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November 3, 1958
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� Approved for Release: 2020����W TOP SECRET 3.3(h)(2) PeSir 3.5(c) 3 November 1958 CENTRAL Copy No. C 59 INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. 2 .... NO CHANGE IN CLASS. >e I ! DECLASSIFIED ..., CLASS. CHAIsIGED TO: -5-2 NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUTH: HR 700 re�-2 DATE. Ift, REVIEWER: a TOP SECRET #:" jApproved for Release: 2020/01/23 C06232629/ Approved for 006232629 -TOP-SEC-PET- Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 006232629 Approved for lelease7. 2020/01/23 006232629 3 NOVEMBER 1958 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Taiwan Strait - Lull continues, but forces on mainland remain at strength. USSR may claim credit for "limited" tin exports in 1959. - Polish foreign minister outlines new version of plan for "atom'-free zone" in Central Europe; New Polish five-year plan provides for industrial growth at same rate as present. USSR- Pasternak affair not yet fin- ished. II. ASIA-AFRICA . �The Arab-Israeli situation. �Anti-British rioting in Aden. �Saudi arms being sent to Omani ' rebels. �Moroccan crown prince to visit Nasir: III. THE WEST French foreign minister redefines De Gaulle's plan for tripartite policy coordination. Haiti- Army officers may oust Pres- ident. LATE ITEM � USSR- Nuclear explosions in oKapustin Yar and Krasnovodsk areas. TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 006232629 Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 C06232629 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 3 November 1958 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC *Taiwan Strait situation: The Chinese Communists re- sumed sporadic shelling of Big Chinmen on 3 November following a 38-hour lull. The Chinese Communists have maintained the strong forces deployed in and near the strait area in July and August, and in some ways they have been augmenting and attempting to improve the capabilities of these forces. The movement into Manchuria of up to a reg- iment of Soviet MIG-19's on 25 and 26 October has been confirmed. (Page 1) USSR-West: Soviet negotiations with the International Tin Council (ITC) suggest that in 1959 the USSR intends to export all available surplus Sino-Soviet bloc tin, and at the same time claim credit for alleviating economic difficulties in Free World tin-producing countries by appearing to limit its exports. The Sino-Soviet bloc will have available from current production only an estimated 10,000 tons of tin for export in 1959. Moscow, by drawing from stockpiles this year, will export about 18,000 tons and may agree to "limit" future exports by about 50 percent--the quota now imposed on Free World exporters by the ITC in an attempt to stabilize tr price of tin Atom-Free Zone plan: During his recent visit to Oslo, Polish Foreign Minister Rapacki discussed a new version of his plan for an "atom-free zone" in Central Europe. This version probably will be presented as a Soviet bloc proposal at the forthcoming Geneva talks on Prevention of Surprise Attack. The revised plan envisages two phases: the first A/pproved for Release. 2020/01/23 CO6232629 ri A /AApproved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO6232629/ 0 TOP SECRET step would prohibit equipping additional forces in the zone with nuclear weapons and ban their manufacture there; the second phase would be concerned with the "gradual with- drawal" of all such weanons and the reduction of conventional forces in the zone 'Poland: The Gomulka regime in Poland has outlined a moderate economic plan for the period of 19614965; the scheduled rate of industrial growth is about the same as that of the present five-5year plan: The new_plail, which con- tinues Poland's dependence on bloc raw materials and mar- kets, will not serve to moderate greatly the present dissatis- faction with low living standards, but will reduce some of the worst existing shortages. (Page 4) USSR: Pasternak's letter to Khrushchev probably will not still the campaign of vilification and the threats which forced the writer to demean himself with admission of pos- sible error and to plead to be allowed to remain in the Soviet Union. The Kremlin will probably try to obtain a more abject confession, but efforts to do so run the danger of intensifying popular interest in Pasternak's book and of further damaging the USSR's standing abroad. Copies are now believed to be circulating clandestinely in intellectual and student circles. (Page 5) II. ASIA-AFRICA The Arab-Israeli situation: UAR forces remain on a precautionary alert and are taking steps to protect airfields and ports against surprise attack. The chief of the Israeli- Syrian Mixed Armistice Commission stated on 30 October that Israel suspended work at noon that day on a controver- sial irrigation ditch near Lake Tiberias. This appears to put off for the moment a threatened engagement between UAR and Israeli forces. 3 Nov 58 DAILY BRIEF 11 vA V. TOP SECRET 4Approved for WL/7. /SOTEET75765/05g53 A Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 006232629 Indetuute boundary Protectorate boundary Mecca SUDAN RED SEA ETHIOPIA MILES 300 24510 80624 5/ 80703 Dammam ,BA .Riyadh q.