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December 23, 1965
Approved for Release: 2021/11/18 006265251 ATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. CONTROLLED DISSEM COUNTRY USSR 2 9 DEC 1965 CONTTIAL REPORT NO. SUBJECT Current Research Projects and Problems DATE DISTR. of the Institute of Chemistry of Natural Products, Moscow/Intense Savbloc Interest NO. PAGES in Streptothrycin, a Toxic Substance with Possible BW Implications REFERENCES DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. to Nov 65 ��� 410 to Nov 65 (b)(3) NO DISSEM ABROAD (b)(3) 23 December 1965 2 ,g5 Tills Is UNEVALUATED INFORMATION SOURCE: 5 4 !-S.Nd 2' ' 1 1. During his visit to US microbiological facilities in October and November 1965 Dr MikhailMShemyakin, an active member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences and director of the Institute of Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Moscow, indicated his interest in the development of US mass spectrometry of natural products. He expressed a genuine surprise when he learned that even major US microbiological_research laboratories lacked mass spectrometers, and boasted that his institute had four normal spectro- meters and one high resolution mass spectrometer. (The latter costs about US$200,000.) 2. According to Shemyakin, hiss institute is engaged among others, in the following research projects: a. Application of mass spectrometry to amino acid sequence AnAlysis in poly-peptides. b. Classification of actinomytes using chemistry of the cell wall.- -------- c. Biological effects of DNA and its breakdown products. d. Research on streptothricin. _ 3. To underline his vivid interest in streptothricin, Shemyakin brought with him a hitherto unpublished paper written by Professor A S Khokhlov deputy director, and his co-worker, Dr P D Reshetov, Institute of the Chemistry of Natural Products. Shemyakin stated that Khokhlov and his associates have been working on streptothricin, a highly toxin 'substance,, for several years and that they needed US streptothricin "for comparison." 4. As is known, streptothricin was first reported by US investigators in U-NO (b)(1) (b)(3) GROUP I Excluckd from (Moos* downproding end decleisifwetko 5 4 3 2 1 FORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT Approved for Release: 2021/11/18 006265251 A A T T T T 4 T Approved for Release: 2021/11/18 006265251 -2- (b)(3) 1940. After two years of research, streptothricin was declared nephro- toxic and it was agreed that further study would be useless. However, the researchers also found that many peptide-like antibiotics related to streptothricin have varied biological activities against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, fungi and viruses. Since some US microbiologists felt that various members of the streptothricin family of antibiotics may found non-toxic and may prove to be highly important antibiotics, research has not entirely been abandoned. 5. Judging from private requests made by Soviet, Czechoslovak and Hungarian microbiologists visiting in the US during the past few years, there appears to be a concerted effort on the part of Sovbloc researchers to obtain samples of streptothricin from their US colleagues. US microbiologists recall that a Sovbloc visitor indicated his interest in streptothricin in connection with his research in the field of equine encephalitis. Several US researchers are convinced that the Soviet sId satellite work on streptothricin has LW implications. 6. Shemyakin's institute is not doing any work on ergot alkaloids. However, a new research organization, the Institute of the Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms, Soviet Academy of Sciences, now located at Ul Vavilova 18, Moscow, but scheduled to move into its own building in 1966, is conducting some work on ergot alkaloid production. The director of the new institute is Dr Nikolay Yerusalimskiy.,) a former deputy director of the Institute of Microbiology, MOSCOW. Ierusalemskiy's deputy is Dr Georgiy K Skryabin. 7. The work of the Institute of Chemistry of Natural Products is determined by-the following criteria: a. The research problem has to be interesting from a biological point of view. � b. The problem has to be of chemical interest from the point of view of chemistry of new products. c. The problem has to have practical biological implications since funds allocated for fundamental research are limited. 8. The institute's major efforts now center around natural product research for which more funds are available than for, work on synthetic drugs. 9. Shemyakin's institute has only a small, insignificant project concerning Soviet "popular" medicinals, and as a rule, Soviet microbiologists have a low opinion of Chinese Communist research efforts in this field. 10. One of the top priorities of Shemyakin's institute is research on interferon. Soviet researchers are of the opinion that interferon which has been investigated by several US scientists could be important in virology as an antiviral and, possibly an antitumor agent. Some Soviet scientists believe that interferon maybe involved in the prevention of tumor. However, they admit that they have been hindered by assay problems. ,Shemyakin requested several US researchers doing work on interferon to help his institute with the solution of the assay problem. end. 5 4 3 CONFIDENTIAL. . �-- - 5 4 3 Approved for Release: 2021/11/18 006265251 4 Approved for Release: 2021/11/18 C06265251 �k, TM PRESENT STA.T21 OP INV2STIGATION OP , pTR2PPO2IMICIN ANTIBIOTICS Prof.A.S.Khokhlov and P.D�ReshetoV Institute for Chemistry of Natural Products,. � USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, USSR. �� raioroorganisms producing stroptothricin and. related � antibiotics are very: widespread. in nature. Subabances belong.� . in to this clasS are frequently encountered. by all engaged in .� screening tests' for new antibiotics from actinortycetes. Tho high antibiotio activity of the streptothricins and. ,their delayed. toxicity which becomes apparent only on prolonged advtrri stration have time and again attracted the attention of � ��thd4 research workers to those compounds. Streptothricin. o� , the parent compound of this group aI4 its best known. member was' discovered by S.Waksman and R.B.Woodruff in 1942. Le.ter a number of ,iscaa344.1--9111.y purified antibiotic preparations with pro...- , pertios similar Ito the streptothcin was described. However � in tho majority of oases the tiailecuonfiziod themselves only to general description of nonhomopneous preparations to which they save .new names orVcit4eacee-Zusually on inisu.ffioient 13 CtA,U> � grounds),Ift-vtartue of this the presi-l-nriim streptothriOin \III .1.0,,;,...17c � atabl, mat about 70 6,, which thowevev, as our studios have shown are without, rational basis. The structure of streptothricin was established in a/ 1961-1963 as lam result of extensive work by Amorican and. � 1 � English gEoups 01, soienti -4 4.. r7 Approved for Release: 2021/11/18 C06265251 Approved for Release: 2021/11/18-606-265251 w. ma �t CIOCOn'hfe, "rat., I H07,1 0 t's(H�c I . 1\1 � QH �H 014 00 020H CH2011.2CH2NE2 It is noteworthy that staptomyeetes produce strepto.. thricia free of other antibiotics of the same group; this greatly facilitates its isolation and purification. s. Almost e=t4 .propo a were madith-.57-----v ,structures of streptolin(II.1.0arter� B'Esvan Tamelen), raCemomycin 0 (S.Takemura), and partially or roseothricinT4 ((oto et al ) and goomycin (Harookmann). However, our in. Vestigations have shownAdme structures.Zii either inaq.' curate, or (as in the case oT racemomycia 0) lacking _or-sound,. � basis, This is probably duo to the tact that the preparation400 studied were mixtures rather then individual compounds. It must be emphasized, that the isolation of individual. ek. streptothricins from crude preparations was fo1r long(a-very difficult task. All spreptothrioins are insoluble in. nonpolar solvents (practicallythey are soluble Only in water), they are unstable in acid and alkaline solutions, and. at elevated temperatures also(htiii-ral medium; they display no characteristic . bands in the UV-spectra and so on. We have found, that different streptothricins,lwhen Obtained intro-individual state, are . almost indistinguishable from each other in many of their 'pro. parties "16 for a:maples with the exception of only the most \ t/ simple otreptothricin P, i.e. streptahricin itselfothey have Approved for Release: 2021/11/18 C06265251 Approved for Release: 2021/11/18 C06265251 r , WO 4, MO � the same IR spectrum. All this great4 limits the posstbilitrn -k 1 ies ofA investigatorinrseleottng methods for fractionatirij the . streptothrioins. Preparative partition chromatography on lulose in butanol-pyridine-acetio acid-water (15100112) sol. vent system used, for instance,in the separation of the compost, nonts of racemomytin and antibiotic A-8265 proved to be very. laboroup and of little officieniy and did not receive wide applies cation. Hence the first stage in our Investigations was the - elaboration of methods for the isolation and purification of , individual streptothricins, on a preparative scale.. The different basicities of streptothrioin and otreptolin led us to the assumption that, perhapsIthe other streptothricins j differ from each other in the number of free amino groups. � On these grounds we believed ion-exchange chromatography might' prove to be a suitable method for tractionatfng of the strepto.1, " thmicin preparations,. For rational selection of the fraction** , I tion conditions we first determined the distribution coefti- . j tionts CO of one of our crude preparations-grisia (grisemin),- between the carboxylcontaining resins Amberlite IRC-50 and carboxymethylcellulose (the sodium form) and soli*. 1 tions or sodium chloride and sodium acetate of various concentraft The optimal .K values were found for adsorption of the antibiotic on carboxymethylaelIulose from 0.2-.0.4 molar soluf, 'tions of sodium chloride. The ana*tical experiments (with a column 0.9cm diameter and 40 cm long) showed that under such conditions this method, was highly efficient* Approved for Release: 2021/11/18 C06265251 �� kr) Approved for Release: 2021/11/18 C06265251 By these means all six antibiotios which were found to. be simultaneousll present in the mixture, could be reliably separated. Thus, ionrioxchango chromatography on carboxymethylcel* lulose in a sodium chloride concentration gradient formed the basis for a general whew we developed for the isolation and purification of streptothricinsi apd-,in this wavy we were able to overcome obstacles presented,by the similarity of the properties � of these antibiotics. The operations used in each stage of tho purification are given in the following scheme, but some of them re4uire explaaa,* tion. � � � Stage in the Isolaticin and purification of individeal, streptothricins. Principal stages' in the ' purification process 1.Preliminary purification . of crude' preparations \?.Fractionation of crude preparations 3.Isolation or individual Corresponding operations. lareatment with active charcoal 2.Preparation of picrate and its � transformation into hydro/chic)... ride . � Lion exchange chromatography on carpoxymethylcelluloae 10Adsorption on Atberlite 3110.50 streptothrioins from eluatoe 2�Desalting of ion exchange resin\ 3�Desorption and drying of anti- , biotics � 4.Furthor purification of ' l.Precipition as the picrate and obtained compounds transformation into the hydro chloride Approved Approved for Release: 2021/11/18 C06265251 Approved for Release: 2021/11/18 C06265251 5 2.Fractiona3. precipitation 3.Proparation of pure sulphates and oxalates. After isolation, from culturea broth streptothricin prepare... tions usually contain pigmented impurities and certain amounts of inorganic salts so that they must be subjected to a IR pro MIMI., 3.7 purification. The results. of the chromatography of four preparations .at optimal charge of the column (grisomin 5 mgiral,phytobacterio- mycin 2 mg/mi, polvinycin and antibiotio N 4714-12495 me(m1) are given on the next slide. Because the qualitative and quantitative composition of the crude streptothricin mixtures depends on the fermentation ' conditions, the fractionation was sometimes repeated., as a rule � using for the first fractionation maximal charges of columns, for exnmple for polyrnycin uo 6 mg/m1. The fractions were analysed by measuring the optical den- sity at 215 mi,i,which is a linear function of the concentration of the compounds.. After fractionation the separated. Streptothri.. cins wore dissolved. in 3-65 liters of 0.2-0.3 molar solutions of � sodium chloride,' i.e. the ratio by weight of antibiotic to so- -;. dium chloride thus being about 1 to 50. Concentrating and desalt."' ins were achieved by adsorption on the sodium forme of Amberlite IRC.50. However the preparations obtained at this stage still contained small amounts of sodium chloride and. traces of inaa- tivation products. The neutral sulphates and. oxalates of the streptothrioins were prepared by means of thoroughly-washed "I Approved for Release: 2021/11/18 C06265251 Approved for Release: 2021/11/18 C06265251 i" finoIy ground (400-600 mosh),,oe anion-exchange resin Arnberlite IRA-400 in the appropriate (sulphate or oxalate) form, As a result 18 dhromatographically pure streptothricias belonging to six: different typos of compounds were obtained from five crude preparations - paymycia, phytdbacteriovoin, Japanese antibiotic racemomycia, griserain and antibiotic M 4714-12 AU compounds, belonging to the series A. to B have the - same characteristic /a-spectrum with strongly marked amide � bmies 3250,1658,1563 and 1310 cm'. The IR, .4spoctraa of � stroptothricins belonging to P-type differs only, by the absence of absorption band in the 1563 eel region. Table 1 gives the , optical activity of the majority of the compounds obtained, Table 3., Optical activity of streptothricin antibiotics Name s . f streptothricin hydrochlorides of initial pro-s (o 0.9 in methanol) paration BO D E Polyqycin l'hytobacteriomy- cm Grinemin Antibiotic M 4714-12 , Streptothricin .8treptolin �-9,2 -9,6 x) -.21,6 4 .21,0 x) .42,2 -22,0 -36,6 -34,4 -42,0 Approved for Release: 2021/11/18 C06265251 _ Approved for Release: 2021/11/18 C06265251 - 7 � ---x) These compounds wore tabtained in small amounts ezfd their fail were determined, only approxima hay. xx)Data from the literature. A: very important characteristic of,streptothricin compounds. is the number of free amino groups in their molecules, which .!) doterminoa their basicity. Ve determinEi.iaa 54=t1e number of free amino groups we made use of a method described irA the 2i-. toraturo based. on the electrophoresis of N-3,5-dinitrosu3,pho- phenyl derivatives (DUSE) of different degrees of substitution.. � The use of DN1Z6derivatives for this purpose has the advantage over that of =4P-derivatives in high solubility of the DNSP-de- e rivativea in aqueous electrolytes and in jump--of 2 unitO of charge for each substitution. Ebwever, preliminary experiments revealed. that the interaction of potassium, 4-chloro-315-dinitro-, benzenesulphonato with amino groups in, the presence of triethylft amine was accompanied by partial inactivation of the strepto- thricins and led to extra spots on theelectrophoregrams. In analysing the electrophoregraas these extra spots could. be excluded, by comparing the mobility DNSB.derivatives of .ihe types of streptothrioins with that of their inactivation pro-. duets 0b2?aine4 by treating antibiotics with dilute mineral acids. It was therefore possible to interpret the electrophoreg.. rams of DNSP-dertvativosnof streptothrioins as follows. The streptothrioin, with two free amino groups (streptothricin 0) can, however, take up three equivalents of acid. Therefore its DNSP-derivatives on eleotrophoresis in acid electrolytes must Approved for Release: 2021/11/18 C06265251 � Approved for Release: 2021/11/18 C06265251 8 4.. +2 . +5 , +1 0 +4 +2 have charges of +1 and .l rather then 0 and. .2. And. in fact :I ' these derivatives are readily noticeable as two intensely s coloured spots, simmotrically aituated on both sides of the zero-lino, These conclusions were o-X essential importance in analyzing 4-the electrophoregrams or WW.derivatives of the other anti- biotics. In this way it became possible to determine the number of free amino groups Lind the basicity or all six types of stropto thricins ( see Table 2) Table 2. Blectrophoresis of MU-derivatives of Streptothricins � � � Type'of stropto.� thricia DNSP.derivatives of the streptothri.:NUMber- :Basicitj cm' charges and location of the lat.:or amino:or strev ter on the electrophoregrams ;groups � stothri. mins .;+1' 6. �-2 .1. -.3 0 s�Z. � 11 +5 .+3 I-C+1 '/(71. i-;73 4 +6' *�--.(+4 -,-(4.2 0. 4