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rNVELOPE Approved for Release: 2017/02/28 C06530914 UNCLASSIFIED// RAAUZYUW RUEIFBS8498 2410627-UUUU--RUZDTPW. ZNR UUUUU ZUI RUEWMCE1635 2410628 HEADER 280627Z AUG 12 FM OSC RESTON VA TO RUZFNEL/547IS NELLIS AFB NV RUZDADA/AFIAA AMHS BOLLING AFB DC RAYWAP/ATTORNEY GENERAL D BRANCH RUZEHAA/CDR USEUCOM INTEL VAIHINGEN GE RUOIAAA/CDR USPACOM HONOLULU HI RUZFMXI/CDR USTRANSCOM INTEL CELL SCOTT AFB IL RUEPNGA/CDRNGIC CHARLOTTESVILLE VA RHMFISS/CDRUSASOIC WASHINGTON DC RUEPWDC/DA AMHS WASHINGTON DC REEBAAA/DEPT OF ENERGY WASHINGTON DC//IN-1// RUEPTRS/DEPT OF TREASURY WASHINGTON DC 'REEFDIA/DIA WASHINGTON DC RAYASAJ/DIO CANBERRA RUEPMAX/GISA FT BRAGG NC RUZEJAA/JAC MOLESWORTH RAF MOLESWORTH UK RUZDJWC/JWAC DAHLGREN VA RUZDQAN/MARCORINTACT QUANTICO VA RUZDNAI/NASIC WRIGHT PATTERSON AFB OH RUGIZZZ/NGA DISSEM WASHINGTON DC RUETIAA/NSACSS FT GEORGE G MEADE MD RAYWBFA/ONA CANBERRA RUCXONI/ONI WASHINGTON DC//2140// RHHJJPI/PACOM IDHS HONOLULU HI RUEKJCS/SECDEF WASHINGTON DC RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHINGTON DC//INR// RUZEADH/UDITDUSAREUR HEIDELBERG GE RUMICED/USAFCENT INTEL SHAW AFB SC//A2// RHHJRAP/USARPAC INTEL FT SHAFTER HI//APIN// RUCQSAB/USSOCOM INTEL' MACDILL AFB FL RUZEUAA/UTAIS RAMSTEIN AB GE//INOW// BT CONTROLS UNCLAS UNCLASSIFIED// (b)(3) Lt 39 of 63 7/20/2015 11:29 AM Approved for Release: 2017/02/28 C06530914 Approved for Release: 2017/02/28 C06530914 UNCLASSIFIED// SECTION 1 OF 2 Q444 CITE OSC RESTON VA 208186 WARNING: TOPIC: LEADER, MILITARY SERIAL: GMP20120827741001 /******** THIS IS A COMBINED MESSAGE ********/ BODY COUNTRY: ISRAEL SUBJ: (U) ISRAEL: IDF UNIT 8200 PARTICIPATES IN 1ST 'OPERATIONAL INTELLIGENCE' COMBAT DRILL SOURCE: TEL AVIV YEDI'OT AHARONOT IN HEBREW 27 AUG 12 P 14(U) TEXT: (U) Report by Yosi Yehoshu'a: "Combat Intelligence" Publications OSC Translated Text (U) This product may contain copyrighted material; authorized use is for national security purposes of the United States Government only. Any reproduction, dissemination, or use is subject to the OSC usage policy and the original copyright. In the US Armed Forces, green berets denote Special Forces. Here they identify Military Intelligence MI. However, our green berets left their offices and maps for one day, also capturing fortified targets and storming terrorist dens. Several weeks ago, the senior command echelon at the MI's Unit 8200 held its first-ever exercise, much like a battalion-level Infantry drill. The objective was to show MI personnel what the fighters and commanders on the terrain undergo so that they can better meet their intelligence requirements during combat. Northern Command personnel were surprised to see the green-bereted lieutenant colonels arrive at the Northern UNCLASSIFIED// 40 of 63 7/20/2015 11:29 AM Approved for Release: 2017/02/28 C06530914 Approved for Release: 2017/02/28 C06530914 UNCLASSIFIED// Command's training base in Elyaqim together with unit commander Brigadier General N., who initiated this special training. The officers simulated capturing built and open combat zones as well as fighting in "nature reserves" -- Hizballahs battle areas in Southern Lebanon. "The officers experienced all the intelligence dilemmas of an infantry battalion, getting a hands-on understanding of what information its men need and when," reported Northern Command sources. "It was good to see their desire to comprehend how the infantry men view their intelligence information and what can help them during battle. They experienced the hardships of the exercise and simultaneously tried to figure out how to improve the flow of information to the combatants." For years, Unit 8200 has been considered one of the world's leading intelligence units and Israel's central intelligence-gathering agency. In the past two years, since Major General Aviv Kokhavi -- a former paratrooper -- entered office as MI chief, a broad conceptual change has taken place there, known as "operational intelligence," which basically involves the transmission of precise intelligence information to the combatants in the field within a short time. As part of that conceptual change, the MI realized that today's wars are shorter and "quicker" than before while the challenges that the IDF soldiers will encounter on the front necessitate coordinated intelligence transfer so that it reaches the field echelons in real time and remains relevant. During the Second Lebanon War harsh criticism was leveled over the fact that very often the intelligence information was kept in boxes in the Tel Aviv IDF headquarters or in the Northern Command but failed to :each those divisions and brigades on the ground that needed it. At the end of the exercise, after all the targets were captured and eliminated, the drill was termed a huge success. "I have been collecting intelligence to help the combat forces for years," said one of the Unit 8200 officers to the trainers on the base, "and only now do I understand what, from the intelligence angle, an Infantry battalion officer experiences during combat." Description of Source: Tel Aviv Yedi'ot Aharonot in Hebrew independent, centrist, second-largest circulation daily ,(U) This product may contain copyrighted material; authorized use is for national security purposes of the United States Government UNCLASSIFIED// 41 of 63 7/20/2015 11:29 AM Approved for Release: 2017/02/28 C06530914 Approved for Release: 2017/02/28 C06530914 UNCLASSIFIED// Only. Any reproduction, dissemination, or use is subject to the bSC usage policy and the original copyright. Source Metadata Source Name: Yedi'ot Aharonot Source Type(s): Publications Source City: Tel Aviv Source Country: Israel Source Start Date: 27 Aug 12 Source End Date: 27 Aug 12 Language(s): Hebrew Article Metadata Document ID: GMP20120827741001 Content Type: Translation/Transcription Processing Ind: OSC Translated Text Precedence: Routine Country(s): Israel Region(s): Middle East /****** BEGINNING OF SECTION 2 ****** CITE OSC RESTON VA 208186 Subregion(s): Middle East Topic(s): LEADER, MILITARY CABLETYPE: FBISEMS ACP 1.0. ADMIN BT #8499 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED// 2 of 63 7/20/2015 11:29 AM Approved for Release: 2017/02/28 C06530914