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Publication Date: 
October 31, 2001
PDF icon CIA SUPPORT TO GOVERNMENT[15978906].pdf107.94 KB
Approved for Release: 2021/09/20 C06486327 UNCLASSIFIEDA1K US Classification//Non USHSCl//Codeword//FG1//Dissern Controls//Non-Intell//Declass (as appropriate) EXECUTIVE CORRESPONDENCE ROUTING SHEET 1. Origination Office CIO 2. Date 10/31/2001 1 3. FROM: Name Room No. and Building Phone (t (k 4. Subject CIA Support to Government-wide Database ot i erronsm intormation 5. Originating Office Control # CIO 01-00035 5a. Response to DAC # (Originating Office to Complete) 5b. DAC Control # (DAC Use Only) __9(1, �6 3-33 �6 / 6. Justification / Summary (Required for Immediate and Priority Actions) Routine Priority . X Immediate 7. Coordination NOTE: All correspondence sent to DC!, must be sent via ExDir and DDCI A N MtLTEtON - _1_ ' . NONCO TITLE DAC SIGNATURE CONCUR FYI c. SIGNATURE Nuv L 2:: (1� TITLE DEXDIR V SIGNATURE CONCUR FYI 59NN 6,144 poz E ts i -RAI to.. elk WO SIGNATURE NOV C :7: 2,1i; TITLE EXIVR V SIGNATURE CONCUR FYI (b)(3) F 1 SIGNATURE CONCUR FYI FOR DISTRIBUTION (t (t TITLE OCIO SIGNATURE TITLE SIGNATURE CONCUR FYI SIGNATURE TITLE I SIGNATURE CONCUR I FYI SIGNATURE TITLE SIGNATURE CONCUR FYI SIGNATURE FORM 4468 04-00 UNCLASSIFIED//A 0 Approved for Release: 2021/09/20 C06486327 CL BY: CL REASON: DECL ON: DRV FROM: Approved for Release: 2021/09/20 C06486327 UNCLASSIFIED/ /Ii`l.TC:) CIO 01-00035 31 October 2001 7 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Intelligence Deputy Director for Operations Chief Information Officer Director, Office of Security FROM: A.B. Krongard Executive Director SUBJECT: (UHAIUO) CIA Support to Government-wide Database of Terrorism Information 1. (U/AIUO) Action Requested: CIO: Identify a senior officer to chair an internal CIA working group on ways to share terrorism information with other US Government agencies. DDI, DDO and Security: Identify focal points to support the working group. 2. (UHAIU0) Background: The White House has announced its intention to have the Attorney General create a Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force. The Secretary of State and the Director of Central Intelligence will support this Task Force. This Task Force will be specifically tasked to ensure all relevant terrorism-related information is made available to appropriate government departments and agencies in a timely fashion. 3. (UHAIUO) I am directing the creation of a CIA working group to support this Task Force and address-- promptly and appropriately--the associated complex substantive policy and technology issues. I expect the Terrorist Tracking Task Force will immediately focus on ways to share information about terrorist names; such an initiative has already been discussed by the Intelligence Community Deputies Committee, as well as by the Intelligence Community's CIO Council. The Task Force's mission, however, undoubtedly will lead to requirements for other types of information sharing at a variety of classification levels. 4. (UHAIUO) Please identify your focal points to me by close of business on 7 November 2001. The D/EXDIR will host an initial meeting of the focal points to discuss next steps and the relationship with the Task Force. A.B. Krongard UNCLASSIFIED//K Approved for Release: 2021/09/20 C06486327 Approved for Release: 2021/09/20 C06486327 UNCLASSIFIED! 7q SUBJECT: (U//AIU0) CIA Support to Government-wide Database of Terrorism Information DCIO Terrorism Info .doc (31 Oct 01) CIA Working Group on Sharing Distribution: Original - Deputy Director for Intelligence 1 - Deputy Director for Operations 1 - Chief Information Officer 1 - Director, Office of Security 1 - EXDIR 1 - DCIO Chrono 1 - CIO EXO 1 - DAC 2 UNCLASSIFIEDHA-ISQ... Approved for Release: 2021/09/20 C06486327