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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
September 12, 2019
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Publication Date: 
October 7, 1975
PDF icon AVIAN PROGRAM[15687542].pdf80.84 KB
; Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06527534 7 October 1-975 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Research and Development VIA: Chairman, DDO Technical Requirements Board SUBJECT: AVIAN Program 3.3(h)(2) 6.2(d) ed on the recent AVIAN Program demonstration at SE Division, working with the NIO/SA, re at ORD continue the program to fulfill a , specific requirement. A step by step -by-step description of one possible scenario has been prepared and forwarded on 31 October 1975. Using this description we plan to have our station officers release pigeons near the target. The pigeon c should nvPr fly the target carrying cameras and return for recovery of the cameras and film. We expect ORD to demonstrate a scenario the Washington area that would closely parallel the field situation using the alloted ORD funds. We understand that ORD could use funds remaining in calendar year 1975 at two contractors for basic research on homing pigeons and commit funds programed for calendar year 1976 at one contractor to demonstrate the feasibility of the equipment to meet the requirement. SE Division will fund the actual operation using ORD furnished equipment. 2. We understand that any additional work on the Bird Camera would be funded by ORD and be an insignificant amount. We have elected to go ahead with a bird operation with the understanding that total costs for one more year's work to complete a system will be about $100,000 for equipment, i.e., trained birds with cameras, mock ups and photo slides of targets needed for training. 3. We are planning a timetable whereby the birds with cameras would demonstrate the capability in the Washington area by April 1976, and additional trained birds with cameras would be ready for the operation overseas by June 1976. t./ kVALU Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06527534 ' fa Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 CO65275341 Norr . 4. between Details of this request have been discussed CC: of ORD, of OTS, and of SE Division. Chief Soviet/East European Division NIO/Special Activities DDO/Ops Staff OTS/Operations OTS/DU _Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 006527534