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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
December 28, 2022
Document Release Date: 
September 27, 2017
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
April 26, 1968
� Downgraded. to by autii 'date DRAFT � DCI: A. General: 1. Request that the Federal Bureau of Investigation give a full report to USIB on Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485482 Z6 April 1.968 KING ASSASSINATION AND USIB (date) .on the status of the investigation of the assassination of Dr. 'Martin Luther King, Jr. B. Specific: 1. Is there any indication that Ray has left the USA? . If so, ,when, to what country or area, and by what means and route? 3. Is there any indication that Ray had in the past travelled outside the United States other than the � October - November 1967 trip to Mexico as Galt? . Is there any indication that Ray had been issued a �U. S. passport under his true name or any of his 411111 1--AL:. aliases? . .._.... IC ''''''"';'-:' CL BY - i -Approved for Release: 2017/05/26 C06485482�' Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485482 5. there any Indication that Ray had any connection with any foreign intelligence service? If so, please .provide all possible details. 6. Is there any indication that Ray had any connection with foreigners in the United States, especially Cubans and Soviets? 7. 'Did Ray have. any Communist connections?:, Did Ray ever express any interest in COrnmunism? Did Ray ev- r indicate any interest in Cuba. Castro, � or. the. Cuban revolution? /10. Does it appear that Ray had any accomplices? If so, have any been identified? any it Has the FBI identified/of Ray's clo e friends or associates? 12. Have any contacts made by Ray in Mexico during October/November 1967 been identified? k � 13. If . any accomplices, associates,. Or contacts have been identified, are any of them Communists or associated with Communists, foreign officials, or foreign intelligence services? :3;Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 606485482 'Approved for Release: 2017106126C06485482. 14. Does the FBI think that Ray was hired to assassinate King? 5. If so, is there any indication that Communists or a foreign power were involvPd? of any of the � SZO bills used by Ray to purchase the . � rifle and make other payments?: ..17. On 19 April 1968 CIA' 'furnished to the :FBI .photographs (b)(1) taken in October 1967 (b)(3) of' an unknown individual resembling Ray. Has the FBI determined Whether or not this person is possibly identical with Ray? 'Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 CO6485482 -