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Publication Date:
October 25, 1963
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kz -PACK-T. 511V V
25 October 1963
SUBJECT: Meeting with the President, McNamara, Attorney
General, Bundy, myself concerning South Viet Nam
1. The President stated the purpose of the meeting was to
consider (1) recent actions in South Viet Nam with respect to coup
planning and qualifications of the individuals reporting, and (2) our
policy in South Viet Nam as he wished to be assured there was unanimity
within the government prior to the return of Ambassador Lodge.
2. With respect to the first item I stated that I felt we were
handling a very delicate situation in a non-professional manner and
that the reports indicated it in such statements as paragraph 3 of
SAIG 1956.
"Gen. Don stated that Gen. Harkins had reiterated the
fact that he had misunderstood a presidential directive, that
Ambassador Lodge was aware of and controlling Conein's
contacts with Don, and that Conein was the proper person with
whom to speak. "
This placed us in a position that if General Don was being "managed"
by Diem and Nhu there was absolutely no plausible denial of U. S.
officials participating in coup plotting at the levels of the President,
General Harkins and Ambassador Lodge.
Secretary McNamara supported this position and went
much further, stating that Conein's wires were inaccurate, not checked
or verified as evidenced by General Harkins' denials of statements
attributed to him. Furthermore, the whole coup business was being
handled in an amateurish way by inexperienced people from Lodge
on down.
I stated that we were dissatisfied and pointed out that this
morning's cable (Lodge to Bundy) stated that "CAS has been punctilious
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in carrying out my instructions. I have personally approved each
meeting between General Don and Conein who has carried out my
orders in each instance explicitly. It On this basis CIA has no control
over this situation and therefore could assume little responsibility.
After an extended exchange in which all expressed concern
over the existing situation, the President asked that CIA come up
with (a) a plan for installation of a chief of station and reorganization
of the station, and (b) plan for further conduct of monitoring coup
plotting in a way that would be non-attributable and therefore deniable.
These plans should be available prior to Ambassador Lodge's return.
3. The President then said that he felt that I was not in agreement
with policy and asked my views on the course of action we are pursuing.
I stated as follows:
a. I was dissatisfied with the present actions of the
Ambassador, General Harkins and the Station because if General Don
was being "managed" by Nhu then we would be seriously embarrassed.
b. There is a possibility, however, that General Don has
a coup in the making and will pull it off.
c. If so we in CIA felt we could expect an interregnum and
a period of political confusion because CIA does not feel that the
Generals involved in the coup plotting are capable of providing
immediate, dynamic leadership to the country.
d. We forecast that this political confusion would then
end up, quite possibly, in another coup at some undetermined future
time and after that some form of political order would probably evolve.
However, I pointed out that the effect of all this on
the war effort wa s difficult to determine, and indeed it was possible
that the war might be lost during the interregnum and period of
political confusion.
e. I said that in CIA's opinion there were civilians fully
capable of running South Viet Nam, however, it is not clear to us how
these men, some of whom are in South Viet Nam and others outside of
the country in exile or on political assignments could be injected into
the government and exercise effective control.
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f. I then said that in examining the Diem-Nhu actions in
the last 60 days it is to be noted that they have taken constructive
military moves as recommended by McNamara and Taylor; have taken
a few relatively unimportant political steps; but have apparently "dug
in" on the really important political issues. These however have not
so much as been discussed with them because of the policy of "correct,
cool attitude. "
g. At this point I noted that the policy of "correct coolness"
had foreclosed either overt or covert contact with Diem and Nhu and
hence had shut off all intelligence concerning their thinking and plans.
Although some contacts at the lower level had con- (b)(1)
tinued, they were non-productive. Furthermore, we observed Diem (b)(3)
and Nhu had instituted their own policy of "correct, cool attitude" and
apparently had warned many of their subordinates, both civilian and
military, to be extremely careful in their contacts with the American
mis sion.
4. I stated that we were at a crossroads. We either have to
work with Diem and Nhu or we have to take aggressive steps to remove
them and it was not clear that the succeeding government would be much
better. However, it was clear that the resulting political confusion
would be damaging.
I then said that I felt we should work with Diem and Nhu as
the most desirable alternative. We should keep in contact with them
and this differed from present policy. We should exercise persuasion,
influence and pressure to get them to institute some political reforms.
This, I felt, was in the best interest of winning the war.
I said that there was some hope that Lodge might get started
on this course during this coming weekend when he would be with
Diem. I didn't think he should sit stony faced waiting for Diem to talk
to him but rather he should talk to Diem and get the issues out on the
table and recommended he be so instructed.
5. The President ordered Bundy to cable Lodge expressing our
concern over the situation described above and also urging free and
open talks with Diem over the coming weekend.
6. The President also asked that (1) CIA develop a plan as
outlined above promptly and (2) arrange for Dave Smith to return with
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