urge 01-forco b7 US troops it necessary to avert eivil ear Ln the CouhtrY. This is the first tine UN treopS bare hem allOwed to go beyond -mere selt defensive ninamures, and the eouneil'S eettoe establisheS a precedent which okay UN membere fled disavieting. the Korean 4tjou vas not wader tho een.4* d Control of the UN; the riled force eoPleYed -1* the UN gnergeoci Fere* ie Oct authorized to The rase ailed throe key et Piny o dit Wary to the e Cenci. The d to interdict b ofmateriel ao vell air mei into the Conyo--whieb v have been an Obvieval reference to UAR and other Clendeottne support of the Utterly* retiree- It else failed to specify the US secretary yeeeral as pri- marily responsible for the IN operation In tb4 Congo. It made no refereace,meredver, to the government of the Congo Or to gasavubu ae chief of etute. since the Secerity etunell /owned the direr:0.0e gfort In the Congo, lity of a heated 00- iseue at the reef:reed General A etibi/ easel lessened aSiderably, 'e ntico Irem vottn on the reeelutien poloto up the dif ioIty the Smviet leaders taco to their etiorte to aehi objectives in the Congo 'without at the same tine boomming isolated from the "Afro-Asian popition.- Pollee= leg the veto, Soviet delegate Zoria stated that the renolu* ties.. &dilate ito -"abortconingsr� cam olar 4 itive tele in re- storing peace to the Congo, par- ticularly tbose MeSeures calling immediate renevel of the gian aggrestere." While Laving agenda a nn 4 the e0v moderate sands set ruery sta be ozpoeted ho eteongly any ort. Strengthenieg Rannarn PerSecal eutherity in with the sttuatioe. p Op- okjold ice, Nos. y to leg da. 14 NO- R cap perloa tgb unist China I recognized the 23 feb 61 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541059 24 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541059 LT 2.90949T GiLena regLe In. Stenleyvl the USSR not. Etiopetitod ex- pressions of Soviet support for his -legitimate government" Are probably dasignod to allots $o. vita loaders a free band Pressing fOr his Partici - on In any ProPoeed settle- without kytna their to a regime *bleb le d the reach of direCt pport. Committal Chime be aced umumbee death as the occasion for lie most strident propaganda campaign of the year, hold-tog large rallies to Chinese cities to express indignation over the "sonstrous crtms" allegedly engineered by VS aod 00101ao loperiellett sod "their ageet" Hasnarnkleld. Chinese pleOges of "utoost" ',support- -preemeably poky aoral and financial been coupled with expressly= of onlAdoace in the ability of the Congoleite to via eventual. ory and giVO t40 lopreeeleo _at PelPiog tateeds VP let oth- - carry ea lb* ti411%-, Tha e Aetna 4Ateilltes have a1- 0A1OV4 to their condonea. f Lasumbale "Intrder.".. 9 irtar, Pzptng sow memo to eotablt diplomatic relationsiviVI Oi- se . A Jetnt conounicjuG Of 20 February announced neTennttnt for an exchange of Ambaesedore. Peiping is likely to accredit no embaosador In another airtime country to Stanleyvt1/0, . Allbeegh the EiOttt&641to 09V- : nt has contioeed VP teatet 0- re mow torctog to take a line n ite relations o IlL On le February rem Council - -the coun- cil+ reit bed, - -hunt a O HaltearSkJold Stating Ulf had fal1e0 to etbleve ry alma in the Congo, iefeediate otove to Solve the probaen, �old be forced to ito treope from the The de -on to 000ci hurply worded cable to A ot1 made as * result o A In the 5414041 to death. 90 14 and Snell bet weli-organ- lowowba street demon - ons took place La three the Sudan. The govore ehneereod Over the P05 - eibility that the internal Su- damage oppagttioa grow% which hao receetlY been Oreeele8 tar a return to civilian goverment, would usa the Congo preblee for it own porposon. The cable, -bleb received vide poi:atrial' in the Sagamara. prnaa, protia4ly dema not presage any nftaa80 40 government's policy of rt for the V, bot is rath. ittteept to Cater to public foreign mio- naa, KAM have reef- for Ci- the lemedi. foreign Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541059 Page 2 of 24 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541059 b's the UN c mmand and r mobilization ego e 'es, Thay-1140 propoge ere's* activitiea be con- rolled by the UN and that A neutral 001,10LS0140 investigate Lumombe'e depth. The preii4nary report of the UN Copcillatton CoeniesLat- an body on *bleb sett of the Seine and African pations Oho have bud troops te the Congo reprosested--ems made pub - n 19 February. It recon- ho establishment of a based Congolese govern- 0 remOval of the array lities aed its reorgaw- imat on under * national &Inane council, the release of petits. ical prinoners, and paritenea* tart approval of the no gov - Ornoent, Stnee itsredsamenda teen& ene the ileo government * start:log point for re -es- tftbtiehLn a notional regamo, the .report to ltholy,to be con, gesial pm gesevuba; bovever, recent reports indicate that Tehombe and bis essotiates are Am no mood to accept may recoil,- catatico proposals, although op 22 February he did andoun4e his agreement vith UN offitialS to stop troop movienontd in Ns. tangs Province, ettom 01 the 01 reg e commiSSioces re:- onne(r probably mitt depend oa the disnideats' foottoate of tbetr ability to resist con- tinued economic. political, and milt a ly 0 000t. Dotty 0210 . parttciUrly to the Stamle area, ate subject to little eon - rol from above; funds for pay - hem reportedly vill run the end of March; and big meat is Kivu Provinee, gash:enure, epperentlyto stating StanleyvA11e/0 effete 0t bib to Claear Centre Cleeoga haS little to in a raPOrechettent pith , and be probably mould nt to accept a volit- ion ioposed by the UN ured of sigailicent in the Leopoldville I-8cne rCprl8aks for he death of Lula add his mine upportere--tco of then in Kettage and seven n Albert KelosiOs "South Kasai" 14110-- have RO far not oalsrialtzed, Severer, mono etrocittoo. appar ently op tbo part of andteci. lined Comgolcoe troopp, verso, tad in elVu Prow/pee. ad Incdente have the Congo out- relived by the Leopoldville, Premier- to Itao reportedly hen d his proposed govern- lloving distoseloas eltb eupporters of immusba, additions allegedly mill in., vera!mnabista, but y of the appointooa have not personalty conSoltatl. The ontalos name* of ladivid 'morally regarded as 24 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541059 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541059 RET v3t m of the limmunba tact1on; howeVer, miny of then aro currently working for ()I- ceman, it Staniar/tile. Ca1r0. and Nee York. Ces era y d dint Ui 005 probably to a these pressure,. Republic The even-vole fl.ttILrtIO1 in poldrille la deteriorating idly, according tO areCabtly opoloted tIN ecoomic adviaer. One of the last acts of dobutu4e college of comninsioners before t disbanded on 9 February oat; attendee the austerity pro- hick had bees developed - Iteeielenee, Ag a result meant deflott for Jan- ie *18,000,000. Stop- bete furnished by 1 beet Of the COnget policy to plan- y in circulation, og lortattookry UN Offtotat bo- ty solution Is * MO aid program under Boo o 01144ittaats in otb- pa*to of ibe Coogo are ring front the po- I dleibtogrotlon. go ijMotet obo re- visited Stanley- e expects the eoott- coy there to collapse in six or eight weeks; Intermit. the richest area in the country, in also running a hodgotarY defleit, c be agreed to lI1 cooperation *lib US boritles, Tabonbe i1od Oig- oreasiy to the Security Coonell's 21 Pahrokry renolutiOa. Charging that the resolution an a "'declaration" of war by the UN against Katange and the ohale tomer Belgian Congo, he aboouseed the oebi- Biotic% of the provimo's bet 111KLY REVIEW Rego 4 of 24 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541059 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541059 IN 5 population to "date their Ilv and property *evinced by the United Fat1998," SO clic!' that he UV would be reePeRafhle for acy bloodshed reaulttRS frog the resolution. ep oun9 the dth 0! nbh a considerable f AfkauAdjudged Loyal e v arned in order to thwart a possible at- teept by US forces to dinar*/ the intabgann. Europeees may have boon similarly armed. is now ed lute ts invol mamba; CO rota= Co 1190 goverm. 9 by taking Oltos left repregente- agreement 1Lt1y put at tenporary halt to *continue offoostue 01) ems against ealebs tri PPOrtersf Gizeugs in north = Xatahge Province Last k a UN Nigerian patrol en - nteved a reconnaissance t Of gataaga troops about one's eolith of aftoono. 1 Of the BklUbil "Luolhhh sod 'as tO4 by a 1 - ficer leading the unit weeid capture MA90110 hepart of R general Ratans effebe ' Any offensive is Likely to be IntreaeteglY harassed by the tialubas, who have already nade new iseuralena into the area elOng the rail lino between Jadotville and Kaaina hlcibvas recently wen back by Tsbenbt. This aLlltary ctioi co- idoe cL1 the teal ehneat 4 "COmMehlat Congolese ty' 41r$ Wanes�. The novo probabiy mad, at the ative of taterter Minister I the Balota "iealnba .- Jason Seedwe. * lead - wConnanlet Balub2 leader opoldvilieJ deoted no 20 YoLrary that any such "youth movement" had been forest!. n :tat label 'e4d ye eeneldorabie appoWL ms of Lueembm's although thts ikely to be 1.0- 4 to some extent by the tribal cannot 61. airLy REV /E* Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541059 24