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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
April 20, 2018
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Publication Date: 
January 12, 1995
� JAN 18 '95 04:32PM DOCID: 3285462 Approved for Release: 2017/07/27 C06089522. SEC MEMORANDUM FOR 'THE RECORD ���� DATE: 12 January 1995 SUBJECT: Meeting on Support to the Ames Damage Assessment 1. On 12 January 1995 i meeting was held with representatives from the DOD community to discuss a request from Mt. Haver for support on the Aldrich Ames damage'assessment. The purpose of the meeting Was to discuss the request for the support, resolve any problems, and answer questions on the request.- Attendees at the meeting were: Ms. Terri Roberts CMS/DAT DIA (b)(1) (b)(3) Arngc. mL Ms. Barbara DiMattina NAIC/IAT � . � ����� � AF Maj Rob Places NAIC/IAT Al Capt Steve Burger NAIC/IAT .AF Mr. Ted Neely ONI NA Ms. Dominique Huston ON I NA Mr. Bert Smith DAMI-FIT AR Ms. Barbara Rhenish PSD DIA Mx. Lloyd Feldman CMS/DAT NA Mr. Chuck Monson PS/DIO DIA Mr. Dan Van Gundy PS/DIO-RE DIX 2. I reiterated the support that the Damage Assessment Team (DAT) is seeking. Specifically, that we need DIA, (WO ) Departments to provide us with a list of Blue Border the Military reports and (b)(3) sensitive memoranda that had a major impact on their organizations. We are focusing on Soviet/Russia and Eastern Europe during the time-frame of January 1985 through February 1994. We do not need to know all reports that were used but the ones that had a major impact on programs, policies or doctrine. We suggested that issues of major acquisitions or policy decisions were areas to be considered. 3. we also discussed what the Ames damage assessment team was going to do with the inputs received on this request. We explained that we were going to review the case files as well as other intelligence production from sources compromised by Ames to attempt to determine whether the post- compromise information had been adulterated in any way. Once some preliminary decisions are made, the DAT will work with the consumers of the reporting to determine the impact. The DAT will also document these findings in the final written assessment. We stated that the tentative schedule that we are working against is to have a draft damage assessment ready by 1 May 1995. ENS / TIVE �1 3 Approved for Release: 2017/07/27 C06089522 -11�111 10 u4..1.1rm DOCID: 3285462 Approved for Release: 2017/07/27 C06089522 P. 3/3 SEC NSITIVE 4. We also discussed the process of developing a list of Blue Border reports and sensitive memoranda that substantive personnel could then review to identify the significant reporting. ms. Rhenish stated that DIA and the Services had prepared the_lists and that the lists were now being reviewed. I asked i thei ere any problems with the process. A point was made that so imes it is difficult to recognize a report by its title. Wei- some discussion on this issue, the group determined that we were approaching the task the correct way and that we would proceed. We then decided that the Military Departments would provide their inputs to Ms. Rhenish and she would forward all inputs, including DIA's, untouched and as she received them, through Blue Border channels to CIA/CE Division Blue Border point of contact. will provide their input directly to CIA/CE Division. 5. I was given several action items from this meeting. These items and their answers are: � Who is the CIA/CE Division Blue Border point of contact that the inputs should be given to? As far as the Ames DAT is concerned we will be working with the intelligence consumers to assess Ames-related damage. If we identify reporting from an Ames compromised case we will work with the consumer to determine the impact. We will state our finding the impact in the final damage assessment. DIA, the Military Departments will be given an opportun y to coordinate on the damage assessment before it is final. lede-14-1t; TERESA R. ROBERTS SECR SITIVB Approved for Release: 2017/07/27 C06089522 (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3)