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January 23, 1976
PDF icon TACANA TCT MEETING - 17 D[15687496].pdf150.57 KB
3.5(c) pproved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06527477 3.3(h)(2) 6.2(d) 23 January 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR: NIO/SA SUBJECT: TACANA TCT Meeting - 17 December, 1975 1. On 17 December 1975 a TCT meeting was held to review progress on the TACANA feasibility study. The following subjects were discussed: a. TCT membership and tasking for team members. b. Operational test requirements c. Contractor proposal and project status 4. -Camera design The following Agency personnel attended the meeting:- OTS SE/USSR LSR/ORD SOG IAS NED/OSI OT/ORD 2. TCT Team Membership Charles Adkins-OT/ORD Donald Reiser-DD/ORD narry wooa-ww/uxu Since the first TCT meeting, a number of agency offices expressed definite interest in having technical personnel participate as TACANA TCT members and sent representatives to attend this meeting. As the discussion progressed, it was evident that most of the attendees were unaware that TCT membership required a:full time commitment to the TACANA project. When this became, clear, it was decided to limit TCT composition to three working members: OTS/SDB, Chairman; SE/I/USSR, co-chairman, and LSR/ORD, secretary. In this configuration .E2 IMPDET CL BY Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06527477 Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06527477 the team includes two people who are extremely familiar with the actual operational re- quirements underlying the TACANA project and one team member, (ORD) who is directly responsible within ORD for accomplishing an objective test .of Avian capabilities and limitations in relation to TACANA objectives. Four ad hoc teams were formed to provide expertise to the TCT as necessary. The target analysis team reports to . It consists of memb(,rc frnm TAS (151 and n7I �These are:. OSI, IAS /OSI, and the OWI member has not named yet. The camera Equipment Team reports to This team includes Charles AdkincinPr, ORD, OTS, and OTS. The other two teams; the Support Team, .(consisting of SOG pilots) and the TACANA Birds Team (consisting of contractor personnel) report to 'ORD. The ORD camera develop- ment team also maintains close coordination with because he is responsible within ORD for the development and test of the complete Avian system, not just the bird subsystem. been 3. Operational Test Requirement presented and discussed the operational requirements for a test program to demonstrate the operational utility of the Avian asset, These require- ments can be summarized as follows: SE Division/DDO has provided information which is being: Used to design a denied area operational analog in the con- tinental United States which simulates an actual operational scenario. For the purpose of this analog, contractor facil- ities in California will be used as a safe training area in the United States. Metropolitan Washington will correspond to a denied area capital. An Agency building in Washington will simulate the safe haven, and the will represent the actual targe L urea. All leple sentations of the analog target area to the Contractor in his training phase will utilize information and support realistic for a denied area. There will be no access to the safe haven or target area for any Avian asset prior to the period of . acclimatization during the analog test, and the:contractor will not have access to the target area. The contractor will not use full scale outside models of the target area that would be recognizable from overhead photography. The contrac tor will be provided photography which is equivalent to the resolution limits of KH-8 photography. 2 Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06527477 m1,7nrr".:Ale Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06527477 Contractot. Proposal .and project status reported that the contractor's TACANA propo- sal had been received and approved by the ORD project review board for funding in January. The contractor's work state- ment outlines a program that is designed to provide three dis- tinct and separate tests of the denied area analog. These tests adhere to the guidelines established in the operational test requirements and will enable the contractor and ORD researchers to detect possible limitations of the Avian asset prior to the final test in Washington, D.C. The first test will take plate in California, the second in the Mid West, and the third and final test in Washington., Prior to this meeting, the contractor had successfully 'moved and relocated a flock of birds from Point Loma near San Di eat-) nal ifo.rnia California. These birds readily accepted their new home and within a few weeks were homing from a distance of 15 miles while trans- porting a simulated camera package. The contractor sees this a positive sign that changing these and new birds from loca- tion to location will be an achievable goal. The results of the camera studies conducted to date and some additional tests slated for mid-January will be used to configure a final cam- era design to be completed in early February. Two cameras are scheduled to be constructed, that will include a low F- number lens. The new camera design will increase the film size from 9mm to 16mm in width. The film roll will be capable of taking 180 pictures at a rate of one picture per second for a total coverage time of three minutes. The field of view in the direction of motion will be roughly 3.0' and result in an approximately contiguous pictures along the ground: The increased film width Will almost double the lateral field of view and thereby increase the probability of photographing the target. In addition, this new design doubles the number of pictures, thereby nearly quadrupling the overall probabil- ity of recording the target. This new camera design is sche- duled for final flight testing by the end of March 1976. Final modifications and analysis should be completed by early April. Secretary, TACANA TCT Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06527477