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Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 . MX. 19, ill II I In J UFI ur 7iintiustm� Apr 11 12 Otle272' nu. 01121 r. 8 =NOV= tttglagglit4CT PI A RATIO Gila MOIR AWARD/CONTRACT CAW 0.1552520 gingthi gam 05/1112012 iggeggpiggliglaWIALgaganflOnfic. Mgt Oral . � , zigettawalM gf CgtellSOR INI. OS Pa Pow. Pa Milt GEV WASH UNN GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF RESEARCH /IMO): 21211 ST NW suits NH WASHINGTON, DC 20052 nes MC CS* amain's:4 . tral ..efaCcur PPS] r PATON'. � it ggOt I WIWI DX* ft IgiggSgagp - �gtkttWwasOl��fti � 0;43,9 � Igmoggna mum v�otly Vendor Paymeris 13. *nanpa CM 0114SS F141. IS PS MISTS 0 la ago. gimgc;1; IAPSitgaigi APPICISTIOg Its.1711/11115. 1st MPFUrelinSis In CMS. AM tars. fin IMIPPica 1..aiscurn taginifithin' " � , ' � fitj. . 1tP.!...1. � � ^ caa., aralwt *wasp CO Ms. I onewroxi � U C PORTItagal Assam spttpissewiggsr plegsSISIMMitrrisi neusinrais Vim C, %WW1 +-Waal WI ATP !gal I-argifOOMPlitine P SIAS lv MSS/ pa Yank rer COMSOIS MPS milLEgfitvrtgiszegourigitS &VOSS invTI, tfl OPPligariontsThalTral_ml risieulaggmingl:WSSPK!Pirtantwasmil alignistraft`raagekWirivenkriamdigreitto=d tiC elgrg fir-teirsiasia-virstnaw�if ilt_iiireivg-..�..."11/ - arnin tic.4a romovens_ issmas Mt nt. Rs flaws SOP) ritima .,,d TriVarinsimpw: ��1�1�16rajailifigapria) IOC - - lw kr MID" figf�Lgek leptS,Vaktri a. ii. ITAS ft halrbg gi diagglit WNW.-t6 mit it?, gn,FAITIIi00117PArralagg in 1 listaireiliiim�t -1^a". 4 pwrrlagrergeigittgrogniragarteigsma '1.4 I ewer sarritins�TrClereP,PIC11- '4 I nogrreigergeirimuca ASO girt= ' limpointNeconsiensumpameti stn...c�gtvgixes tvira.--- 4 � aresigaryntrrovsoi CI Mair "HD nun rags - IPA TWIlieniCIOP ligg Watosill'iritaTROgIgiriffierigi decgrAVtitsr AIMu'NfluL_^. gognie rg gt prorattingiitritan.. ;;;;;., iflialtagial Ise.gongetra y 41 � , . MPS agile mutt . � ' iTMDAROPOS21.4410g/ � -Polgfikag51.aggplag? ( b) (3) Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 C � E ERICLASSRED Table of Contents - geetiou Description B lies or Itikb of Fieshinletighatures (JUN 2002) Services and Paces/Costs.. ype ofContilat and Consideration (Costit0C79.003) . -- � - - -4 I": 4 A Solicitation/Contract Tann cope of Calumet (Statement of Work) (OCT 2003):........1..; . .t.: ... .--...4.�.......4.: .� . .4 ... ..5 otted Contract Finuling DAN 2004) r. � - ' , � Desuti �ont'S ecirratienciStainent ofWork. Statement of iyork (OCT 2003) � -1., ' � - - ' 4-: � � 5 Inspection raid Acceptance - I' ;":- : " , � ' 52.24&91iispection of Reaeirob and Development (Sbortform) (Apr 1934) � .5 Deliveries ortelferbratt tic"' ���1.- -� � .,. g� � �' � 5 Lati Deliveiy (AUG 1996) � Period of Performance (AUG 1996). � s nu!. Lite tifileirforinattip (AUG-1996)., � 41 � ir - � 45 intaStoiEopiiii TICD2009) �� - ,^" r -1,- - 4 � ' � � � �11:1:ii�-441i;14 �arr 6 - 52.24245 Ah IStori-":"Worki3*(Ang 1989)- Alternate i(Apr 3984) . � � --. - � - ..t......- 1, .. ...... .. 6 � Contract AiithitiistteilMiDataaw�.'� in�����-..- � . - � � ..:-.1 ii.00rni.,...-,.0-1,;.:4,,,,,, .. .... ,,,,, -74....;.;,...-ar,.. : .... ..... CentfaetSetrenfeiit:DiektrheritatiOn 0)Eq *KO ,-�:. ........ i4i . .�.�:,z;;.c.:��--;�;�-�-fr---- 6 Billing cycle ,(SEP20)9) 4 � - - . . - - e-- . :1.7. .... , ,_:,.. �-, ,:i.t. :f .. SUBMiSSIPN OF.i*V.OleS (14:,,1 . stU.,,..�_....-_ , : p. f. '. � .-7 Electronic Submis�ticiituffayment RequpStillsinsiFF (FPK2.91Q),,mtr,r,--r�- �-;---�7 - thei Fitinent-Plafforit Mitial Regilintritbend,AeititintiMSintekirraggtiF.71,0191-0 ' uthority and Designation of a Contractitgrtfilder'sreelnildalRepresentatiyecOTM OCT 2008) W.:. ..I3 : Administration by Governirieritlieraixiliei (OCT 2008)� . ' 7 : � :'-''. � mi ��� 1.��� �.- � 9 7 � � �I �7 ..., , .. . R.' '7 ' . :"�r.; - ' .. IL1.1 � �� NoVationt-ChardeLiii:Naine�NOtifiCation Reiplitifirtit(MAR 2011).4%044. .... . '..., .. ........ . No Cot-great Accimntable Goverlitient PrOpeity(MAR 2012)'.1ith..,-r..irt.itZTt: l':�sc- az �-,:�. -;. ,-0.;14 : . 0 . V. ::,�1 H Special Contraot Requirentein -- s :- -. is; Fraud. Waste, and Abuse, and OtheiMetters of Urgent Contern I:: Uncbg4ifierl -. gelation - bleh9tiblicity(OtiC2011) Prohibition Against Rectuiting on Agency Controlled Facilities (oi:jags) o Foreign Nationals Performing Unclassified Wurle(149�V 2905) .. . sage -cif the hAetrid Sistein of Measurement (OCT 2003) - � ncotporitiqnofSction�KRtiiic;eittationi, Certification*, ndOthet Stattrnents or Respondents (OCT 2003)1o% Ogler OfiteSeiiciic:S (OCT 2003):: .. ....... Icy Personnel (41161996) Payment Of Crintfector Travel (JAN 2004) ',.,.12 Referencing 4.4610 Contracts (MAR 2004) ..... COntreetOf NitowiiiiithsBValuaticin (MAR 2004) f 12 Changes Requiring No Equitable AdjnstaiOni (MAR 2004) 13 090 9f:v1.9rsi,.. essts WAR 20(!4) � 13 .... 13 eiiiii Inge Proptsals (Dtic 2010) � - .1 Centred Mites Compliance With the Ctinstitution and Statutes of the United Stites (AUG 19 Timely Notice oftitigation (DEC 2011) � . ... 14 Organizational Conflicts OfInterest General (JUL 2003) . 1 14 Audit and Records - Negotiation (AUG 2004) 15 Pricing Adrustinent (OCT 2003) 16 Audit and Records :Negotiation (AUG 2004) - Alternate II (AUG 2004) ...., � ..... It orkers' Compensation (Defense Base Act) Insurance (AUG 2011)....... ........ ..�1...._ 18 ax Audits (JAN 2004) - . 18 dependent Review of Agency Protests (JAN 2004) 19 iises Requiring Access by Other Government Entities (JUL 2003). i .. 19 52.202-1 Definitions (July 2004) 19 52.203-3 Gratuities (Apr 1984) 19 52203-5 Covenant Against Contingent Fees (Air 1984)_ . � 19 52203-7 Anti-Kickback Procedures (Oct 2010)....-. . - ..... -... . .. .. . . .. .. .......... .....- - ...... -..-._ 522034 Cancellation, Rescission, and Rwovery oliunds for Illegal or Improper Activity ( en 1997) - 19 52203-10 Price Or Fee Adjustment For illegal Or Improger Acdvity (Jan 1997) ..... ----....., .......,..19 .......12 (b)(3 (b)(3 (b) (3 (b) (3) (b) (3) (b)(3: (b) (3) (b) (3) (b) (3) (b) (3) UNMASSWIED , Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 ( UNCLASSIRED � i, / . . . 52203-12 Limitation On�Payments To Influence Certainlederal Transactions (Oct 2010) - ....--19 52204-4 Printed or Copied Double-Sided on Postconsamer Fiber Content Paper (May 2011) .,........19 52,209-6 Protecting the Government's Interest When Subcontracting with Contractors � Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment (Dec 2010). _19 52215-17 Waiver of Facilities Capital Cost of Money (Oct 1997) . . , � , -49 52215-18 Reversicin or Adjusimerit ofPlans foqostretirement Benefits (P1113) Other (July 2005)- 19 � 52116-11 Cost Contract-No Fee(Afir 1984) ' ' ' � �� - ",- '. , . ,, - 19 524.2-3 Coitiattaborper12003)� ' - � - � -,, - - - � � � ... - 19 ' 52.212-21 Prohibition of SegitgaW4 Facilities (Feb 1999) � ' ,19 52.222-26 Equal Opporninity(Mar2007) - �i..-� -.... � 52.222-35 Equal Opportunity for Veterans (Sep 2010) ' 19 52,1,736 Affirmative Action for Workers with Disabilities (Oct 2010)........... .... c:-..i.....,........4.-----..19 ,52.222-37 EmploymeffiRepcatiNeterina (Sep 2010)4. ' '4 -. a 52.22244 Fair labor Standards and Service Contract Act - Price twIjisi.mentr(Sep 2009),,-...�-- 19 52.222-50 Combating Trafficking in Persons (Feb 2009) � �"' '' � - - t � ' ^- � � C...2 i ...19 - 51223-6 Drug Free Workplace�(May2001)�....., -i., '..........�.,..ksi . j,�,.. .. .. .............:..t.:,-4,:...............�,..�.. 19 52,223:18 Encouraging ?starlike Paliciers,V13antiekt FileSsaiiiiiiiiile Diiiiiipaig,391 i.:k.e.A 9 � 52.225-13 Restrictions on Certain Foreign Pinteir*::200,8),2) ' 1 I ' i ri � ': - ..c�:-.1.:1,,c,...:119 5222771 Authorization and Gthifshnt (GICS(10t)c, ,i-,�';''. '� '''_,...-/2-"�!�-�''-a�/,./.,r...U.a._ ' t �3,�:119,:s 52.227-2 /;Iiitice'raild AiiittanciReirding Patent and COPYright�Bifringement (,,;C200.7.) ,��!-.14 tp),.;. � 12227-14 Alt IV�Rights in Datal,-Geadal,(Ifec 2007) -Alternate IV (Deb 2007) .i.x.: ....... ....... 2.4-.19, " -# -52129-3 Fedalral,-State and Local taxes (Apr 2003) �11,11.4,:a.,,,,,; � � :. 19 52.230-5 Gist Accounting Standards-Eduelitirnial IristifitiOni (oa2019).:. �1, - . 19 - 52.230-6 AdrainWtfatietoftaladcoimtingStandards (June 2010)::::,...,... . il�..., -.....-. -:-.- 19 521231-172 Liraitatilitiffands1AM1984) ���' , � ..- � �'-� fr7 .. r'..;�/' � , k � I . c...1 29 5-22.32;�23 AsSigruneniOrClaiiiii(Jaii 1986) � . ., . _y... .1..� , � � ,.."..' ',IL:a, ' .'220 52232-25 Prompt Payment (Oct 2008) 52233-1 Disputes (July 2002) '''" - - 51233-3 PrialeglitatiA;ifd (Aili 996)4" I' - � 63.247..-1 Notice ofhlien'tlebieallOWCasts (Apr /984) I'LL, ' 52.242-13 tiaiiiii*-3/0i4 -1495) zaw,..,.. -;b4.4., 20 - ,. 92243-213hange-Costaelifibutstirient�(Aug 4987) " 20: - 51246-23 Limitation of Liability (Feb 1997) .;.� , , 20 52249,5 Termination For Convenience Of The Gover-nincht (Educational Aid Other NOnpro . . _Ins_titutIons) (Sep1199: ' v ' ' � �-'� � � : ' - ' - ' i .. ...... ::::: . ,......i...,...,20 � 52.249-14 Eicusahle Dadys (AM-1984) - � � � - -� � � " ' rat of Atiaphinents " _ ., 1%P' �: ' ' g 74.1�;��������.�;��� . : . ;i ... ... ; ... �:.en . ic� . ;�ki4...;.�-�okk�-20 J-1 List Of Miami:its ;.. .�� -� � . � ,.� . 20 I UNCLAUIFIED Approved for Release: 2019./04/08 C06190280 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 gliCLASSRED Contractor Name: GEORGE WASIthIGTON UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF RESEARCH SERVICES Contract Number Section A - Solicitafion/COntraCt Form . _ . � Use of Facsipaile, $41whircs (JUN 200) . . . , This Contra& dointraink Say be execiiied in conntegiaits, each Of u%hich Shall be &lined an Onginal, .41 okybiab ether shall con- stitute one and the sanaellstrument Saiiiifilaignatutesiiill be �rdedi�uthentic-bit , Page 4 of 20 Section B - Supplies or Senifces and Price.s/Cotts , .;.�m-z:la 1 SERVICE Total :1.000000 Total: .�-�� Tar Quantity Delivery Scheduler Fri ota11-1 :e Period of Perronnanee:. 05/01/2012 - 04130/2013 � Description: clIN I /cost Reimbursable / RAD and Postdo0 plow; Pricing OptIonft: Makin@ Furidini: � PERIOD: Ease 9041.4TInl, Period Base Totals: CLIN Fundingi Cost i Period Eitercised OptiOns Totals: GUN Funding: $0.00 Cost $0.00 Period Current(Base + Exercised Options) GUN Funding: Cost Totals: ... Period Unexereised Options Totals: GUN Funding: $9.00 'Poit: $id Period Base aid Options Totals: GUN Funding: Cost Quectity13.peo Ts/Ws:. CLIN Funding.: $000 --- Cosi . t0--.00 QuantiliEmirci.4d oisiOntarTast: CLIN Funding $0.00 ., i ea , Quantity Current (Base + Exercised Optiont ',A-Asee -.73 ... V ...", fi" ' 'Tanis:, pum Funrling:p.og ''- 9- -1 .f" ' T; - � cost roloci -, ..,:k.; . ! Quantity Unexercised Options Totals: , CLIN Funding: $0.00 ._ ..... _._ Post 1.0.90 Quantity Base and Options Totals: GUN Funding: $0.00 Cost: $0.00 - � Type Of Contract and Coisideradon (Cost) (OCT 2003) . - This is a Cost bantam as identified tmderFederal Atquisiticm Regulation (FAR) 16.302, bearing no fee and in the iniatcd pest of (b)(3 (b)(3 ( b) (3) (b)(3) -(b)(3) UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 UNCLASSIFIED COFItraCtOFSSIDE: GEORGE WASLGTON UNIVER.SITY OFFICE OF RESEARCH SERVICES Contract Number Scope of Contract (Statement of Winit).(OCT 2003) � Page 5 of 20 The Cartractorshalltin accordance with the terms and conditions set forth hereafteirturiash ifieteeegskyijiii111 vices, lraYeL tonics, 4 mats* (exceSqlose slle.0115111.y 0.54IlateId 63176.17.I.widedby t42E Q�Y5r4ffim.,- PP - saxy and incident to completion of the contractual, effort in accmdance with the Sealed C., StaiemeM�m work (SO Allotted Contract Funding (JAN 2004) Pursuant to the-EirftirOgfunds"claus forth biolanuertotiminenta Contraligrilinato amoonnIketoye ent -fl�fic r�.":?t-i-estvor7 esTaiivale-ancl fi9r. repair-we corT6abms:fnetn,..iawcw an, am OTAniiplaty, n 11, MO n u Lob Yr) eityagye-Trhotaxiotgerftlile-arni ele _ : N 'C.:115; slIF:tVeF � Allotted: Period: 1 May 2012 �!1 October 012 . Section C - DescrIptionaiSpecificatiOns/Statement of Work � .1. � ������� ��� � . ��� � � Statement of Work (OCT 2003) arnel, ser- OliPSs gecet jResearch and Development and IC Postdo Program Sup- The Spar:sots Statement of Work entitled I port" dated April 2012., which isiticolparatedb referent:a braliaaled hereto, is triode a part of this goiltract . , Section E.- Inspection and Acceptance 52.2524 blauses Incorixratal bilFliderents.(Fai968) This colltrarit inconeo 'ram one or *ore clafulesbY iefetratte, With the same force hod effeatts if they Were 'given in full text Upon re- quest, the Contracting (doer will,rnalre 6_011 tat avail@de. Also, di full terd of Clause -mar be ace:gig - 'pally at this address: blijas://ydrommalMoitgovflar:/htdex.**1 Clause By Reference on of Research and Development (Short Form)(Apt 1984) Section F Deliveries or Pirlerredrics Late Delivery (AUG1996) When thy erdractortineamtera difficulry iCkolntfri-0 pcastussucc sytigIrancAdi or slitIci.151:04-4"siti in.COM tract delivery schedule or dale; it gall inrinedietelyiify the Orrattatfmg Office *writing giving pertinent dnai however, lilt d data shall be ithnitioal tintriti diniater told that this proiision shall wit be cOnstrued as a =merit of any delivery schedule or any rights or remedies provided by law or under this contact� tld cow provided, ver by the Croy- (b)(3 (b) (3: (b)(3) (b)(3: (b) (3) (b) (4) (b) (3) UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 � Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 UNCLASSWIED Contractor Naine: GEORGE WASLGTON UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF RESEARCH SERVICES Contract Number Period of Pektorinince (AUG 096) Paige 6 of The period of performance of this contract shall. be from! May 2012 to 30 April 2013. Place of Performance (AUG 1996) The principal place of performance wider this contract shall be the Contractor's thaty located in Washington, be Contract Status Report (JUL 2009) , (a) Monthly contact status reports shall be submitted in 2 coples to the Contricting Officer not later than 15 calmer days after the close of the invoice/billing cycle covered by the report. Such report shall be in the format as provided in the attached Monthly Con- tract Status Report exemplar. Failure to submktbis report will result it clelaylai$9ttleiti.6,f#Aiieeile.... (b) The Monthly Contact Status Report for this contra will wafiiistifif the folloivirig tentilate sectionS: Contakt Statuary -Fro- . gram Actuals 52.252-2 Clauses Incorporated by Reference (Feb 1998) ,L� � This contract incorporates one or more clausesly refeience, With the bath force and effect as if they were given In full text:Upon re- quest, the Carib:fiat Officer-0;41i inakb their fill tekt available Also, the fall text Of a clause may be accesLed ejci troaically at this address: t � ' $ 1. '5' I' 4 r Clauses By Rgerence .242-15 Alt 1 top:Work oideilAtial98.9)-41ternatp I (Apr 1984) Section G ;,'Cotitract Administrationeal TIT .. 1 � 1 -CorggtSCttlenicntPOPMelltaiii?; (PF41011) . - � �\ t; . Upon coinpleticittif the suect c __ aa,tra , tlie , 7 ...T ghat] sub= .the llowing docatnentst, ... , ,.. , � . ., . - . .. � ... 7 (a) Electronic Funds transfer Information (be I ) - The submission of:this inforrigtieU1Sle,.14010..kCPP*.O.:40-4q,": .. -.., .., (b) Final PrOperty eleSeoui Stl.trmolit (CToVennierit fail.s h�ell PropeitY (OFP) end pifattetotAtqlted Property: CAP) (One copy i � required) � -1i (c) Final Patent and Royalty Statement (la accordance with FAR 51227-11 it 2.127,13,rai apptrairiate) ,(One kintreStiiriti) 'i- (d) Final Level-of-Effort Catifidation (Api.1141e$.0. ywith LOF iypiaThIs? (One 61591414 7 t'S rl � � e Final Cleared Personnel Certification Report of contract required security clearances) (atibmit in accordance.witi cataract clause � � -. � (0 Final Invoice or Voucher (also referred to as Final Cumulative Claim andReconciliation FCCRniiiptiedhle Farther:star cast-type alliri; Exeniplion Cosi-type antis estdblisheriforOther�Direei Costs or travel on afreed price oreetyci.).- Once final arr nazi indirect cost rates have been established, the Contractor shall submit a ',FINAL" invoice or vender. If fuial annual indimq cost rates have not been established and the parties have agreed to use negotiated quick-close rates, the Contractor shall submit a"FiNALn . invoice or voucher. The receipt of an invoice marked "FINAL" shall initiate the settlement of this contract. This "FINAL" invoice is (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) inicakelki � Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280. UNCLASSIFIED Contrador Name: GEORGE WAS...i3TON UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF . RESEARCH SERVICES' Contract Number not to be transmitted via electronic submission, but mast be submitted in hard copy to the address listed below. ( One Set of closeout dominant*); (a), (b), (c), (d), and Contracting Officer's copy of(e) shall be 114 postage tracting Officer at the Issuing Office addrest paie I of this contract One complete set of closeout documentation (a), (b), (c), (d), and (f) shall be mailed, postage prepaid, th: If you have any questions in regard to the closeout procedure, plaice Contact the 'Contracting Officer Mille Billing Cycle (SEP 2010) �Pqge 7 of 2ft e ropy required) to the Con- Pursuant to the "Electronic Submission of Payment Requests using IPPI clause, the Government will issue paynten only after seriiaas, have been rendered. conieepiently, Contractors shall sultilt mypices in arrears and go intire frequently than momh � . �- � �._ � � . � SUBMISSION OF INVOICES (JAii2.0.04) Notwithstanding the provisions of the clause of this contract at FAR 52.216-7, Allowable Cast and Payment, Con submit invoices or requests for contract lite* payment More often then mac a month. , Electronic Submisiion of Payment Requests Using 113P (SEP 2010) (a) Defmiiions. As used in this clause- � e.:2; � 1, (I) "Contracamancing onyoteur�mul Pinvnice paymeut; fry? tl?e rustas s*.tYcn (2) "Electronic OUP meacbsing the Intenitt:Paytheet�Platforni (PP) to artist* informeatie, elTA,49,41&31113`,t, the internal control:it manage:Silt System: The Agency doge not consider facsimile, einnljpecluatemarklocutien, farms. : (3) "Payman remst" meafia any ;ego 'fort/attract align ppm, or mvpice4a ant sVittecily, tract. (b) Except as proVided iriparagraphS(e) and (g) of this clauedi'the Centimeter shall stiltut:paynterifrogueSis ment Platform (IPP) The payment period designated by the Prompt PaYmeat Ant Cat begirt thettO a tonpOr, is received in the payment office via IPP. The status of submitted invoices is available in IPP. forntbar invoice or relating directly to this contract, Call the payment office on (c) The Cats& Lint-Item Numbers (CL1Ns) and associated CLIN drociiptiobils provided hilPPinastbs ileac An Invoice Line Item Number must reference the Centro-A-tine Itera Naml*LOPTO SaliV3Wilit.12 t1gc;',13Ptr4e.19 Voice may have multi) le Invoice Lines billing against one CLIN4 but the Invoice Line IteriibisciaPtiens must eto CL1N descriptionslaiheeMit. Donee 'eighth* docuMentS to the hivoice obtained tit IpP ht the attachments Any additional documentation must be submitted to the CO1R in a method mutually agreed to hy the Contractor . . . . (d) The Invoice *II not include any sen_sitive and/prAlassified igoonatlep, Wasidentify te,Sponsor or anY,9f voice including sensitive and/or classified information will not be considered a proper Mime m eMedinimetifith Act and will be rejected. Further,. the submission of such an invoice may be considered a security incident Any this matter shotild be ditecial to'the Coameting �Enter. - � `. _ t. : r (e) If the Contractor is unahle to submit apayment rogues; in *Manic form, pr tha Agency is utiohlo to receive a electronic form, the Contractor shall sulinit the payment request tiaini a method *bray agreed t b the Contra' Officer, and the payment. office. ..r .A f : � a (0 In addition to the requirements of this clause, the Contractor shall meet the requirements of the appropriate pa contract when submitting phynnnit retina, (g) The Comtactat shell submit the Errol invoice or wither for cost ielaablizsczniini Col .ntranps in =prance with Cost Type Contracts" Clause of this contract shell not th.e.CatqUthci� in. he electrinnc if Ma- .; ' alntern &Puy._ d Coniplete invOice arnent quellons to smite Milateasl: lMaItoth� -1 viflbediscrded. d the COW,. Any achsta70t,p.aytn 'cos concerning puma request in r; Confricting eta clauses in this l'ettlement . (b) (3) (b)(3: (b) (3) LINCLASilF.Ep Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 ( � UNCLUSIRED Contractor Name: GEORGE WASILATON UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF RESEARCH SERVICES . ... Contract Numberi I Internet Payment Platform Initial Registration and Account Maintenance (SEP 2010) Page 13 *1 20 (a) The Internet Payinent Platform (IPP) is a secuie, Web-based electronic Invoicing system (accessible ',els the r2eQproYtded by the Department of the Treasury's Financial Management Service (FMS), illrEitirErslip)ti.ithiliefederniReler!e of.13riston. The Contractor shall provide the Centracting pfker gi !he foljoyeinginformAtion requieed feriPTI:iiir (1) Corrip*Name @awry corporate Intatio4(2) Company Tax IdentificationNSOrkIN-lone) CI* account idininistrator; to include : Mine, position, phone neither, email address.; t.i. I'S"! i'. � . :�', .. Contractors prelirt-eili regisleikiirillikp orp3iiii inethei 65+M:innate hgeziejiiitt Still legiff er separately kip AgencY0)..Wid4 -.Yiceeldillt tbc"CiaraclisAinallit faformaticalpiOdeillilfalcriphia) isa be' eempany.4�iggete4144ee9at a6i,iniie�grA,AtIrA ribeinsitrie-ErriallS tiand*Trr.altiry Wit Apipneations (MAD oWnd address cy:1494,146�4Alikl.g�21.;: �-,- ' _ ..:1 - :: ,...... ; .. ..i it' ' lg.:: . I .r..: (0 From "Treasury UPS User Administration" - a EMS Entenirise p;ei Ito and !at mus to i wehate ulat.'wril allow to initialize an IPP account(2) From "IPP User Administration" - the Ornipany's IPP ifser ID, a link to the /VP IP? Helpdesk phone number.(3) From "Trees-my IN ppeg stmipifrirgice , thelcopjyany's Iffigswiand ksept the firafNetrailt). ' - i- ..i� a., (c) During registration, one I) initial administrative tier account is created for the company for the subcnitted.T regardless of the n umber CrTiontrinig or lonaltoli allociateriiiitlfthe Tigliciiii iPp account administrator Is menriterlIcrici tip all�ot er nonparty user accounts, including other administrators. Reigitificiiiienikilite When the IF? account adrairistraMildps intn th IP,P.Wribkite-v;ith . . the User ID and password provided by TWAT and acaepts the "rules of behavior".(d) The Contractor shall acieSs it firstlinieloain video found on the IPP bUrnenage, which provides step-by-step instructions for logging into IPP for the amt time, thee self-help omip videos, to include creating and submitting invoices, are available only after logging into IPP(e) P00010e tPr ;�ife'ciiettf0 days. Fourteen clan Prior to the end of the 904ay period, !PP will send an email notificitiithiPiempling you to Ohe ge ytratoSspyord. If you do not change your paSsword once during the 90 days, or if-you do not change ye& password wen irI. dto do so, you, must contact the IPP Helpdesk at 1466-973-3131 to unlock your account and to reset your pass*ord.(t) ferapplittion Spenifretle6s- tions such as how to create an invoice or how to set up notifications, contact the APP Helpdesk. For euenions rela to: the contraely � - contact the Vendor Seriice Center at � 4egincOted IPP . ems front this IPP and thc thitStintture's . , � CompaRls POC � . elication, end the *Rhin 24 hots of Authority and Designation of a Contracting Officessfechnical Representative (COTR) ( /CT 2008)- (a) Authority : Pe/Tot:014# of this contract is subject to the teehnidal guidance, supervision and approval efthe hauling Officer or a desigriatedCCritiadfinitifftoi's tee fReprente (COTR).: As Used hereini4keclmioal_itideixet. is eigied46.-sidentic- ic, engineering& other teclirlleal field-af:disCiPline inaffefrilireetlfrelatedlo the work tube perfouned.tSuch girt nee ra03,1?6:: provided for the purposes of filling in details, clarifying, interpreting or otherwise servMg to accomplish the tech. ,71. ohleolives and requirements of the contract In addition, and unlesi specified elsewhere in this Mania:the authority isf the desiginated COTR IS ape- chficallylimitcyo theleelmical administrating of this contract end the inspection of supplies being produced, services being provided or work being performed to assess coinillikeWith'llielAZEitiMated coat 'citilisi-NliebnrSeinerit),�schedule,-arid technical require- ments Of the contract (b) lien Associate COTR (ACOTR) or a Government Task Manager (OTM) is designated byibis niansc�,-.1he T RUJI ass)$ the , COTR in Ins/her responsibilities and will function as the technical representative of the Contracting OFICII in the bsence of the Ca- TR. The GTM will assist ,the COTR -in performing his4.r responsibilities for a spEcifictislc(s). However; the Cm TR remains ulti- =Maly responsible far the reehnicrilperfo "Man' ce ofilie contract " � 1":. - - � (c) Designation: The individual(s) identified below ti/are authorized access to all information concerning this co tract during the life of the contract unless this atillicidzatien is reassigned by it administrative change to the contract: ; Telephone to., COTR: � � /. � .�, � . il (d) Notification The Contacting Officer is the. only repr.e.svginive. of the OoTettlInen thiffirld to negotiate, take any other action with respect to this contract Therefore,- no other employee pritepre#Stativli, of the awemrn to initiate a course of action which may alter the tenni Or ccraditioit of this contract -All reVisiorialo sPettificatio' informal commitments that may involve a change in either the total cost/price, scope, delivery schedule, or legal ,. tract must be done by thane-orator supplemental agmenteet, to be negoda.ted ttad signed by the Cormacting action by Government penildinel (other thin the Catmint Officer) imply a corm** on the part of the affect the terms of this contract, the Contract& Mist notify the Contracting Officer and obtain app.:pal before the Contractor proceeds at its own risk.- S into, In or . Ms the alit-Unity , requirements or Cco of &item:- ecr., Should an mment tbat we seeding, Otherwise., � ( b) (3) ( b) (3) (b)(3) UNCLASS rP LED � Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 Contractor Plante: GEORGE WASL tm a.Assmio GTON UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF. Pago. S of 20 , RESEARCH.SEMICES Contract Number. (b)(3 Administration by:Government Pemonge:1(GCT 2000 , � (b)(3 Performance of this contract is subject-to the iditinistiatwe atzleiVision tad aPpiesiiiiif the Conn:the-mg Officer: _ Of- ficer is the only representative of the creteriainent mithoriied to negotiate, enter intoi,ModiV,,tor OM any otiieracti4n withtesocet to this contract Therafirre:nO other employee or of the Governmerit,bas theatatharitylo hiblakgcourctiftaqtaimAcb may alter the terms or Of tbililMitratt All rcyjikcs to existing regoiretopletey. iprcaMiee�ittqr ay involve a change in eithiethetOMPuhit"PricOOOPe? Schedclif.446iiIS *kat 404--; must be d e-C1* *Pa- tion of this coMMert hi be negotiated and sighed by the eantrat DfriCtr., ShouldAuz ny,luyvtiimMenit ft0etima - the Contracting Officer) imply I coi6mtinent on the part dire de-vaithiat that WO& nife"�70,Witidif.$treaconcF thacoiltOck or must no, the Cottrieting Officer and Obtain @royal prior to Proceeding Otherwise, tbrithicitif itS Orr . . risk Novatiodiairige-of-NdMe Naar:aid Requitaini(1AR.2014). (a) For the purposes of this centract, any transfer of the�contractor's ns,sets. tot klit4 party�proliange to fire manila under FAR 42i12, will be processed Ma centralized manner by Mestaffat tbefollnwinaaddresX: , Unclassified Fax: . , � , (b) I intil the s�lthb�t orthiE Contract is conipleted,-rim COittradtor siiitierinotiftcadonlo ehlistait a facs:iinile within (30) thirty days of any fore-mentioned changes. Along with details of the change, yonr notification shall pr .1de a point of contact name.ititi clearance Ie�� phoned fax numbers. (c) Afterrec,eivijig triggegtirmationtyourdesigu ter with instructions to assist in the preparation Of the UthatiOn/change4nome package. mr oprattatioa9i,11 Other Goverrinieth Agency (CGAYAgreemantm however, we have unique ascMity.iegitirktnentSthOrneit be ad. ally accepting Mete areinetits. � � ' � .. � .-, q, . . . (d) You are reminded that you Must e.ontinne.,in invoice undei your 0E4: tab coinras SI this novation and/dr-"change76f-naine agreement by issuance of a letter recognizing the aireehieni. triad ithin, yob ii request changes to your banking information to raga a successor company on existing contacts until this Ao novation iifid/ea: change-of-narad agreement My delays in subniittingtherguirest ingronsO9n may Impact yew , nmtlthin fall (e) A submission of a novation or name change 'greenient doei hot ItifiranThetakOtal by this diiinixatian and f unacceptable, the contactor will remain under contractual obligation to perform. The 'Attract thayrti tinhinated fault should tile contractor not perform. . No Contract Accountable Government Property (MAR 2012) , . r (a) This contract shall be performed and completed without any accountable Croverinient primal:1y � whelher Go Property (UP) or Contrador Acquired Property (CAP). The Contractor shall make no requmts for Government when the Govenitneet may accrue sigttificent tangible benefits by granting such a request The Contractor shall pursue acCountable Government property froarenentlier SS the Centrakt Office!' and Shall mitts upon written authorisation is receiVed finer the Contrintitii ibutradt modifiCadoa.� � � � ' (b) 77m Con tradai may use Orn.wzment propimy to Mr:Junin:4a which is acermatable o othe;Ageocir. formance of this contract if the Contracting Officer(a) of the 'other contract(s) provides sn artigorixatioo use shall be an rent-free, non-interference basis and shall complyivith the ten& and conditions specified in written authorization. Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 ceivpkk P 161161rPtog4.44 birdie-total cti4 *CO! your l'infhurizeito' iiPce143140 ifity to inytalee.. chIngb:is'dcemed or [mans or del omelet* Furnished city except I accept, ILITIedt, or oh request until foi; the per- *Koval Such cting Ofirmer's f � ( b) (3) ( b) (3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 UNCLASSIFIED Contractor Name: GEORGE WASh....-GTON UNNERSITYPFSCE Or RESEARCH SERVICES Contract Number Section H - Special Contract Requirements � . - . .� . Fraud, Waste, and Abuse, and Other Matters of Urgent anieenic'Uticlassified Associati .. (APR 2009) Anyone who piper-is frand�waste, be obese in any aspect of the acquisition process or during perforniance of this patracc by either Government or Coitiamor piaisriptel, M hes to an �urgent concede to Congress, shonid Contilc OF OM cit.M00.00 .drt- ' eral,InvestigatiOni Swff,ot phone number The term !urgent concern" means: (g) g Perkins or fie � fit problem,ab- ' ' - . .5.a use, violation of law or Executive Order, or deficteitene g to thefunding, administration, oroperitiosin of an ' ' illigencenetitity . involvalialificilinforinition; (b) any false stiternelit inn& to Dingman, or willful Withhoking train Cenarem; li eti issue urina- tion constituting reprisal Orthreit of Midst in response to any person reporting an matt cOncern purinant. kalhi yisienw, . . Page 10 of20 terial Ming tO tne firading; aastrilidni, 60r-anent or a wefts= stivity kivitaiineop,csifiglis Baca; ic) an at- Non-Publicity (DEC 2011) 14a; (a) The Contractor shall not use or allow to be used arryaspectof this solicitation andfor�contract Ica- publicity. means, but is not limited to, advertising (e.g. 'made magazines, pey0p0 re:fp, Internet, radio, television eta.-.); cortuntinicationk with the media, marketing; or a reference for new business. This 'shall include, but, is not knitted to,. the use abbe-tents "ISSA or A" or any Other sponsor specific tenns in any public advertisements. It is further understood that this obligation shall notexprre ra completion or termination of this contract, but will continue indefinitely. The Contractor may request a waiver or release-from forgoing but . shall not deviate therefrom unless authorized to do so in writing by the Contracting Officer. Contractors are not r Mitred to obtain waivers when informing Offices within this Agency of contracts it has performed or is in the process ofnerfonnims provided therefor gubhcemployment . Violations of' eif a 10-day no security restrictions. Contractors may include the requirement for security clearances up to the TS, SC1 /Eitel advertisements; however, these advertisements may not describe the scope of polygraph toldrectlents In any this clause constitute a major breach of contract, and the pornsicillizile 1iniiipar4 for #efault,Ivithorit.the tuqmr cure notice, � (b) The Contractor Anil feclude the substance of this clause, including this.paragmph (b), in each stibcontract tract � POW** Agahist ee. TlittleR on 4gINY�C9iltro F tits (a) The Contrattor shall lin orni ns employees aqd-subetnittactors that thetar' e net Poirrinted to engage in Sill while on any facility owned, leased, of ,OtherWise:Ofttielleil tole Ageiaerot tcluse Agency.tointnunications sy5 computer systems) and nonpublic infolinatkei in contiectioir'kvith reoruititierirWithitit 'mitten approval ofthe Con purposes of this dense, reernithrent refers to discussions' Of futurc employment with the codbaclornr slibbontracic ployee of the contractor or soliccintractor, distribution of employment forms or other employment papenvoric, or toted towards obtaining the employment of any indiVidnal byllic, contractor orstuntractor,. 4y, conocior or ployee who violates this policy 'maybe deniedThither se-Cep ;o Agency rcontr1..'1,10 fifttlittie**;' The�CO pb�e this fact to its employees 'SS In � tide eich sbliFon thin contact (b) The prohibition set forth in paragraph (a) above does not applNilitie�rratilMitif Ageneyliers carolled in the � Agencys Career Transition Program (c) Denial Of access to Agency controlled facilities and systems as deserili 4 in paragraph (a) of ; this clause shall not relieve the ciantractor fioni peziforinarice of thi requirernenti tif Mit coon-act, nor will it vide the basis roi � � anY claims against the Goierinnent d tinder this Foreign Nationals Performing Unclassified Work (NOV 2005) (a) The Contractor shall identify any and all personnel who are foreign nationals (perapmel oho me not United raiment Resident Aliens) that are proposed to perform work under this contract ma prime contractor and/or subco The Contractor must receive written approval from the Contracling Officer prior to allowing itijr foreign national graph (c) ba work on this contract ent recruitment t(maieg, cable aqd cling Office& For. . initiated by an. dar behvines du- bcontactot era: dactot shall an- ales citizens or Pa- tractor capacity. not listed innate- � (b) 71=60195 thiperformance of this contract, the Contractor &all Provide the Contrahig Officer withthe fbowing information at least thirty (30). days prior to the contemplated Use of such hidividualsi � � - ��� ' � UNCLASIFIED Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 (b)(3 (b) (3) (b) (3) Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 UNCLASSIFIED " Contractor Name: GEORGE WASLOTON UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF RESEARCH SERVICES Contract Number Full blame, Date and Place of Birth, Citizenship, Social *Security plumber, Visa Number and TYPO, Title. It should be understood that the Contracting Officer may exclude iny.person(s) with are not United States citixena. this contract without providing a reason bribe exclusion. (c) The following foreign nationals are hereby authorized to work on this contract: � - Name Title Federal agency must use the metric system of measurement in its procurements, grants and other business-related (a)' The metric system of measurement is the preferred system of weights and measures for united states trades. tent econOmically feasible. � , ) � (b) This contra& requires, unless specified Otherwise, that all Supplies, components, reports, documentation, or signed, fabricated, assembled, deliVered, or:performed under LEIS contract shall utilize, to the extent necessary to b - to the &Tent dicteed by tbc World mancetPlaceithe *Stein Oflhciieltfasifj,'as reilblisfa byte 0 of Weights and Measures in 1960., The 1S0 is also Icithian as ".-SysteMinteMatjotal(ST, pritMett �,at.ein" ar0 US. usage bY-theDepaornent ofponmterce's 'liPterPretstAto OfthS,...Stliti�S,411ti3s PISSItirt�i u: stis- supplemented foithe Federal amietnnienes usage 'Tithe General�m-Aces AdministVion Uderalt tab:4'0A: Units of General Use by the Federal Govenunenf'. , , . (c) In the event there is a Conflict betw.,L4n the/MU, Federal Standialdicit'the-coiliract sehtdute; td order or r mug the conflict is* be the Contract schedule first, foliated :by Federal Staithalc11.76, the pswina theilS-0. The documents ctmunt id of the kleaie &contra& iNGtaitiall piefoilS Incorporation of Section K Reprevantations, Certifications, and Other Statements off/ Respondents (OCT 2003) Page 11 0120 offMaing th commerce. Each ti vides to the ex- ces uhich are de- eUrapethiVe ruts' cPitrosPO;no, interpretel tor and P eferied Metric ezedente.ia resolv- "cns'of these SECTION K which has been completed and submitted with Contractor's proposal dated 10 May2016' incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this contract Order &Precedence (OCT 2003) (a) -Any inconsistency in thiscontractual document(mclusir of documents., proyLaiorn or eabiblis referated hetkor attacked hereto) shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order '.(I) :The Scbeiluie (ese!nding the gPvi stIOSSSSEdsOmm) (2) Attachment A - Incentive and Award Fee Plan (if applicable) (3) Siaternem of Work (4) Other prOvisi rifthe'crintriat when attached or incorporated by reference (5) Specifications (6) Teclmical Provisions ofthe Contractor's sr)) If a , . (b)(3 (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/04/68 C06190280 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 UNCIASSIFIED Contractor Name: GEORGE WASIATON UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF .7 � � RESEARCH SERVICES Contract Number ccellictig inconsistency arises out of any Of the contract elements listed above, the Contractor shall not* the C the conflict or inconsistency for final and 'unilateral resoliati Under no eirentinstanea Will such conflicts or increaselMtargefcoat, fee, mind teat stiManle exteiioiis - Key Personnel (AUG 1496) page 12 of 20 thm Officer or enciesre.tJltin (a) The Contractor akall identify the key tedmical, management andadrithnistrative personnel to beasstined to Wolk under this Om- , _ � Name .Title Principal Investigator " (b) The personnel specified above are considered to be pacenfial to the iitirit pirf,minedbmerzada, Ppt,rjo Overt!' nbyaf Me spe- cified individuals to other programs, the Contractor shall provide adyance:n9Y4CailintgatIP6. �.4 thiq .rillg�Wdeay,ito the Con- tracting Offlcer and shall Submit resumes of the proposedsubstitates sqfllelentia..ektul tqppeete aValeeijee ,etiltell1F-t op k_th,F, Pro- provided that the Contracting Officer may ratify in writing such diversion and such ratification shall coustitute the nment or the Con- tracting Officer required by this clause. 2. ���i� "lf� Payment of Contractor Travol (JAN 2004) , (a) Travel costs incurred under this contract are allowable subject to ihe limitatione contained in Federal Acquidti (FAR) 3 l205-46. _ � , � .� (b) There are some chtamstaices under which the contractormustobtain cpprS from ti2eSp,ntreting pflccr p (I) When travel is in excess of a predetermined travel alicelathin; '0) :WIleirtliecentraccUilias dot�i lovable; and (3) When foreign travel is involved. � Contractor Pardritarici Eauation (Italt-2064) (a) In accordance With FAR 42.15, and as otherwise provided by this contract, Me Contractor's performance un be subject to evaluation as follows: (1) final evaluation abaft be conductsd for all contracts after cUmpletion of cputract performance; and (2) Interim evaluations May be conducted at the government's discretion. (b) Past performance evaIrtation reports shell he retained by the Government to provide source selection inforrnati to exceed threeiyeafi thi-kllointrittobritirieficiit hi adcordae with tAft 9.105,ind Contracting .0fficerthall also past performance information when making responsibility determinations. (c) The Contracting Officer shall provide sippropriath ektrackil information fitatt thecordpleled interim (if aorta ports to the Contactor as soon as practicable after completion of the report The contractor shall have a days after the date of the balder forwarding the information to submit written coinments, rebutting statements, or lion. The Government will consider rebuttals and other irtfoonation provided by the Contractor and will rends, regarding the contractor's performance during that period of the evaluation n !levitation 'pr to triltkapicilis other a nos' is al- this cootact OMR n for a period not der relevant le) and final re- of 30 calendar Ilona] informs- detentaination (b)(3 (b)(4 (b)(3) (b)(3) UNCLASSIFIED *Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 WIMPSWIED Contractor Name GEORGE WASL.STON UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF RESEARCH SEIICES Contract Numberl .13ast Performantelnformation 7 **Mein!! Age_ney Contacts (MA2.2004) This contract may be listed as a reference for past performance mimics only in offers submitted to agencjis and ogaazaflens ividrin the Intelligence Community, provided the Contractor requests and receives the twin; approval tithe clustracting pmcer in ad- vance. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the Agency being unable to respond to a reference recjut and may also result in a termination for defenk � 4 ,/Changes huirthg No Equitable Adjustment (MAR 2004) . (a) Purpose. The purpose of this paragraph is to establish a procedure wherebY mie 63111Theitial smidideation will If Wed troth to dir- ect a change pursuant to the "Changes" clause of this contract and to settle any question of equitable adjustoients thht might arise. This Procedure shall apply only to those efilipgcs that Will have no Wed on the contract price, delivery schedule, ol other provisions of e con Page 13 of 20 (b) Procednie. 'Rena change under the-"Changes' dense is proposed, mid, both pardes are that the proposed quire any rip:Maisie adjustin,ents.the CaraciQ 00.4441iiine ebil4teril.46dificariOnatitherialeidte thank� the change'is no 6ffection either the otintinct 'Price/a6stpliktee, Or period aptiffrinnenceidelit'arY dale. ilia .go on the modiffeciffen Shall constitute aeitiernice Of the bet'Vernrisent's offer, OwIllie binding op befh patties, and s complete, and. ffslafkettlerisedifcifthiclithilAilio'dilecte.d. � � t � 4. Limitation of Working Groups (MAR. 1004) Technical guidance provided at meetings DE Working ClieriPeeitablished by the Gorettira' mit aridAithistmed such meetings shall not constitute authorization for the Contractor to alter the scope of this contract. Only the Con may give such direction in writing through the !Chaugeslciaitte. �film .c011trAel� . . ' Engineming Change Proposals (DEC 2010) (a) The Contraditing &ficer may �iik the ConiXide4 id fielitieldgimiering change pxoposalscarenlincering clranies within lits gen- eral scope of this contract Upon nprekot of a written request from the Contracting Officer, the eqValictITSfriill pre to and subridign engineering change proposal in gems:lance with .the ContractingpfScer's instructions 1 anZe Win MI IV- ciegly stakes Wes signamrs constittica Mt, the minutes of ming Officer � I (d) When the mist or price aciaitment amount of. the engineering change meets .dietCilteris for sUbniii:iiCii\eun Contractor shall submit (1) A contract pricing proposal using the frimmt in Table IS-2, Section IMO% of the Federal Acquisition (2) At the time of agreement on cost orprice, a signet! Certificate of 917ncc est IF pricing Data: Sectiorti - Cortifict Cl�iA Compliance With the Ccms6tilion and Statutes of the United States (AUG 1996) .�., (b) The Contractor may initiate engineering change proposah. Conh:actor initialed engineuring change proposals S to exceed" cost or price or a "not less than" cost or price end delivery adjustment If the Contracting Wilder ciid change, the increase shall pot exceed nor the decrease be less than the "net to exceed" or NI% less Wan" ammmts, � . (c) A change proposal aicepted accordance with the Changes clause of the contract shall Mat be considerqd contractok- W eidida the esfunaled best ba the contract schedule, tmless Ott estixnatedaltkiLlISPe.4 Will" Om' contract modiftcation. I11 include a "ml die engineering prization to the licrOr 011er , FAR 15:403-4, the mi; and, (b)(3: (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 UNCLASSIFIED Contractor Name: GEORGE WASIUTON UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF RESEARCH SERVICES � Contract Number .Page 14 of 20 Nothing in this contract shall be construed to authorke any activity in violation of the Constitution or Statutes of United States. Turley Notice of Litigation (DEC 2011) - (a) The Contractor hereby agrees to hmitediately give written notice to the Contracting Officer of any cuaerrt Etc ton Gray anticip- ated litigation that may arise daring the course oldie performance of this contract or thereafter, that involves or in ay way relates to or affents:-.(1)-aTlY 41Pnat Of this contract, (3) its terms or costs, (3) pertinent subcontracts, or (4) the-Customer's �rnictuip with the Contract& or Oh* ntatois.,514iiistipelshall jrichtild sitieleyant frifoiMalicti with resieeti the litigation: THis notiitlequire- meat is a continuing obligatioo tioninatitaifientimit & elase-Mithfilita 1. � - (b) The Contracting Officer Shall hive aceifit to and the right to examine any pertinent books, documents, papers Prime Contractor or subcontractor(s) involving customer transactions related to any Contract litigation. of the . (c) Nohyithitancling the foregoing, nothing in this agreement shill corntitute a walv& of eithetiparty'4 right in Isti ahem including but not limitid I'd:the rights of at: privilege; to'obtain injunctive relit tand/or any rights Or remedies agile* r, (d) The Contractor agrees to insert paragraphs (a) though (d) of this clause in any subcontract under this contract In the eveot of lit- igation, thesubcontractor shall immediately notify its next tier subcontractor or the Prime Contactkes the case ijayb�of all relev- ant information with respect to such litigation. (e) The Prime Contractor Shall fax a copy oldie notice of litigation to the Contracting Officer and to the Contract Lw Division at the following fax numbers: ti ,t2 � Contracting Officer Contract Law Division .111!1. 1. � to Organiza- tional CutriliolSPf fatgesti:osslekeediAFAI ?i?9, t11�., a:ultra-Mr 190,9 1114 IYIPtili09-sei 11 relevant ifarnni- ation regarding any actual or potential organizational B eittaiM of ineerest. ' : � �� (b) The 'contractor agrees that if an organizational otrnflict of interest Vrith respect to this contract is disCOvered g it erfaira- ; since, an immediate and full disclosure in writing sh4.1 be made to the Contracting Officer. Such notification shall � dude a description of the action the Contain*, has takeis orporpoSea.tO take, to avoid,o_entaljz, rmtmgat,e such coats, , The , tor shall continue ; Performance until notified by the Centradigg OffiCicof any contrary, potitsicifie nikeri.-ppoyUrtiment.rnay, "err, terFittatp � the contract forts convenience if ft deems sucii,Letioina�..tiOn irl the -!?Ct interffice.4469;4.112.194 � - � . Organizational Conflicts Of tindgeii�eral tiat.:166) ' . , (a) The contractor warrants that, to the best of ill lintrwLedge and belief, the are no relevant facts that could give � � (c) If the contractor was aware of a organizational conflict of interest before award of this contract and did not fu ly disclose the con-, filet to the Contracting Officer, the Governmen(Maygeproinate. the contract for,defait . , (d) The contractor shall insert a clause containing all the terms and conditions of this clause in all subcnntracts for formed similar:to time seryices proyidedby thaprimscopitactor, sod the terms "contract", !contractor", and " fled appropriately to preserve the GA/vein/aft rights.. . (e) Before a contact modification is made tiLatAdds nevi work or ,signifirantlyincreafica tine ad. of Redman shall agree to submit either an organizational Conflict of interest disclosure or mmurentatiort or autpdate of amp disclosure or representation, if requested by the Government (0 Contactor further agrees that Government mayperiodically review contractor's compliance vat these pro require such self assessments or additional certifications as Government deems appropriate. (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) � Approved for Release: 2019-104/08 C06190280 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 Contractor Name; GEORGE WASI _ UNCLASSERED GTON UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF � ,, � RESEARCH SERVICES Contract Number Audit and Records - Negotiation (AUG 2004) (a) As iCia in-this'clairse; "reit-ads� ificluLdeS books;documats, Stearn/frig procedures end PillpitC,!�St,;piother type and regard of whether such items ire in Written fa- in the tam of computer data, or m say 0 tiler to or any combhialion Of these, me Car-actor snail tain 9,9p coo, Cale.4 VE:P4W (n) Enomingfion_ofeqesel.irthidanle.ict-TelASher, ILEAT412kOri,q,.-04rter#43ciAatjilikte es** tatting Officer, && have the right to Marptie 'plot 411 it:gos and ottailivi tato thitittiewebi to have been interred or anticipated to be incarreddire9ily or indiready inners** tads contract Thsrigbt, shall include inspection at &reasonable times of the Contraclors plants, Othaiis Of them, enjgig419 perfontgi � Page 150! 20 reeardlets of iloySticeethl.ccintraCt., _ abSiS 'admit] canmination FPTIP41-., , :p. v (c) Cost or pricing data. If the Contractor has been required to submit cost or pricing data in cortnectian with any t'cirg action relat- Mg to thfaContisa, the Corahtiiiik005terfor ittirathotted teprestrattive.of the pprrtipt wm, 9.rderp�1p.stpATyf, ecY, completeness., and eiMacY. 61tbenatnr.Pfriitinidati, shall have the right to csamineSndinditiall . 9tes n7Ferderkn- chviing computation; aid Projectiais, related tO � (1) The propoal for the con4L7t,e�Aciapiracti or madiRicrikn; (2) The discussions conducted on the proposal(s), including those related to negotiating; (3) Pricing of the contract subcontract or modification; or (4) Performance oldie contract, subcontract or modification. (d) Reports. If the Contractor is required to furnish cost, funding, or performance reports, the Contricting Officer representative of the Contracting Officer shall have the right to examine and audit the papporting reconi.' s and Mat pose of evaluating � � � � � -� - � . : � (1) The effectiveness of the bontrattr's policies anii procedures to produce data chinpatible with the Objectives -a , (2) The date reported. . . � � �� 7 (e) Avalicabgtry,711te.Cattaelsitibthl nfke nano if itiorffice Mill tido- affable limesthe'recordspniatenals, all other evi dentetle- scribed in-parahe ti), "Vega-mina� trod, eePfddlic11134 Mail 35#-ernOa I liarneigunclee this contact or for any Shorter period ,peTnirin SaMatt4' 7,toht'atoRkdtds Ret�ion, of the Federal Actin lion Regulation (FAR), or for any longer period. required by statute or by other clauses of this contract. In addition . �f .! (1) If this contract is completely or partially terminated,lhe Ocintracthr diallihaltearvailablethh Wads relating ated until 3 years' alter !my:resulting final termination settlement; and � .. r S authorized 'els, for the pur- ese repbrts; and (2) The Cattractor STnalce aVailable rettidnelatintio iMpeaLsiroder die Dispda 'fir Mlifigation orith claims arising ander or relating to this contract until such appeals, litigation, or claims arituMlly'' (f) The Conilattalliall inSerk a clause cmita*gl theta= Of this blouse, including this; paiagraPh (1), in all this contact that beceed thesimplrfie& acqbisliiiiitibiellield, and " " � (1) That are cost-reimbursement, incentive, time-and-rantaials, labor-hoar, or price-redder/nimble type or any (2) For ivhich cost or prIciiig data are required; or the work terMin- settlement of contracts under 'on of these; (b)(3 (b)(3, Approved for Release: 201.9/04/08 C06190280 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 UNCLASSIFIED Contractor Name: GEORGE WASLGTON UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF RESEARCH S Contract Numb�era- (3) That require the subcontractor to furnish reports as discussed in paragraph (d) of this clause. The clause may be altered only as necessary to identify properly the contracting pates and the Contracting Officer ment mime conttact I Fricing Adjuitinent (OCT 2003) ��� . The term "pricing adjustment" as tied injearagraph (a) of the clauses entitled "Price ItediMiteif for befetve CriSi 9T Prieingtala - ' Modifications", "Subcontractor Cost or Pricing Data", and "Subcontractor Castor Prieirig Data 'itfintlifiCations% ,ars the aggregatvi, . � Page 10 of p der the Griiero- � increases and/or decreases in cost plus applicable profits. All Audit sad Reciirds /4egolinflon. atiG1664) - Altaiiiate ii (AUG 200'9.' (a) As used jp this Pips; " ,records". includes books,alosimenta, accountingpraceduresupd practiets, andfilier eaja,rogadless of type and regardless of whether such items are in ivdttei um; in the forrnisf citinidertlata; thin nitS, tither feint: (b) Eteminallenefeests. If tills C.0fit-relukt91-erIckceltkYr kbor. ,111CTS,0T,Pdae,,, Mete Or any combination of these, the Contractor shall maintain and the Contracting Officer, or Mihrinzid iepresetke treating Officer, shall have the right to examine and audit all meads' and othet evidence sufficient-to reflect proper to have been incurred or anticipated to be incurred directly or indirectly in performance of this contract This right shall include fispdction at all reasonable tithes of theContractoes plants, or pprta.p1Ike; fg4.413 Pof1ll,*10. � (c) Cost in' ',riding *all' dietontrater ferfalred to'Subfait best tir prichiglatain Connection with any ing to this,contractt the Coistiktint fRiricbi an hathorlied representative of the Cord:fatting Officer/in order to acy, comialMeriess; and mizign4'Of the Oat Off/icing dela:ship have imuithleand audit all of the Con chiding consitutdtiMis arid Projections; rolitg to - � , . (1) The proposal for the contract, subcontract, pr modifidanon; (2) The discussions conducted on the proposal(s), including those related to negotiating (3) Pricing of the contract, subcontradt, or modificationi or (4) Performance of the contract, subeontract or modification. 1 , (d) Reports. If the Contractor is required to furnish cost, funding, or nerformanCe itnorts, the Oariti-'icting OffiCie representative pf the Contracting Officer shell have the right to examine and audit the supporting nwnis and mat pose of evaluating � (1) The 0ga:fire= of the Contractor's poW1s and procedures reproduce. data corrmatible with the objectives t&s�nrts; and (2) The data reported: 'oablo attract, Vebrthe Con- 01 casts clahneel (exultation catraet, *ring action relat- valuate the aeon- tor's records, in- authaziOd 'als, for the put- (e) Availability. The Contrentor shall ace aVikale at itibifice id all rya: sable titles the recta*, tea**, titlieleSeace de- scribed in paragreple (b), (c), and (d) of this clause, for mcaminatiOn, at, or letriteduCtioiC Mall 3 Years"Itlet- payirTent ander this contract or fen' any shoats:perk:id, sitleified in Subpart 4:4,:dettMetcr Reeords Retention, of the Federal AcqusiiionRegulation (FAR), or for may longer period regladhislat& or by other &St- of this contract. In addition " (1) If this contraCt is completely or partially terminated, the Contractor shall make available the =Opts rOatini the work tonoin- (b)( (b)(3 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 . mamma Contractor Name; GEORGE WASLGTON UNIVERSITY OFFICE. OF. RESEARCH SERVICES Contract Number ated tmtl 3 years after any resulting final termination settlement and � - . (2) The Contractor shall make available records relating to appeals under the Disputes clause or to litigation or the claims arising under or. Mating to this contract ont# suchapocals, litigation, or dein! are fa resolved. ' If) The Contractor shag insert a clause containing all the terms of this clause, including this paragraph (Pon all this contract that extend the siroplified acquisition threshold, and ' _ (I) That are cost-reimbursement, incentive% time-andinateriaLs, labor-hour, or price- e or any co � (2) For which cost or pricing data are required; or : (3) That require the subcontractor to furnish reports es discussed in paragraph ,(d) of this clause. � . � . . . The clause may be 'altered only as rieCessarlto idarilify,i4er1y the contracting parties and the Colitheting Offie meat prime contract. , Page 17 of 20 etfiement of contracits under bag& of these; under the GOveriv (g) The provisions cif ON413,Circdar IsIo..,44,1j3;ffrAtidife Of Scities;''', ince! O�Oemvm"_ era; end Niamiofit Organized s," apply to this contract - (a)' Mused in thii ditheecards" inehidesbaiddthinehts,kccoutting tirotedines End practicia;-and other da type and regardless of whether Such items are in viritten Iona, in the form of computer or in ftiusL (b) ExaMination of cosls. this cost-reimborsentePtiincePtilectinNtnclizaLeriA 1021.0033 or any combined& ofthisp; the Contractor shall maintaM and the Coil:reedits Dificerter an, _ tracting Officerohall have tight to :exmitine'and aadit all records and ctlex gCriSi�calt, to have been incurred or anticipated th, be incurred directly or indirectly in performance of* shall include inspection at all reasonable tithes t h Contridoes plants, or pes Of them, eti (c) Cost or pricing data. lithe Contractor has been required to submit cost or pricing data in connection with NW lug to this contract, the Contracting Officer, or an authorized representative of digtalrithing Orficir, bidder to acy, completeness, ad Currencyblithe cost or pricing data, shall have the right to examine and audit all of the Can eluding computations and projedtions, feted to - � (I) The proposal for the contract subcontract or modification; (2) The discussions conducted on the proposal(s), including those related to negotialthF (3) Pricing of the contract ontract, or modification; Or (4) Performance of the nontract, subcontract or modification. (d) Reports. If the Cc-infractor req 'aired to Attach cost, funding, piped' representatiy,a of the contracting Officer 1,11.all have dr rIglit to examine pose of crate& . ; 7; , (1) The effectiveness of the Corn:rani:es paisiel end procedures to produce data eomiiaillailifili the objecliite and (2) Thedattsported. 1 , ' reports, the Contracting Dffit:er audit the supporting recta& tenillies4of citIh'010,a9gireet, . Coii4 4lmniexamination padded. ; - 'elegection nat- Vahiute the actor- . cica's records, in- ran authorized for the pur- of diese'relieicsf ' (e) Avaithility. The Conthaelor'a make. ite'offir:p tree-scale tins the Matedds, an4other eVidetla de- scribed in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (d) of this dense, for 00/nation, audit, of =Production, =el 3 years seer iS PaYsaiatit under this contact or for any shorter period specified in Stibeait 4.7;Contraitor Raccittis Retention,tf the Federal Attila' lion Regulaikal (FAR), or for any longer period required by statute or by other clauses of this contact. In addition (I) If this egPlieet kc elailIPLetaf Para, ,IIIY,tRts*Led, tke ..cerract.�314. Oa* oral* tIle reaoatIP re4tin minted VII 3 3regs. am' anXas.R#0-0.4.4TRPtuffric444 anA � (2) The Ctintstrai:sballt=lte awaahleseimedstelatfag toignatala etideTtle nitPsas dame_ or claims arising under Or relating to this contact tag SaPedsi fieglalen,r.9s.lefadies are fur.t Farb!, (f) The Contractor shill insert a dense containing all the terms of this elapse, including this paragraph (f), In all this contact OS OLCcect the giFfl!Ood papOition tiuesheid, end � � Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 to the workter- settlement of under (b)G Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 RGE WASLoTON UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF UNCLOSSIFUE, Contractor Name OWRESEARCH SERVICES Contract Numbet- (I) That tee crint-m,SOMeinent,iticetitive, time-and-Materials, labor-hour, or price-iedeteoininubk type or any (2) For which cost or Prichig data are required; or (3) That require the subcontractor to furnish reports as dismissed in paragraph (d) of this clause. The clause may be altered ,only as accessary to identifyproperly the contracting parties and the Cunneen's' g Officer meat prirne contraci. . _ � � , (g) The provisions of OMB Circular Nn. 3A, ."Audits of Stites, oCal governments; and Nonprofit Orgunfriatiti contract . Moan' earapcnspiati (Defense Vase rowtThattreage (4I,Ie 2Q11). ______. -.. .. ....... _ (a) This clause supplements FAR 5248-3. ;�, 7.t, ' (b) The Contractor to procure nefense-Base AallitAj inlinitieepursitent to thircrins ofibe co*aet bop%Jeau the ment an unless the Contractor has a DBA self-msurance program amp overt by the Department f Labort.gillesrp r oil . .1 . 7 insured, the Contractor submits copy of the Department of Labor's Self-inanraite approval (Maturation to the pontractiug Officer prior to perfffirmance of the. contract._ Th.. e following rates are applicable from lane 1, 2011 thin* May 31, 2012: - - rne ipcw 20 Wagon of der the Govern- e;" OPPlyre this �� 1 � . ) ' � ��- . - Tier lf getiFiat(g $330'per $100.00 ofemployee reriluicraiien for all certEkfirihdt 6thidto Wor etheekg, This. tier includes workers such as IT consultants, engineers, administrative rittairs,liarikkeiriiinglenti thyiuthe4osi ble that Can rign7 sulered an office position Of low physical demand,. �rttc_r,..b.(?.9", :� . � � - Tier 2: ColiktlitiCtiofi iitvic�@ $530 perSJ00 GOof cmployee remwen4ipzi.. This tier includes toristmmi nature or other Alt Such as'SipenfryfelietfiCial,OhniihingStiale4tiatoei, ottafe'rfiAritittssy -mac other similar position's.- - - � � ," "- - ' � ... � � , - Tier 3: Security services� $900 per!100.00 of enniMY0 remuneration for all Personnel mVOlted pm security of any.. nature. - Tier 4: Aviation services� $21.1)0per $10000 of employee remuneratiep for all PeTplOtaitriiiiiolvedairk t crew exposure. , . . . . . . �? � � . SPIVieee ergl. �teer.ePMf9rst (c) The ContmCtor agrees to inSert i'ClAr`v; saigaiitiay tilt same as 01.1.s one in.nif Wtile$Altiacti hereMider Co-! the DBA is ap- plicable. Subcontractors-still* Ignited to legit asmillar clause in DRA i (d) As prescribe in paragraph (a), the Contractor shall"PidtMiDrIA insurance osiog thVGnierinaienes carrenticit insurance pro- lnstruations on Obtain DBA inatance On ProvjAn4.IST 9alijacc ackaid- ; vider,i (e) Prior to petformanee, the Contractor shall preside the Contracting Officer a oopy OTOM policy declaf�tion _ _ I . . . (0 Should thanes for DIM insurance coverage increase or decrease during the Perth** Of this beetrecti ate an equitable adjustment. Said adjustment alto tuniaclude any overhead; profit, �ieraliiiicintipistranyc (g) The Government May audit the Contractor's records to determine whether Or not the Minot DBA tier is being dons are being properly reported- The Government shall Vriof 'notification 10 the Crintracidi befoieihe audit . I - (h) Failure to comply with the terms of this clause may result in Topinstion for Default Tax Audits (Thils1-2004. ) If federal, state, or *keel tax officials request access to htformstionunaer this contract, theththictorthalli Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 affi es, etc. sed and all posi- amement of an noffsiTheCAin- (b)(3; (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 UNCLASSIFIED Contractor Name: GEORGE WASLGTON UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF RESEARCH SERVICES Contract Number( Page 19 of 20 - � trotting Officer. The contractor shill also requeSt that therax of4eists idea*, yezit pot WpatOlicip s for mew and shall forward the response and any related documentation to the Contracting Officer, Failure to Picividel'ijorirfe th the :tattoo* Officer may be grounds for denying a cost/price adjustment for the resulting tat abiliifan adjuaimeat othe troth9cized by law and the terms of this contract. � L L jp4�n4t Review of Agency Protests (JAN 2004) An independent review ofprotests to the agency, as defined in FAR 33.103(d)(4), is air-Mate as an alterisito/Cto asztlerabort by the Contracting Officer. Requests for an indepcndent review shall be =baited directly to the Contracting Officer, elag With the protest- ClaitseaTevfaing ACV:SSIV,Other.Q0cromeiliEntiticillUkE0.03)* �.. � � � , Several clauses in this contact require reporting to other Federal agencies or access by other Federal trgemeS loth, ConThrapor's re cards for coPidience determinations Of other review _If reporting, eampliatice dettarainatiM2,, or review involves this con- tract the Cotaitibi 'shall obtain the Contacting Officer's written perraiseiOn or:guidance before Pafiroirting � 59 P52-2 Clauses Incorporated bylieletenbe (Feb 1098) This =Old inhbrporated One ormoreeleaSeg lot rffereAcC, witithe same force and effect akIf theY were given in quest, the Codradting Officer will make 4rnjrftfl top ayailphletAlsb, S futrieict elintettraybe accessedel address: tattosillsernicseauksition.govlfarlindelb - c`4:1 t "4:4)Pt 1, � full text. Upon re- PicaPY RI this f!;:i� - . � �, . Magiggniffneat la': �-�': '1 - ,.. 7.2024 '1? . "orp (July 20174) � .10 52.203- _ ... disTA:070$ 2:: .w.;�:: N. .,?� � -114. 1 s ? . ..,.., ...1 52203- povenritrApjun ContingemPeerlam 1924) ' - ,52.200- WIPOradutest Walt ;ta� aa. ,..,.,-,h,,,.. .. , 51.203-2 3Ourreltnieu,Restissirowat Recovery of Funds for Illieslit'laWd Afftiiity/lan 19 \ � Imirom Activity 52103-19 PrIm Or Fee Malaita: For petal Or gan1997) 52,203-12 1�7� ? . ': thalattangaggymemalognence Certain Poy,lersITreeeautians(Octa010) 52.204-4 1:ThihRillreoPieStRagilegiebli-RitiWiLerilh6.11.5arldPer(M3Y2011) :.'v.. r- � 52.2094 . ?minding the Domoments letercst When Saberattraing slIhtA6tbottir9 D bzr4Suspti4, or JPitosed for,Debarmara pce low) .52215-17 WW 41,. itiatipp 4 Mancyfott 1992): -71.1-%. � '.. , � � 52.21548 Rcvtjvon ocAdr n 0 Mile ra P tit fleildirthiPR110. Othnjlwa ?ensign; (July 2105), 152.216-1 I Cost Contract-4o cc (Apr t984) i 1.5, "-3 CtiITh2003). i32.222-21 prop:bloc alienated Fealties (?-el; 1,9) ,52. EMM1 OPMITIDMV 4E 20O7) 4.52.2224 ,-�44,Qppgatlyanyystnapp V10), 1 - v nr-36 , " -A_ctiankililtotilitgillifistbst 0) 7 4" cr ) 5:? 7'7741 EmploymentReports Vete-Mrs-I* 20IG) � 52.222-44 akj.E.bc!.Sigednnis and Strike Oran:4 - Price Adjsahnent (Sep 20 ) 52.222_5 takitfflfl.lif?eirahiBPRI2309/ - .-?; a. ,..,. ..Z22.3-6 Drag Erre Winiplenl(Tenginf 111 Eutouragthg Couto:tor Manes To Ban TO Messaging While Driving ( 2D1 /) ?Iv:bases 2000) o etc 0, � Restrictions no Certainlorsip (June 52-27. Milveirtten an Comet ROM : i . ,�_, . 52127.2 Maks and AssistenceReganitnu Patent and- cenlillta lailtgaMMS MO 206.4 52227-14 Alt IV Rip,' Eosin Dats-Ocactel (Dec 2007) - Alturnate IV (lec211117) 52128(3 Feder:Utile azibmal Ter,a.(412902) 52.230-5 4 6 . -,- 'Cost Amomiting Stgalreatarlacar;e4.11 InsfauSenS(Oct 2010) (b)( (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 UNCLASSIRED � - . Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280 . UNCLASSIFIED Contractor Name: GEORGE WASICOGTON UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF RESEARCH SERVICES Contract Number: Page 20 of 20 2.2304 2232-22 52.232-23 2232-25 2233-1 52.233-3 52.2C-1 52.242-13 52-243-2 52.246-23 52249-5 52.249-14 Admstration of Cost "?.cebiltittng-Strtdmis (lune 201 0) Limitation Of Funcb (Apr 1994) Assignment 01 Claims (Jan 1996) Prompt Parrot (Oct 2009) Disputes (rely 2002) prate% after Award (Aug 1996) Notice of Intent naPisalleit Crisis (Apr 1984) Bankruptcy (July 1995) Chanecs�Cost Reimbursement (Aug 1987) Limitation of liability (Feb 1997) Ttnctilinatien For Convenience Of The Con t (Edneational And Other N9itiprolit Ins.tbutionsi (Sept 1996)- Exensable, Del ast19$4) 't Section J - List of Attachments LIdentifier Tee Date I Number ot 1 Pages J-1 List of Attachments J-1 Statement of Work, 2012. 1-2 Monthly Contract Status Report Exemplpi. Research and DevelaRrnerd and IC Ra.addc A;ogiam Skpko d April (b)(3: (b)(4) Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190280