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PDF icon letter to vice chairman s[15448433].pdf258.85 KB
Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230270 ocA ot- 011137 ocA )- 222 SUBJECT: Letter to Vice Chairman Shelby on Unauthorized Disclosures DCl/OCA, OCA 2001-2226 (FN: Distribution: Original 1 1 1 1 1 1 (b)(3) 5July01 LeglibL(b)(3) 'Shelby UD Responseii.doc) - Vice Chairman Shelby - OCA Registry - D/OCA -GC - DAC - EXO/OCA hron (b)(3) 5E 1 /IOLA 1690 I Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230270 Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230270 Unclassified US Classification//Non USHSCl//CodewordllFG1//Dissem Connols//Non-Intell/fDeclass (as appropriate) EXECUTIVE CORRESPONDENCE ROUTING SHEET 1. Origination Office DCl/OCA/Le islation Group 2. Date 08/03/2001 7 Name Room No. and Building Phone .fizr , (b) 4. Subject Letter to Vice Chairman Shelby on Unauthorized Disclosures 5. Originating Office Control It OCA 2001-2226 5a. Response to DAC # (Originating Office to Complete) 5b. DAC Control # (DAC Use Only) 6. Justification / Summary (Required for Immediate and Priority Actions) Routine J Priority Immediate 7. Coordination This letter has been coordinated with and cleared Security Council staff. by the Office of Management and Budget and the National NOTE: NI corms, 'Mena) sent to DC!, must be sent vie EiDir and.DDCI , )----.. . , ., ,� . . . \ � Mector, Office _of Congressional Attairs - SIGNATURE I CONCUR v i)/3/ 0 / / Eli FYI (b ..10 General counsel - V SIGNATURE CONCUR j. SIGNATr FYI (b TITLE 0 DAC SIGNATURE v CONCUR Ifit" 11* tt 3. SIGNATUrtt FYI . a 0 6 __---- DILE� SIGNATURE V CONCUR ClrG"'"'NkINII-EjiMili3le�Difectclr FYI it WO / (t TITLE Deputy ilt.91.4 qntral SIGNATURE e// t t 1 V I CONCUR '4S. 0 N 1-71 SIGNATURE . �- �.� Director of Central Intelligence CONCUR � a ( I. SIGNATURE FYI 01kL TITLE .4p144.1 L le,�), - r- SIGNATURE 1..1 CONCUR y. SIGNATURE ' FYI & (t FORM 4468 04-00 Unclassified Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230270 Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230270 PUG-02-2001 12 : 27 OMB/LRD/RDI 202 395 5716 P.01/02 Office of Management anti Budget Legislative Reference Division 7218 New Executive Office Building 723 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20503-0001 Date: 02 August 2001 FROM: Michael Garcia PHONE (202) 395-7896 FAX: (202) 395-5691 E-MAIL: Michael_Garcia@omb.eop.gov FAX # COMMENTS: Attached is the cleared version of the CIA's response letter to Sen. Shelby on "leaks." This has been reviewed and modified by OMB and NSC. Thanks. Page 1 of 2 Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230270 Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230270 AUG-02-2001 12:27 CIMB/LRD/RD I 202 395 5716 P.02/02 (b)(3) AUG-01-220i 19!26 Cf113/LACvUJP 282 395 6148 P.131/$31 (b)(5) TOTAL P.01 Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230270 Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230270 CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENCE ACTION PLAN 17 Joly / 0 So Suspense Date Control Number ACTION Please forward response as indicated below to OCA for coordination and trartsmitt Prepare a response for DCI signature. Lead Action Office: 'Information Copies: Prepare a response for. D/OCA signature. Lead Action Office: oc,C, Information Copies: CPA; Li NO WRITTEN RESPONSE NECESSARY Lead Office: Follow-Up Action: Information Copies: OCA ACTION OFFICER: Advance Copies Provided To: (b)(3) Comments: NO FURTHER DISSEMINATION WITHOUT PRIOR OCA APPROVAL. Form 3-99 4499 Obsolete. Previous (EF) Editions Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230270 Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230270 RICHARD C. SHELBY. ALABAMA. CHAIRMAN BOB GRAHAM. FLORIDA. VICE 0/AIRMAN JON KYL. ARIZONA JAMES M. INHOFE. OKLAHOMA ORRIN G. HATCH, UTAH PAT ROBERTS, KANSAS MIKE WARNE, OHIO FRED THOMPSON. TENNESSEE RICHARD G. LUGAR. INDIANA CARL LEVIN. MICHIGAN JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER IV, WEST VIRGINIA DIANNE FEINSTEIN, CALIFORNIA RON WYDEN, OREGON RICHARD J. DURBIN. ILLINOIS EVAN BATH. INDIANA JOHN EDWARDS. NORTH CAROUNA ,b4C -,03316 OCA 01- 01103 United eStateli ,*enate SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE TRENT 1017, MISSISSIPPI, EX OFFICIO THOMAS A. DASCHLE, SOUTH DAKOTA, EX OFFICIO WASHINGTON, DC 20510-8475 BILL DUHNKE, STAFF DIRECTOR ALFRED CUMIWNG. MINORITY STAFF DIRECTOR KATHLEEN P. McGHEE. CHIEF CLERK July 9, 2001 The Honorable George J. Tenet Director of Central Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 Dear Mr. Director: Last year President Clinton � over the objection of the Attorney General, the Director of Central Intelligence, and the Director of the FBI � vetoed the Intelligence Authorization bill because it included a provision that would criminalize the 'leaking' of classified information. . There remains a consensus within the Intelligence Community and the national security committees of Congress that leaks of classified information are out of control. Just in the months since the Bush Administration took office we have seen numerous examples of leaks throughout the government, particularly in the Hanssen investigation. At present, there is no statutory proscription for disclosing, without authorization, nondefense classified information. The time has come to fill this void. Last year's 'leaks' provision was drafted with the cooperation and support of the Attorney General, the Secretary of State, the Director of the FBI, and the Director of Central Intelligence. In fact, the Clinton Administration supported the provision in their own Statement of Administration Policy. Only under intense pressure from the press in the midst of a very competitive presidential race did the Clinton Administration waver in its support for the provision late last year. This provision has been in discussion since the Reagan Administration studied the issue in 1985 and recommended enactment of legislation. It is a provision that is long overdue. With your support, we will work with the Administration to ensure we can enact a tough but fair leaks provision in this year's Intelligence Authorization Act. Sincerely, 444 Richard C. She � Vice Chairman se IOLA 10301 Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230270 Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230270 OMB/LRD/RD I 202 395 5716 P03/03. . JUL-26-2001 14:21 THE VICE PRESIDENT WASHINGTON July 19, 2001 The Honorable Richard C. Shelby Ranking Republican Select Committee on Intelligence United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Shelby: 1 4t. Thank - .... ....: i --.1, _. -. I . 7. Thank you for your letter of July 9th regarding legislatimi to este/Rik crixninapenalties for unauthorized disclosure of classified info:maim Ittno*Miltly. ift Otte carnets public service, you and I have seen situations in which people with autf�orized ruireefss- tn. clasaited information have broken faith and disclosed secrets that have injuredloursdeferisk Idiplorriiinc and intelligence capabilities and activities. The American people have iiights.to *Pet their Ghvemment to protect the national security secrets upon which the pioteetiniznd..akiancemint of American interests depends. 3 1. -r : 1 � � .1 � - VI understand that Congress is likely to consider legislatitm fp establi*-criminal penalties for unauthorized disclosures of classified information in conNetion:wilitonsideration of the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002. Theolottories Gjineral has the lead for the Administration on legislation defining crimes, such as illouptitthoriZeii disclosures legislation. The Secretaries of State, Defense, and Energy, the Directed' of eentrilIntdligence, and other officials whose organizations depend for their effectivereAsirpon probtetion of classified information, are available to assist the Attorney Ger4rillti this piattor II have asked the Attorney General to contact yoli.regircEiglslatfori*M unauthorized disclosures of classified information. Thank you for you(contiaiiing leadetzhip on intelligence issues. .; _ cc: The Honorable John Ashcroft Attorney General of the United States Washington, D.C. 20530 0"Riversio 'Ph RIMMED WM .���� � t. � . orryrk/rn TTMC 15 55 �, � i C,CsPA Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230270 JUL-26-2001 1421 Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230270 OMB/I...RD/RD I 202 395 5716 P.02/03 .110111 el MIMI OAS% MOM lilialCoVk ISOM 101011111.~ sat sal maws soma c. wax. somma `Silted Otatv; *matt MAW COmmlfrEi ow irnewandet /awe& igasZialerawa akin woo wa.sairoN. De WSIO�Sali 46111tra=K *UT wACROM WIN OMPINKIMUNONIA ISOW111101.011NON Poempa.1111011111.aumINI rase Jim sowiliet mow wawa ow. euimea. RJR WNW WAS anaPitit sasleirPi INN MCP* aimuitio merit. 01110 SUM July 9, 2001 The Honorable Richard B. Cheney Vice President of the United States Old Executive Office Building Washington, D.C. 20501 , Den Mr. Vice President Last year President Clinton� over the objection of the Attorney General, the Director of Central Intelligence, and the Director of the FBI � vetoed the Intelligence Authorization bill because it included a provision that would criminalize the 'leaking' of classified information. There remains a consensus within the Intelligence Community and the national security committees of Congress that leaks of classified information are out of control. Just in the months since the Bush Administration took office we have seen numerous examples of leaks throughout the government, particularly in the Hxnssen investigation. At present, there is no statutory proscription for disclosing, without authorization, nondefense classified information. The time has come to fill this void. Last year's `leaks' provision was drafted with the cooperation and support of the Attorney General, the Secretary of State, the Director of the FBI, and the Director of Central Intelligence. In fact, the Clinton Adminbtration supported the provision in their own Statement of Administration Polley. Only under intense pressure from the press in the midst of a very competitive presidential race did the Clinton Administration waver in its support for the provision late last year. This provision hu been in discussion since the Reagan Administration studied the issue in 1985 and recommended enactment of legislation. It is a provision that is long overdue. With your support, we will work with the Admixtisuation to ensure we can enact a tough but fair leaks provision in this year's Intelligence Authorization Act Sincerely, Richard C. Shelby Vice Chairman Approved for Release: 2018/05/16 C06230270 1,11111111M.