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Document Creation Date: 
December 28, 2022
Document Release Date: 
September 27, 2017
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
March 30, 1966
PDF icon martin luther king, jr.[15250580].pdf124.35 KB
Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485474 i� To INFO FROM - -- SUBJECT COORDINATE-1:11-3.T.'SENTENCE I ..._ __ ._._.. c. �.,,:,,cATION OF ATTACHMENT WITH FBI 1 J- . 11,Lp..ED FOR IHDE-xr' I-= " jt .9 1 11A _ INo 2.,DXRI REQUIRED - ONLY QUALIFIED DESK CAM JUDGE IDEXIHG MICROFILM V a'.-1:ansmittal of Mao to Legal Atte..the,' ACTION REQUIRED � RE_FERENCES Please transmit to the Legal Attache the :..:ttctch which is in resnonze to his inviry or 3.7 Attachr:'ient : r4.7220 re Martin Luther Kircr, Jr. Distribution: - CROSS REFERENCE TO DISPATCH SYMBOL AND NUMBER �DATE 30 March 1966 - CLASSIFICATION HQS e,�!_E � Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485474 Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485474 SUBJECT: MARTIN LIJTHER KING, JR. We have no Information that Subject appeared at a rally in to date, nor does the Embassy-have knowledge of a future visit of KING to Any future information which becomes available will be forwarded to you (VTe have also tAken due note of your desire that the authorities not know of your interest in Subject's activites (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) , ,L Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485474 Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485474 TO Chicf of Station INFO. � � Chief FROM , 1 Cji.145 I A...011, Al . , � Chief of Station" SUBJECT V Transmittal of ticmo to Legal Attache, ACTION REQUIRED � REFERENCES �;-11 'PIM( I V.t11(1 Ar MARKED FOR INDEXING NO INDEXING REQUIRED ONLY QUALIFIED DESK (b)(3) cAil JUDGE INDEXINO (b)(3)_ MICROFILM 11-11P-41 .(b)(1) � (b)(3) � Please transmit to the Legal Attache the attached 1141110 vhich is in reapoxine. to his inquiry or 17 Marph 1966. Attachment: ha= re Martin Luther King, Jr. Distribution: 2 - CO3, wiatt 2 . .Chiefrfatt CROSS REFERENCE TO � .�������1111.0.111.. 1:41'r I Z1A,1 Ica tlInzillt evnu?,".17, � ),- .- Cs GE; ; (b)(3) (b)(1) .(b)(3(b)(3) BENTIAI: Downgraded to 'EDIFI by authority - of (b)(3) datp CC" - f/ALTEAI COW .,.. LW Nt'T RELEVF 1 CLA.SSiFCAT;;'?1-1 CORM '.CONL:Tc.' ON_21- I . DISPATCH SYMBOL AND NUMBER . CLASSIFICATION _ ft,,,Toi,7pi,'13),:.5 . DATE 76, 30 March 1966 HQS ME NUMBER _ Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485474 Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485474 SUBJECT: We MARTIN have no MIDI MUG) JR. information that Subject appeared-at a rally in to date, nor .does the Embassy have knowledge � (b)(1) (h)C1) of a future visit of KING to � (b)(1) � (b)(3) Any future information which becomes available will be forwarded. t� you, We have also taken due note of Your. desire that the authorities not knou of your (b)(1) (b)(3) interest in Subjects activities. - CS cup ?74 / (b)(3) ' (b)(3) _ Approved for Release: 2017/06/26 C06485474