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Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Al2 Section III MERGENCY PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3-3 Use Of Checklists 3-3 Definitions Of Landing Situations 3-3 GROUND OPERATION 3-3 Engine Fire 3-3 Brake, Steering, Or Tire Failure 3-5 Abandoning The Aircraft 3-5 Emergency Entrance 3-5 TAKEOFF EMERGENCIES 3-7 Propulsion System 3-7 Abort 3-10 Engine Failure 3-7 Drag Chute Failure 3-12 Double Engine Failure 3-9 Fuel System 3-12 Afterburner Failure 3-9 Fuel Pressure Low 3-12 Afterburner Nozzle Failure 3-9 Landing Gear and Tires 3-13 Fire 3-10 Main Or Nose Gear Tire Failure 3-13 Fire Warning-Takeoff Refused 3-10 Emergency Gear Retraction 3-13 IN-FLIGHT EMERGENCIES 3-15 Emergency Escape 3-15 Emergency Descent 3-19 Before Ejection 3-15 Fuel Dumping Procedures 3-20 Ejection 3-15 Normal Fuel Dumping 3-20 After Ejection 3-16 Emergency Fuel Dumping 3-20 Parachute Landings 3-16 Forward Fuel Transfer and Bailout With Seat Inoperative 3-17 Fuel Dumping 3-21 Fire 3-18 Forced Landing Or Ditching 3-21 Fire Warning In-Flight 3-18 Smoke Or Fumes 3-18 Electrical Fire 3-19 3-1 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued Propulsion System 3-21 Inlet Duct Unstart 3-21 Airstart �3-31 Inlet Control Malfunction 3-25 Glide Distance ,3-31 Automatic Spike Control 3-25 Engine Shutdown 3-32. Automatic Forward Bypass Control 3-26 Single Engine Flight Characteristic 333 Operation With Manual Inlet Control 3-26 Single Engine Air Refueling 3-34 Inlet Unstable 3-26 Single Engine Cruise 3-34 Failure Qf Spike To Schedule Afterburner Flameout 3-34 Or Unstable 3-27 Afterburner Cutoff Failure 3-35 Compressor Stalls 3-27 Afterburner Nozzle Failure 3-35 Acceleration And/Or Overtrim 3-27 Oil Pressure Abnormal 3-36 Compressor Stalls In Descent 3-27 Oil Temperature Abnormal 3-37 Engine Flameout 3-29 Fuel Control Failure 3-37 Double Engine Flameout 3-29 Fuel Hydraulic System Failure 3-37 Other Systems 3-38 Fuel System 3-38 Flight Control System 3-42 Fuel Quantity Low 3-38 Flight Control Emergency Operation 3-43 Fuel Pressure Low 3-38 A Or B Hydraulic Failure 3-43 Fuel Tank Pressurization 3-38 A And B Hydraulic Failure 3-43 Fuel Boost Pump 3-39 SAS Emergency Operation 3-43 Fuel Sequencing 3-39 Trim Failure 3-50 Fuel Management With Engine Shutdown 3-39 Air Data Computor 3-51 Emergency Fuel 3-40 Pitot-Static System 3-51 Electrical Power System 3-40 Air-Conditioning and Single Generator Failure 3-40 Pressurization 3-52 Double Generator Failure 3-41 Cockpit Depressurization 3-52 AC Generator Underspeed 3-41 Cockpit And Ventilated Suit Transformer-Rectifier Failure 3-41 Abnormal Temperature 3-54 Inverter Failure 3-41 Q-Bay Abnormal Temperature 3-53 Hydraulic Power System 3-41 Oxygen System And Personal Primary System Failure 3-42 Equipment 3-54 Utility System Failure 3-42 Pressure Gage Indication 3-54 Personal Equipment Indication 3-54 LANDING EMERGENCIES 3-55 Single Engine Landing 3-55 Gear Emergency Extension 3-56 Simulated Single Engine Landing 3-55 Partial Gear Landing 3-57 Single Engine Go-Around 3-55 Main Gear Flat Tire Landing 3-58 Landing Gear System Emergencies 3-56 Nose Gear Flat Tire Landing 3-58 Gear Unsafe Indication 3-56 Heavy Weight Landing 3-58 3-2 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 INTRODUCTION This section provides recommended procedures for use in the event of emergency or abnormal operating 'conditiOns. *It does not cover multiple emergencies. Pilots must recognize that ,single malfunctions will often affect operation of other aircraft system:s and require corrective actions in addition to those contained in a specific emergency procedure. Use of Checklists Critical emergency checklist items are those actions which must be performed im- mediately if an emergency is not to be ag- gravated. These steps appear in CAPITAL letters to permit immediate identification. They must be committed to memory to per- mit accomplishment without reference to the Abbreviated Checklist. ENGINE FIRE ENGINE FIRE DURING GROUND START Definitions of Landing Situations The terms "landwhen practicable" and "land as soon as possible" are not used interchangeably. The direction to "land when practicable" means to land at home base or other suitable alternate. Air re- fueling is allowed when necessary in order to reach the suitable destination. Alteration of the original flight plan may or may not be required, depending on the flight limits which are imposed because of the emergency or abnormal operating situation. The direction to "land as soon as possible" means land at the nearest suitable facility. GROUND OPERATION If there is evidence of fire during ground start, attempt to keep the engine rotating until the fire is out. Apply chemicals from outside the engine only as a last resort. If a fire is evident during a start, or on notification: 1. THROTTLE - OFF. Z. CONTINUE CRANKING ENGINE. NOTE Continue motoring the engine when the starter remains engaged and fire is contained in the tailpipe. If the starter unit has disengaged, it can not be re-engaged until the engine has come to a complete stop. 3. EMERGENCY FUEL SHUTOFF SWITCH - FUEL OFF. 4. Battery switch - OFF. 5. Abandon aircraft. 3-3 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 EMERGENCY OVER THE SIDE EGRESS PULL TO UNLATCH 65)IlL . I 0 UNLATCH OR JETTISON CANOPY 0 RELEASE LAP BELT LIFT TO RELEASE 0 RELEASE PARACHUTE (3 PLACES) LIFT TO RELEASE PULL TO JMISONS 0 PULL KIT RELEASE HANDLE 0 UNLATCH SPURS (OR PULL 0-RING ON HEADREST) 0 UNCLIP AND RELEASE EMERGENCY OXYGEN HOSES Figure 3-1 0 STAND UP TO RELEASE LEADS TO HEADSET SUIT VENT CONNECTOR AND OXYGEN HOSES 1-200-98(2) 3-4 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 ENGINE FIRE AFTER SHUTDOWN Use applicable steps of Engine Fire During Ground Start procedure. ABANDONING THE AIRCRAFT ON THE GROUND In an emergency requiring ground abandon-: ment, the primary concern is to leave the immediate area of the aircraft as soon as possible. The following procedures should be used when fire or explosion are probable. Salvaging emergency and survival equip- ment has not been considered. These pro- cedures provide the fastest means of aban- doning the aircraft and they should be ac- complished as rapidly as possible after the decision to abandon the aircraft is made. This procedure may be initiated while the aircraft is in motion; however, the lap belt should remain fastened until the aircraft is stopped. To accomplish an emergency exit on the ground, proceed as follows; 1. Ejection seat safety pin - Install if time permits. 2. Survival kit release handle - Pull. 3. Seat belt and shoulder harness - Re- lease. 4. Personal leads - Disconnect. 5. Parachute harness attachments - Re- lease. 6. Foot spurs - Manually release, (use cable cutter if otherwise unable to re- lease spurs). 7. Canopy - Unlatch or jettison as appli- cable. 8. Evacuate aircraft. Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 A-12 BRAKE, STEERING, OR TIRE FAILURE SECTION III Without anti-skid operating, extreme cau- tion must be utilized to prevent wheel skid, as skidding is hard to detect due to aircraft size and weight. Tires may fail before a skid condition can be recognized and cor- rected. A main landing gear tire blow-out may be sensed by the pilot as a thump or muffled explosive sound. If the ANTI-SKID OUT warning light illum- inates or anti-skid braking is not effective: 1. Brake switch - ANTI-SKID OFF. If normal brakes and/or nosewheel steering are not effective, or if L system hydraulic pressure is not available: 2. Brake switch - ALT STEER AND BRAKE. NOTE If both engines are shut down with the aircraft moving, the brake switch should be left in the ANTI-SKID OFF position and steady brake pressure applied to a complete stop. The brakes should not be pumped, as accumulator pressure would be lost. At landing weights, the aircraft can be taxied safely so long as one tire per main gear remains inflated. At takeoff weights, taxi distance should be minimized if one or two tires per main gear are flat in order to minimize the probability of further tire failures. Taxiing as necessary is permitted to clear a runway with all tires failed on a main gear, as the massive tire bead tends to protect the wheels for some distance. EMERGENCY ENTRANCE In the event that qualified ground personnel are not available, emergency entrance to the aircraft can be accomplished using the procedures illustrated by figure 3-2. Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 3-5 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 CRASH RESCUE PROCEDURES 0 INSERT TOOL INTO ONE-HALF INCH SQUARE DRIVE OPENING AND ROTATE CLOCKWISE TO OPEN 0 OPEN FACE DI ATE PUSH BUTTON DOWN UNHOOK PILOT'S PERSONAL EQUIPMENT PULL SURVIVAL KIT HANDLE REMOVE JETTISON ACCESS COVER (A) BY PRESSING QUICK DISCONNECT. REMOVE PULL HANDLE. UNCOIL EXCESS CABLE, APPROX. 6 FEET OR 0 Figure 3-2 WARNING DO NOT APPLY PRESSURE TO CABLE UNTIL FULLY UNCOILED. PULL SHARPLY, PILOT'S CANOPY WILL JETTISON IMMED - LATELY SEVER BALLISTIC LINES THREE MEN ARE REQUIRED TO REMOVE PILOT ONE ON EACH SIDE AND ONE ASTRIDE THE COCKPIT IN FRONT OF PILOT F200-100 3-6 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 PROPULSION SYSTEM Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 ILMLEMEM I SECTION A-12 TAKEOFF EMERGENCIES 1. THROTTLES - MAXIMUM THRUST. The components considered as parts of the propulsion system include the main engines, afterburners, inlets, nozzles, tailpipes, fuel controls, and fuel-hydraulic, lubrica- tion, and ignition systems. If abnormal op- eration of any of these components is indi- cated prior to reaching the acceleration check distance, the takeoff should be abort- ed. Refer to ABORT procedure, this sec- tion. The following procedures apply after satisfactory completion of the acceleration check. THRUST FAILURE DURING TAKEOFF, TAKEOFF REFUSED If the acceleration check speed is marginal, or if the thrust of either engine decays or fails, and conditions permit: 1. ABORT. Refer to abort procedure, this section. ENGINE FAILURE IMMEDIATELY AFTER TAKEOFF If an engine fails immediately after takeoff and the decision is made to continue, main- tain Maximum thrust on the operating en- gine. Lateral and directional control can be maintained when airspeed remains above the minimum single engine control speed. See figure 3-3. However, ability to main- tain altitude and to accelerate or climb de- pends on weight, drag, altitude, airspeed, and temperature. Refer to the appendix for takeoff climb capability data. When at heavy weight for the existing air temper- ature, dumping fuel may reduce weight sufficiently to remain airborne. If able to maintain altitude or accelerate: Recheck position of both throttles to assure that maximum power is being obtained. 2. LANDING GEAR LEVER - UP. 3. CROSSFEED SWITCH - PRESS ON. 4. Fuel dump switch - DUMP (if neces- sary). III Fuel dumping in addition to consumption by operating engine lightens the aircraft at an appreciable rate. If turning at sufficient speed, the inop- erative engine will also discharge fuel from its afterburner. 5. Rudder trim - As necessary. Bank and sideslip toward the operating engine as necessary to maintain di- rectional control and minimize drag. 7 to 9 degrees of rudder trim with bank and sideslip as needed to maintain course yields minimum drag in the critical speed range from 220 to 250 KIAS. 6. Throttle (failed engine) - OFF. WARNING I Positively identify the failed engine before retarding the throttle. If not mechanical failure: 7. ATTEMPT AIR START (refer to Air Start Procedure this section). For obvious mechanical failure: 8. Emergency fuel shutoff switch - FUEL OFF. 3-7 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 A-12 SINGLE ENGINE MINIMUM AERODYNAMIC CONTROL SPEED 100 80 1.1 � 60 1.J.1 40 1.1 20 0 1 10,000 8,000 1.1 st 6,000 4,000 1.1 CL 2, 000 S. L. SINGLE ENGINE MINIMUM AERODYNAMIC CONTROL SPEED � YJ-1 ENGINES ONE ENGINE - MAX THRUST ONE ENGINE - WINDMILLING 20� RUDDER DEFLECTION 5� SIDESLIP BASIS-ESTIMATED DATA - FROM REVISED W/M DRAG ESTIMATE, FLT TESTS, AND JJ ENGINE DATA ANGLE OF� ATTACK = 19.� \ ,6:s 06 \ \ 0�40� \ \ \\ \ �46. 86� F \ \ \ GEAR DOWN \I 0� SIDESLIP GEAR UP OR DOWN /\ 1 1 \ GEAR UP \ \ \ \ . \ \ 1 \ \ I I 1 N? -\'' N`? - '4' # 0 4- c, �^��� 4500 FT� �6.- -...-** 4-.1 1 �O' c.) � Zi'''' 4'7. 4? �\, Nci? - t rLS' `..k. * re # e/ F200-92 3-8 Figure 3-3 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 DOUBLE ENGINE FAILURE IMMEDIATELY AFTER TAKEOFF If a double engine failure occurs, proceed as follows: 1. IF GEAR IS DOWN AND CONDITIONS PERMIT - LAND STRAIGHT AHEAD. Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 A-12 AFTERBURNER NOZZLE FAILURE 2. IF GEAR RETRACTION HAS BEEN INITIATED OR CONDITIONS DICTATE- EJECT. WARNING 1 Decay of engine rpm will result in rapid loss of A and B hydraulic system pressure and subsequent loss of aircraft control. AFTERBURNER FAILURE DURING TAKEOFF, TAKEOFF CONTINUED If an afterburner fails before leaving the ground and a decision is made to continue, control failed, engine as follows: 1. THROTTLE - MILITARY. 2. THROTTLE - MAXIMUM THRUST. SECTION III Nozzle failure maybe: indicated by nozzle position, excessive rpm fluctuations, or failure of the engine to control to scheduled speed. This may be accompanied by com- pressor stall and exhaust gas overtempera- ture. Engine shutdown may be necessary. Nozzle Failed Open Immediately After Takeoff In the event of a nozzle failed open indi- cation: Affected engine: 1. Throttle - Afterburner range. 2. RPM & EGT - Maintain within limits. NOTE In the event of extreme engine over- speed, if flight condition permits, retard throttle below Military or shut down. 3. Land as soon as practicable. If unable to light afterburner: Nozzle Failed Closed In the event of a nozzle failed closed con- 3. THROTTLE - MILITARY. dition: 4. Trim - As necessary. Affected engine: 5. Abort mission. 1. Throttle - Military or below, as required. Do not attempt to relight the after- burner as the engine may flameout (after which it cannot be restarted clue to reduced rpm). 2. RPM and EGT - Maintain within limits. Compressor stall is likely, and EGT will probably rise. 3. Land as soon as practicable. 3-9 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 FIRE ENGINE FIRE DURING TAKEOFF - TAKEOFF REFUSED If either fire warning light illuminates be- fore leaving the ground and the takeoff is refused: 1. ABORT. Accomplish ABORT procedure, this section, as necessary. Z. THROTTLE - OFF. Affected engine only. Positively identify the affected engine before retarding the throttle. 3. EMERGENCY FUEL SHUTOFF SWITCH - FUEL OFF. 4. Shutdown operating engine after stopping. 5. Seat pin - Insert if time permits. 6. Abandon aircraft. ABORT The abort procedure assumes that a deci- sion to abort will be made before rotation speed is reached. Aborts from above ro- tation speed are not prohibited, but the risks associated with aborting from such a high initial speed at takeoff weight must be balanced against1hose of continuing a takeoff when making the decision. In gen- eral, after rotation speed is reached, the most reasonable course of action is to con- tinue rather than abort unless the emer- gency is such that the aircraft can not fly. Engine Management Both throttles should be retarded to IDLE and the brakes applied with the nose down as soon as the decision to abort is made. Reaction time and residual thrust will usu- ally cause airspeed to continue increasing until engine rpm begins to decrease. The planned rotation speed may be exceeded as a result; however, the nosewheel should be kept on the runway to take advantage of nosewheel steering in combination with rudder control. Shutdown of one engine will shorten the stopping distance, but shutdown is not necessary unless the drag chute does not operate properly. In the event of chute failure, shutdown the right engine after both are idling, or complete the shutdown of a failed or flamed out engine. WARNING I Wait until rpm and EGT show that both engines are idling or that one engine is failing before selecting the engine to shutdown. Loss of both engines may result in loss of hydraulic pressure for braking. Aircraft Attitude, With Decision to Abort Lower the nose and energize the brakes sim- ultaneously with nosewheel contact. When rotation is well advanced, the aircraft may accelerate beyond takeoff speed and lift off before rotation can be checked. In this case, hold the aircraft off sufficiently to regain control and then touch down without sideslip if possible. Fly the aircraft back to the runway, attempting to regain the center. 3-10 Changed 15 March 1968 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 A-12 Page 3-10 Aircraft Attitude, With Decision to Abort Delete the present text and replace with the following: SECTION III Page 2 of 3 TDC No. 8 15 March 1 968 Lower the nose and energize the brakes simultaneously with nosewheel contact. When rotation is well advanced, the aircraft may accelerate beyond takeoff speed and lift off before rotation can be checked. In this case, hold the aircraft off sufficiently to regain control and then touch down without sideslip if possible. Fly the aircraft back to the runway, attempting to regain the center. Page 3-11 Chute Deployment Delete the present text and replace with the following: The drag chute requires 4 to 5 seconds for deployment after drag chute actuation. It is permissible to actuate the deploy handle while deceler- ating in anticipation of reaching 210 KLAS; however, premature deploy- ment can result in destruction of the chute. Actuation of the chute system so as to reach 210 K1AS simultaneously with loading of the chute is not recommended unless the risk is justified by a very marginal distance re- maining situation. Page 3-11 ABORT PROCEDURE Step 4 DRAG CHUTE DEPLOY Change to 210 KIAS (was 190 K1AS). Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION ILI Chute Deployment The drag chute requires 4 to 5 seconds for deployment after drag chute actuation. It is permissible to actuate the deploy handle while decelerating in anticipation of reaching 210 KIAS; however, premature deployment can result in destruction of the chute. Ac- tuation of the chute system so as to reach 210 KIAS simultaneously with loading of the chute is not recommended unless the risk is justified by a very marginal distance re- maining situation. Brake Switch The normal ANTI-SKID ON brake switch setting provides nosewheel steering and braking power from the L hydraulic system and anti-skid protection. It is not necessary to change the switch setting unless the left hydraulic pressure has failed or anti-skid off is desired. Selection of ANTI-SKID OFF or ALT STEER & BRAKE causes the ANTI- SKID OUT warning light on the annunciator panel to illuminate. ABORT PROCEDURE WARNING I Do not unfasten the lap belt or shoulder harness until the air- craft haa come to a stop. The landing gear should be left in the extended position. � 1. THROTTLES - IDLE. Retard both throttles to IDLE. Do not at- tempt to shut down either engine immedi- ately unless failure to do so would vitally endanger the aircraft. 2. NOSE WHEEL STEERING - ENGAGE. 3. BRAKES - OPTIMUM BRAKING. For dry runway: use moderate to heavy brake pressure. For wet runway: use light to moderate brake pressure. 4. DRAG CHUTE - DEPLOY. The limit airspeed for drag chute deployment is 210 KIAS. 5. BRAKE SWITCH - As required. Set the brake switch to ALT STEER & BRAKE when the L hydraulic system is below normal pressure due to system or left engine failure. Selection of ALT STEER & BRAKE changes the source of brake pres- sure from the L to the R hydraulic system and disables the anti-skid system. 6. Shut down one engine (if necessary). Shut down of one engine is considered necessary in the event of drag chute failure. If drag chute fails to deploy, use DRAG CHUTE FAILURE Procedure, this section. Shut down the right engine if both engines are idling or if the right engine has failed. Shut down the left engine if it has failed. WARNING II Positively identify the failed engine before attempting engine shutdown. Changed 15 March 1968 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 3-11 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 DRAG CHUTE FAILURE If the drag chute should fail to deploy and stopping distance is critical, proceed as follows: Dry Runway 1. LOWER NOSE IMMEDIATELY. 2. NOSEWHEEL STEERING - ENGAGE. 3. BRAKES - AS REQUIRED UP TO MAX- IMUM BRAKING. 4. RIGHT ENGINE THROTTLE - OFF, IF REQUIRED. 5. HOLD AS MUCH UP ELEVON AS POS- SIBLE AND STILL KEEP THE NOSE- WHEEL ON RUNWAY FOR DIREC- TIONAL CONTROL. Wet Or Icy Runway 1. LOWER NOSE. a. LANDING - AT 110 KIAS b. ABORT - IMMEDIATELY AT 190 KIAS. 2. NOSEWHEEL STEERING - ENGAGE. 3. BRAKES SWITCH - NORM. 4. BRAKES - MAXIMUM PRESSURE. 5. RIGHT ENGINE THROTTLE - OFF. 6. HOLD AS MUCH UP ELEVON AS POS- SIBLE, BUT KEEP THE NOSEWHEEL ON THE RUNWAY FOR DIRECTIONAL CONTROL. NOTE This wet or icy runway technique will probably blow the tires early in the landing roll; however, direc- tional control can still be maintained and the blown tires will remain on the wheels. Additional pedal pres- sure will be required as each tire blows. Maximum wing aerodynamic braking is more effective than wheel braking on a wet or icy runway until the nose is lowered but the nose up attitude must not be held to a point that the nosewheel will slam onto the runway. Use of maximum possible up elevon after the nose is lowered while keeping the nose- wheel on the runway provides aero- dynamic drag and additional down load on the main wheels. FUEL SYSTEM FUEL PRESSURE LOW WARNING If one or both FUEL PRESS LOW warning lights illuminate during takeoff, abort if airspeed and runway length remaining per- mit. If airborne or if an abort is not pos- sible: 1. CROSSFEED - PRESS ON. 2. Tanks with fuel - Press on. 3. Analyze difficulty and attempt to re- store normal sequencing. Illumination of both fuel pressure low warning lights indicates loss of all boost pumps. This can only result from multiple failures. If this occurs during takeoff, tank pressurization will supply sufficient fuel to the engine dri- ven pumps to maintain engine operation. WARNING Fuel can not be dumped with com- plete boost pump failure. Use caution and observe operating limits of Section V if a heavy weight land- ing is required. After fuel pressure restored: 4. Crossfeed - Press off. If normal operation can not be restored: 6. Land as soon as possible. 3-12 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 With crossfeed on, more fuel may 'tend to feed from the forward tanks and cause an aft c. g. shift. Before landing, c. g. should be checked carefully. LANDING GEAR AND TIRES MAIN OR NOSE GEAR TIRE FAILURE Failure of a main gear tire during takeoff will overload the remaining tires on that side when takeoff weight exceeds 120,000 lb. This may be precipitate additional tire failures before normal takeoff speed can be reached or before the aircraft can be stop- ped, depending on speed and the time of failure. As each main gear tire loss de- creases the available brake energy capa- city by one-sixth, ability to stop from high speed is largely dependent on effectiveness of the drag chute. Failure of a nosewheel tire is not expected to generate a second tire failure, but it may not be possible to determine immedi- ately whether a nose or main gear tire has failed. In either case, engine or structural damage may be sustained from tire fragments. Depending on the airspeed attained and whether or not engine damage is indicated, a takeoff may be preferable to aborting. The following procedure is recommended when a main or nose gear tire failure is suspected during the takeoff run: 1. ABORT /F SPEED PERMITS. 2. ANTI-SKID OFF. Set the anti-skid switch OFF prior to brake application. Brake with steady application of pressure to avoid spin- up of the blown tire. If takeoff is continued: 3. DO NOT RETRACT GEAR until checked. 4. Brake switch - NORM-SKID OFF. Anti-skid off must be selected in order to stop the wheels rapidly after takeoff, as braking is disabled with anti-skid ON when gear down selected and there is no weight on the gear. 5. Brake wheels to a stop. The blown tire(s) must be stopped in order to minimize the possiblility of damage to the aircraft. 6. Request confirmation of tire and air- craft condition. The gear should not be retracted until a visual check has been made by another aircraft or by ground personnel. If loss of one or more tires is verified, the gear should be left extended and a landing made as soon as practicable. 7. Land when practicable. EMERGENCY GEAR RETRACTION If the gear lever cannot be moved to the UP position after takeoff: 1. Gear override button - Press and hold. 2. Landing gear lever - UP. This overrides the solenoid which is nor- mally actuated by the landing gear switch. WARNING Improper use of this procedure may cause gear retraction while on the ground. Once energized, the gear lever must be recycled to the DOWN position in order to bring the ground safety switch back into the circuit. 3-13/3-14 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 IN-FLIGHT EMERGENCIES EMERGENCY ESCAPE Escape from the aircraft in flight should be made with the ejection seat. The following is a summary of ejection expectations: a. At sea level, wind blast exerts only minor forces on the body up to 525 KIAS; appreciable forces from 525 to 600 KIAS; and excessive forces above 600 KIAS. The aircraft limit airspeed is below these speeds. CAUTION Flights with oxygen mask and re- gulator are restricted to below FL 500 and below 420 KEAS because of wind blast forces anticipated in the event of ejection. Before actual ejection,air speed should be reduced to subsonic and as slow as conditions permit. b. Ejection at 65 KIAS and above during takeoff or landing run results in suc- cessful chute deployment. c. The free fall from high altitude down to 15,000 feet with drogue chute stabili- zation will result in stabilized descent in the quickest manner. During any low altitude ejection, the chance for success can be greatly increased by zooming the aircraft to exchange excess airspeed for altitude. Ejection should be accomplished while the aircraft is in a level or climbing attitude. A climbing or level attitude will result in a more nearly vertical trajectory for the seat and crew members, thus providing more altitude and time for seat separation and parachute deployment. The zero altitude capability of this aircraft should not be used as a basis for delaying ejection if ejection is necessary. Aircraft accident statistics emphatically show a progressive decrease in successful ejec- tions as ejection altitude is decreased be- low 2000 feet; therefore, whenever possible, eject above 2000 feet. BEFORE EJECTION Before ejection, when time and conditions permit: 1. Altitude - Reduce so that the pressure suit is not essential to survival. 2. Airspeed - Reduce to subsonic and as slow as conditions permit. 3. Head aircraft toward unpopulated area. 4. Transmit location and intentions to nearest radio facility. 5. IFF - EMER position. 6. Lower helmet visor. 7. Green apple - Pull if above 15,000 feet. EJECTION To accomplish an emergency escape using the ejection seat proceed as follows: 1. ASSUME PROPER BODY POSITION. Sit erect with head against head rest. If possible, cross arms to pull ejection ring to assist in keeping arms close to body. 2. PULL EJECTION "D" RING. If seat fails to eject after normal delay, con- tinue with the following: 3-'15 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 . JETTISON CANOPY. Use canopy jettison handle. If canopy still does not jettison, open canopy and allow it to blow off into the air stream. 4. PULL EJECTION T-HANDLE. WARNING Do not pull the T-handle with the canopy still in place. Keep elbows close to sides and feet firmly against seat while pulling the ejection T-handle since the foot retractors and knee guards will not actuate. AFTER EJECTION After clear of aircraft if not automatically separated from seat: 1. Manual cable cutter ring - Pull. Z. Seat belt - Open. 3. Kick loose from seat. 4. Parachute arming lanyard - Pull. If at high altitude after drogue chute sta- bilizes free fall: 5. Extend arms to control spinning. When drogue chute releases: 6. Feet together. After drogue chute separation, backward tumbling tendency oc- curs. Feet together prevents pilot chute deployment between legs. PARACHUTE LANDINGS After main chute opens: Over Land - High Altitude a. At approximately 2000 feet,release your survival kit. Pull handle completely free of the kit. b. At approximately 1000 feet, roll - safety Rocket Jet roll bars up. c. Prepare to land. d. After landing,release one side of your parachute to prevent being dragged by winds. Over Land - Low Altitude a. Release kit immediately after parachute opening shock. b. Prepare to land. Over Water - High Altitude a. Open face plate and extend microphone boom to hold open. b. Disconnect emergency oxygen hose leads. c. Loosen chest strap. WARNING Failure to loosen chest strap be- fore inflating flotation gear may result in inability to breathe. d. Pull out life vest oral inflation tube and check open valve. e. Disconnect vent hose. f. Inflate life vest - time permitting, close oral inflation valve. 3-16 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 1500 to 2000 feet, release survival kit. SECTION III A-12 BAILOUT WITH EJECTION SEAT INOPERATIVE h. Roll riser release safety bars to the up If the seat fails to eject, the followi.ng pro- position (RI releases). cedure should be used to leave the aircraft. i. Place left forearm through the "V" formed by the left risers. 1. Airspeed - 250 to 300 KEAS. i� Place right hand on left riser release, feet together and knees slightly bent. 2. 3. Green apple - Pull. Foot spurs - Release. k. Push up on the left riser release on contact with water, releasing canopy. 4. Personal leads - Disconnect. Disconnect oxygen supply hoses at the 1. m. Release other (right) side of the canopy. Pull raft to you for additional support. quick disconnect, and suit vent hose at the controller. n. Disconnect the survival kit lanyard 5. Trim full nose down, roll inverted. from the right side of the parachute harness. 6. Lean forward. o. Remove spurs before boarding raft. 7. Release seat belt (and control stick, simulataneously) and drop out. Spurs must be removed to prevent puncturing raft. p. Remove parachute harness before boarding raft. q. Board raft. Over Water - Low Altitude a. Immediately inflate outer garment after parachute opens. b. Release survival kit. c. Roll Rocket Jet release roll bars up. Jettison canopy upon contact with water. d. Follow standard procedures in water. When clear of aircraft: 8. Pull parachute arming lanyard. 9. Prepare for landing. Preparations for landing are the same as for ejection procedure. 3-17 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 FIRE NOTE FIRE WARNING IN FLIGHT Illumination of a FIRE warning light indi- cates a nacelle compartment temperature above approximately 1050 F. An immedi- ate check should be made for abnormal EGT and, if possible, for trailing smoke or any other indication of fire. In case of doubt, assume that a fire does exist and proceed as follows: 1. THROTTLE - MILITARY (AFFECTED ENGINE). If light remains on: 2. THROTTLE - IDLE ABOVE MINIMUM CONTROL SPEED. If light still remains on: 3. THROTTLE - OFF. If fire warning light extinguishes while shutting down the engine, do not attempt a restart. 4. EMERGENCY FUEL SHUTOFF SWITCH- FUEL OFF. WARNING Shutting off the fuel if speed above approximately Mach 2.2, may cause engine oil to overheat and result in engine failure. Shutting off the fuel may also cause additional emer- gencies due to loss of the associated aircraft cooling systems. Reduced Mach number decreases cooling requirements because of lower en- vironmental temperatures. If it is the left engine which is sus- pected and has been shut down, the cockpit air switch should be placed in the EMER position. 5. CHECK FOR OTHER INDICATIONS OF FIRE. At pilot's discretion, if fire confirmed or confirmation not possible and light remains on: 6. EJECT. Attempt to descend from extremely high altitude prior to ejection. If there is no fire: 7. Land as soon as possible. SMOKE OR FUMES The pilot cannot detect fumes when wearing a pressure suit. The helmet oxygen system is independent of the cockpit and suit air supply. Smoke can be eliminated promptly by dumping cabin pressure unless smoke is entering the cockpit from the air condition- ing system. WARNING Cockpit depressurization will occur at an extremely rapid rate and the pilot will be dependent on his pressure suit for altitude protection. If the smoke is introduced by the cockpit air supply system, switch the cockpit system to EMERG. The defog system should be off at all times when not required. If smoke is entering the cockpit from the air conditioning system: 1. Cockpit air switch - EMER. 3-18 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 2. Defog switch - OFF if not required. If smoke or fumes cannot be controlled: 3. Initiate emergency descent. ELECTRICAL FIRE The pilot must depend on visual detection of electrical fire when wearing a pressure suit since he cannot smell the characteristic odor. 1. Isolate the malfunction. Turn off electrical systems in order to isolate the malfunction(s). If neces- sary, deactivate suspected systems by pulling circuit breakers. The battery and one generator may be turned off without adverse effect on essential systems; however, both generators should not be off simul- taneously unless absolutely necessary as this would shut down all fuel boost pumps. 2. Leave failed system off. If required: 3. Cockpit pressure dump switch - DUMP. 4. Land as soon as possible. EMERGENCY DESCENT If extreme conditions require a rapid descent: 1. THROTTLES - IDLE. 2. RESTART SWITCHES - BOTH (SIMULTANEOUSLY) 3. AFT BYPASS SWITCHES - OPEN. Setting this configuration provides the least probability of asymmetric unstart, high drag, and the best means for avoiding inlet roughness during the descent. Set the aft bypass CLOSED if engine speed is maintained at or near the Military rpm schedule. Engine stalls will occur below Mach 2.6 if the forward and aft bypass are open with rpm at or near Military speed. 4. Airspeed --Adjust between 350 to 400 KEAS. WARNING I Do not exceed 450 KEAS or 1.6 g load factor. If necessary, reduce rate of descent to maintain positive fuel tank pressure. Increase rpm if high suit inflow temperatures are experienced. 5. Forward transfer switch - FWD TRANS. For rapid descents during which aircraft control has become or may become critical (i. e., pilot emergency, aft c. g. location with boost pumps inoperative) a minimum use of flight controls is recommended. This may include non-turning flight until lower speeds are attained. If aircraft control is not a critical consideration (i.e., low ON oxygen quantity) a spiral descent is very effective in providing a more rapid loss of altitude. When initial CIT is high, engine damage can be expected as the deceleration Mach rates specified in Section V will be exceeded. In descending through the transonic region, the nose will be between 10 and 30 degrees below the horizon. 3-19 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 Turns causing appreciable load factor should be avoided while descending through the 50,000 foot level as the pitch SAS gain switching will cause a transient "bump" which may increase load factor to near limit value. When subsonic: 6. Landing gear lever - DOWN. (Below gear limit speed.) WARNING Gear extension at supersonic speeds is forbidden. If the landing gear is extended above 300 KEAS or Mach 0.9, the landing gear doors will be damaged if sideslip exists. Extending the landing gear at speeds above Mach 2.3 may cause heat damage to tires and result in a hazardous landing condition. With gear extended, a large nose-up pitch moment occurs in the speed range of Mach 1.6 to 0.9. Full nose-down elevon will be insufficient to maintain 1-g flight at high KEAS and/or aft c. g. in this area. FUEL DUMPING PROCEDURE Normal fuel dumping provides a means of reducing gross weight rapidly in the event of an emergency. All tanks containing fuel except for tank 1 will empty in the normal fuel tank usage sequence. Tank 1 will not be dumped, as its boost pumps are held off by actuation of the fuel dump switch and manual actuation of the tank 1 boost pump selector turns dumping off. When the fuel dump switch is in the DUMP position, fuel dumping will continue only until the fuel level in tank 4 reaches 5000 pounds. When the EMER position is selected, dumping will continue until all fuel excluding tank 1 is expended. To increase the dump rate, man- ually select boost pumps for all tanks con- taining fuel (except tank 1). NORMAL FUEL DUMPING Accomplish normal fuel dumping as follows: 1. Fuel dump switch - DUMP. 2. Fuel quantity - Alternately monitor TOTAL fuel and tank 4 fuel. 3. Fuel dump switch - OFF when 5000 pounds remain in tank 4. EMERGENCY FUEL DUMPING If the fuel level in tank 4 has prematurely reached the 5000 pound level and dumping is required (excessive fuel in tanks 3, 5 or 6), proceed as follows: 1. Fuel dump switch - EMER. 2. Tanks 3, 5 or 6 containing fuel - Press on. 3. Forward transfer switch - FWD TRANS (if required). 4. Fuel quantity - Alternately monitor tanks 1 and 4. When tank 1 quantity reads 4000 pounds: 5. Forward transfer switch - OFF. When required amount of fuel remains: 6. Fuel dump switch - OFF. 3-20 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 A-12 WARNING The boost pumps in tank 1 are in- operative until the EMER dump is turned OFF or tank 1 pumps are selected manually. The EMER dump must be turned to OFF or DUMP to assure automatic avail- ability of fuel remaining in tank 1 at termination of fuel dumping. FORWARD FUEL TRANSFER AND FUEL DUMPING PROCEDURE Forward fuel transfer and fuel dumping may be accomplished simultaneously as follows: 1. Fuel dump switch - DUMP. 2. Forward transfer switch - FWD TRANS. 3. Fuel quantity - Alternately monitor tanks 1 and 4. When tank 1 fuel quantity reads 4000 pounds: 4. Forward transfer switch - OFF. 5. Fuel dump switch - OFF when 5000 pounds remain in tank 4. FORCED LANDING OR DITCHING Ditching, landing with both engines inoper- ative, or other forced landing should not be attempted. Ejection is the best course of action. All emergency survival equipment Is carried by the pilot; consequently, there is nothing to be gained by riding the air- plane down. IRUMMEMEUM 1 SECTION III At least one engine must be operating if a forced landing is to be attempted. All forced landings should be made with the landing gear extended regardless of terrain. High airspeed or nose high angle of impact dur- ing landings with gear retracted causes the aircraft to "slap" the ground on impact, subjecting the pilot to possible spinal injury. It is recommended that a gear up landing not be attempted with this aircraft; EJECT instead. PROPULSION SYSTEM The following procedures are to be accom- plished in the event of abnormal operation or failure of a propulsion system component, i. e. , inlet, engine, afterburner, nozzle, fuel control, or lubrication, fuel-hydraulic, or ignition system. INLET DUCT UNSTART Inlet duct unstarts can only occur after supersonic speeds are reached and an inlet has been "started", that is, supersonic flow conditions established inside part of the in- let. Normally, the supersonic flow region extends from the cowl entrance to a position near the inlet throat when inlet flow condi- tions are optimized. A shock wave is formed at the boundary between supersonic and subsonic flow conditions in the inlet. When an inlet unstarts, the internal shock wave is expelled and a "normal" shock wave forms ahead of the cowl. Flow within the inlet becomes subsonic and pressure in the inlet decreases. When an inlet alternately starts and unstarts rapidly, the change in inlet pressure which occurs results in severe airframe roughness. Shock expulsion, or unstart, may be caused by inlet airflow becoming greater than 3-21 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 engine requirements and duct bypass capa- bility, spike position too far aft, or abrupt aircraft attitude changes. Improper spike or door positions can result from inlet control error, loss of hydraulic power, or electrical or mechanical failure. Unstarts are usually associated with climb or cruise operations above Mach 2 when at normal engine speeds; however, they may be en- countered during reduced rpm descents at speeds above Mach 1.3. Between Mach 1.3 and 2.2, when near Military rpm, recovery procedures using the restart switch ON 'position may result in compressor stall. Unstarts are generally recognizable by air- frame roughness, loud "banging" noises, aircraft yawing and rolling, and decrease of compressor inlet pressure toward 4 psi. Fuel flow decreases quickly and the after- burner may blow out. EGT usually rises, with the rate of increase being faster when operating near limit Mach number and ceil- ing altitudes. A distinct increase in drag and loss of thrust occurs because of in- creased air spillage around the inlet and re- duced airflow through the engine. The aircraft yaws toward the unstarted inlet during an unstart. This yaw causes a roll in the same direction. Pitch rates are not developed by the inlet unstart, but pitch control problems can occur during associ- ated maneuvering and will be accentuated by aft c, g., high Mach numbers and any pitch rate which existed prior to inlet un- start. During the unstart, primary em- phasis must be placed upon maintaining pitch control in order to prevent nose up pitch rates and angles of attack in excess of eight degrees. Thrust asymmetry should be reduced as soon as possible. Aileron effectiveness is reduced at high altitudes and high angles of attack. Roll control may become critical if the unstart occurs on the inboard inlet during a bank. At altitudes above 75,000 feet, aileron con- trol may be ineffective in controlling roll during an unstart unless the angle of attack is immediately reduced. Aileron effective- ness increases rapidly as the angle of attack is reduced and only moderate aileron inputs will be required to control the roll. An excessive nose down attitude may re- sult in an over speed in KEAS and Mach if the inlets are restarted during a recovery maneuver. Therefore the restart switches should remain on until speed and attitude are fully under control. The roughness usually clears after the for- ward bypass doors open and the spikes are started forward manually or automatically; however, as much as five to eight seconds may be required for the spikes to reach the full forward position. Roughness may per- sist until the spikes are fully forward dur- ing restarts at design Mach number. Inlet pressure should be checked during re- covery. Moderate CIP increases will occur as the inlet "clears" or restarts, and when the spike retracts to form the inlet throat farther aft. Return of the forward bypass doors to their normal operating schedule should result in a further CIP increase to normal operating values. In automatic operation, unstarts which are caused by improper spike scheduling limit aircraft speed to Mach numbers below that for the unstarted condition. Manual sche- duling procedure is necessary if the air- craft is to be accelerated further. If an unstart results from marginal bypass sche- duling however, it may be possible to con- tinue at speed by adjusting the forward or aft inlet bypass doors to positions which maintain stable flow conditions. In general, if engine speed is maintained, less bypass area is required as limit Mach number is approached. Figure 3-4 shows the operating conditions where airframe roughness will occur due to unstable inlet airflow conditions. The un- start boundaries are a function of Mach num- ber, engine speed, and spike and bypass door positions. The smallest roughness area occurs below the idle rpm range with the forward and aft bypass doors open and spike full forward. A more extensive area occurs with the bypass doors open but with 3-22 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 A-12 INLET UNSTART BOUNDARIES SPIKE: FORWARD FORWARD BYPASS: OPEN OR RESTART: ON ROTOR SPEED - RPM 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 din gr, 121111311111111=BUR 111011111101=MMIIIIMI uncommunateinnlii InItg NMIME 11,-fiataat ME smasW passi._ MEW� NAM MVP 1M ejaan ENGIN 0 05 STANDARD DAY - Based On Mach And FAT For Std. Day At 400 KEAS NOTE: Unstart boundaries will increase approximately 150 RPM for each 10�C temperature increase above ambient standard day temperature. Unstart Boundaries Indicate The Minimum RPM Obtainable Without Unstart For A Specific Mach And Inlet Configuration NOMINAL MILITARY SPEED - 400 KEAS 1.0 15 MACH NUMBER Figure 3-4 (Sheet 1 of 2) 4 20 YJ ENGINES - YJ-1 ENGINES WITH HAMILTON STANDARD MAIN FUEL CONTROL FWD BY PASS,- OPEN-AFT - CLOSED E ' . . 4!1-FT - OPEN-110: . �4:x: 2.5 30 3-23 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 NLET UNSTART BOUNDARIES STANDARD DAY - Based On Mach And FAT For Std. Day At 400 KEAS Unstart boundaries will increase approximately 150 RPM for each 10�C temperature increase above ambient standard day temperature. Unstart Boundaries Indicate The Minimum RPM Obtainable Without Unstart For A Specific Mach And Inlet Configuration NOMINAL MILITARY SPEED - 400 KEAS'' ENGINE INTERNAL BLEED SCHEDULE YJ ENGINES - YJ-1 ENGINES WITH HAMILTON STANDARD MAIN FUEL CONTROL FWD BY PASS - CLOSED�AFT - CLOSED FWD BY PASS OPEN.-AFT - CLOSED AFT - OPEN Unstarts Will Occur At Any RPM Lower Than The Levels Defined By These Curves 3-24 Figure 3-4 (Sheet 2 of 2) Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 A-12 the spike moving in accordance with the automatic schedule. In both cases, the on- set of inlet airflow instability occurs earlier, i.e., at higher engine speeds, with the by- pass doors closed. At windmilling rpm, heavy roughness will occur in the speed range above Mach 1.3 regardless of spike and door positions. In the event of an unstart, accomplish only those of the following steps which are neces- sary to clear the inlet and return to normal operation. Shut down the engine if an EGT overtemperature exists for more than five seconds, then restart the inlet and the engine as soon as possible. In the event an inlet duct unstarts, proceed as follows: 1. SIMULTANEOUSLY DISENGAGE AUTO- PILOT, REDUCE ANGLE OF ATTACK, AND SELECT BOTH RESTART SWITCHES ON. WARNING I Do not attempt to clear the un- started inlet by placing only one restart switch on. BOTH THROTTLES - MILITARY. 3. MAINTAIN ATTITUDE CONTROL - OPTIMIZE PITCH AND ROLL. 4. AIRSPEED - ADJUST TOWARD 350 KEAS. DO NOT EXCEED MACH 3.1. - SECTION III If roughness does not clear after 10 seconds: 5. AFT BYPASS switch - OPEN. When roughness clears: 6. Aft bypass switch - Normal schedule. 7. Restart Switches - FWD BYPASS OPEN (individually) 8. Restart switches - OFF (individually). After inlet starts: 9. Fuel derichrnent arming switch - Recycle below 790�C EGT if derich actuated. 10. Throttles - As required. If unstarts repeat or inlet roughness does not clear: 11. Engine and inlet instrument and hy- draulic pressure - Check. 12. Repeat procedure. If unstarts persist: 13. Attempt inlet restart and operation using manual inlet controls. INLET CONTROL MALFUNCTION Automatic Spike Control Malfunction Manual spike control is necessary if an automatic spike control manfunctions. In this event, the spike and forward and aft bypass must be operated manually as pre- scribed in the schedule table. Use of the AUTO forward bypass setting results in open forward doors when manual spike positions are selected. 3-25 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 Automatic Forward Bypass Control Malfunction With the automatic spike control operating normally, there are two options available for control of the forward bypass doors in the event their automatic control malfunc- tions. The manual bypass schedule table may be used, or, if the opposite side inlet controls are operating normally, the for- ward bypass manual setting may be adjusted to provide CIF) which is at least 1 psi below the normal side indication. Note that dur- ing automatic spike and manual bypass op-- eration, bypass position is controlled only by the pilot, and bypass position is not af- fected by spike position. Therefore, it is necessary to anticipate changes in flight speed or attitude which affect matching of the CIP indications. Operation With Manual Inlet Control Maximum allowable speed is Mach 3.0. Manual inlet scheduling must not be used above 80,000 feet. To increase longitudinal stability, sufficient fuel should be transferred forward to obtain at least 0o pitch trim. This decreases the possibility of making inadvertent attitude changes which would affect CIP matching. Nose down pitch trim is an indication of ad- verse cg for this condition. However, the need for forward transferring should be weighed against the decrease in ceiling and range capability associated with increased pitch trim requirements at forward c. g. Maximum bank angles of 30 degrees are permissible at speeds up to Mach 3.0. How- ever, when a small heading change is de- sired, using a smaller bank angle will re- duce the possibility of an unstart. When 20 degrees bank angle will be exceed- ed, the forward bypass should be adjusted to one position number lower than specified in the manual schedule; then the spike should be adjusted to 0.1 Mach number position less than indicated by the TDI. After completion of the turn, the inlet controls may be read- justed to the manual schedule. The spike should be reset first, then the forward by- pass. MANUAL SPIKE SCHEDULE The following schedule must be used when automatic scheduling is ineffective. Acceleration - Lag Mach number by 0.1 Mach Cruise - Match Mach number. Deceleration - Lead Mach number by 0.1 Mach (e.g., spike at 1.9, Mach setting at 2.0 Mach on TDI). MANUAL BYPASS SCHEDULE The following schedule must be used with manual spike scheduling. It is optional when the spike and opposite inlet are op- erating normally. Condition Mach Fwd Byp. Aft Byp. Acceler- Above ation & 1.7 Cruise Acceler- Above ration & 2.8 Cruise Pos. B Set at least 1 psi CIP below the stripped CLOSED pointer. Deceler- ALL Open ation INLET UNSTABLE CLOSED Unstable inlet conditions which produce inlet and airframe roughness occur at supersonic speeds when an inlet alternately unstarts and restarts rapidly, usually during decel- eration at reduced rpm. Inlet unstart pro- cedures are used first, except that the 3-26 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 throttle normally is reset to provide Mili- tary rpm instead of afterburning thrust after the unstart is cleared. Subsequent settings may be made as desired. Refer to procedure for compressor stalls in descent. Failure of a Spike to Schedule or Inlet Spike Unstable A combination of unsymmetrical thrust and low compressor inlet pressure on one side when accelerating between Mach 1.6 and Mach 2 indicates that a spike has failed to move aft on the proper schedule. This may be caused by failure of the spike forward lock to disengage above 30,000 feet altitude. Spike instability is reflected by fluctuations of the respective hydraulic pressure gage. If spike oscillations are of large amplitude the gage fluctuations will be several hun- dred psi and will be indicated on the spike position indicators. If an unstable spike or failure to schedule is suspected, proceed as follows: 1. Spike position - Check while between 1.6 and 2.0 Mach number. 2. Spike control - Cycle FWD then return to AUTO. If condition continues: 3. Forward bypass control - Manual schedule. 4. Spike control - Manual schedule. As higher Mach number is reached: 5. Spike and forward bypass controls AUTO. If condition recurs or continues: 6. Operate per spike and bypass manual schedule. COMPRESSOR STALLS Acceleration and/or Overtrim These stalls usually result from EGT up- trim and are most prevalent during throttle application at subsonic speeds and low com- pressor inlet temperatures. They may also occur with constant throttle settings at or below Military at any airspeeds. Re- tarding the throttle should result in the fast- est stall recovery. Downtrim and readjust- ment of the throttle should result in proper engine operation. 1. THROTTLES - RETARD UNTIL STALL CLEARS. 2. EGT trim switches - HOLD DOWN 1 to 3 seconds. 3. THROTTLES - As desired. 4. If stall persists repeat above procedure. 5. If stall cannot be cleared - Land as soon as possible. Compressor Stalls in Descent The airframe roughness characteristics felt during compressor stalls at supersonic speeds are very similar to those which oc- cur during inlet unstarts. If roughness is encountered, an unstart condition is more likely while above Mach 2.5 when spike scheduling is at fault. A compressor stall condition is more likely at lower super- sonic speeds when at or near Military rpm with excessive bypass door opening. The normal descent procedure tends to avoid conditions which may result in compressor stalls, but excessive rpm reduction or spike too far aft precipitates unstarts. (See figure 34.) It is best to employ the un- start procedure first in the event of inlet disturbances until it is apparent that the spike is scheduling and that spike forward 3-27 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 STALL BOUNDARIES SPIKE: FORWARD FORWARD BYPASS: OPEN OR RESTART : ON ROTOR SPEED - RPM 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 STANDARD DAY - Based On Mach And FAT For Std. Day At 400 KEAS Stall Boundaries Indicate The Maximum RPM Obtainable Stall-Free For A Specific Mach And Inlet Configuration 417+ IVY iLE NOMINAL MILITARY SPEED -.4110 KEAS 0 0.5 1.0 t. YJ ENGINES - YJ-1 ENGINES WITH HAMILTON STANDARD MAIN FUEL CONTROL Stalls Are Probable At Any RPM Higher Than The Levels Defined By These Curves �'AFT ' BY PASS - CLOSED '''' . ............. . ' � 15 MACH NUMBER 2.0 2.5 444 : : : :��� -1:14t; : 3.0 3-28 Figure 3 - 5 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION LII A-12 is ineffective in clearing the roughness. The throttle should then be retarded slowly to the idle stop if necessary, until roughness stops and the compressor stall is cleared. Maintain this configuration for the remain- der of the descent until subsonic airspeeds are reached. 1. Restart switch - ON. 2. Throttle - Reduce rpm slowly until stall clears. When subsonic: 3. Restart switch - OFF. ENGINE FLAMEOUT Windmilling operation at speeds between Mach 1.5 and 2.3 may result in heavy inlet roughness as illustrated by figure 3-4. If an immediate air start cannot be obtained before the engine stabilizes at windmilling speeds, adjust airspeed to obtain 375 KEAS or at least 7 psia CIP before making further attempts. Engine flameout with afterburners on or off should be treated identically except for -initial throttle positioning after the flame- out occurs. If flameout occurs with after- burners ON, the throttles should be re- tarded to minimum afterburner position to reduce thrust asymmetry. If afterburners , are OFF at flameout the operating engine should be set to the thrust required by flight conditions. When an engine flameout is con- firmed by crosschecking EGT, fuel flow, rpm and EN?, proceed as follows: 1. THROTTLES - AS REQUIRED, 2.. DETERMINE FLAMED OUT ENGINE. 3. ACCOMPLISH AIR START PROCEDURE. If start is not successful - Failed engine: 4. Throttle - OFF. 5. Generator - TRIP. 6. CROSSFEED light - Check on. 7. Compressor inlet pressure normal range - Check above 7 psia. 8. Throttle - Half open. (Check TEB re- maining). NOTE If necessary, continue air start attempts as long as TEB supply remains unless an obvious me- chanical failure has occurred. After start: 9. Throttles and cockpit switches - As re- quired. If mechanical failure obvious or unable to start engine: 10. Throttle - OFF. 11. Failed engine inlet air forward and aft bypass door controls - OPEN above Mach 1.4. 12. Cockpit air switch - EMER if left engine failed. 13. Establish single engine cruise. DOUBLE ENGINE FLAMEOUT When altitude permits: 1. ATTEMPT AIR START. When altitude is critical, or engines will not start: 2. EJECT. 3-29 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III WINDMILLING GLIDE DISTANCE A-12 PRESSURE ALTITUDE - 1000 FT 90, CONDITIONS BOTH ENGINES WINDMILLING 60,000 LB GROSS WEIGHT SPIKES*; FORWARD FWD & AFT BYPASS OPEN CONSTANT MACH NO. DESCENTS 3.20 3.05 6.5 80, 70 60 50 2.90 6 4 375 KEAS 413.' 304 20 1101 TIME TO 10,000 FT - MIN. 01 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 DESCENT DISTANCE - NAUTICAL MILES 3-30 Figure 3-6 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 AIRSTART PROCEDURE NOTE The reason for initial engine shut- down must be considered prior to Initiation of restart. The recommended condition for airstarts at any Mach number is 375 KEAS with CIF' 7 psi or greater. Air starts should not be attempted at lower inlet pressures, and airspeeds in excess of 400 KEAS should not be required in obtaining 7 psia. Conditions for airstart are more favorable when stable Inlet condition exist; however, starts have been obtained while in roughness. Monitor rpm, EGT and fuel flow while making the start attempt. Allow 15 seconds, after ad- vancing the throttle, for rpm and EGT rise as an indication of successful start. The recommended procedure for airstarts is as follows: 1. THROTTLE - OFF. 2. AIRSPEED - ADJUST TO OBTAIN 7 PSIA CIP. 3. FORWARD BYPASS SWITCH - OPEN. 4. CROSSFEED - ON. 5. THROTTLE - HALF OPEN. After start: 6. Throttle and cockpit switches - As re- quired. If start unsuccessful (after 30 seconds): 7. Throttle - OFF. 8. Repeat AIRSTART attempt (check TEB counter). . The engine shall not be intentionally windmilled at subsonic conditions when CIT is less than 15�C (60�F). If it is necessary to windmill the engine for more than five minutes the engine should not be restarted. If the engine must be restarted dur- ing an in-flight emergency after windmilling in excess of the above limit maintain as high an airspeed as possible to raise the inlet air temperature prior to starting. The engine should then remain at idle until there is an indication the oil has warmed up either by extin- guishing of the oil temperature warning light if it has illuminated or by a normal response of oil pressure to throttle movement to slightly above IDLE. If, following windmill operation in excess of the above limit, the engine must be restarted and operated at � high thrust levels while the oil tem- perature light is illuminated, dur- ation of such operation shall be as brief as possible. GLIDE DISTANCE-BOTH ENGINES INOPERATIVE The windmilling Glide Distance chart, figure 3-6, shows zero-wind distances with both engines win.dmilling. The glide speeds are in the same range as for air start. Some- what slower speeds provide greater range, but reduced capability for successful air- starts. There is sufficient engine rpm for adequate hydraulic pressure to approxi- mately 10,000 feet. WARNING Landing with both engines inoper- ative should not be attempted. Changed 15 March 1968 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 3-31 SECTION III ENGINE SHUTDOWN Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 A-12 3. RESTART SWITCH - ON (in roughness). Engine shutdown should be accomplished in the event of complete engine failure such as seizure or explosion, or in the event of mechanical failure within the engine or en- gine accessories in order to avoid or delay complete engine failure. Mechanical failure situations include uncontrollable oil tem- perature, EGT, or rpm, and abnormal oil pressure, fuel flow, or vibration. Complete failure probably will not permit normal wind- milling operation but, if the engine continues to rotate, cooling fuel will circulate through the engine and aircraft cooling loops with the throttle OFF. An airstart should not be attempted since doing so can result in fire or explosion. Normal windmilling speeds can be expected after shutdown for mechan- ical failure and fuel cooling will continue unless the fuel is shut off. In some cases, airstart may be attempted after mechanical failure when conditions are favorable for control of oil temperature or pressure or EGT. WARNING I Positively identify the failed engine before employing the engine shut- down procedure. If engine shutdown is necessary: 1. AFT BYPASS SWITCH - OPEN. For the affected engine, select the OPEN position of the inlet aft bypass switch in order to delay onset of roughness or inlet unstart when the engine is shut down. 2. THROTTLE - OFF. As the throttle is retarded, pause momentarily at the Military and Idle positions. Set the Restart switch for the affected engine inlet ON when roughness en- cou.ntered. This causes the forward bypass to open and the spike to move forward. Rough- ness will be encountered at approxi- mately Mach 2.4 and may persist to low supersonic speed. If an engine is shut down at subsonic speed, setting the Restart switch ON only opens the forward bypass as the spike is already forward. 4. Generator switch (affected engine) - OFF. Setting the generator switch OFF be- fore the automatic cutout feature op- erates avoids the possiblity of electri- cal transients which might affect the navigation system. 5. Emer fuel shutoff switch - Fuel off if necessary. Fuel shutoff stops flow through one fuel cooling loop system. Depending on ex- isting circumstances, this step may not be desirable or necessary. WARNING I Shutting off fuel to a windmilling engine while at high Mach numbers may cause additional emergencies due to loss of cooling fuel for the engine and aircraft systems. If left engine shutdown: 6. Cockpit air switch - EMER. 7 Hydraulic system - Review SAS and hydraulic services available. Refer to procedures for SAS, flight control system, and hydraulic system emergencies for operating procedures. 3-32 ,Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 8. Control c. g. Refer to use of forward transfer and crossfeed as described under fuel system emergency operating pro- cedures to control c. g. during single engine operation. 9. Land as soon as possible. SINGLE ENGINE FLIGHT CHARACTERISTICS The aircraft design is such that no flight system is dependent on a specific engine; therefore, the loss of an engine will not result in subsequent loss of all hydraulic or electrical systems. If an engine fails at low speed just after takeoff, the large amount of asymmetric thrust may require bank toward the good engine and full rudder for directional control. Refer to figure 3-3 for minimum single engine control sNeedso After regaining control, however, 7 to 9 rudder trim with bank and sideslip toward the good engine provide minimum drag dur- ing acceleration to climb-out speed. Charts showing single engine climbout capabilities are included in the performance data ap- pendix. Acceleration to climb speed and climb to landing pattern altitude can be ac- complished with Maximum thrust on the op- erating engine when a climb capability exists for the operating condition. During single engine cruise, or after climbout, reduction to zero rudder trim and use of bank and sideslip to maintain course provides mini- mum drag. Up to 10 bank toward the good engine may be required. Pitch trim changes can be expected while dumping fuel due to shifting center of gravity as the tanks empty. Directional trim is quite sensitive to changes in airspeed and power settings during landing pattern op- eration. At high speed, engine failure or engine flameout could cause yaw angle to become critical at high rates if an effective damper were not operating. Temporary thrust re- duction on the good engine helps to counter- act the asymmetric thrust condition. Fol- low-up rudder action is necessary. If large yaw angles develop, inlet duct airflow dis- turbances may cause the other engine to stall or flame out. � Roughness, if encountered, is more intense with increasing KEAS and Mach number. The maximum structural loads imposed are severe, but are well below design limits. If airstart attempts are unsuccessful, or if engine failure has occurred, a descent to intermediate altitudes will be necessary. The spike should be forward and bypass doors open on the windmilling engine to de- lay onset of roughness. Note the effect of Mach number and engine rpm on inlet rough- ness as shown by the Inlet Unstart Bound- aries chart, figure 3-5. Descent range can be extended by decelerating with minimum afterburning or Military thrust on the good engine. Base the choice on the power con- dition to be used for single engine cruise. When no airstart is to be attempted, decel- erate at 300 KEAS until subsonic cruise altitude is reached. A bank of up to 10 de- grees with zero rudder trim should be used to achieve best cruise performance. Fuel management during protracted engine out operation should be directed toward maintaining optimum center of gravity con- ditions, making all of the fuel available to the operating engine and, when possible, continuing the fuel cooling of necessary systems. Improper c. g. conditions will be indicated by abnormal pitch trim re- quirements. Changed 15 March 1968 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 3-33 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 Single-Engine Air Refueling Single engine air refueling may be accom- plished using either normal or alternate refueling procedures. Approximately the same control trim and forces as for single engine cruise may be used with bank angles up to 10 . Afterburning on the operative engine will be necessary when near 30,000 feet at normal refueling speed, and a to- boggan may be necessary after approxi- mately 15,000 pounds of fuel are on board. Refuel hook-up may be accomplished with the operative engine near Military power at low altitudes, although lack of excess thrust will make the hook-up more difficult and a continued descent may be necessary as fuel is onloaded. NOTE . Trimming EGT up toward limit values improves refueling alti- tude capability. If the left engine or the left hy- draulic system is inoperative, right hydraulic pressure may be used by placing the brake switch in the ALT STEER & BRAKE position. When using minimum afterburner at intermediate altitudes or with small quantities of fuel remaining, it may be necessary to hook-up while climbing in order to avoid overrunning the tanker. SINGLE ENGINE CRUISE Minimum A/B thrust and Military thrust provides the best levels of single engine cruise performance. Military provides the best range performance, but penalizes the aircraft in altitude capability especially at heavy gross weights. Minimum A/B pro- vides good range performance with an ample altitude capability. The Maximum A/B single engine cruise has ,poor range per- formance and should be only used in cases where the required cruise altitude is higher than the minimum A/B cruise capability. Since hot temperatures adversely effect aircraft ceiling, an altitude capability lower than shown on the charts must be expected on a Hot Day. Refer to Appendix Part IV for single engine cruise performance. AFTERBURNER FLAMEOUT Afterburner flameout can be expected as a result of engine stall or abnormal inlet op- eration, or insufficient airspeed at altitude. Afterburner flameout may be detected by a loss of thrust and by comparison of nozzle position indicators. The flamed-out after- burner nozzle will be noticeably more closed. Fuel will continue to flow from the spray bars until the throttle is retarded to MILITARY. Correct the inlet, engine, or airspeed and altitude condition before at- tempting afterburner relight. At high Mach numbers, the minimum airspeed necessary for afterburner operation is lower with auto- matic scheduling than with spike forward. In the event of afterburner flameout, attempt to relight as follows: 1. Throttle - Retard to Military. 2. Throttle - A/B midrange. Note TEB shot counter number and fuel flow increase. 3. Nozzle position - Check. Check for more open nozzle position. 3-34 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 A-12 8. Control c. g. Refer to use of forward transfer and crossfeed as described under fuel system emergency operating pro- cedures to control c. g. during single engine operation. 9. Land as soon as possible. SINGLE ENGINE FLIGHT CHARACTERISTICS The aircraft design is such that no flight system is dependent on a specific engine; therefore, the loss of an engine will not result in subsequent loss of all hydraulic or electrical systems. If an engine fails at low speed just alter takeoff, the large amount of asymmetric thrust may require bank toward the good engine and full rudder for directional control. Refer to figure 3-3 for minimum single engine control seeds. After regaining control, however, 7 to 9 rudder trim with bank and sideslip toward the good engine provide minimum drag dur- ing acceleration to climb-out speed. Charts showing single engine climbout capabilities are included in the performance data ap- pendix. Acceleration to climb speed and climb to landing pattern altitude can be ac- complished with Maximum thrust on the op- erating engine when a climb capability exists for the operating condition. During single engine cruise, or after climbout, reduction to zero rudder trim and use of bank and sideslip to maintain course provides mini- mum drag. Up to 10 bank toward the good engine may be required. Pitch trim changes can be expected while dumping fuel due to shifting center of gravity as the tanks empty. Directional trim is quite sensitive to changes in airspeed and power settings during landing pattern op- eration. SECTION III At high speed, engine failure or engine flameout could cause yaw angle to become critical at high rates if an effective damper were not operating. Temporary thrust re- duction on the good engine helps to counter- act the asymmetric thrust condition. Fol- low-up rudder action is necessary: If large yaw angles develop, inlet duct airflow dis- turbances may cause the other engine to stall or flame out. Roughness, if encountered, is more intense with increasing KEAS and Mach number. The maximum structural loads imposed are severe, but are well below design limits. If air start attempts are unsuccessful, or if engine failure has occurred, a descent to intermediate altitudes will be necessary. The spike should be forward and bypass doors open on the windmilling engine to de- lay onset of roughness. Note the effect of Mach number and engine rpm on inlet rough- ness as shown by the Inlet Unstart Bound- aries chart, figure 3-5. Descent range can be extended by decelerating with minimum afterburning or Military thrust on the good engine. Base the choice on the power con- dition to be used for single engine cruise. When no airstart is to be attempted, decel- erate at 350 KEAS until subsonic cruise altitude is reached. A bank of up to 10 de- grees with zero rudder trim should be used to achieve best cruise performance. Fuel management during protracted engine out operation should be directed toward maintaining optimum center of gravity con- ditions, making all of the fuel available to the operating engine and, when possible, continuing the fuel cooling of necessary systems. Improper c. g. conditions will be indicated by abnormal pitch trim re- quirements. 3-33 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 Single-Engine Air Refueling Single engine air refueling may be accom- plished using either normal or alternate refueling procedures. Approximately the same control trim and forces as for single engine cruise may be used with bank angles up to 10 . Afterburning on the operative engine will be necessary when near 30,000 feet at normal refueling speed, and a to- boggan may be necessary after approxi- mately 15,000 pounds of fuel are on board. Refuel hook-up may be accomplished with the operative engine near Military power at low altitudes, although lack of excess thrust will make the hook-up more difficult and a continued descent may be necessary as fuel is onloaded.- NOTE .. Trimming EGT up toward limit values improves refueling alti- tude capability. If the left engine or the left hy- draulic system is inoperative, right hydraulic pressure may be used by placing the brake switch in the ALT STEER & BRAKE position. When using minimum afterburner at intermediate altitudes or with small quantities of fuel remaining, it may be necessary to hook-up while climbing in order to avoid overrunning the tanker. SINGLE ENGINE CRUISE Minimum A/B thrust and Military thrust provides the best levels of single engine cruise performance. Military provides the best range performance, but penalizes the aircraft in altitude capability especially at heavy gross weights'. Minimum A/B pro- vides good range performance with an ample altitude capability. The Maximum A/B single engine cruise has poor range per- formance and should be only used in cases where the required cruise altitude is higher than the minimum A/B cruise capability. Since hot temperatures adversely effect aircraft ceiling, an altitude capability lower than shown on the charts must be expected on a Hot Day. Refer to Appendix Part IV for single engine cruise performance. AFTERBURNER FLAMEOUT Afterburner flameout can be expected as a result of engine stall or abnormal inlet op- eration, or insufficient airspeed at altitude. Afterburner flameout may be detected by a loss of thrust and by comparison of nozzle position indicators. The flamed-out after- burner nozzle will be noticeably more closed. Fuel will continue to flow from the spray bars until the throttle is retarded to MILITARY. Correct the inlet, engine, or airspeed and altitude condition before at- tempting afterburner relight. At high Mach numbers, the minimum airspeed necessary for afterburner operation is lower with auto matic scheduling than with spike forward. In the event of afterburner flameout, attempt to relight as follows: 1. - Throttle - Retard to Military. 2. Throttle - A/B midrange. Note TEB shot counter number and fuel flow increase. 3. Nozzle position - Check. Check for more open nozzle position. 3-34 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 If relight not successful: 4. EGT - Increase trim. For CIT above 5oC, trim toward 805oC EGT. For CIT below 5oC, trim toward 825o to 845�C EGT range. Uptrim to the 825� - 845�C EGT range carefully due to possibility of engine surge. If relight by catalytic igniters not success- ful: 5. Igniter purge switch - On for two seconds. The TEB supply will be depleted rapidly if the igniter purge switch is held on for more than two sec- onds. If relight not successful: 6. Throttle - Military. AFTERBURNER CUTOFF FAILURE If the afterburner does not cut off when the throttle is retarded to Military, an attempt can be made to vary the thrust by retarding the throttle below Military. The engine should be shut down if thrust cannot be modulated satisfactorily. The fuel may have to be shut off if the flowmeter indicates that the afterburner is dumping fuel. Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 A-12 AFTERBURNER NOZZLE FAILURE SECTION III Nozzle malfunctions may be indicated by the nozzle position indicator, excessive rpm fluctuations, or failure of the engine to control to schedule speed. This may be accompanied by compressor stall and ex- haust gas overtemperature. Precautionary engine shut down may be necessary. A nozzle failed open condition will be more difficult to recognize at high altitude during afterburner operation near limit KEAS be- cause open nozzle position is normal in these conditions. As altitude increases and KEAS decreases, the nozzle gradually closes to 60 to 80% open as limit altitude is approached. A failed open nozzle will re- sult in abnormally high engine speeds under these conditions. An increase in after- burning throttle position or a reduction in cruise altitude while maintaining cruise Mach number (increasing KEAS) may permit cruise to be continued until the scheduled descent point is reached. Nozzle position and rpm of the normally operating engine can be used as a guide in selection of the lower cruise altitude range where an open nozzle position is normal. Be prepared to use less than Military throttle when the afterburner is shut down. At intermediate altitudes, the nozzle failed open condition may be recognized by re- duction of thrust and an increase in rpm. At low altitude and Mach number it will be necessary to rapidly retard the throttle to a point midway between IDLE and MILI- TARY to keep rpm within limits. The same procedure will apply when altitude and Mach number are decreased and the nozzle failure is detected. If the thrust requirement is critical, such as for take- off, it may be practical to retain Maximum thrust, even with engine over speed, until safe airspeed and altitude are attained. 3-35 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-l2' A nozzle-closed failure can, in most cases, be detected by referring to the nozzle posi- tion indicator on the instrument panel and by analyzing engine symptoms. There are no obvious symptoms of a nozzle failed closed without afterburning because the nozzle is already closed, or nearly so, at Military thrust. EGT and rpm may fluc- tuate together. Either down trim the engine or retard the throttle slightly and check for rpm suppression or ENP change. A nor- mally functioning nozzle will open slightly to maintain engine rpm. In the case of the nozzle failing closed, do not attempt to light the afterburner because the engine may flame out (after which it cannot be restarted due to reduced rpm). If the nozzle fails closed with afterburning, rpm suppression will occur, probably unstarting the inlet shock wave. Compressor stall and after- burner flame out are extremely likely and EGT will probably rise. Nozzle Failed During Cruise When a reduction in thrust or rpm is de- sirable or nozzle failed closed: 1. Throttle - MILITARY or below, as re- quired. 2. RPM and EGT - Maintain in limits. 3. Land as soon as practicable. OIL PRESSURE ABNORMAL Low Oil Pressure A low oil pressure generally indicates an oil system malfunction. If the malfunction causes oil starvation of the engine bearings, the result will be a progressive bearing failure, loss of oil, and subsequent engine seizure. Bearing failure due to oil starva- tion is generally characterized by rapidly increasing vibration. If this occurs in con- junction with gage indication of pressure loss, reduce Mach number and altitude and do the following: 1. Throttle - OFF. 2. Land as soon as practicable. High Oil Pressure High oil pressure does not necessarily in- dicate a hazardous engine operation condi- tion unless accompanied by high oil tem- perature; however, the high pressure con- dition must be reported after flight and the landing should be accomplished as soon as practicable. 3-36 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 A-12 OIL TEMPERATURE ABNORMAL Abnormal high or low oil temperature is in- dicated by illumination of the OIL TEMP warning light. It is unlikely that low oil temperature will occur in flight with the en- gine operating, and a high oil temperature should be assumed. Abnormally high oil temperature could be caused by deficient lu- brication flow or insufficient fuel/oil cooling. Abnormally low oil temp may be indicated before start or after extended windmilling operation at subsonic speeds. In the event of an L or R OIL TEMP warning light il- lumination in flight, proceed as follows: 1. Oil pressure - Check for normal indi- cation. 2. Speed and altitude - Reduce as required if at high Mach number. 3. Fuel flow - Maintain over 12,000 pph (if practicable). If temperature can not be controlled: 4. Throttle - OFF. 5. Land as soon as possible. NOTE If L or R OIL TEMP warning light illuminates after extended windmill- ing operation, refer to AIR START procedure, this section. FUEL CONTROL FAILURE If a fuel control malfunction is suspected, minimize throttle movements and monitor rpm and EGT closely. SECTION III FUEL-HYDRAULIC SYSTEM FAILURE Fuel hydraulic system failure may be caused by a failed pump or a broken line or connector. A failed pump is indicated by inoperative exhaust nozzle and start and bypass bleed valves. Line failure is indi- cated by excessive fuel flow. If engine fuel-hydraulic system failure is suspected: 1. Fuel flow - Check. If fuel flow is excessive: 2. Throttle - Military. Overspeed may occur. 3. ENP and rpm - Check. If exhaust nozzle position indicator does not reflect a more closed position: 4. Throttle - Between Idle and Military. 5. Fuel flow - Check. A fuel flow of approximately 8000 to 9000 pph above normal will confirm a broken line. When below Mach 1.7: 6. Throttle - OFF. 7. Emergency Fuel Shutoff switch - Fuel off. 3-37 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 FUEL SYSTEM FUEL QUANTITY LOW WARNING If the fuel quantity low warning light comes on with appreciably more than 5000 pounds of fuel indicated remaining in tank 4, de- termine total fuel from the individual tank quantities. Monitor tank 4 quantity and land as soon as practicable. Quantity indications are affected by pitch attitude and longitudinal acceleration. Total quantity indication is also affected by the fuel distribution in the individual tanks. If the fuel quantity low warning light does not come on with less than 5000 pounds of fuel indicated in tank 4, test warning light and land as soon as possible. FUEL PRESSURE LOW If one or both FUEL PRESS LOW warning lights illuminate: 1. CROSSFEED - PRESS ON. 2. Tanks containing fuel - Press on. 3. Analyze difficulty and attempt to re- store normal sequencing. The difficulty may be due to low rpm while transfer- ing or dumping. When fuel pressure is restored: 4. Crossfeed - Press off. If pressure cannot be restored: 5. Land as soon as possible. FUEL TANK PRESSURIZATION FAILURE Fuel tank pressurization failure is indi- cated by the tank pressure gage and illum- ination of the TANK PRESSURE LOW warn- ing light. It may be confirmed by liquid nitrogen quantity remaining gage indications. Impending failure is indicated by illumi- nation of the N QTY LOW warning light. No corrective action is possible after both liquid nitrogen systems are depleted except to limit rates of descent to minimize the difference between fuel tank and ambient pressures. In descent, the fuel tank suction relief valve in the nose wheel well opens when slightly negative tank pressures occur. Rates of descent should be limited so that tank pressure does not become less than -1/2 psi. WARNING Limit tank pressure is -1/2 psi. This limit is based on structural capabilities of the fuselage tanks. To descend: 1. Descend so that minimum tank pres- sure limit is not exceeded. Adjust power and airspeed as required. If flight included cruise over Mach 2.6: 2. Loiter at subsonic long range speed for 10 minutes if possible. 3738 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 If loiter not possible: 3. Descend from FL 400 to FL 350 as slowly as possible. 4. Continue descent so that minimum tank pressure limit is not exceeded. NOTE Cooling will be accelerated and pressure may be relieved faster after reaching subsonic speeds If the nose gear is extended. FUEL BOOST PUMP FAILURE Loss of all boost pumps can only result from multiple failures. It would be indi- cated by illumination of both fuel pressure low lights. WARNING I Fuel cannot be dumped with com- plete boost pump failure. Use caution if heavyweight landing is required. Partial boost pump failure may not be indi- cated by the fuel pressure low lights. In- correct fuel sequencing and center-of- gravity shift may be the first indication. Proceed as directed for Fuel Sequencing Incorrect. Crossfeed may be required; however, when crossfeed is on, more fuel will tend to feed from the forward tanks which have boost pumps operating. This could cause an aft c, g. shift which might be hazardous when operating with a failed pitch SAS. A-12 FUEL SEQUENCING INCORRECT SECTION III Incorrect automatic fuel sequencing is indi- cated primarily by the fuel boost pump lights. (A light may illuminate out of normal sequence, or fail to illuminate on schedule.) In this event, control the boost pumps man- ually until correct automatic sequencing re- sumes or a landing is made. It is possible that faulty fuel sequencing may manifest it- self by secondary indications, such as a fuel low level light coming on prematurely, or an abnormal adjustment required in pitch trim due to c. g. change by faulty fuel dis- tribution. Note that forward c. g. requires increased power to maintain speed and alti- tude. If normal sequencing does not resume, and manual sequencing is either inconvenient or impossible, turn crossfeed on or transfer fuel to ensure that any available fuel will get to the engines. Do not permit a manually selected fuel boost pump to continue running in an empty fuel tank. The boost pump will be damaged. NOTE Crossfeed may be required to pro- vide fuel to both engines during fuel sequence malfunctions. Fuel System Management With Engine Shutdown During single engine operation with the left engine failed, the crossfeed valve should be opened after tanks 5 and 6 are emptied by right engine consumption. If the right engine has failed, empty tanks 5 and 6 by successive forward transfer operations. This accomplishes the dual purpose of maintaining c. g. and using all available fuel. 3-39 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A712 NOTE Fuel transfer capability is lost when operating on battery power and the crossfeed valve position cannot be changed. An aft c. g. shift can be expected as fuel is consumed. Fuel cooling is continued automatically when the inoperative engine is windmilling unless its emergency fuel shutoff switch is actuated. Crossfeed should never be used during for- ward transfer when fuel remains in tanks 5 or 6. If it were, most of the fuertra.ns- ferred would come from the operating tank(s) of group 2, 3, or 4 because of the aircraft nose up attitude and lower fuel pressure head these pumps would have to overcome. Only a small forward c. g. shift would re- sult. EMERGENCY FUEL OPERATION The design and specification operating en- velope of the JT11D-20 engine necessitates operation with a fuel having special char- acteristics. During high Mach number op- eration the fuel serves not only as the source of energy but is used in the engine hydraulic system and serves also as a heat sink for cooling the various aircraft and engine accessories heated by the high am- bient air temperatures. This requires a fuel having high thermal stability so that it will not break down and deposit coke and varnishes in the fuel system passages. A high luminometer number (brightness of flame) is required to minimize transfer of heat to the burner parts. Other items are also significant, such as the amount of sulphur impurities tolerated. An advanced fuel1PWA 523E, was developed to meet the above requirements. In addition to the fuel requirements,a special lubricity additive is used with PWA 523E to insure adequate lubrication of fuel and hy- draulic pumps. Fuels such as JP-4, JP-5, and JP-6 may be used only for emergency requirements such as air refueling when standard fuel is not available and air refueling must be ac- complished or risk loss of the aircraft. Air refueling procedures with JP fuel are the same as for the approved fuel. When these JP fuels are used, operation should be restricted to a maximum speed of Mach 1.5. ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM FAILURE SINGLE AC GENERATOR FAILURE Failure of one ac generator will be indicated by illumination of the warning light. One generator in normal operation is sufficient to support the entire electrical load. In the event of generator failure, proceed as fol- lows: 1. Generator switch - RESET then re- lease. If the generator fault has been corrected, the generator will be reconnected to the system and the warning light will go out. If the light remains on: 2. Failed generator switch - TRIP. 3. Land as soon as practicable. If flight is continued with an inoperative engine or generator: 4. Affected generator - TRIP. If EWS equipment is operating: 5. TACAN - OFF. 3-40 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 A-12 TRANSFORMER RECTIFIER FAILURE . Do not manually select additional fuel tank pumps. . HF radio transmissions are limited to one minute of any ten minute period. DOUBLE AC GENERATOR FAILURE If both ac generators fail the dc monitored bus will be dead, however, INS equipment will continue to be powered by the INS bat- tery. Manual trim will not be available. The dc essential bus will automatically re- ceive power from the emergency batteries. The battery switch must be in the BAT posi- tion to power the essential dc bus. Some dc systems which may not always be es- sential for flight cannot be turned off by the pilot unless the circuit breakers are pulled. These are difficult to reach when wearing a pressure suit. The UHF radio should be used only when absolutely necessary be- cause its large power requirement will de- plete battery power rapidly. With complete generator failure, fuel boost pumps are in- operative. Proceed as follows: 1. Battery switch - Check BAT. 2. Generator switches - RESET. 3. If only one generator resets - Land as soon as practicable. 4. If neither generator resets - Conserve batteries and land as soon as possible. AC GENERATOR UNDERSPEED The minimum windmill speed at which the ac generators will supply power is approxi- mately 2800 rpm. If the left engine is be- low approx 4500 rpm the HF and TACAN radio will be inoperative. The left gen- erator may be tripped to restore operation if the right engine is above 4500 rpm. SECTION ILI One transformer rectifier will supply the normal electrical demands. Variable fre- quency ac power systems will continue to operate normally. A double failure of the transformer rectifiers removes power from the dc monitored bus but the INS will be op- erated from the INS battery. The batteries will operate the dc essential bus and should be managed as for double generator failure. INVERTER FAILURE The inverter powered systems operate from separate inverters. Refer to Electrical Power Distribution diagram, Section I. No. 1 inverter is the most important with No. 2 and No. 3 following in order of lesser importance. The No. 4 inverter is installed to serve as a backup in the event of failure of any one inverter. It is placed in oper- ation by turning the failed inverter switch to the EMER position. If a second inverter failure should occur the No. 4 inverter will power the lowest numbered inverter bus whose switch is in the EMER position. If an inverter failure is indicated by illumi- nation of an INVERTER OUT warning light, proceed as follows: 1. Failed inverter switch - EMER. Check that INVERTER OUT light extin- guishes: 2. Illuminated SAS recycle lights - Press. HYDRAULIC POWER SYSTEM FAILURE With both engines out, the hydraulic pumps provide sufficient flow for satisfactory flight control system operation at windmill speeds above 3000 rpm. Reduced control system capability is available down to a windmilling speed of approximately 1500 rpm. With one engine windmilling, all pri- Changed 15 March 1968 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 3-41 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 mary and most utility services are supplied by the operating engine hydraulic systems. The windrnilling engine utility system pres- sure and flow may be sufficient to supply service until the engine is almost stopped. PRIMARY HYDRAULIC SYSTEM FAILURE The loss of either A or B hydraulic system will be indicated by the warning light on the pilot's center console, the master caution light, and the dual A and B hydraulic pres- sure gage. Reduce speed to less than 350 KEAS if either A or B system fails and turn Reserve Hydraulic Oil System switch on to the operative system (A or B). This will ensure a minimum of at least 3 hours of flight control time remaining at high speed cruise schedules. Disengagement of the failed hydraulic sys- tem SAS channels is necessary to maintain full yaw and roll damping capability. As a hydraulic system failure is not sensed by the SAS equipment, it is necessary to double the SAS signal gain of the operating channel to give the equivalent control response in yaw and roll. Airspeed reduction with a single hydraulic system is a precautionary procedure which allows for the reduction in available hinge moment capability. Dis- engagement of the failed system SAS pitch channel is not mandatory, but it may be more desirable to disengage all three chan- nels than only the yaw and roll switches. Monitor all system operations closely and attempt to determine if a complete failure is imminent. Be prepared for ejection prior to complete failure. UTILITY HYDRAULIC SYSTEM FAILURE The loss of L or R hydraulic system will be indicated by the dual L and R hydraulic pressure gage. If the pressure of the L system falls below 2000-2200 psi, cross- over for gear ietraction is automatic. The manual release must be used to lower the gear. Items which are affected by the L hydraulic system are normal brakes, nose- wheel steering, aerial refueling system and the left inlet control actuators. Items which are affected by the R hydraulic sys- tem are right inlet control actuators, alter- nate steer and brakes and air refueling sys- tem. FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURE With both engines out, the ac generators furnish rated electrical power at windmill speeds above 2800 rpm. The emergency batteries provide SAS operation at lower windmill speeds. There is sufficient hy- draulic flow to operate the control surfaces at satisfactory rates above 3000 rpm and operation at reduced rates is available to a windmilling speed of approximately 1500 rpm. NOTE During single engine operation, a windmilling engine may not develop sufficient system hydraulic pres- sure to maintain operation of its associated SAS servo channels. To avoid nuisance disengagement of SAS channels, turn off all three SAS channel switches for the wind- milling engine hydraulic system when lower than normal pressure is indicated. Pitch and Yaw SAS damping will continue on one channel. The operative engine SAS roll channel must be cycled OFF then ON to maintain damping in the Roll axis. 3-42 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 000821248 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION Lit A-12 FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURE With both engines out, the ac generators furnish rated electrical power at windmill speeds above 2800 rpm. The emergency batteries provide SAS operation at lower windmill speeds. There is sufficient hy- draulic flow to operate the control surfaces at satisfactory rates above 3000 rpm and operation at reduced rates is available to a windmilling speed of approximately 1500 rpm. NOTE During single engine operation, a windmilIing engine may not develop sufficient system hydraulic pres- sure to maintain operation of its associated SAS servo channels. To avoid nuisance disengagement of SAS channels, turn off all three SAS channel switches for the wind- milling engine hydraulic system when lower than normal pressure is indicated. Pitch and Yaw SAS damping will continue on one channel. The operative engine SAS roll channel must be cycled OFF then ON to maintain damping in the Roll axis. Changed 15 June 1968 3-42A13-423 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION ILI A-12 FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM EMERGENCY OPERATION If either the A or B hydraulic system fails, the control forces will not change. Either system will operate the control surfaces, but at a slower rate and with some reduction in control responsiveness at high KEAS and Mach numbers. If control difficulties are encountered: 1. Check A and B hydraulic system pres- sures. If either A or B hydraulic sys- tem has failed proceed as directed for A or B hydraulic system failure this section. Z. Disengage autopilot and check control. 3. Check SAS warning lights. If SAS failure has occurred, proceed as di- rected under SAS Emergency Operation this section. -A OR B HYDRAUUC SYSTEM FAILURE 1. Reduce speed to less than 350 KEAS. Do not exceed 350 KEAS with either an A or B hydraulic system inop- erative. If either system fails above this speed, reduce speed as soon as possible. Flight control responsiveness will be reduced during single hydraulic system operation at high KEAS and Mach numbers, and flight maneuvers under these conditions should be held to a minimum. Z. Affected SAS yaw and pitch switches OFF. 3. SAS roll switches - OFF. 4. Operative roll channel switch - ON. NOTE When one roll SAS channel is dis- engaged or turned off the simplified logic circuit will disengage the other roll channel. The desired roll chan- nel switch must be turned OFF and then re-engaged to regain single channel roll SAS operation. 5. Reserve hydraulic oil switch - To operative system (A or B). BOTH A & B HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS FAILED 1. EJECT. WARNING If both the A and B hydraulic sys- tems have failed all flight controls will be inoperative. SAS EMERGENCY OPERATION SAS emergency operating procedures and the applicable flight limitations should be used whenever there has been a channel disengagement or a reduction in SAS effec- tiveness. Disengagement may result from failures of any of the following systems or components: SAS gyro or electronics cir- cuitry, flight control servos, or electrical power supply. Disengagement or loss of effectiveness may occur as a result of complete or partial loss of A or B System hydraulic power. Disengagement of any channel is indicated by illumination of the master caution light, the SAS CHANNEL OUT light on the annunciator panel, and one or more of the recycle indicator lights on the SAS control panel. 3-43 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 A-12 MINIMUM AIRSPEED LIMITS WITH PITCH SAS INOPERATIVE 3-44 Figure 3-7 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 A-12 SECTION III When a malfunction is indicated in any SAS axis, initiate the following preliminary actions: a. A & B hydraulic system pressures- Check normal. If hydraulic system failure is indicated, follow A and/ or B Hydraulic System Failure procedure, this section. b. INVERTER OUT Warning Lights - Check. If illuminated, use Inverter Failure procedure, this section. c. Proceed to appropriate Pitch and Yaw axis or Roll Axis Failure procedures, this section. A single failure or sequence of failures in the pitch and yaw axes which leaves one A or B channel operating in each of these axes does not change the aircraft flight characteristics. However, some undesir- able cross-coupling in the pitch and yaw axes may result from failure of one roll channel. Characteristics which change as a result of failures affecting both the A and B channel servos in an axis are described as second condition failures with the appro- priate procedures. Also refer to the SAS Warning Lights charts, Figure 3-8, lwhich illustrate the probable causes of failure in- dications, remaining capabilities, proce- dures, and limits which apply after channel disengagement. Pitch and Yaw Axis Failures A "first" condition failure exists after at- tempts to extinguish one or more recycle lights are ineffective and either an A or B channel is operating (light Off) in each of the pitch and yaw axes. A "first" condition failure exists with a single A, B, or M channel light illuminated or in some cases after simultaneous or progressive illumi- nation of two or more of these lights, as Illustrated by the SAS Warning Lights Chart, Figure 3-8, Sheets 1 and 2. NOTE Consider that no failure exits when all pitch and yaw recycle lights have been extinguished, regardless of previous combin- ations of illumination, if normal operation of the recycle lights is verified by depressing the SAS Lights Test button. Flight may be continued without restriction when a first condition failure exists except that maximum airspeed is limited to 350 KEAS in the case of combined channel fail- ures due to low hydraulic system pressure. A "second" condition failure is defined as existing whenever the A and B recycle lights In one axis remain illuminated after attempts to extinguish them are ineffective. When a "second" condition failure exists, flight speed is restricted to Mach 2.8 and 350 KEAS. Transfer fuel as required to obtain either Zo nose up trim or 4000 pounds in tank 1. NOTE Each instance of recycle light illum- ination presents a new situation and, if the light(s) can not be extinguished, the condition must be determined as being a "first" or "second" condition of failure in accordance with the definitions provided above. Logic override procedures are usable after a "second" condition failure when the se- quence of light illumination indicates that a channel with operative servos is available. Refer to After Second Failures, SAS Warn- ing Lights Chart. When use of logic over- ride is effective, flight characteristics are the same as with SAS fully operational. However as a precaution against subsequent hardover failures signals, the autopilot must not be engaged in that channel and second condition failure limits apply. 3-45 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 If logic override is recommended, use it only in the channels speci- fied and only after decelerating to second condition failure limit speeds in order to prevent ex- cessive structural loads which could result from a hardover failure at higher speeds. Neither logic override nor BUPD operation should be attempted with either channel known to have a failed servo. BUPD plus logic override procedures are available after a "second" condition failure in the pitch axis. The BUPD is optimized for operation at air refueling speeds, and it should not be operated above 330 KEAS or 0.85 Mach. It may or may not improve flight characteristics at other flight con- ditions. Logic override or BUPD plus logic over- ride may not be usable or effective after a second condition failure in the pitch axis. If neither can be employed, some longi- tudinal overcontrol probably will occur when at high Mach numbers. Observance of sec- ond failure limits is required, and descent to subsonic operating speeds is recom- mended when practicable. Air refueling and landing may present some difficulties in maintaining precise attitude control. With pitch SAS off and neutral c. g. there is no tendency for the aircraft to return to a trimmed attitude when a displacement oc- curs at landing pattern speeds. However, divergent speed and attitude tendencies oc- cur slowly enough to be completely con- trollable. Minimum airspeed limits with pitch SAS inoperative (Figure 3-7) should be observed. If logic override procedures are not effec- tive or possible after a second condition failure in the yaw axis, tests at high Mach numbers indicate that neutral to slightly positive stability exists but that there is little damping of yaw oscillations after they commence. Automatic scheduling of the inlet components may induce neutrally damped directional oscillations while above Mach 2.8. Directional and roll control could become difficult in the event of an unstart or flameout while above Mach 2.9 as a result of large bank angles generated by yawing motion. Pilot rudder inputs usually tend to aggravate this condition. These conditions could also result in ex- cessive rudder surface loads at airspeeds above 400 KEAS. Use of both restart switches is recommended while deceler- ating in order to avoid asymmetric nacelle drag conditions or unstarts.. 1. Illuminated recycle light(s) - Depress and release. If light stays on or reiLluminates: 2. Channel switch - OFF. No further action is required unless a 2nd condition failure exists. If another failure should occur in the same axis: 3. Illuminated recycle light(s) - Depress and release. 4. If lights do not extinguish - Comply with limits. For second condition failure above Mach 2.8 or 350 KEAS: 5. Restart switches - ON (simultaneously) except during climb. NOTE If climbing, bleed speed below 350 KEAS. 6. Throttles - Minimum A/B. 3-46 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 A-12 SAS WARNING LIGHTS CHART PITCH OR YAW RECYCLE LIGHTS ON IEMEE=EMMEME I SECTION III INDICATIONS AFTER FIRST FAILURE P ITCH A OR YAW B Light(s) on � 1st 0 2nd M 0 0 0 - 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0O 0 SEQUENCE OF ILLUMINATION FIRST A servo B servo M gyro A gyro B gyro A servo B servo M gyro M gyro SECOND M or A gyro M or B gyro A servo B servo CHANNELS REMAINING OPERABLE B A A and B B A B A B A ACTION: First try to press light(s) off No further action when first failure ugh s stay on then 1110 A or B light is off LIMITS NONE INDICATIONS AFTER SECOND FAILURE P ITCH A OR YAW B 1 t 0 2nd M 0 0 0 0 411) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEQUENCE OF ILLUMINATION FIRST M gyro A gyro B gyro A servo B servo A servo B servo SECOND A or B gyro B or M gyro or B servo A or M gyro or A servo B gyro A gyro B servo A servo FUNCTIONS OPERABLE A or B Channel A servo's possibly B 'channel B servo possibly A channel B servo A servo NONE ACTION First try then* to press lights off If A and B lights stay on Note: Use of Logic Override is not mandatory pitch Try A or yaw: Override B I A If pitch Try BUPD plus override NO ACTION or B Unless subsonic then BUPD B A I first plus pitch override A 1 B � If Yaw No Action UNUSABLE Itch yaw SAS , To use pitch or yaw Logic Override: A and B Channels off. Select A or B override. Beep Channel switch ON. To use BUPD: A and B channels OFF. BUPD - ON Select A or B Override. Beep one Channel on. Channel off if no Improvement. Do not use Logic Override or BUPD LIMITS Mach 2.8 and 350 KEAS maximum. Fuel transfer is necessary for 2� noseup trim up to 4000 lb. With override - No autopilot that axis With BUPD - Mach 0.85 and 330 KEAS 10-18-66 F200-56(3) Figure 3-8 (Sheet 1 of 2) 3-47 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 A-12 SAS WARNING LIGHTS CHART COMBINATIONS OF PITCH, ROLL AND YAW DISENGAGE LIGHTS INVERTER OUT AND A OR B 'HYDRAULIC LOW 'WARNING LIGHTS ON INDICATION . . ELECTRICAL FAILURE HYDRAULIC FAILURE PITCH YAW A A ROLL B B M M 00 0 00 00 0 0- 0 00 00 00 0 00 00 �� 0 00 00 �� � 00 00 00 0 0� 00 No lights on but operation poor CHECK INV 3 INV 1 INV 2 ANY TWO A System B System BOTH A and B ACTION 1 Check circuit breakers a Inv 3 06- SAS pitch- yaw mon b Ess DC bus- SAS M 2 Inverter Switch 3 Press recycle lights 4 Recycle roll channel if light is on 5 Do not use logic 1 Check circuit breakers a Inv 1 0B- SAS yaw A b Ess DC bus- SAS A - EMER off switch override 1 Check circuit breakers a Inv 2 06- SAS yaw B b Ess DC bus- SAS B 1 Check circuit breakers a Inv 1,2,3 b Ess DC bus- SAS A,B,M Note: M Channels will be inoperative Channel off if pressure is low With normal pressure: 1 Cycle roll channel switch 2 Press recycle lights off Note: Any combination of A, B, and/or roll lights may occur 0 Lights may illuminate simultaneously � or progressively LIMITS NONE 2nd Failure 350 KEAS maximum Figure 3-8 (Sheet 2 of 2) When speed is stabilized below Mach 2.8 and 350 KEAS: 7. Restart switches - OFF. 8. Aft bypass switches - Normal schedule. 9. Throttles - As required. 10. Forward transfer switch - Transfer as required to maintain at least Zo nose up trim up to 4000 lb. 10-12-66 F200-56(2) a. Pitch or yaw logic override switch- A or B position depending on failure analysis. NOTE Refer to SAS Warning Light Chart. b. Appropriate A or B channel switch- Beep ON. Recycle light should extinguish. If SAS lights indicate a good servo is avail- able: c. If control does not improve - Channel switch - OFF. 11. A or B logic override - Engage as i� dicated by servo availability. d. Logic override switch - OFF.. 3-48 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 v Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 For pitch axis second condition failure; when speed is below 330 KEAS and 0.85 Mach: 12. BUPD - Engage as required. a. Pitch SAS A and B channel switches - OFF. b. BUPD switch - ON. c. Pitch logic override switch - A or B position as indicated by servo availability. d. Appropriate A or B pitch SAS channel switch - Beep ON. Recycle light should extinguish. e. If control does not improve - Channel switch OFF. f. Logic override switch - OFF. g. BUPD switch - OFF. h. Depending on failure analysis this procedure may be repeated using other SAS channel if indicated. Roll Axis Failures Illumination of the roll channel disengage light shows that both roll channels and the roll autopilot are disengaged. When there is no apparent fault in the hydraulic systems or electrical power supply which would cause disengagement, check for a transient disengagement as follows: 1. A or B channel switch - OFF, then ON. A transient or intermittent fault existed if the light then remains off. If the light does not extinguish, or reilluminates while man- euvering, a first condition failure exists in the roll mode. For a first failure: 2. A and B channel switches - OFF. A-12 Unless the failure can be associated with a specific hydraulic or electrical power sup- ply, regain the use of one channel by the following arbitrary step sequence: 3. A channel switch - ON. NOTE Be prepared to move the switch to OFF immediately if a hardover signal results, indicating that the failed channel was inadvertently selected. Operation with only one roll channel engaged results in over- riding of logic circuitry. There is no automatic protection against inadvertent selection of a failed channel, or against subsequent failure of a properly operating channel which has been engaged. If a hard-over signal is obtained on engage- ment or during subsequent operation, or if no improvement is noted in flight character- istics: 4. A channel switch - OFF. 5. B channel switch - ON. NOTE Be prepared to disengage the chan- nel immediately if a hardover sig- nal results. If a hard-over signal is obtained on engage- ment or during subsequent operation, or if no improvement is noted in flight character- istics, a dual or second condition failure exists. For a second condition failure: 6. Roll channel switches - Both OFF. 3-49 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 Some undesirable cross-coupling may occur during single roll SAS channel operation. This appears as small amplitude oscillations in the pitch and yaw axes, as the elevons on only one side of the aircraft respond to roll signals during single channel operation and compensation for the asymmetric roll sig- nals is provided by pitch and yaw axis con- trol operation. Scheduled activity may be continued for the remainder of the flight with a single roll SAS channel operating. The roll autopilot may be engaged and the automatic navigation feature of the INS used as desired. NOTE Operation with both roll channels disengaged is permitted if cross- coupling about the pitch and/or yaw axes prevents precise aircraft control with one roll channel en- gaged. In the event of single engine failure at low speed, or during single engine landing, failure of one roll SAS channel and simultaneous auto- matic disengagement of the other roll channel may occur due to loss of hydraulic power from the wind- milling engine. To avoid changes in control characteristics at a critical time during single engine land- ings, either make the approach with both roll SAS channels disengaged or with the roll channel which is powered by the inop- erative engine disengaged. A second roll SAS channel failure while at high speed will probably be indicated by ab- normal pitch transients and small roll transients without illumination of either pitch or roll SAS indicator lights. The symptoms may be difficult to attribute to roll channel failure. When pitch transients occur with one roll channel engaged, dis- engage both roll SAS channels and check for control improvement. If no improve- ment is noted, the single roll channel may be reengaged if desired. Failure or intentional disengagement of both roll SAS channels is expected to in- crease pilot fatigue, reduce mission effec- tiveness, and will disable the roll autopilot; however, no hazard to safety should result and there are no flight restrictions on con- tinued operation. TRIM FAILURES Pitch, yaw or roll trim malfunctions may be of the inoperative type or the runaway type. Runaway trim failures in pitch may occur at slow speed (0.15 /sec change in elevon deflection) if due to automatic trim motor, operation or at fast speed if due to manual trim motor operation (1.5 /sec change in elevon deflection). A low speed runaway type of malfunction will be apparent by the need for constant manual pitch trimming. The runaway yaw trim rate is approximately 1.5 per second trim change. The roll trim rate is approximately 1 /sec. Runaway yaw trim will be accompanied by rudder pedal deflections as the surfaces move: Runaway pitch or roll trim will not be ac- companied by stick movement due to sur- face movement. In the event trim runaway failure is sus- pected, proceed as follows: 1. TRIM POWER SWITCH - OFF. 3-50 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 If circumstances permit: 2. Reduce speed to below 350 KEAS and 2.5 Mach number. ' With runaway nose up pitch trim: 3. Transfer fuel forward to reduce forward stick force requirement. WARNING Do not transfer fuel if nose down pitch trim has occurred. When time and conditions permit: 4. Autopilot - ON. Check for control im- provement. 5. Affected trim circuit breakers - Pull. NOTE Both A & C phase circuit breakers must be pulled on the suspected circuit. Trim Malfunctions: a. If runaway slow speed pitch trim - Pull auto pitch trim circuit breakers. b. If runaway high speed pitch trim - Pull manual pitch trim circuit breakers. c. If runaway roll or yaw trim - Pull roll or yaw circuit breakers. 6. Trim power switch - ON. With manual pitch trim inoperative and auto trim available, engagement of the pitch autopilot will gradually correct an out of pitch trim condition. This will relieve the pilot of a need for maintaining stick de- flection to maintain attitude. The pitch autopilot can also be used when the auto trim motor is inoperative, but automatic pitch trim synchronization will not be avail- able. Disengagement of the pitch auto- pilot when not in trim may be ac- companied by a considerable transient. If the trim malfunction is a runaway in the roll axis, right or left stick deflection will be required for the rest of the flight but stick force will not be more than normally required for the same amount of deflection. If the malfunction was a runaway in the yaw axis, rudder pedal force will be re- quired to maintain neutral rudder pedal position. AIR DATA COMPUTER FAILURE If malfunction or failure of the air data computer (ADC) is suspected, proceed as follows: 1. Cross check TDI instrument against pitot-static operated airspeed and altimeter. If cross check shows TDI to be inaccurate: 2. Revert to use of pitot-static operated instruments for aircraft control. 3. Autopilot - OFF. PITOT-STATIC SYSTEM FAILURE Under some conditions both of the pitot- static operated systems may become in- accurate or inoperative from a common malfunction. Failure of the pitot heater may simultaneously affect both normal sys- 3-51 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III terns in icing conditions. The pitot probe could be plugged by a foreign body of suf- ficient size. If both systems fail, proceed as follows: Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 A-12 If cockpit altitude does not decrease: 3. Nose radio equipment UHF, HF and IFF - OFF. 1. Attempt to restore operation by se- 4. Nose hatch seal lever - OFF. lecting alternate static source. 2. Maintain aircraft control by use of atti- tude and power indicating instruments. 3. Request escort aircraft for letdown and landing. AIR CONDITIONING AND PRESSURIZATION FAILURES LEFT ENGINE OR COCKPIT SYSTEM INOPERATIVE If the left engine is shut down: NOTE If cockpit repressurizes the pres- surization loss is due to failure of � the nose hatch seal and periodically the nose air and desired radio may be turned on for possible short time usage. WARNING During this time the pilot will be depending on the pressure suit only for altitude protection. 1. Cockpit system switch - EMER. If cockpit still does not repressurize: 5. Nose air handle and nose hatch seal - COCKPIT DEPRESSURIZATION ON. Cockpit depressurization above approxi- 6. Suit ventilation boost lever - EMERG. mately 35,000 feet will be indicated by pres- sure suit inflation. If suit inflates, proceed 7. Reduce altitude if possible. as follows: 1. Cockpit altitude - Check. If increasing or at actual aircraft altitude: 2. Nose air - OFF. When the nose air valve is OFF it will shut off pressurization and cooling air to the nose compartment and possibly result in loss of UHF, HF and IFF equipment. TACAN and normal ADF equipment located in the E-bay will still be available. 8. Radio equipment - ON only as neces- sary after altitude is reduced. COCKPIT AND VENTILATED SUIT ABNORMAL TEMPERATURE 1. Defog switch - OFF. 2. Cockpit temperature indicator - Check. If temperature indication is abnormal: 3. Cockpit auto temperature rheostat - Rotate as desired. 3-52 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 NOTE Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 A-12 If suit temperature cannot be controlled by the preceding steps: The temperature control bypass valves are motor operated and travel from full hot to full cold or vice versa in approximately 7 to 13 seconds. If auto temperature control is not effective and cockpit temperature remains too high or low: 4. Cockpit temperature control switch - HOLD in COLD or WARM as desired. NOTE In this position the temperature control bypass valves take 7 to 13 seconds to travel from full hot to cold or the reverse. If no correction in temperature occurs in 30 seconds: 5. Cockpit system switch - EMER. If cockpit temperature is still abnormal: 6. Q-Bay or emer cockpit auto temperature rheostat - Rotate toward COLD or WARM as required. 7. Suit flow valves - OFF. SECTION III 8. Reduce altitude and speed as required. Q-BAY ABNORMAL TEMPERATURE If the Q-BAY temperature indication is ab- normal, proceed as follows: 1. Q-bay auto temp control - Rotate to- ward COLD or WARM as necessary. NOTE The above step should be accom- plished in increments as there will be a lag in the temperature indi- cation. If auto temp control is not effective and Q-bay temperature remains abnormal: Z. Q-bay and cockpit EMERGENCY AIR switch - HOLD in COLD or WARM position as necessary. NOTE The temperature control valve will take from 7 to 13 seconds to travel from full hot to full cold or the re- verse. If Q-bay temperature control system should fail in the cold position and heavy cockpit fog occurs: 3. Q-bay system - OFF. 4. Normal cockpit air control - Rotate to- wards WARM as necessary to dissipate cockpit fog. 3-53 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III OXYGEN SYSTEM AND PERSONAL EQUIPMENT FAILURES Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 A-12 PERSONAL EQUIPMENT INDICATIONS PRESSURE GAGE INDICATIONS Rise of Pressure 100 to 120 psi range 1. System indicating normal pressure range - OFF. 2. Visor opening control - Depress 3-5 seconds. This allows increased oxy- gen flow between visor and seal. 3. System indicating normal pressure range - ON. 4. Repeat above steps if necessary. No suit pressure when TEST IND button pressed 1. Descend below suit inflation altitude. 2. Land when practicable. Reduced oxygen flow in helmet - (Both systems) 1. Green apple - Pull. 2. Descend to safe altitude. 3. Land when practicable. If no correction noted: Constant oxygen flow in helmet 1. Both systems - OFF then ON. 5. It is safe to continue flight if pressure does not exceed 120 psi. 2. One system - OFF. If pressure rises above 120 psi: 3. Visor control - Depress 3-5 seconds. 6. Malfunctioning system - OFF. 4. Both systems - ON 7. Land when practicable. 5. Repeat on other system if necessary. Drop of Pressure Below 50 psi 1. Accomplish steps 1 thru 4 above. If no correction noted: Z. Land when practicable. No Pressure on System 1. Both systems - ON. 2. Accomplish steps 1 thru 4 above. If no correction: 3. Inoperative system - OFF. 4. Land when practicable. If no correction: 6. Both systems - OFF. 7. Green apple - Pull. 8. Descend to safe altitude. 9. Land when practicable. Green apple loose from snap (possible active system) 1. Observe pressure gage on green apple. If indicator shows full: 2. Replace green apple and continue flight at pilot's discretion. Poor or no communications 1. Check communications lead for acci- dental disconnect. 3-54 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 A-12 LANDING EMERGENCIES SINGLE ENGINE LANDING A single engine landing is basically the same as a normal landing, except that the pattern may be entered at any point and is expanded to avoid steep turns. Airspeed is maintained above the normal value on final approach. The outstanding difference from normal landings is the noticeable change in directional trim with power changes. The most marked trim change will occur as the throttle is retarded during flare. This may be anticipated and rudder trim set to neutral on the trim indicator after final approach is established. Direc- tional heading is maintained by rudder pres- sure until thrust is smoothly reduced during the flare. The landing gear may be lowered after lining up on final approach with the left hydraulic system operating; however, at least 90 seconds must be allowed for emergency gear extension if the left system is inoperative. 1. Fuel - DUMP and TRANSFER as re- quired. 2. Hydraulic system - Review services available. 3. If left engine is inoperative, brake switch - ALT STEER & BRAKE. 4. Inoperative engine SAS pitch and yaw switches - OFF. 5. SAS roll switches - Both OFF. 6. Operative engine SAS roll switch - ON. 7. Landing gear lever - DOWN. 8. Establish steeper than normal final approach. SECTION III 9. Maintain 200 KIAS minimum until land- ing is assured. NOTE If it is necessary to land with more than 35,000 pounds of fuel remain- ing increase minimum approach speed 1 knot for each additional 1000 pounds. 10. Rudder trim - Neutral. 11. When landing assured - Retard throttle. 12. Make normal landing. SIMULATED SINGLE-ENGINE LANDING Directional trim changes will be more pro- nounced during an actual single engine sit- uation with one engine windmilling. 1. Retard one throttle to IDLE. 2. Follow Single Engine Landing procedure. SINGLE ENGINE GO-AROUND Make decision to go around as soon as pos- sible and definitely prior to flare. 1. Throttle - As required. 2. Continue approach until go-around is assured. 3. Landing gear lever - UP, as appro- priate. Delay gear retraction until there is no possibility of contacting the runway. 4. Trim - As necessary. 5. Accelerate to 250 KIAS. Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 3-55 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 LANDING GEAR SYSTEM EMERGENCIES GEAR UNSAFE INDICATION An unsafe indication could be caused by low L hydraulic system pressure or malfunction within the landing gear extension or indi- cating system. Upon detecting an unsafe gear indication, proceed as follows: 1. Land gear control and indicator circuit breakers - Check IN. 2. L hydraulic pressure - Check. 3. Recycle landing gear lever to down position, repeat as desired and pull emergency gear release handle if nec- essary. If landing gear still indicates unsafe: 4. Landing gear position - Request visual confirmation. 5. If all landing gear appear fully extended, make a normal landing on side of run- way away from suspected unsafe gear. Observe the following precautions: a. Shoulder harness - Manually lock. b. Hold weight off unsafe gear as long as possible then allow gear to con- tact runway as smoothly as pos- sible. If nose gear is held off, lower nose at approximately 110 KIAS. c. Allow aircraft to roll to a stop straight ahead, have downlocks installed prior, to further taxiing or engine shutdown. ' 6. If any gear remains fully retracted, use Emergency Extension procedure. 7. If all gear are not fully extended, refer to Partial Gear Landing procedure, this section. NOTE . Increasing airspeed may assist in locking a partially extended nose gear. . Yawing aircraft may assist in locking a partially extended main landing gear. GEAR EMERGENCY EXTENSION The emergency landing gear extension sys- tem unlocks the landing gear uplocks and allows the landing gear to free fall to the down and locked position. If R hydraulic system pressure is available, the landing gear handle must be placed in the DOWN position or the landing gear control circuit breaker must be pulled to permit emer- gency extension. The time required for emergency gear extension is 60 to 90 sec- onds. The emergency landing gear handle must be pulled approximately 9 inches for full actuation. If it is not fully actuated, one or more gear may fail to extend. If the L hydraulic system has decreased below 2000-2200 psi or normal gear ex- tension is unsuccessful, proceed as follows: 1. Landing gear handle - DOWN. 2. Emergency landing gear release handle- PULL. 3. Verify gear down and locked. 3-56 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 If L hydraulic system pressure low: 4. Brake switch - ALT STEER & BRAKE. NOTE Alternate nosewheel steering is available when L system pres- sure decreases below 2200 psi. If landing gear remains retracted or landing gear handle sticks in the UP position: 5. Landing gear control circuit breaker - PULL. 6. Repeat steps 2 and 3 of this procedure. Note When the landing gear control cir- cuit breaker is pulled nosewheel steering will be inoperative. The landing gear must not be re- tracted if the manual release handle is being held in the free fall (full out) position as damage to the system can result. The GEAR RELEASE handle should be per- mitted to return to the stowed position before attempting to re- tract the gear with the landing gear lever. PARTIAL GEAR LANDING A landing with the nose gear retracted or with all gear up should not be attempted. Under ideal circumstances, a landing with the nose gear extended and both main wheels retracted may be possible. If this configuration can be accomplished, base a decision to land or eject on whether other factors are favorable or not. Wind veloc- ity and direction are important in selection of the landing heading. If a decision is made to land, conventional final approach and landing speeds and atti- tudes are recommended. This will result in the tail touching while the nose is at less than normal height. An attempt to hold the aircraft off by using a higher pitch angle is not recommended because of the greater possibility of high impact loads as the nose gear slaps down. An empty tank 1 condition is desired. 1. Accomplish nose gear only configuration if necessary as follows: a. Landing gear CONT circuit breaker- Push in. b. Landing gear lever - Up. c. Landing gear CONT circuit breaker- Pull. d. Manual landing gear release handle- Pull to release nose gear only (first lock releases nose gear). Check nose gear down light - ON. 2. Do not transfer fuel forward. 3. Fuel dump switch - DUMP, if neces- sary to reduce weight. 4. Igniter purge switch - Dump during approach. 5. Battery switch - OFF. 6. Inertia reel lock lever - LOCK. 7. Canopy jettison handle - Pull, if desired. 3-57 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938 SECTION III A-12 NOTE If the canopy is not jettisoned prior to landing, it should not be unlocked until the aircraft has stopped. 8. Make normal approach and landing. 9. Drag chute handle - Pull. 10. Use rudders for directional control. 11. Throttles - OFF, when directional control is no longer possible. 12. Abandon aircraft as quickly as possible. MAIN GEAR FLAT TIRE LANDING Plan the landing for minimum gross weight with touchdown to be made on the side of the runway away from the flat tire. It is pos- sible that only one or two of the three tires has failed. If only one tire has failed, little danger exists when landing at low weight be- cause two tires have sufficient strength to support the aircraft. 1. Touch down on good tires. 2. Drag chute handle - Pull, as soon as possible. 3. Nosewheel - Lower. 4. Nosewheel steering - Engage. 5. Hold weight off bad side as long as pos- sible using full aileron. WARNING Maintain IDLE rpm until fire- fighting equipment arrives. Engine shutdown allows fuel to vent in the vicinity of the wheel brake area, thus creating a fire hazard. NOSE GEAR FIAT TIRE LANDING If it is necessary to land with a flat nose- wheel tire or tires, avoid a forward c. g. if possible and proceed as follows after making a normal touchdown. 1. Drag chute handle - Pull. 2. Nose gear - Hold off. Hold the nosewheel off as long as practicable (approximately 110 KIAS) and then lower gently to runway. 3. Use nosewheel steering and differential braking to maintain directional control. After stop, before shutdown: 4. Fuel - FWD TRANS. HEAVY WEIGHT LANDING Use normal procedure, observing operating limits of Section V. ABBREVIATED CHECKLIST The emergency abbreviated checklist is furnished separately. 3-58 Approved for Release: 2017/07/25 C06535938