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Publication Date: 
August 13, 2001
Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 (b) (3) AWARD/CC:MI.3'MM' 1. THIS CONTRACT IS A asnto ORDER UNDER DPAS 11S CFR 3501 SATING PA13E OF PACES 1 of 32 2 CONTRACT PILIIARER 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 4. REGUISITION/PURCHASZ REQUEST/PROJECT NO. 13 Aug 200i S 10011011 RY 6. ADMINISTERED RY 11F' OTHER THAN ITEMS) - CODE For Wog:hone a inquhias relining to this ardor. contact MeArtsa decOntect Washington, DC. 20505 for any � administrative � issues 7. NAME IL ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR IND.. STREET, CITY, COUNTY, STATE, & ZIP CODE/ George Washington University � 13; -DELIVERY ED FOB ORIGIN �Thai SEE BELOW) 2121 Streett_WW Sitite-601. Washineop, DC 10052 a. DISCOUNT FOR PROMPT PAYMENI 10. SUBMIT INVOICES TO ADDRESS SHOWN IN REM CO CODE ' frietsclas UNLESS VITAMINS SPECIFIEDI 0.2 � 1 I. SNIP TO/NIARK FON CODE 12. PAYMENT P 2 WILL ee MADE BY CODE 19. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA 13. 10 USG 23041AII ) II at use 253Io/I I 151.. REM NO. -. ' )6B. SUPFtlESMERVICES 1 9:QUANTITY. 1E0 win- iSE, UNIT PRICE 15F. AMOUNT " 1 bU. TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT' 16 TABLE OF CONTENTS Du sac . � DESCRIPTION MIMI IX/ SEC. � DESCRIPTION . .. . PACE(S) PART I � THE SCHEDULE PART II ., CONTR.,CT CLAUSES X A SOLICITATION/CONTRACT FORM i I CONTRACT cutOses 15-32 X B SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES/COSTS 2 PART II - LIST OF DOCUMENTS, EXHIBITS AND OTHER ATTACH X C DEScRInICNISPSCS.Monk STATEMENT 7 J LIST OF ATTACHMENTS X 0 PACKAGING AND MARRING 1-5. r PART IV ,REPRESENTATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS X INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE 5 REPRESENTATIONS. et0 LwiCATICNS AND X DELIVERIES OR PERFORMANCE �5-6 OTIIER STATEMENTS OF bEFEROGS X G CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION DATA 7-10 L isisyRs., CORDS.. AND NOTICES TNOFFER X H SPECIAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS 11-15 H EVALUATION FACTORS FOR AWARD -9.... � CONTRACTINO OFFICER WILL COMPLETE ITEM 17 OR IS AS APPIJCABLE 17. sign MN al document . .. .. . CONTRACTOR'S NEGOTIATED '.41G.R:EEM. ENT� teammate; & ;equine, and return two (2) coats 10 issuing . synch:Kinn ' AWARD (toeuracrof Is nor 'nuked to sign this doeurnenn) tour offer an I Number. Convector agrees ta harnlah end defNer an ha= or perfoim' all the owarts Mt fonh or otherwise idionnfleal shots end on any continue:len sheets for the concidareticm currod heat The rights rand all/Elitism of the vanias to this eraniteet -anal be subnitt to and stovetned by, the telatring.docurneoul la) I. avestrUcuraract, Ilt) eta 9050i1.0011, if any. and le) such provisions."(Sphilentinans, cartificailens. aid speeificailans, as are 01100000 01 Incorpereted by rearance heath. !Attachments we Ede hal& insludino the ackEtIons at chances made by you eath Mendota or choosers ortricet forth ni tun chew, is borsht accepted aa to the harm Getird above and on ant corcinuam chows. This Nyasa =enemies= the eWnrant which consists of the follacricitlocumenNI (al the Govern- Mont's casein:Don end Mir onei. and (b) VOA award/contract. No Unto eenbactuil doesn't, la menial.. 1SA.. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER Pipe or print) WA. NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER Helen SpIncer - Assistanfi VP for Research Services 199. NAME OF 1W. DATE SI NED LAMSI5I 20C. DATE SIGNED 1( BY flY ) al eStenmunt of pane. el te sig. (EXCEPTION T PPRO COMPLETE SIGN ANDR COPY STANDARD FORKI 28 5-9 PREWRIBED BY GSA PAR WI CFR/ B3.21180 �E=4,10771WM MOOkis. Crec6/NrAr(� (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 606190266 Approved for Release 2019/04/08 C06190266 . George Washington Ii=ersity Contract Number: ' Page 2 of 32 B-1. B-2. - C-1. SECTION B - SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES/COSTS Scope of Contract (COst-Reimbursement/Fixed-Price) (APR 1984) The Contractor shall, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth. hereafter, furnish the necessary qualified personnel, services, travel, facilities, and materials (except those specifically deSignated to be proVided by the' Government) and do all things necessary and incident to completion ofthe contradtual effort in accordance with the COntractor's Proposal, dated 29 May 2001. Type of Contract (Cot) (APR 1984) This is a Cost Type contract as identified under Fe 16.302, bearing no fee and in the estimated cost of Ac uisition Regulation (FAR) SECTION C DESCRIPTION/SPECIFICATIONS/WORK STATEMENT Statement of Work (AUG 1996) The Sponsor's Statement of Work entitled "Electrode Improvement for Lithium-Ion Batteries � Investigation ofj Conductor Composites" dated 16 March 2001 is hereto made a part of this contract SECTION D - PACKAGING AND MARKING ithltutification and Marking of Shipments (AUG 1996) (a) General: It is an express condition of this contract that the Contractor will Make no reference of any nature to the purchaser in connection with the shipment of materials or the shipping documents pertaining to this contract. This includes, but is not limited to the item:s being furnished, instruction books, blueprints, manuals, packing lists; instruction plates or identification plates. There shall be no reference to the purcha.set on or in any shipping container, shipping documents or billing documents: (b) Bills of Lading: The Bill of Lading shall show the consignee as cited on Schedule "A" of the contract. � (c) Exterior Markings: (b)(3; (b)(3; (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(4) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 Approved for Release 2019/04/08 C06190266 George Washington a ,ersity . Contract Number: (b)(3; Page 3 of 32 (1) No stenciling shall be applied to the shipping container except for the following: 0) Weight, dimensions, and cubic content of container. (ii) Caution markings for handling purposes, such as: "DELICATE INSTRUMENT," "THIS SIDE UP," "FRAM! ,F," and "CENTER OF BALANCE" (on large items), etc. (2) The consignee address as given above in paragraph (b) shall be marked on a shipping tag or label that shall be securely fixed on the container by use Of a waterproof adhesive or stapled to the container. Such markings shall be protected by a coat of transparent water-repellent material. (3) Container Numbering: (i) Each exterior container shall bear a number relative to the total number of containers in the shipment, e.g., PICO. 1 of 5. (ii) Set marking - Where an equipment item constitutes a'set; and is packed and . shipped unassembled in tWo or more separate pieces, each container shall be marked with the set or assembly nufriber, the Minter oftheccintainer telatiVe i6 the turriber Of containers comprising the coniplete set, and the total number of dontainer8 in the particular set or assembly, together with a brief description a the cOtaponent part contained therein. Thus, a box containing a control panel, which is the third container of a group of four making up set number two, would require the following spebial set � markings: Set No. 2, Package 3 of 4, Control Panel. (iii) Container numbering shall not be stenciled on the containers but shall be applied by tag or label as described in paragraph (0)(2): ki.111:91 (d) Interior Markings: (1) No marlcinglahall be applied on any interior packaging niaterial or coniainer that would identify the purchaser. (2) Each primary wrapper, envelope, bag, folding carton or other packaging material enclosing each assembly, part or group of similar parts shall be marked so that it may be readily identified against the packaging list. Each secondary and all other overwrap material shall be marked as to the contents enclosed in the package. The markings shall include the following: (i) One of the following headings: (A) Part of the Basic Unit (removed to facilitate packing) Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 Approved for Release 2019/04/08 C061.90266 , George Washington tirersity Contract Number: Page 4 of 32 (3) (b)(3) Operating Spare. Parts (C) Base Spare Parts (D) Tools Service Equipment (F) Other category indicated in the contract. (ii) Brief nomenclature (if) Quantity Items that aretnot enclosed in a wrapper orcaitop shall be identified with Plag that � includes the above information. .� (e) Packing Lists: A ma,steK packing list shall accompany each shipment or be forwarded under separate cover so that it reaches theconsignee prior to the receipt of the shipment. The master packing list shall include: (1) (2) (3) Contract or Purchase Order Number. (4) Government Bill of Lading Number covering the shipment, if any (5) Items being shipped shall be listed as required under one or more of the headings listed in paragraph (d)(2)(i) above (6) Stock and item number (7) Nomenclature of item (8) Quantity of each item (9) Location of each item by container number and set number when applicable (10) My data specifically required to be included on the packing list, by the terms of Name and address of consignor Name and address of consignee as in paragraph (b) above Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 Approved for Release 2019/04/08 C06190266 George Washington L... rersity Contract Number: Page 5 of 32 the contract. (f) Unassembled Items: (1) Identification of connection components. When iris necessary to remove components to facilitate packing, all connecting wires, conduits,leads and other objects disconnected shall be tagged in such a manner so as to readily identify lines of the various components. (2) Shipping bolts, collars, etc. All objects that are attached to a:ssemblies for packing purposes that require removal before the item can be put in operation, Shall be labeled ' accordingly in a conspicuous manner: SECTION E - INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE E-1. 52.252-2 Clauses Incorporated by Reference. (FEB 1998) This contract incorporates one or more clauses by reference, with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make their full text available. Also, the full text of a clause may be accessed electronically at this address: E-2. 52.246-8 L Irispeetion of ReSearch and Development= MAY 2001 Cost Reimbursement � Alternate I Inspection and Acceptance at Destination (General) (APR 1990)1 Final inspection and acceptance of work accom_plished, services provided and/or items produced or deliverable under this contract shall be performed at destinatio.rthy cognizant Government personnel. SECTION F - DELIVERIES OR PERFORMANCE, F-1. 52.252-2 Clauses Incorporated by Reference. (FEB 1998) This contract incorporates one or more clauses by reference, with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make their full text available. Also, the full text of a clause may be accessed electronically at this address: 52.242-15 Stop-Work Order (ALT I) AUG 1989 (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 2019/04/08 C06190266 L_ Approved for Release George Washington Uersity Contract Number: Page 6 of 32 52.247-34 F.o.b. Destination NOV 1991 , 52.242-17 Government Delay of Work APR 1984 F-2. Late-Delivery (AUG 1996) When the Contractor encounters difficulty in meeting performance requirements, or anticipates difficulty in complying with the contract delivery schedule or date, it shall immediately notify the Contracting Office in writing giving pertinent details; provided, however, that this data shall be informational only in character and that this provision shall not be construed as a waiver bythe GovernMentof any delivery schedule or any rights or remedies provided by law or under this contract. F-3. F-4. F-5. Period of Performance (AUG 1996) The Period of Performance of this contract shall be from 13 August 2001 through 12 August 2003. � Place of Performance (AUG-1996) The principal Place of Performance under this contract shall be at the George Washington University in Washington, DC. Contract Status Report (JAN 2001) (MODIFIED) ` - Quarterly Contract Status Reports shall be submitted in to the Contracting Officer not later than 15 calendar days after the dose of the month covered by the report. Such report shall be in the format as provided in the attached Quarterly Contract Status Report exemplar. Thermost,recent invoice(s) submitted, that reflect the period covered by the monthly report, shall be an attachmenttoport (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) F-6. Shipping Instructions - COTR Directed (AUG 1996) (b)(3) Deliverable reports and data submissions shall be delivered in accordance with instructions to be provided by the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR). F-7. Personal Delivery (AUG 1996) (b)(3) In the event any item under this contract is personally delivered to the COTR, the Contractor shall obtain a signed receipt in duplicate from the COTR. One copy of the receipt shall be attached to the Contractor's invoice submitted for payment for such item(s). Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 MHif. lb. atm r .dbHM � P. SNONSQHLD NU. I(E3 . 11/e ( �el pm; Paga to Section K � Repredentalions, tertificationS, anii.other Statements of Offeicill:WOr bithiers Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 bl-UNbUkt V KtbEHNLI.1 MH . lb . G661 ' 1U : � NO. gr4-0-n1 nisei V. 3,e/e? Page 11 (b) (3) figcncttrzz,.REIkUEt4TAtIQNS. CERTWICAINON$. AN OTHER STATEMENTS OF CSIII_IM2$12VM2OS 1 52.252-1 SOLICIAT1ON FROTasioNs mostioituro BY REFERENCE. O'ER 1998) This solicitation incorporates one or more toficiostion providoos by referonce; atith the rani ICING and effect as if they ware Oven In full ton. Upon roptest, the Contracting Ofneer will make their full text availahlo The offeror is Caistioneri that the listed provisions may include Orris that mum be completed by tbe Mirror and submitted with lb quotation or offer. fa lieu uf sr:bunging thc full text of those provision& the offeror may identify die provision by paragraph identifier and pmvide the appropriate information with its potation or offer. Also. dm full eat of a solicit:Won proviaiten mai be accessed acitroillailli- at ihitathcse address(es) huSew aimakkov/farl, $220141 CERT11137C411171N AND PI8C10,9114.REHAIDIEW; PAYMENTS TO INFLUENCE CERTAIN FELIER/4. TRANSACTIONS. AFR 1991 57.222.21 PROHIBITION Or /MIGRATED FACILITIES. FEB 1939 K.2. 512034 CERTIFICATE OF INDEPENDENT PRICE DETERMINATION (APR 1933) (a) The ofTeror earthen that - (1) The prias in this offer have ban arrived at independently, without, for the purpose of rastrieting compatition, any sanaultatiaa, communiemica or arcane:It with any other offeror or competitor routing to - (i) Thom pritet; (ii) The intention to submit an Orem or (Ill) The methods or factors used to calculate the prices Waled. (2) The rises in this offer ben not been end will not be knowingly disclosed by the offeror, directly or indirectly, to any other offeror or coinpetitor helbre bid opening (m the COE of a scaled bIti solicitation) nr contract award (in the ease of a negotiant solicitation) unless otherwise repaired by law; and (3) No atboapt has been made or odll be made by the offeror 10 induce any ether concern to submit or not to submit an �frier far the purpoae of restricdog coMpaition. CM Each aignature on the ottrz Is considered to be a emtificiadon by the signatory that the signatory (I) It the person in the offomes organization responsible for detennining the Fitts king offered in this bid or proposal, and tint the signatory has not pardc/pated and Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 flf-IY. lb. aelldl; 10; abf411 SHONSUKEJJ ltSEflq 9c�; larth-ot eita; F. 1:4ce Page 12 not participate In any salon contrary to subparagraults Mil/ through fita of this provision; as are Has been authorised, in writhig, to act o agent for the following principalsin certifying that tom �principals have not latticiPated, and y.1111 not perdaYabi in any aciroa.,.ccintrary as subparagraphs faXlythfough (6)(3) a 44 provision limed fall name '011.00iSollisi. in offeror's otrndinthan itspaalderfe* diterinining the pikes offered In this bid dr praporal, and the title of his or bespeak's:in in the offeror's organization); (ii) As an =hatted Wm, dais madly that the principals ruined in subdion ibx2xt) of this incylsko have not prittlekaned, tual odd not particia in any action contrary so aul4snag/4ft faRilthrtingh (a)(3). of this provision: anti � MO As an egthe. has hot Pensollakv IntriiciPgedrffind will not FaSuiFare. In any nth= noiltrarY to subParatilFhtl (a)(1) Ihrattgb (2X31 of MIS piredsion. (a)!! the offeror deletes or modifies aubparasinph (e)(2) of this Previaort the offeror must furnish with its offer a signed statement setting ford, in dna:Litho chantisances of the disclosure. � . 52204-3 TAXPAYER. IDENI1DICAnatv (octiO9u) (a) Definitions. "Common pram," as used in this provision. mains that evaporate ently that awns or Controls au aft-Muted group or =Farallon that riles Its Federal income tax rein= co a consolidated basis, and of which Mc offeror is a =abut. � "TatepaYeeldesnificadem Number: (TIN)," as used in this provision. me= the number remised by tho Internal Revenue Service D(S) tobe used by the offerar its repertiag income tax and other reams. The TIN may be either a Social Security Nunther an Pinployer Identification Numter. (is) All offerors thust submit the int onnation Inquired in paiagrapIti (d) through (0 or this provisko to comply with deft eollecden requirements of 31 U.S.C. 1701(e) and 332.5(4), reporting icquirentents of 26 U.S.0 Sal, 6041A, and 605W4 and implormoning regulations issued by the IRS, if the resulting COOLMOr it Ahlajtpt Lo the, payment teparrintremnetnerird clean. ilnd in Federal Acquisidozi Regulation WAR) 4.004; the Sine or refusal by the Offeror to � firidslitie infonisithisi may result inn 31 coroerd reduction Of PaYmcnts otherwise die tinder the comma. . � � � ' � (d) Telmer Identification Number (TIN). ro The TIN may be used, by.the Government to collect eon 'ern on any delinquent innomn out yr Ohe... scarab m11[1E0144 with the' Ginotornee[j31 USX, .7701(c)(3)). If the testi/ring eleinisi is subject to the 'tarmac reporting reqiiiielionts deicrited in FAR 4.904, the TIN nrovithallorennthar may be Malehad with IRS records to verify rho Accuracy of the Offerots � � J 2 (b)(3) (b)(3: Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 MRY.16.e0U1 10:J4M Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 Sl-JONSORT.J.) KESt_HKell atilys . NO..013 Ha p-o1 9:19; Page 13 (b)(3) n TEN has Wen applied Ms. f 1 TIN isnot required beepase: II Offs; or is a annsidont alien. foreign merperaton. of foreign partnership that does not hate income effectlily rouneetro with the conduct of a ttadeor business hi the United States and doe% not base an Office rid place of business or ascii pailat Aga in the Oohed Stites; � . Offerer to wiagreIkey or instrametitalltY of a foreign government � � [I Offeror is anagerfey Or inpromentality of the ?roars] " Govennoest: (e) Type of organimin cm., I Sole proprietors* r Partrtaihipi (1 Corporate entiry (nisi tai-ar.empt): I I Corpora sadly (tat-szeitapt); [,2 tiovermar-nt entity (Federal, titate.:or 'Malt I I Foreign government; nnternadond organiansion per 26 CYR 1.6094. **Other Etbcational Institution Coznincti frareni. � -� ) Offeror is not awned or root:oiled by a eterno" Papal as clan"! paragraph(e) of thh prowhiem I 2 Nitric andlIN or eranomOareit Name TIN 52.2045 WOMEN�OWNED BusziEss (MUER THAN SMALL BUSINESS). (MAY 1999) (a) Definition. Wornen-owncel business concern, as uarst in this provision, Limp hcani.trn that is at least 51 percent owned by one or prom women; at in' rhe ease of airy 0111;beli Owned business, at leas: '51 Percent pills stgek is owned by oac or man women; aw), whore maaakentio. and Oath/ Iiusineis ope:rationi lira controlled by one or mare women. 0) Represemation. leoinpletc only if the altor is a women-owned boas= conrorn and has Dot repose-need Itself as a small Imams concern in paragraph 0)(1) of PAR 52219-1, Small Basineso Program Representations. of this solicitation.] the'offaror repressors 'that it �1 is a waniewouned business concern. 3 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 5FONSUNLD KtbEHKLH. .tattlp3; NHY. lb ..C1111 � 10: ������������� NU. r ea 17_48.01 e:192 t. lb/Cr PAge 14 K-S. 82101 C.EifFIE/CA T1ON REGARDING DEFARMENT, SupPENSION, FAOFOSED DERAIGGDIT, AND OTHER RESPONKETL1TV MATTERS (MAR 199i 4Xa Th4 Offeror cm:frees, to the best of la knowledge belief, haa - (f) The Offeror and/many Of its Prniamds , � - (A) Am fi ste not Fl prowsuly debarred, nisnded, proposed for delierrnem or declared latelignale for the meard of contracts by an Federal agency; GO Dan I 1 babe nate. !spin a threineor pedal preceding th6 offer, :been convicted of ai had avil jibliMent rendered against than for: commission of fraud or a ocianinel offense In connection edit obtaining, PtlemPtirte to OSUMI,: Or lieif*y.eng A Olt* at!: 'SUM. or loyal) contrail or saki/Mil-a violadob Of Federal or Slate antis= amnia relating to the submission of Wm: or contordasion of endanalemona theft fozgery fribery; calsillaiol Or destruction of treads, melds% Mt 'moments, tak tvisiciri, titj�atprupcTty: and � (C) An (J IlMniat Pl) presently; ilitticied fa, or othetWise Criminally or dvilly charted by a 'Enver:mental entity/ad:1r, caranicnion Of any of OIC offenacs entiteekeitil eubdivislai (a)(1)0)(B) of this provision. 01) The Offaor has [ ) has not fl within a dinisynx pidial preceding this offer, had one or mare contracts lannmated lbt default by any kerderakagency.� (2) "PrinciPols� for the purposes of this certification, means officers; directors; (VAC= perinerm end pason" baring primary tramegrimarecJapervisory resporrilbilitice within nbarlinaget.Sity (114:-/Foliflil mouujwjplrnfl Matiskeil, bait of 11 subsidiary, dividion, tn MAIMS maim and similar positions). This terdiioetion Concerria a Molar Within the Jurisdiction Olen Agency arihe Thilred Stela and the Making of a False, Flotiqees, or Frandnient Certifuotion May Reader the Maker SubJett to Prusecnilinc Mier SictiOn 1001. Tide 18, United Stales Code. � (h) The Offemr shall &ovine immediate written -Make to the Otnitrieling plefierrif,et any limo Mier to annat loArd, the Offeror leoros ther int Ceififacittiod was &Mucous when stibmined or has become ertuocuus by reason of changed circumstances. (r) A certification that any of the hams in paragraph (a) of this posubloil exists wilt mil necessarily result in withholding of an awanl MEW Ns solicitation. However, the ciatificerk n will be eonsideral in commedon with a darmilaindon of the Offoror's respotsdbihty P41mm Of the Ufferor iii fiwth a cadcwlen u proMde Minh *timed Inreireition aj o3thesled by the Contraitingtflicer May zaideirMo Offeror tonresponzilale. ' ayNothing contrrinetliM the foregoing shall be comMed to remtim establisturient of a systein of records in order to render, in good faitb, tho certification ronaired by paragraph (a) of this 4 1 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 88UNbuNtii MHY.18.eU811.- 1U:d(HM NU. Mer1F1-81 0:1211 � 1-'.3.bfe( Pnge 15/28 provision. The knowledge and information of an L1ffernr ie pot rcquired tA exceed thw which is muniallyPelsoised by 4 Predeni person in the ordinary dime of bUsinass dealings. (e) The conifiwitioniin paragraph (a) of thi4providon is a rerial representation of tact upon which =Haiti= Wei /Arced When making avant If It Is later tictermined that the Offeror inowingly remiered art.mremseua certifration, In addition to other remedies available to the Government. the Contineting Officer may =dash) tlw contract resulting from this solicitation for default. 52.21S4 PLACE OF PERFORMANCE (OCT 1W/) -(a) The Offeror* resirrindenti In the performance of any contract resulting from this solicitation � � ntnda S doe* Teak hjia3i1 (check applicable block) to nee one or mere plants or facilities located at a different addieSS from the address of' the offeror or respondael as indicated in this � proposal or rcipatiS6 (origniet`foi in*uttion, (b) If die offeror ar resparidem chrai "Intends", in paragraph (a) of this provision, ir shall insert in thc following apatWas thew:411;d Information: PLACE OF PERFORMANCE (STREET .CODREM: aft STATE, (=MTV, ZIP COD13 Dept. of Chemistry 725 �21st :Street 1,7,c7ITERtoti--TC,20052 . NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER AND OPERATOR OF ME PLANT OR ;any IP OTHPJI THAN OFFEROR OR RWONDEITE 44. 5=9-1 SMALL BUSINESS PEOGRAWIREPREFIENTATIONS. (OCT 2000) (OW The North American Industry Cbatilication System (PiAICS) axle for this acquisition is� . '(Z) The smaffbusinem eke�idazd It [instal SEG Sunday!), (5) The small business size standard for a concern which subirdts su offcrie its own name. other than on a construction or seryive contract, but which proposes TO groduct which it did not itself rnM�fu turn Is EOrr employees. � , (b) Representation& ( I) The offeror represents as part of Its offerthat it [I is, ( J is not a small business Content � � (2) fOoMpleta 001; if the offeror represented Itself as a onall beeineas concern lo.paragruptt (0(1) or this provision) The Forfeits itipreseittLA-for heneral itatietionl pa:treats. KS pan of its off& that ti(�) Is, Li. is not if small disadvanmged business cacaos as defined in 13 CFR 124.1002. 5 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 nfrufit.h%L.D PINT ib. CUial. � 1U: ..,(Hfrl - NO. rYb Mer1e-01 9:19; hip,/er Pao'? iene (3) (Complete only if the offeror represented itself as a small business coimeni in paragraph (bX1) of (hit neoviion.)Tbe ofikorrepresada as part of im offer that iaj ktf Is nor a wane:r- oomed small business concern. (4) [Complete only If the offeror represented hue as a small business concern in paragraph (b)(1) of this provision.: The offeror !tyrants as pm Of its offer that Iii 1 iz 1 J is not a reterne-owned small (Maine:Rs ernar-ro. , (5) ;Complete only if the offeror represented itself us a vcreran-oomed small business concern in PatagiaPil 0:1(4.) of this psi:with:MI The Offeror remesents sts part of its offer that it [ ) K.1 j is net a cervien-tbsabled venwan-awred small businessconcein. _ , , (e) Definitions. As used in this provision 'Irma business eonoorn,\znoons .t.uo.aftlanoltiding it affilieres. Our it itsdapendr.saly owned end opened, obi &relent Iii.;tbd Veld of ;coalition in ivhich it is bidding an Government contracts. and qualified en a roar bushiest under the miteria in 13 CRC Part 121and tlw size rintodard in pare pi (a) of tiriss pecarnion. ' �., , Ki5er4e:0-disa5Jed veterao-owned sown business ean,=rn"� ,, (I) gears sniall besinest eiaacent�. (i) Not loss than SI percent of which is owned by one-MAX= service-disabled veterans or, in the case of any pub1.14, Siena Ninon's, not less than Si perozot at We stuck of whit jai owned by ona Or more service-disabled voterivi and (ii) The management mei elaRy. ..basiness operations of which are' eattOrdIrld by one or mom service-disabled sieteinni or, In the pew of a neaten with Permanett faid Severe disability, the ^ikrotise osPenThincillifofiblef Cir.41041'ffgerall,'' (2) Service-disabh:d veteran toram a veteran, as defined In 38 UPS,C 1111(2), with a disability : that Ls serviecanneeind 'as detMod fa 3/.3 tr-te- 101(10, ,rWomen-owned sand/ business tango n." as used in this provision, means a snail pusinexx . Concern- (1) Which Is at least percent owned by cele or more women or. in the ease of wry publicly owned businessait least 51 resumeoil:he stack of which is mead by ime"or more Wiament and (2) Whose ffifttlagClUdat and daily burinoss operations urn controllnd by one or mate Worn (d) Noticed I) /f this solicitation is fat supplier and has been ant aside, in whole or in pm, for small business noncoms then the :clause in this -solicitation providing notion of the set-aside contains result:lions On the Conroe Of the rind Islas to be furnished. (2) Undo' II laSC 645(6). Amy racia who MISTEPTt3CaLS a lirra'S MIDIS ai a small 01132one mnall. small diaadeantaged, or oromencinmed small badness aosmern in order to obtain a contract to be awarded Under the Preference programs ratabliabed pursuits to iartion S(a), 8(6), (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 . Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 MHY. lb . ..101-111 bl-UNSUHLIJ Ktbtf-INC-H �������10 NO.-red Mar ta-01 0;207, p. ibze Page 17/26 g, or 15 of the Small Business Act or ..iny other provision of Feder-di law that specifically references session BO) for a definition of program Shall � (I) Se punished by InmOsition of fine, imprisonment, or both; (a) Be inbjeet to sulministretivc iernedies, including thencnsinn and debarment and (ill) ineligible for participation It programs contincind under theenthceity of the Act CoNtitAcil AND cOraLINANCE Battens au 1999) The offeror zepetontte that - (a) h (i) has, 0 has not participated in a pth'i'dotts-aceittnet or subcmdract subject to the Banal Cilportimity clause of this aolicirition;. (b) it di has-L.) hits sot filed ail squired compliant tepaiis and (c) Remesentatimas indicating submission of Mouthed compliance reports, signed by propega3 sbbcontrutom will be obtained before subcontract awards. 52,222-23 Ary3liMATIVE ACTION comrz.vortar 19s4) lbe offeror represents that - (a) fr_i4hes developed and bas on file has not developed and does net have on file, - at eacileetablishneen, affront:dive acrionyttograthe reotthed by the rules and regulations et thetectetery of Labor(11 .0n-I and 60-2); Or (b) h has not previously had contracts abject O. ihe written a;Mrrnative action programs mon:ire:nem of the rules and rekulaiions of the Searetary of Labor. Kat 5222343 CERTISICAT/ON OF toxic criroacAL RELEASEREPORTE(G (OCT woo) ' (a) Sultsion�Cif this certification jg a manauleire for miltingor entering into this contract thiposed hy Eseendie Older 12969, August 8, 1995. (10 aignin' g this Oftlir, the ounro, cenifies that - . - As the oW,r ar Placrater c;f fncfil. des that will be Lit] in thaperthernance of this contnict that am aubjeCt in ale la* and Kerning ntquirithents deiciihici in amnion 313 of the Ethergcm:y Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1936 (13/1CRA) (42 U.S.C. 11023) and *don 6607 of the Pollution Prevention Act 011990 (PM) (42 u.s.e._ 13 io0,1ho ofktor will file and corninue to hie for such facilities for the life of the contract the rode Chemical Release Inveinnery Ferns (FoimjR) as described in sections 3I3(a) anti of filittRA and section 6d07 of P9A: or 7 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 ; SHONSOHLV fs!tig5; DO:JOIMM Itay413-01 NU . DI 20; H.J.w.e7 � Page 1 tifa (2) None of ha owned or openwsd facilities to be used in the performance of tWs contract is subject WI Si 5orro R filing and reporting thmiirenterm because each such &entry is exempt for at teat ono cif the following ressoasl (Check caeh-block drat le milkabk.) (1) The facllity.wess not manufacture, proCess, or wiserwise- use may us& chenneals listed unddt SOciion 313(c) of SPCRA. 42 U.S.C. 11(C3(1): zetb The CEng!' does "or have 1� pr E..rwc fulkime eV1ore6 as speclEed in tendon 311(bXI)(A) of SKR& 42 US.C.11023(6)(IXA); (III) The *Dior does not meet the reporting thieshOlde aftesiic chemicals established under tontine 313(f) of EPCRA. 42111,S,GlI102,3(0 threlailittg the &buttons threstmldi at 411 CFR ' 372.22. provided an appropriate cenifiLaititie !WM.b�flIcd with EPA); � fru) The facility elan not fall within Standard Industrial beatification Code(SIC) major Binitis.-26.1thistigli 39 or their cOrrespanditig North Arnailcin Indistry Classification SAlcell (MAWS) Sectori-31 through 33; or ' _ (v) The facility is notlocared Within anY SFS pf the United States, the DI striCtii(Volumhia, The Cornmonwealtit'of Ptorto Rico, tioein: Anietrierin Samoa, the United States Virgin blanch, the Northern Mariana Wands, or any other tarbory ornoseeseion over which the United Soma hakluT40,0goo. � K-11. 622254 BUY AMERICAN Aerc.BAJLANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM�SUPPLIES (PRE 2000) .e (i)bettaitioes. As used b ads clause� "Component" mans any item supplied to the'esiWitianicat ia pan of an end item or of another conmanont. "Cost nIcompumans" means� (I) For.compenente pthebased by the Conteactor,:ihc accluisitien. cost, including transphatation � invite the plate at incorporation into the and product (whether or not such costs are paid tO a domestic dim), =deny applicable duty (whether or not a duty-free entry certificate Is issued): or , (2) Trot componeritsnonufactured by the rcidlasnis, all coifs associated with-themanufacture of the cot/Mona* Including innsportadoo costs al described in paragraph (I) of this dchnition, pins allocable overhead eortt but excluding profit Cost of components dose not include any cows associated with the twomfaotte= of the end Product. � � "Domestic Fro pracIttne =Mr. . (II�F.n !manufactured cud minium mined or produced in the United 5t81c5; or (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 MHY . lb : elotar - iu: Jel:41 SHJNbUltti Ft.SLY-11-&-ei ivikya ; NO. ?YU 9:20; v. Live? ',Fine 1a/2E tiaxiA-01 (2) An cad product manufactured In the United Slate; if the cost of its components Miosd. produced, or Manufactured in the United States exceeds 56 percent 4,41 ! cost of idi its � components. COOVionetile of foreign origin of the same Class Of kind as those that the agency �.di.aniiittee arc Doi prodneed, m- manufacturei. in vd5aisi and temanahlY available commercial *madden 'Of a satisfactory quality are treated as dasne511C. Scrap generated, collected, and prepared for processing in the Caked States is cotraidered domestic: 'Tod Product" means ;implies deliverer( under aline tan of a Government contract . . � . 'Foreign end product" Mainsail Mid PM*: other than a domesdeend predict "United Stotts' memis tha .30 Stataa ant* -.Neuter � of .Lblizatitia. US. territories and possessions- Patin- RIM); the *Mem Mariana Islands, And an3111410 plane Object to MS. � . jurisdiction, hut drew act. , . bMcs . .� . . (b) The Roy AD2Orlcaal (41 1.1 s.c. gra-Ifitil provides a guefereiren dorMsdgend preducts :for supplies scat-tired tor use in. the linited SntreS.- The Balance Gifting* Program provides a preferroce for deinestie einiPitelactt f��uppliea acquired for use carbide the Liniti;d States. (c) Offerors May obtain from the Contracting 0111Ces a list of foreign articles that MiComMeritag Water will treat as domestic for tide eiiintract..:. � � .. � .� (a) The Catitnetnr Shall dathnt'onlidomeatin end.'prOduct.� icecap to the derail Mai it apccifitei delivery of foreign end products in the provision of the 901isilation gadded "Buy American At:- Balance of Payments Program Catitisatc." . . The offerM cerdfles that Saab end PraducTh, eicept those listed taloa:. is ladornestic end product Ms defined In the clause entitled 'Soy &Wien] Act - Supplies"), and that ammonents of unlmown origin are considered to have bean mined, produced, or manufactured 0.41,,title IhO United. Stains. Excluded End Prodacts Country of Origin Man May *tat from the ccauracting Mew lists of articles. Mate:tali, add sappfiri excepted from the BuyMaori= Act. K-I 2. 52.227-15 REPRESENTA'FION ay laryED RIGHTS DATA AND RESTRICTED comeuren sorrwARE. 1.099.) (a) this solicitation setc forth the Work to be perfatnedif n contract award results. end the Cio9entrnenth known &divay requircincnir for data (as clamed in FAR :17.401). Any resulting contract may also provide, the Otwerament the option to order additional data tinder ma Additional Data Requirements tinge at 51227-16 of the FAR, Winehided in the eautotct., Any dam-delivered under the resulting manna will be subject to the Rights In Data-43eneral clause at 51227-14 Mat it to Whim:hided la this contract. Under die lamer clause. a ['murmur nmy withhold from delivery data that qualifY as limited /iglus data or reettieted computer software. 9 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 MHY.16.6101" 121d7F111 SHONSUHLLI KtST_HHLI-1 1..W1J NO.fl'U 97-4.91-01 9121; H. el /C7 Page 20/29 ' and deliverforrn, fit, and Auction data in lieu thareaf. ThC latter ClAfisc also traiY be Matt with its Atteunacs II anditu III to ,obtain deliverY of &ailed rights data or re-mictecl camputcr software, nuirked with Narked rights or tcstrirted rights notices. as appropriate. In addition. usa of Alta;Thate with this lane: clause prcnirks ttre CeScriaraint &right to Inspect Bach data at he - �. Conneaut heftily. . . (h) 41 an aid in tialcanlning the Ggvedlltlears need to iiklude Alternate .11 or Aiken= min Mc clause at 52=7-14, Rights In Data�Crettemi, the offeror shall complete paragraph (a) ot this provision to chlter state that dram of. the data Medi& as _FM* rigida data ur :coaled completer � . Salle/am grittier:41y. to **extent foligde, which :of,* data qualifies as ilmited rights data or rFacintexl computer software,. Any identilleatien Of limited rights data or *Mated computer software in the offeror's response la not determtaarivc cd the status of snob data should a wawa= bc awn-Tied to the offeror. The offeror has reviewed the requirements for * delliery of data or software and stares !offeror cheek appropriate blockl None of the data proposed fot fulfilling .9411 roguirements qualifies as limited rights data yr restricted Computer SOftware. Data proposed for fulfilling such regalrendmrs ;polity as limited rights data or minded computer software and are identified follOW$i , -� Moth "Limired rights flastandlicraticta ciimputelsoftware art deibed in the contract clause , Wined 'Rights in DIM General" , FuggioN OWNERSHIP, CO k6i OR INFlUENCE LllEF 2000) (e�) NteWithiltanding the provisions of Seedier 3 Of * SISPOS, the .Government Intends to theta services Or ego/picot from &MS which are adi ander foreign ownership control. or fl aefle..0 (V)CI. ) or where any FOCI may. in die opinion alma CsovFoPenc. lawn* jrnDact on secalty requitements. Accordingly; 4111 'Offerors *Orufins to this Rip or initiating Ptercianisjoe of a contract are required hi Submit a *tied* �Form 32.8(formorly known as D) 4415i. Ceriiiicare Pertaining to Foreign Intezeirs tor MAIM a previously submitted Form 324 with titeir proposal or prior to etwonct.perfomanam, As- appospriate, Soutdard Form 928 carries should specify, where nceetoary.: the iddinity, nitrite. deg*, and..tropeor of any MCI on their nigaitietation cc activities, or the organization or actiiirieS of a pithcontractor. Notwithstanding the limitation on contracting with an Offence under roc!, the Coveted= nesm-vcs the right to contract with mob Offerors under appropriate arreogernents, when it &nominal that such contracts will be in die Lear lawsuit of the Governmem. Additionally, a Rey Mellowing Pirgount.liList Obrmesiy known as 1313DFTS�Owriana, Officers, Directors, hereentivc JU (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 euidi iHrI bl-W-SOW.L13 KESORCH. talydc; Uri e�ol NO. ..r7/3 9:21,1 H. '�Ccar( Page 21/28 Persuallel List) must be submitted with SF328 which Ideally; sealer matiagemallt by Name, Poeillon, Social Security Number; fieleRhum of Birt,b; and citiasslakiP status (b) Thc Qintract& shall; in any ante in which It helimos thitloreign inflate= exists or is Wag sought to be obtained *Slier its allain, or the affairs of a Sultan:racier, promptly notify is Corm-aming Offfeer of all the peal:tan facts, even if sneh influence is not exerted to the degree specified in the hriSPOK � The Madill Coisiredmi tribe hae staiflike assArrs) access, �who currently cleared for both tines coned physiell a�is Agency controlled hundings (gait badge) and access to Agency automated Inforination; syStas, rrioSt submit a completed .rmancial 'Disci:mute Form (tOF 444V), ; (a) The Contractor shall prong* disclose to the Contracting Officer any information prodoing to any interew of B FOCI nature ;orbs Commactor Sdroutraeicirtmt has deweloped ut any � time during the cant:oath dmition or has subsequently canna to the Contractor's attention- , - � . � . SEC/IR1TT REQtaRremems sarrwma cennneektioas 1998) (s) The contract& ceitlftei thSt it vflI undertake co en= that any stiftwete to b's provided or any Government Furnished Software to It returned, under this contract will be Provided or returned free from computer vims, which could thump, destroy, or rnaliciouelY alter aofrwarr-, firmware, or hardware, .or which dould reQeit to intanthoeacd Persons any dam or thin inlet motion accessed thmegh or processed by Mss ftviare. . 011 The contractor shall inunediately infcrin the Contracting Officer when it ha a reaStinabk suspicion that any software protided Di interned, lo be provided or returned, or associated with the PrO131=BOO mar cause glr h)/41111McllP.c0 la. PtregraPil CIO abiwc. , ; - CO If the connector intends to include in the delivered saftwarc any comPuter code not essential to the contract; ;al requIreenent, this shall be explained in full detail to the Contractlng Officer arid Contracting Officer's l'echsileel pcpsceoricstive Kam. ' . . The contractor aelniewledges its duty to �mutate reasonable ease, to include the following, In the course of contract performance; (1) using on a regular basil cUrrtn1 ";_xxslon; of commercially available anti-virus NOft*att to guard Sgaintsi teMptheryfreses when introducing maintenance, diagnostic, or other software into Foitqinterm and (2) prohibiting the 'Mc cii non-contract related, software an cernntleafi especially from �el remit tinteliablc Sauiccs. 11 (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 1.01)4A1 e.01 NU. �6 a!21; ryedirGC Pap 22/28 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 MR'? lb. 'aka" d*itrl SVONSUlt) Kt.SEHRLH. t.v_Hy.p5; R45. K16, INDUSTRZAL CONTRACTORS POLIIGRAPR PROGRAM (JUL Inn SOCtirity ia a criteria] In the evaluation trg proposals rectived lu response to this adiciation. Parbeipaticar in the butistaii Program Is a mandarbry tv_quircient. The polygraph coverage and= this program consists at counterintelligence issues and lifestyle pelYlifePh interview n'T an WWI'S and a counterintelligence issee PointroPh for on Milli Bite indicate your willinpess to pardelpam in this Industrial Polygraph Program by checking the appropriate. bun below. ) Will Participate � ] Will Not Participate COMO-019N pie METRIC SYSTEM (Si) tissGE (LUG 1996) � , The sterile Ottani of netieunridene i the pittforred Syetain of Weights api Tilita?,stirts for Unica' - Pates undo curd ,comaorct EarkFideral agency taut an the metric oireoi of ineriareractrt in .1M preestraments. gram end tither business-seised, activities to the =rem econotaietHlly faasible. Wass INS solicitation specifics otherWiee, the Offeror certifies by signlog this offer that the leIntliefh eeserellerlet.repOrts. doctithentatien, or services to deslims4, fabricated assembled, 4eliinses1 ur performed water the contract am in acontinnce w liteinational Systein nf units (Si) or the "Metric & t WW1 ELS defined hi! elm= f this cosmos (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 George Washington Contract Number: Page 7 of 32 G.1 SECTION G - CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION DATA Settlement (JUL 2001) Upon completion of the subject contract, the Contractor shall submit the following documents: (a) Final Voucher (also referred to Final Cumulative Claim and Reconciliation (FCCR). Once final annual indirect expense mica hal/6 been eatablished or the Contractor wishes to use approved quick-close rates, Contr4gIor shall submit a 'FINAL" voucher. The receipt of an invoice marked "FINAL" shall initiate the settlement of that contract. ,(Three copies (3) are required) (b) Level-of-Effort Certification (if applicable,-breakdown by labor category and hours expensed) (Three (3) copies required) � � (c) Electronic Funds Transfer Information (EFT) - The submission of this information is required to keep our payment database current. (One (1) copy required) (d) Final Government Furnished Property/Contractor Acquired Property (GFP/CAP) Statelhent - Disposition of Government Property (One (1) copy required) ;A (b)(3: (b)(3; (e) Final Patent and Royalty Statement (in accordance with FAR 52.227-10, 52:227- 11,52.227-12, and 52.227-13, as appropriate) (One (1) copy required) All of the above closeout documentation shall be mailed, postage prepaid, to: emirtne- (b)(3) If you have any questions in regard to the closeout procedure, please contact the settlements office directly. ' G-2. Invoicing and Payment Instructions (General) (AUG 1996) Invoices shall be mailed to the following payment office: Approved for Release: 2019/04/08 C06190266 Approved for Release 2019/04/08 C06190266 George Washington Ik-,:/ersity Contract Number: Page 8 of 32 Invoices may be sent to the payment office via facsimile (FAX) machine at the following number: When original invoices are transmitted via FAX, do not follow up with additional copies; doing so will result in the FAX option being made unavailable to your company. The payment periods designated in the FAR provisions for Prompt Payment .contained in this. contract will begin the date a proper invoice is received in the payment office. A proper invoice must include: (a) Name of the business concern and in Voice date.