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Document Creation Date:
December 28, 2022
Document Release Date:
May 14, 2018
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Case Number:
Publication Date:
March 31, 1975
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� Approved for Release: 2018/01/30 C06530716
To Secret
Approved for Release: 2018/01/30 C06530716
Top Secret
� TSWS--13/75':
MarCh � 19 7 fi
Approved for Release: 2018/01/30 C06530716
� be coMpetitive.with Weetern,coMPuter_sYstems in export
markets. The quality of peripherals available to East
Germany from domestic or ,other CEMA countries in the Ryad
program probably is not satisfactory East Getman officials'
previously stated an interest in belling their computers
to nom-communist countries excluding the US, Japan, and
Western Europe.
�CDC has been very successful in developing high
quality peripheral devicea and matching them to varioun.
Computers models made'.byOther manufacturers. The use of
CDC peripherals would greatly enhance the overall system
performance of the ES -1040 computer.
Additional Information Revealed About Soviet Military Weather
Modification Program: A well known Soviet atmospheric
physicist recently revealed that a new experimental insti-
tute is being formed in Obninsk which will deal exromsively
with studies of military applications of weather modifi-
cation. He also stated that military weather modification
R&D is conducted by a group subordinate to the Soviet joint
high command. This group receives the :tion's share of
weather modification research funds.
Comment: it is somewhat doubtful that the Soviet
military weather modification R&D program receives sub-
stantially more funding than the civil program. This
program alone is funded at a rate several times higher
than the US military and civil R&D programs combined.
Nevertheless, this information is further indication that
the Soviet military program is quite large.
It is not clew-, Ixactly how the reported new institute
at Obninsk, apparently subordinate to the Hydrometeorological
Service, will fit in ,:o the overall picture. It is possible
that it will be assigned the task of looking into the
military utility of some of the more esoteric forms of
weather and environmental modification while the military
group concentrates on developing the more promisina tech-
niques into otierational orocedurps.
� esi Ttws-lpos
31 liar 75'
Approved for Release: 2018/01/30 C06530716