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May 24, 1951
PDF icon LOCATION OF ATOMIC ENERGY[15679516].pdf115.48 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/07/17 C06343537 CLASSIFICATION CENTRAL 1NTELLIGENCE.AGENCY ' _ INFORMATION REPORT REPORT NO. CD NO. COUNTRY USSR May 1951 OISt SUBJECT Location of Atomic Energy Centers NO. OF PAGES 2 PLACE ACQUIRED NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. DATE OF INFORMATION Apr 53. ITHIS DOC OO 2 KK CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT SO U. S. C.. 31 AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE TION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANT NNNNNN TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO. NISITED ST LAM. RE- RODUCTIOPI OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. SOURCE THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. Iktring Verld. War- II, end. especially near its end, the USSR had, special ser- vices threagb they traced. the prod:uction of secret weapons .in Germany, These services had. broad-networke throughout Europe- It -is no longer s. secret. now that the ROviets Succeeded, much more Successfully than the British or the Ammerleatts; in obtainingstany secret....plans and weapons 'which Hitler produced - or bed Planned to produce. In addition, the USSR succeeded In. transferring entire_ plants ,from Germany to the USSR. They also diseoweirw4 aid took to the MOM 'easy German specialists who.. had_ been. Working on the diecovary- of-....atomie- smsergy. and..--irrsintions- in atonic energy field. The:StovietattOok_su eirtimated- -15-buirmiked..Serrean. 111-peCap3iirti3 and.-scientists from Germany" and. put. 'em to work- --In-toviet laboratories: il`se,VMA".. Hoperr is considered the most eminent atomic energy specialist- in the USSR. Resides him, there are the Garman scientists Alms-berg, Dr btye, and. Dr Herts. - 2,. The Soviet success was due to two- reaeOnfr. 1i-t, the USSR considered the laort war anIntermediate phase. They bad end have in view' a -futureiwer by _ which -Jokey aiiirae- conquer . the world and. inaTitute -a dietatiirship of the pro- letariat. As_a result, the questiOn of new weapons interested them more _then it did. ietheM,- -have- spent billions of ruble:3.in order to create the most effective service to further these _aims. Thitfiseri:ice has worked. perfectly. Second, the Soviet success was due to the fact that all. members of the Cestmet Party in Europe considered. that their firet responsibility wasit-to help the .10:..."%t in this regard. 3. Immediately after the end. of the war, the Soviets built a new city, called. Atone:rod, in-sthich.tbey installed most of -what they had. discovered in-Germany. Atmegrai is in the vicinity of Turns.toVilbetween Irkutsk and Lake Baikal. The building of Atomgrad was in 1945. The extensive territory around it is under the aux-reillance of the secret police so that absolutely no one can approach without special permission.. A.tomtgrad is connected with two railroad lines, and a modern airfield. has been built near it. Atomgrad. is regarded as; the- Soviet center...for the production of atomic energy. Tire belt Soviet scientiatti; and, a group- oft. German specialists are in Atcavgrad. However, this not the only place in the USSR for the pro' &action. or atomic energy and. secret weapons. Accirur�n-rinni curairsvp (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (D)(i) Approved for Release: 2019/07/17 C06343537 Approved for Release: 2019/07/17 C06343537 -2- 1 Another_ atomic 'energy- center we completed. in 1947 near the city of Narakalum * ?leer -Like ArElittralai.41 The largest- _number or Germen specialists are 'located in this center, which the Soviets cal/ Atom Centex No. 2. 7 5. Ma. MIR also has an. atomic . energy center in filibellia, named. 23.attnurt�.. This Center was built by German scientists in 1911-7. The -Soviets call it -Atom Center No. 6, but it is, in &act, third in impOrtance. -6. The. USSR also. has. an. at.eminc energy center on the ...R11.etz Sew near & swell tosu called.akdidend. German- specialists built this center :In 19116. Some hundredi or Soviet workers and three hundred German specialists work here. The- cearter Is knoyen as the Cente.r. for Atomic Nxperimentation No. k. 7. The MR also has an atomic_ energy center on the Caspian Sea. This center is called Monsicalk, probably after- some- settlement. In.. its vicinity. 8. The USSR has a canter in Tillie for trainiag- specialist perscamal au& laborers for atomic production. Besides being. a technical and. scientific school,- it is a political asheol even .vslire.. Apac-41^14ets -and workers pass through here to have their devotion to the Soviet regime .tested and to test their security as reipirds cacret pr94&:stion for the n13.1.tary industry. 9. The entire -production of the nilitery industry, atomic energy institutes, training schomds fOit workers and. specialists, the procurement of raw materials end meterial, .and. sepervision of all or the are .under the Minister or that Interior, Lavrently Pavlovichlieria. Berles first-assistant is ifershal Timeshasko- 10. The-NRON obtaina-the.clingent ustantity of uranium from the I1'. Nine near_ the -:dhage-Aittaner. 21DrISSOlt. also _bas.n uranium- mine in _Zontnask-Sartn-lon. Certain - Topartir indisate-that. the Soviets have_disteovered. a large uranium mine 1.13.71104gt?Lta. MIAs '.t.biatight..t.ii, be:under the direct _supervislas- of Marshal. Timoshenko.- , 11. The Soviets cpsgpleted. their first esperinent with the atom bomb in 191/26. This texparimaxiLtd.11sot,Sulfili. expeetaticuse. A new experiment_with atomic explosives wee perineum* cm the- shores of the Caspian-Sea is 19149. The .resalt was- positive bet-nob- to-the. degree_ impacted. New experiments with atomic explosives -were - performed in Siberia in 1950. It is thought that the results were-positive but abaft te.the-dagese that the.. Soviets could, begin production of a definite type of -atomic- 'bomb.' It neat be ,moted. and understood that this informetion ;menet be werifiaL HaNcover, it is interesting to compare it with information airway held. 40hese place names appear to have been garbled in transliteration and can not The verified utilizing existing gazettepers.27 -end- Approved for Release: 2019/07/17 C06343537