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September 12, 1960
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/Aip:rov-e-cl For- Relea-se-: 5016/07/55-6065:110437 I 12 September 1960 (b)(3) (b)(3) /(b)(3) b)(3) _ _ /zzzzzzzzizzizziz/zzzzzzzzzz zzz zoz //J. - Copy No, 7S CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN T 0 P S C R DOCUMENT NO /0 NO OSIANGE IN CLASS, 10. DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT RkVILW DATE: 20(0 AUDI: NC 704 oictc JUN 1.331 BEviEwEnt Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541043 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541043r 7TYP-SgCREZ (b)(1) b)(3) (b)(3) Congo: The UN command in the Congo appears to be involved in an all-out effort to establish the authority of Congolese Pres- ident ICasavubu and set the stage for an early attempt to remove Lumumba from power. Working through Col. Mobutu, the chief of staff and most important figure in the Congolese Army, the UN apparently arranged the surrender of arms on 10 September by the bulk of the 3,000 Congolese troops stationed in the Leopold- ville area. In addition, the UN provided the troops with their first pay in two months and announced an order--attributed to the Con- golese Army�calling for a general cease-fire throughout the Congo. Plans were revealed for the dispatch of a special UN team to supervise along the borders of separatist Katanga Prov- ince the truce which the UN command clearly hopes will result from the cease-fire order. The cease-fire order has been cau- tiously welcomed by Katanga President Tshombe and his allies in Kasai Province, but has in effect been denounced by Lumumba who stated on 10 September that Congo Army operations would continue In Katanga and Kasai. 12 Sept 60 DAILY BRIEF II "Tcua-sEdiEz (b)(3) , - Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541043 / f/ Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541043 /d. , . vtio '--71)P-SECRET (b) (3) Meanwhile, Kasavubu has transmitted to Hammarskjold an initial list of a new cabinet, headed by moderate leader Joseph Ileo, to replace Lumumba's cabinet, which Kasavubu insists was legally dismissed last week. Efforts apparently are being made by Kasavubu supporters to line up support for the new group, pre- sumably with a view to reversing at a new parliamentary session the endorsement won last week by Lumumba in both houses. Di- rect action looking to the arrest of Lumumba is also apparently under consideration. At the UN, the Security Council is scheduled to resume meet- ing on the Congo this afternoon. III. THE WEST Dominican Republic: Reacting to the recent OAS decision to impose sanctions on the Dominican Republic, the Trujillo government has called a huge Castro-type rally for 24 Septem- ber to demonstrate its popular support. The government-con- trolled radio has also begun warning US businessmen to defend Trujillo from US attacks if they wish to catinue doing business in his country. American officials in Ciudad Trujillo see the fu- ture of US interests there as "increasingly bleak" as long as Trujillo retains control. Dominican Foreign Minister Herrera Baez is visiting Western Europe in an attempt to counter antici- pated trade and shipping boycotts by Western Hemisphere coun- tries. C K. El Salvador: The stability of President Lemus' middle-of- the-road regime is under serious strain, although developments of the past few days have lowered tensions somewhat. While the C state of siege.declared on 5 September continues, Lemusi con- ciliatory moves have apparently succeeded in reducing the strong public resentment caused by the government's indiscriminate use of force against the Communist-encouraged student demonstra- tion on 2 September. Communist and pro-Castro elements will probably be quick to encourage new demonstrations as opportunity offers, but student leaders seem for the present to be taking a conciliatory line. ;4(b)(3) - / - -70P-sEGRET_ g(b)(3) _ (b)(3) 12 Sept 60 DAILY BRIEF iii Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541043 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541043 --SECRET__ The Congo Situation The UN commandl in the Congo appears to have embarked on an all-out effort to establish the authority of Congolese Pres- ident Kasavubu and set the stage for an early attempt by Premier Lumumba's Congolese opponents to remove him from power. defin- itively. This effort apparently has the support of Col. Mobutu, the chief of staff and most important figure in the Congolese Army control of which will probably prove decisive in determining the outcome of the Kasavubu-Lumumba power struggle. Mobutu, who recently claimed that three quarters of the army was loyal to him, reportedly arranged the surrender of arms by the bulk of the 3,000 Congolese troops stationed in the Leopoldville area. This action took place at a UN-controlled army camp on 10 September. In ad- dition to its virtually certain inspiration of this development, which would seem seriously to undermine Lumumba's position, the UN has provided the troops with the first pay many of them have received in two months. These moves by the UN command coincided with its announce- ment of an order�attributed to the Congolese Army--calling for a general cease-fire throughout the Congo and of plans to supervise the execution of the order along the borders of separatist Katanga Prov- ince. The cease-fire order has been welcomed "in principle" by Katanga President Tshombe, whose regime Lumumba has vowed to crush, and by Tshombe's ally, Albert Kalonji, the leader of the hard-pressed anti-Ltunumba movement in neighboring Kasai Prov- ince. Ltunumba, on the other hand, denied the validity of the cease- fire order and announced that his troops were continuing to operate "with great success" in Katanga and Kasai. Press reports from Elisabethville, however, indicate that last week's incursions into Katanga from Kivu Province by Congolese Army elements have not yet been followed by any invasion in force. Meanwhile, Kasavubu and his supporters have pushed ahead with the formation of a new cabinet composed of moderate, fed- eralist-minded elements to replace Lumumba's leftist regime, de- spite the latter's continued claims to be the only legal government of the Congo. Headed by Senate President Ileo, the cabinet list trans- mitted by Kasavubu to Secretary General Hammarskjold over the . week end names Kalonji as interior minister and Justin Bomboko as Th'EeRE. 12 Sept 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541043 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541043 S.1.; Nwd foreign minister�the post Bomboko held until recently in the Lumumba government. There is evidence that Lumumba's op- ponents are making strenuous efforts to develop wider support, apparently with a view to reversing at an early date the votes of confidence won last week by Lumumba, after demagogic appeals, in both houses of the Congolese parliament. Kasavubuts group may also attempt to arrest Lumumba in the near future, espe- cially if it becomes convinced it can rely on substantial support from Congolese troops as well as the neutrality of UN forces in the Leopoldville area. The group probably drew encouragement from the firm stand taken on 11 September by Ghanaian troops in the face of an attempt by Lumumba to regain by force control over the UN-guarded Leopoldville radio station. Bomboko departed for New York on 11. September to speak at the UN in behalf of the proposed Ileo government, and It is pos- sible that representatives of Lurnumba's regime may also arrive in time for the Security Council's next meeting on the Congo crisis, now scheduled for the afternoon of 12 September. Moscow's immediate negative reaction to liammarskjold's blunt speech of 9:September suggests that the USSR may veto any resolution aimed at strengthening the secretary general's hand in the Congo. � Some UN members reportedly are considering the ad- visability of calling an emergency session of the General Assembly-- posSible on.247hour notice�in order to keep the UN in the Congo. Hammarskjold's prestige is still sufficient, Particularly among the smaller countries, to command large-scale sum:sort from the as- sembly. ECRE-T, 12 Sept 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C06541043