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Document Creation Date: 
March 8, 2023
Document Release Date: 
April 10, 2019
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Publication Date: 
March 15, 2012
PDF icon OPA END OF DAY[15603781].pdf51.16 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/04/03 C06312742 CONM-711-57171 TAT7`7`111,Fe�R�41-- From: David H. Petraeus Subject: Re: CPA End of Day El Sent by: To: Date: 03/16/2012 12:45 AM Cc: Cynthia L. Rapp David H. Petraeus, Michael J. Morel!, V. Sue Bromley, This message is digitally signed. (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Thx, Didi. Roger all. COT\IFTES/NOFORN CON NTIAL//NOFORN From: Cynthia L. Rapp Subject: OPA End of Day Date: 03/15/2012 08:11 PM To: David H. Petraeus, Michael J. Morell, V. Sue Bromley Cc: (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) Just a couple of things to note. � Siobhan Gorman/WSJ continues to work on her Soleimani piece. She told us she is planning to use a portion of a cable from WikiLeaks � You may know that the WH/CT staff has been working with the IC to declassify and analyze documents taken from UBL's compound. They have organized some of the documents thematically for use with press where they could provide a strategic communications benefit The first such collection is called "Al-Qaida's Weaknesses, Internal Disputes, and Bin LadiWs Views." That material was exclusively reviewed this week by David Ignatius, MI6 has secured essentially half of the Washington Post's Sunday editorial page for column on the subject. The column will paint a picture of a fractured, weakened AQ core, and a hunkered down, brooding UBL cut off from his organization by our CT efforts. Because Ignatiuss column is disseminated globally, its possible that some papers will post it sometime (b)(1) (b)(1) CONF Approved for Release: 2019/04/03 C06312742 Approved for Release: 2019/04/03 C06312742 CONFIDENTIAL/ /NOFORN tomorrow. � DD/NCS gave a good interview to VVTOP's JJ Green (who will be at your media dinner next week) on his life in the NCS and diversity efforts at CIA. The interview will be featured in a couple of on-air segments and a blog article. � Cheers, Didi Cynthia L. Rapp 0/0 PA CONFIDENTIAL//NOFORN Approved for Release: 2019/04/03 C06312742