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Publication Date: 
August 2, 2013
PDF icon F-2013-01911 APPEAL REQUE[16166192].pdf190.55 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/12/06 C06090399 (b)(6) HUGHES + SOCOL + PIERS + RESNICK+ DYM, LTD. July 1(3, 2013 VIA UPS GROUND Central Intelligence Agency Agency Release Panel c/o Michelle Meeks, Information and Privacy Coordinator Washington, DC 20505 RE: Appeal of FOIA Response Dated July 1, 2013 Reference Number: F-2013-01911 Dear Ms. Meeks: I hereby appeal your response to our FOIA request referenced above. The determination that the fact of the existence or non-existence of the records requested is a currently properly classified matter under Executive Order 13526 is unwarranted. In addition, the denial based upon FOIA exemptions cb)(1) and (b)(3) is unwarranted. Your Agency cannot properly make blanket claims such as these. The law requires you to he specific about what the item is and then which item is disclosable or not, in full or in part. We do not believe most or all of the information you may find in response to our FOIA request is classified and/or covered by an exemption so please look again and reconsider in favor of disclosing, at least in partial format. Your response is a denial of access to any and all information in the possession of the CIA. You state that the information is "intelligence sources and methods information that is protected. It cannot he true factually that all information in the CIA's possession is "intelligence sources" and/or "methods information." Otherwise, all CIA records would be exempt by status. You must actually check on the specific information requested of our client and respond appropriately. In addition, the EWA has a 'presumption in favor of disclosure." 5 U.S.C, � 552(b)(7)(D) 2006, amended by OPEN Government Act of 2007, Pub. L. No. 110 175, 121 Stat. 2524; see also Presidential Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies Concerning Freedom of Information Act, 74 Fed, Reg. 4683 (jam 21, 2009) (emphasizing that the Freedom of Information Act reflects a "profound national commitment to ensuring an open Government" and directing agencies to "adopt a presumption in favor of disclosure"); accord Attorney General Holder's Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies Concerning the Freedom of Information Act (Mar. 19, 2009), available at http://www.usddi.gov/ag/foia-memo- march2009,pdf; FOIA post, "OW Guidance: President Obama's FOIA Memorandum and Attorney General Holder's FOIA Guidelines Creating a New lira of Open Government (posted 4/17/09). Moreover, your agency should not withhold information simply because it may do so legally. The Attorney General specifically stated that he, "stron0,7 encourage[s] agencies to make discretionary disclosures of information." Furthermore, per the Attorney General, you "must consider whether you can make partial disclosure" at a minimum, 70 West Madison Street �> SaW 4000 � Chicago, Illinois 60602 + Tel 312.580.0100 + Fax 312.550J994 Approved for Release: 2022/12/06 C06090399 hsplegaLcom Approved for Release: 2022/12/06 C06090399 HUGHES + SOCOL + PIERS + RESNICK+ DYM, LTD. Please direct any questions or requests for further informs counsel. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention. Very truly yours, on directly to me as 1-11 TCHFq Q11CflT PT7PQ PI7CNTICT( & Dy Cathy 1-figg&nMntaJ. LTD. (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2022/12/06 C06090399 Approved for Release: 2022/12/06 CO6090399 "17-580-0100 Hughes Seco! Piers Resnk Cathy Higgins-Mora C No 70 West Madison Strei Chicago, IL 60602 Shipped Via Mercury Business Services, Inc 312 5 50 ral Intelligence Agency icy Release Panel Michelle Meeks, Information nci $vacy Coordinator Washington, DC 20505 Recipient Phone: Sender's Name Cathy 1-11ggns- vlora Service Level: GROUND Extension: Declared Value: $100,00 Reference: 11175-102100 GARDINER Instructions: PLEASE DELIVER USING UPS GROUND ONLY! Liability of Mercury Business Services, nested to $100.00 unless otherwise reed to in writin 9050020130716115618001