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ciApproved for Release: 2022/07/20 C06339783 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE' AGENCY REPORT NO.\ CD NO INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY SUBJECT ' PLACE ! ACQUIRED Poland. DATE DISTR. 46rjun 1950 Information Concerning Polish Zavoys NO. OF PAGES 2 DATE ACQUIRED BY SOURCE DATE OF INFORMATION NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS iNFORUATION AFFECTING TNT NATIONAL Of THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT 110 U. S. C.. 35 AND SZ. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANT AAAAA TO AN UNAUTWORIZED PERSON IS PRO. MIMITED ET LAW. REPRODUCTION Of THIS WORN IS PEOHIMITED. SOURCE THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. Adam Ostvowski, Ahbaseador in Rome. While Delegate of the Government in Lwow, be denounced. members of the Delegation first to the Germans, then to the Bolsbevtka. On behalf or the Polish Socialist Party, he was one of the first Inblin dignitaries and was supported. by Osabks. He became Velaved of Krakow and. later. Minister in Stockholm. In Stockholm. be made a fortune selling works of art he had stolen in Silesia.. He was helped by Tabaczymski. Secretary of Legation in.Stookho3Ja. Minally. he had. to give up Tabaczynski, Who left for with a great amount of money. Ostrowskl was a member of the Council of the Polish Socialist Party but be denounced its neither* to the Polish Workers Party. Hs up- set all the plans of the Polish Socialist Party to resist the pressure of the Polish Workers Party and denounced the oppositioaists. As a reward, he obtained the 'abeasy imamate where, because of the Vatican. &Pine. and not a. Jew. was needed. He is no longer wanted and. is quite notorious for his malvereations. The Ministry nr:Forel4mmAgYaiTs holds a large file of the latter. He has boon threatenine Warsaw that Bose will grunt agreement to no one else and. that he will prevent anyone from occupying the post. Wilsk/, Chief of the Personnel Department. was sent to Bone last sumer to offer additional remnneration'to OstrOtell in an attempt to Induce Matto loyalty. Ostrowski renlises that be cannot return to Warsaw for even a one.-day visit because as woul& be arrested immediately. His financial scandals and. his erotic affairs are notorious in Bone. 2. 273opeg7Winiewicz is neuring tWpendarbis career. In.his-character as a Pole, Catholic, and:nen of the 5014.41 regime, and backed up by Modzelewski, he played the role of a fertint'Oatholic. Upon instructions from the Ministry of l'oreign Affairs0 he attended all Catholic Congresses. Be used. to meet with ...Jerzy 1:btocki in a very Ostentatious manner. Harreseod by Party man. he defends himself by lavishing gifts on Gorski, Mrs MCdvelewska. and. many others. Be ia,sharried to a very avaricious. older woman, yields to her pressure and keet16 post. Wlerblowski does not favor bin and. he probably will never get anoth "40st if be loses inshington. It has been numored that be is putting money sway and arranging to settle in the WS. 3. Jerzy-Michalowski, Ambassador to London, never, return to Poland. He ham been trying to obtain, an appointment elsewhere. but hp will never get it.: �MiChalowski started his career in the administration of the city of Warsaw wliere he made some -"- : CLASSIFICATION -GOSP3DMMILIMP--SPSLI-Otkbe-elSiff� STATE NAVY NSRB ..DISTRIBUTION ARMY ' AIR FB I I I r Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 C06339783 Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 C06339783 �cearizzler1C074211T- fiffiCIALS 2 malwersations. Thanks to the protection of his sister who was the wife of Minister Kacnorowskt, and his good looks, he was allowed to join the Ministry of:loreign Affairs. The sane connections, and his knowledge of Sheilah, caused. his :appoint.. meat as Ambeseador. As a Pole. son of a musician, and meMber of thePolish Socialist Party, he was bailees& to be cut out for London. Be would now like to get a transfer to India where there will be no HOrski and a higher salary. Barman, the authority in goestion, epposed it saying. A. young man such as be ehonli be pleased to be Ambassador �. His protection ended, with the and. of his brother-inelawts career. Be is still kept in London because it le known that agreement would be =stemma to a Communist. Be rill not return to Warsaw for be would. have nothing to do there. 4. Prnsgynski owes his career to Modzolawekles preference for writers and. Na.n of the cad regime�. Nevertbsiess, today it is Wortloweki Who has his say In the settee and he is known for his hatrei of the these �P� gentlemen - TUtrameet, Treezynaki and.Przyboe,, WedSelewski, in spite of Mawr Blond and Cardinal Baplehe!1_1 oppositions sent Pruszynski to Rome and promoted his to the rank Of Minister. RVIARZYneki emphasised bin relation.- ship with Prelate Meysztowlez through his wife. and hoped that this connection wonla pave his way for negotiations with the Vatican. This failed. His wife left his for aZaw in Krakow and be ham been living with-a, frenchwomem -hie brotheres wife in the Segue. Ia spite of his failure. MOdzeiewekl_ managed to convince the Party of his usefulness. Wham avacancy opened in the Hague. Hodeelewakk succeeded inappoint.e leg Pruezynnk to the poet because it was known that a Gonennist would not be admitted,. Ilerblowe3l6hates Pruseynski to such an extent that be refeees to see his. Praszynoki known very well that it 'maid be useless for him to return to Warsaw. He has been trying to establish some �Catholic� contacts In order to be able to desert at the proper time. Agmeat lover of women, be is always penniless. . 5. Drohojownkis desired an appointment impala, or Paris, but all his efforts to that end failed while be we in, Warsaw last summer. TilorlosWhl offered. his Berne as his �last chance�. LrchcicSoNct received credit for his work in developing Communism in Central America, where be helped with the orgaeleation of the Cominformss end the Party's work. His credit is due to the influence of his wife. Hatalls Ankenazy, known for her financial speculations but in the good. graces of the Party:. His reputation in Berne is bud. but, since Switzerland wenid like tD � settle her financial claims on Poland., no objection was made -to his appointment. 5. Tadeusz lemplokis Consul General In Marseille,. He in an en-lawyer and industrialist from Warsaw. Be knows that be would, obtain no other appointment and, therefore, will not go back to Poland. 7. Wolkowickt, Consul at Amsterdam, is in the same position as LAMP-144. and. - -0028411315 MiSr.afte.111111r, SI Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 C06339783