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Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 DCI ACTION CENTER _ ROUTING SLIP I I ACTION I INFO II I I ACTION I INFO 1 DCI X 13 Iraq Issue Managers E-COPY 2 DDCI X 14 DUNESA/I RAQ . E-COPY 3 DDCUCM 15 OCA . 4 ADCUMS 16 OPA . 5 EXDIR E-COPY 17 ADCUHS 6 CFO 18 ExSec . E-COPY 7 CIO 19 DAST E-COPY 8 DDI E-COPY 20 DAC . DO_ E-COPY . 9 Group 10 DDS&T . . 11 GC 12 ORMS _ SUSPENSE DATE: N/A DOCUMENT NO: Action Officer: COORDINATION/ROUTING: Iraq Issue Managers to coordinate with appropriate offices to complete action. SUMMARY: Papers from Frank Miller, NSC, regarding Principals Committee Meeting on 11 March 2003. Date: 10 March 2003 Received in DAC: 11 March 2003 P0-BOARD 07310 1010 P 2003 (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 FROM WHITE HOUSE SITUATION ROOM 8A Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 (moN) 3. ifl'A.2 10.A7/T 10.4K/NO 17ACIA4SIOn P (b)(3) TIME OF TRANSMISSION: PRECEDENCE IMMEDIATE TIME OF RECEIPIT::T'JAT � WHIT.E HOUSE � SITUATION 11:6014 CLASSIFICATION: SECRET 3 MAR I 0 Pii 7:l5 46:ir RELEASER: t*TE/TimE: MESSAGE #: 1FROM: FRANK MILLER PH: SUBJECT: PAPERS FOR PRINICIPLES COMMITTEE ON 3-11-03 ROOM: 386 EE08 PAGES: COVER + 14 Hand deliver to the following primary addressees: DAC receipt is required) SDO C/Op Center DAST EA/DCI EA/DDCI (2) DDI--EA/DDI--EA/DDI--ADDI--EA/ADDI--ADDUSP EA/EXDIR--EA/DEXDIR Additional routing: Authorized by Initials For DC material on Terrorism/Af campaign strategy meeting or c deliver to C/CTC urrent Act This material pertains to a meeting scheduled for: Time Date anistan or pertaining to the uences management meeting Staff For Material relating to Ho eland Security Hand deliver to ADCUHS� D/ADCUHS� A/ADCUHS�COS/ADCUHS Verified SDO (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 Approved for Release:,o2o/p3/9,3,..p.p61:1:4.36.4 FROM WHITE HOUSE'SITUATLON ROOM BA :45/NO. 3760645790. P kQ. 5 3 '5 a TIME OF TRANSMISSION: PRECEDENCE IMMEDIATE 1A� ' � I TIME OF OF RECEIP:TJAIItJfl j3! WHITE HOUSE � SITUATION ROOM - CLASSIFICATION: . RELEAER: SECRET blATE/TIME: 3 MAR I 0 Ph 7:L6 MESSAGE #: #: FROM: FRANK MILLER PH: ROOM: 386 EEOB (b)(3) SUBJECT: PAPERS FOR PRINIC1PLE$ COMMITTEE ON 3-11-03 PAGES: COVER + 14 r PLEASE DELIVER TO: LOCATION DELIVERTO �-� ROOM PHONE DOS MR. KARL HOFMANN-EXEC SEC b)(6) (b)(3) DOD COL JAMES A. WHITMoRE-EXEC7SEC JCS COL. SECRETARY CIA MR. JAMES MCATAMNEY FOR NATIONAL SECURITY EXEC SEC JUSTICE COUNSEL AFFAIRS OVP MR. LEWIS LIBBY CHIEF OF STAFF TREASURY MR. JEFFREY F. KUPFER-EXEC SEC SPECIAL DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS/REMARKS:. FOT 201 .r."/445 � Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 Termination'era ii March 7, 2003 .4 � SECRET NOFORN - Working Papers DOD I'.) Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 SECRET Overview Purpose, Summary and Recommendation Purpose: � Establish criteria to guide and inform a decision to declare "Liberation" and "Conflict Termination" in Iraq to facilitate development of:supporting policies and strategies, Bottom Line: � Liberation refers to particular Iraqi ten-itories, and � Conflict terminationi refers to thet country of Iraq as a whole. Declaring "liberation' of controlled areas of Iraq prior to conflict termination may help set the stage for post-conflict cooperation. DoD 7 Mar 03 2 Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 SECRET Background Strategic Goals and Objectives DoD 7 Mar 03 US Objectives in Iraq: (Strategic Aims = "Winning the Peace") � Free Iraq in order to: � Eliminate Iraqi WMD, means of delivery and associated programs. � Cut Iraqi links to and sponsorship of international terrorism. � End Iraqi threats to neighbors. � Maintain :Iraq's unity and territorial' integrity: � Liberate Iraqi people from tyranny and assist in creating society based on mOderation, pluralism, and democratic ;institutions. Objectives &If:ant-(War Aims = 'Winning the Warr) � Destroy Itaqi'WMD capability and infrastructure. � Destroy terrotigt networks 111 Ithf Gather intelligence on global "terrorism,, detain terrorists and war criminals, and free individuals unjustly detained - under the Iraqi regime. � Protect allies and supporters from Iraqi threats and attacks. � Destabilize, isolate, add, Overthrow Iraqi regime and provide support to new broad-based government. � Support international efforts to set conditiOns for long-term stability in Iraq and the region. � Planning Order "Iraq" 9 Jul 02 4:1 VI ���1 0 3 Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 Differentiation between LiINDJD.rov.9.d for e2 020/013 co6114364pation Stages of Success 7 Mar 03 - Regime loses control and coalition gains control of -geographical region '(e4.g. Iraqi ProVince). All organized resistance ends acros&the..c6iiniii.. � -'Stabilize and initiate recovery. *-00erate against pockets of resistan - Transition to civilian authority. Achieve Strategic Objectives � Declare "Liberation" of local area c�r Province 4, 4 i� ?OR': 4 ���1 0 VI 0 cr% Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 SECRET Determination and Criteria for Declaring Conflict Termination DoD 7 Mar 03 �PeOcess. Ot.tteclarillgs.�Oonflict:-OrminationTpquita �assessm�of certain facts and a Presidential determination iGeneral 'criteria include': '*-M11ita:6,"'oblettives`met n e mjf�rces d eteate �U.S.;/Coalition -strategic objectives 'met �Cbmplete replaCement ofiold regime.throughout entire country *Functioning, properly constituted governmental authority � compatible with U.S ./Coalition "Strategic Objectives" � L'..� � 0'11 t�-� . :0v ��� 4 � Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 SECRET Process of Conflict Termination � Conflict termination is pbased process �)rifst step,''detNithirie that militar establish occupation force in Iraq �OccupatiOn is a continuation of rnijita Occupation 090s include: *Satisfying strategic objectives *Establishing and maintaining stability *Meeting humanitarian needs of 'Iraqis *Establishing basic governmental functions under complete U.S./Coalition control ;.x aVe beerrme � , DoD 7 Mar 03 : � 4.5 ri� t � t � . � 1���� CO. C12 17, Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 SECRET Process of Conflict Termination �Next step, at appropriate time, establish Interim Authority Occupat01,..:p.popp:u-6�U.S./Coalition forces remain, SICoalitiOn.,!OntroVovergovernmOntalJunctions, relinquithed incrementally ("crawl walk, run") I � 4ASS M OtiOn .governmental fUnetito $ by Interim .Authority expedited through close cOotdination between Interim Authority andOffice of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance �U.S./Coalition retain veto power over Interim Authority actions throughout transition from occupied state to fully functioning, peaceful member of international community n DoD 7 Mar 03 � o � 4c) Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 SECRET Legal instruments of Conflict Termination Dot) 7 Mar 03 �Conflict termination process proceeds along agreed upon path �Various models available: cease-fire, truce, and armistice �All include terms and conditions governing parties' actions., �AgreeMerit with a properly constituted interim,Ira option for initial transitional phase of ,conflict termination. .�Surdh-Agroeol'eqt.WOUid have tO, .117071WA. 0. .U.S./Coalition,foroe.presen"06-anti:fr6edbrn of movement fracts. %(7 CO �Recognition of no Interim Authority jurisdiction over U.S /Coalition personnel, contractors, or operations for criminal, claims; 6.1. Other 9 0, 0 a, *Iraqi Authority plan for development of constitutional government �Basic human rights for all Iraqis Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 SECRET Legal instruments of Conflict Termination cont'd DoD 7 Mar 03 � Final step is peace treaty or similar document � Represents the legal termination of the war. � Establishes state of peace Restores normal international rights and duties between nations; � Governs return-Of 'EPWs � 'EndS'.0C,Upat.ib,n. -GOVernwhAtif,ar-iy:Wi.SdCoalitibrilorceWOUld;retnain � atT% .ke � L � Effectively ends veto power over Iraqi governmental actions � Establishes conditions for reparations etc. � Requires Presidential determination that conflict is over 10 '0 Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 FROM WHITE HOUSE SITUATION , Approved for Release: 2020!02103C06114364 ROOM 8A; .c - 3:1*0 14:48/ST..19:45/NO. 3760645790P P`. SECRETNOFORN ORGANIZATIONAL �TRUCEURE FOR THE FINAICIAL SECTOR - � ISSUE: How will financial sectorpoliaes managee, c a In order to coordinate effqcfively'.amont th'e 'Finat;b:9 Ministry, Central Bank and Iraq's 11 financial institutions andens*.financlahstability during the interim period, there may be value in appointing a Financial Sector'. Administrator (either an indivictpal of stature or a small group) to report to the Civil Administrator (c4)-i Such a person prtgrotikwould promote consistency in financial policies, enhance internaticfnal:anWregional finiaidial Credibility; and set in motion financial policies to support longer-term, mark' et-oriented'Pgrowgi The Financial Administrator could be appointed for a limited period of tune, until financial dedibility is established. An important issue is how such an individual or group would relatAo the CA and to the Iraqi Interim Authority (HA). Option 1 Stand-alone FinancialAdnitnistraierts0 (See Chart 1) - Pros: Helps reduce burden co, the, CA; WitkresPect to. egt4ancial sector policies and allows CA to focus on security, politcaI sQclatnd cither'edonomic issues; Provides critical robbrdinitio4 ainoni finance mi4istry, central bank and financial institutions; , . Enhances pro e a strator; .." itid .911hiabiliti;ottijeAdin4i Creates just one line of cOrniaunical494 t9. the CA;instead of three individual lines from finance ministr5r, Central bank indtinanCiat institutions, Comparable tb the approach plan:leaf for theoil sector, and Would help establish appropriate institutional roles between key financial sector institutions to create foundation for anaarket economy. Cons. May be difficult to fine! ,a.suitable candidate to fill position, _ - An individual or group_with such responsibilities ma' 7y be difIcillt for CA to manage; and Could create an additional element of coMpl'exiir in the overall administration qf post-conflict Iraq. Option 2: Finance Administrators integratedinuplinancfal institutions. Place Financial Administrator In Finatsee'.21finistiy.r Central Bank Administrator in Central Bank, and Bank R4silatorto manage AtiatiCiatinstitutians. (See Chart 2) - Pros: Enhances credibility of policies inatitution; .SECRETNOFORN � ,.� Approved for Release: 2620/02/03 CO6114364 Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 FROM WHITE HOUSE SITUATION ROOM SA 044.Nt 93 0:48/ST. 19 45/NO. 3760645790 P 13 Could last for, twiod of tin!e; Establishes of-coinm. uniclatiori frqiii CA to finance ministry, central bank and financiat inst4uti9n.?. Cons., Does not necessarlix chtianc.e;finanqa1cied1liIity outside of theministries; Could be more diffitult to coordinate finAncial s4'Oof policies quickly in case of crisis; Could result in tlireC.coMpetiiiiPemonalitiet working at cross-purposes; Creates three line's of communication to the CA *stead ofjUst one; Reducing profile may nialie' it nioredifficult to attract three People of world-class stature; and May create Vonflictiwithin each inst:Httition betwCen the Administrator, Senior Adviser, and laqi"-Deputy first Minister. Option 3: No Financial Adin6lisirobites)� tise Plan'heing developed for other ministries. Pros- May be sufficient to use technical adVitots in'the.ministries'to implement policies. Cons: Responsibilityfor." the financial sector is'�ersed, Quick policy response to financiakkssyeamay be sacrificed; Technical advisors within each finance ministry may not be able to manage all aspects of running a ministry; CA may not be able io 'vdeVote dine to coordinating critical financial decisions to avoid financial chaos; and , . , International and regional financial Credibility May not be established. , , . SCRET/NOFORN , Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 S ECK ET/NO FORN Organizational Structure for the Financial Sector. Option 1 Couneil-of Advisors CIVIL ADMINISTRATOR reisury Representative to 0 0 PI 0 ci CO CO 0 0 0 Co iraqis.(expattd FINANCIAL SECTOR ADMINISTRATOR Person/group to Oversee locals) to advise on finsncial sector 0 : policies I, '11.1kiistiv of Finnic .� Central Sink, , . Phiancisti �Institutions � � First Deputy Minister Treasury Senior Advisor to provide policy advice and oversee implementation of pOiiciell 'First iDepirty Governor Treasury senior Advisor to provide policy advice and oversee implementation of policies Bank Regulator to manage public sod private financial institutions :,�4 , A " CO , Co Treasury Treasury Commercial Banks Advisors Advisors 9 to work with to work with -4 SWINK* staff to implement staff to implement policies policies Ui Specialized Lending SECRET/N 0 FO RN Fa. Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364 SECRET/NOFORN Organizational Structure for the Financial Sector Option 2 Council of Advisors Iraqis (expats and locals) to advise � on finanCial sector Policies CIVIL ADMINISTRATOR reasury Represeatative-to 0 Mini'strr of Finance . � FINANCE ADMINISTRATOR First Deputy iVilnhter : � TreisUirY Senior Athisor (0. provide policy �advice �and oversee � implementation of policies Treasury Advisors to work with staff to implement policies Central Dank CENTIAL BANK ADMINISTRATOR - ,First Deputy Governor - treasury fieolor, Advisor . to prir.4.4q POW. advice an4ovesse. implementation of policies Treasury Advisors to work with staff to implement policies S ECRET/N0F0 RN Financial institutkins BANK � REGULATOR � to manage financial intuticoPs,P,9!lcie.! � Coth�i�l Banks' Insurance'Companies pecialized Lendiag , N � F'7% 7 Approved for Release: 2020/02/03 C06114364