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Publication Date: 
November 6, 2000
PDF icon TARIQ AZIZ - IRAQ[14650460].pdf66.26 KB
Approved for Release: 2016/02/10 C06498257 IRAQ Tariq AZIZ (Phonetic: ahZEEZ) Deputy Prime Minister (since 1979); Member, Revolutionary Command Council (since 1977) Addressed as: Mr. Minister Tariq Aziz is one of President Saddam Husayn's most important and capable deputies, particularly on international and political issues. Aziz is the face of moderation that the regime presents to the world, and he is one of the few Iraqi officials with access to Saddam who has a relatively cosmopolitan outlook. He remains de facto Foreign Minister, a position he formally held during 1983-91. as a Christian, he lacks widespread support and poses no threat to Saddam, which earns him a position of trust in the President's cabinet: Aziz gravitates to the role of statesman and diplomat Demonstrating Diplomatic Elan Aziz's mastery of English and cosmopolitan demeanor should not be construed as pro-Western sentiment. Aziz dominates Iraq's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the country's diplomacy, A Closet Moderate? Before Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in August 1990, viewed Aziz as generally advocating a moderate foreign policy. He was the official most closely associated with Iraq's attempt to improve its standing with the international community during 1988-90. Aziz consistently worked to mend relations with the United States before ties were officially reestablished in 1984. He was also a chief advocate of Egypt's reintegration into the Arab fold in the late 1980s. During that time, he supported a negotiated Ff the Arab-Israeli conflict and urged the PLO to adopt moderate positions From 1992 to 1994 Aziz advocated cooperating with the UN Special Commission (UNSCOM) settlejlientff to lift sanctions against Iraq. But Faithful Adherent to Hardline Policies We believe that, although he probably still tries occasionally to present moderate views to the President, Aziz never pushes them too far and will support whatever decision Saddam makes, while dealing faithfully with the consequences of Saddam's actions. To this end, Aziz has repeatedly articulated Baghdad's hardline stance toward sanctions and UNSCOM and now the UN Monitoring, Verification, and Inspection Commission. In numerous press interviews, Aziz has claimed that Iraq has fulfilled all of its UN- authorized requirements and that the lifting of the embargo has been long overdue, denying Baghdad's culpability for the Iraqi economic difficulties and placing all the blame on the United States. (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2016/02/10 C06498257 Approved for Release: 2016/02/10 C06498257 Background Aziz is generally considered one of Iraq's most ardent Bath Party ideologues, and his party credentials are impeccable. He participated in the 1968 coup that brought the Ba'thists to power. During the 1970s, while serving first as Minister of Information and then as a member of the Revolutionary Command Council and the party's regional command Aziz helned Saddam undermine former President Ahmad al- Bakr and to take his place in 1979 Saddam made Aziz Deputy Prime Minister A7i7 67 iciicziicillv very cpricnic ram-lir-I and pnrrlial in rneptinac Aziz speaks excellent hnglisn and his wife, Violette, have two sons, Ziad and Saddam, and a daughter, Zaneb LP 00-108930 06 November 2000 He Approved for Release: 2016/02/10 C06498257