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Approved for Release: 2020/01/28 C06344321
Seeurity Infermation
Dr. Frank L. Campbell
lo Dr. CanPbell received a B.S. from Pennsylvania in 19210 an 11440 from
nutgensin 2924 and a'Sc.D. (entomolocy) from. Harvard in 1928.... During the'.
period 192A.'1927, he was an associate. professor of DiolOgysit flew. York
University. In 1927, Dr. Campbell joined the U.S. Deportment of Agriculture,
where he was an associate entomologist with the Bureau of Entomology until
1931 wbon he became an entomologist .and lams senior entomologist .with the
Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. In 1936,, he became an'associata
profossor of antomolory at Ohio State Universit7 and unn appointed a professor
in 194C, a positionvhich ho held until 1943 when he beeano acecntive Anaistant
of the 'esearch Foundation. From 1943 until 1948, he was editor of the "Sdience
Pdathly,"-and in. 1948 became tho Assistant to the Administrator, Agricultural
Rosearch Administration, Utilshington� D. C. Dr. Campbell held this position .
until 1 April 1948 when he joined CIA. In For34t10n0 Dr. Campbell was a consultant
to the Chemicals Division, Office of Ilgricultmeal War Tolations� U.S. Dopartment
of Agriculture, in 1942. He was a 7ember of the editorial committee of the
"JOurnal of Agricultural Research" from 1929 to 1936�and the publication conrittee
of the "Journal of Economic Ibtomology" from 1937 to 1941.
2, Dr. Campbell belongs to numerous professional societios including the
4fttomo1ogiCal Society of America, -the Chebical Society, Association of Economip
Entomo1ogist4 Entomological Society of Washington the Uashington Academy
and is an honorary member of the Pest Control Association. Dr. Campbell
has specialized in the relative Oxicity of stomach poison insecticides to
insects, toxicity of rotenone.;bearing insecticides, methods few determining
the effectiveness of household insecticides, chitin in insects, and synthetic
organic :Insecticides.
eU.Li bj w. en
Approved for Release: 2020/01/28 C06344321