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Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C06083022 SEW AO FOREIGN DISSIZI/NO DISSEMIIIROAD. 4 FROW � lv WI, I 19/2 :.C.iA11 IA ,G0 U I ER B-3637 1 NOV 1972 - pettlwargormielj SUBJECT: Third Session of International Commission of Inquiry (ICI) into U.S. Crimes in Indochina 1. has obtained the attached two documents which were distributed at the ICI meeting held 10-16 October 1972 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The . documents, entitled Position Paper on Repatriation and The New Program of theAAmerican Deserters' Committee (ADC), were originated by thd'American Deserters Committee of Stockholm, Sweden, whose representatives attended the ICI meeting. 2. For further information on the American Deserters Committee and the International Commission of Inquiry please see our memorandum, B-3621 dated 27 October 1972, Subject as above. 3. The above information is being provided to your Bureau with. the understanding that it will receive no further dissemination other than to your appropriate field offices, without the prior approval of this office; and that any reference to it in internal Bureau documents will state only that it was obtained from a confidential source. � .1.? Pf9.-4:* 1 Attachments': a/s AIL FBI INFORMATION CONTAINED BERRI IS UNCLASSIFIED DNIE1.5214117_,BY ,..E.:NCLOSURE4 : CLASSIFIED BY ........................... INARNI!'1.1 SENSITUE 1;,1�IEL!!.;:i:C7. SOURCES AND 1,4E1-Hops INVOLVED - Please transmit reply via CACTUS channel ...... NOT REC�CRDED 191 x.,:v 2.9 EUMq iTa CUM nE4S3M1N1011 C7 E 0, 1125A - � Ef40, a : '" ' � Date Impossible to Determin (unios ir,v03:No, C 112./1, IOREIGN DISSIIM/NO bISSEM ABROAD ' ET 1 1 Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C06083022 3 Sevi'a � , _ - -Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C06083022 SEG 111 - POSITION PAPER ON RBPATRrATION In response to the demands of the majority of the American people. that the U.S. get out.. of Indochina now, the U.S. government is franti- cally searching Eqr new tactics to disguise the continuation of the , war and to immobilize public opinion to accept further escalation of the aggression, Vietnamization, Protective Reaction, the POW's, the "winding down of the war myth" - these tactics of deception are jamming the airwaves, which should be telling of war-profiteering and tech-.. nological'excalation. The development of the electronic battlefield, means greater pro- fits for the "defence" industries and greater destruction of human life while at the same time lulling the people with the decrease in conventional land warfare. While U.S. casualties become fewer, the blood of Asians slaughtered by mass death-machines runs over the cratered landscape of Indochina. While we take positive note of the concern of humanitarian Amen- cans for the repatriation of war-exiles, the discussion is being used by the war-profiteering establishment as a ploy to cover up the basic issue: continuation of U.S. aggression in Indochina. Seen in this context, the present debate on amnesty not only misses the point but avoids it altogether. To speak of "amnesty" and to speak of it .in terms of "second chance and forgiveness" ignores the basic fact that there is nothing criminal about' resistance to genocide. To divide deserters, resisters, and other political.exiles into seperate categories combined with a "conditional amnesjry" is part of the stratagy to divide our collective resistance and to attempt to give a false aura of legitamacy to the government's criminal policies. We see as our main responsibility to re-emphasize the fact that U.S. aggression continues in Indochina and that the repatriation of war exiles as well as P.O.W.s cannot be discussed realistically until the aggression has ceased. The 7-point peace proposal presented by the Vietnamese provides the only logical and honourable solution to this question. The U.S. mast set a date for a total withdrawal of all its troops, completely halt the bombings and end all support for the op- pressive Thieu regine. The concern of humanitarian Americans for those of us in exile,is best channelled into actions to end the war now. All FBI INFORYWO CONWIEB, , }ItREIN S LiNC,CAS:clED AMERICAN DESERTERS� COMMITTEE c/o Powers-Nilsson Mtrsilsgatan 15 162 23 Vtllingby, Sweden tel: 08/875397 r-:ENCLObU11,1114)4P5 SEC Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C06083022 - � �.-� z . A Thetiuggi.'Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C06083022 tr al importance for all � peoples struggling for independence and peace. The heroic people of _. � , . .�,�: Vietnam are fighting not only ..for themselves but for all -the world's � people: Indeed, their struggle ita the focal point in the struggle against Americap;iMpialiem. Pull 'support must be given to the people ,of. Vietnam., Cambodia,'and'Laos on their own terms', Our major task at moment, therefore $.6 to,mobilize mass force the U.S. out of Indochina. � � .� � � . . -- � 2. Foliiidal Asylum to all American political refugees 4- . - � 0. As:aggression abroad and�represion at.home:increase, the resiotn of Americans to theantiOns of their government has also intensified. Many have chosen or been forced to�flee into exile: The illegal bitrary refusal of .the Swedish government.tO. recognize the political , �� nature of the acts of desertion, draft resistance and those of other American exiles not Oply-makesthem 'subject to deportations but result in their being denied .the rights and opportunities necessary for all refugees. An important task therefore is work to expooe the developing characteristice of political repression and persecution in the United States and give our actual support to all Ameridan political refugees. 3. Support the American People's fight for peace and social justice The movement for peace has led many Americans to realize that the war in Indochina is but the otherside of a war at home against workers minorities and the poor. fight then, to organize a mass movement to resist and change the 'illegitimate ekgroseoP power by the military corporate structure, to radically transform America and place power in the hands of 'the 'people. 13eal justice for all cannot 'exist alongside � rule by a few. Monopoly capitalism must be c rushed. All efforts must be made to strengthen the fight of the American people and develope th solidarity of the Swedish people with their struggle.! In conclusion, we are organized as an American group because we a an integral part of a mass movement in the United States. Since we fin ourselves in Sweden because of resistance to American aggression, we therefore cooperate closely with our friends in the Swedish solidarity movement for Vietnam whose. aims are the same as ours. We express OUT !. full support to the United FriL groups of Sweden who stand in the foie- front of the struggle here against American imperialism and � � �� � �� ��&� � . � � \> for therstrategy of united front which they have sunessfully proved 'is the best way under Swedish conditions to-mobilize the majority of Swed people to demand: U.S. out of Indochina. There is no contradiction between the goals= of the United FDIL gro in Sweden and that of the ADC; we Elbe like different fingers in the sa Citsg,. We therefore encourage all to work with their local PNL group whenever possible. ALL FBI INFORMATION CONTAINCO HEffl S tilIPLASSIFIED ,DATE4/4az_By Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C06083022 . � �s�ifin�N�mag�rniammiammApproved for Release. 2018/06/18 C06083022 11 . ���� s �t.� ; .,� -'... . .. r . � � I ' , . .. , � , 1 � . i Z 11 t � 1. i. ,: � � ' � ' . $ � � . � � � ..1 . -% The Ne�t. Program of the AMERICAN DESEATERS" COMMITTEE (ADC.). , � �' 4. , The basis for the work of the ADC rests on three contradictions: First;'that between the ,IndoChinese peoples and American imperialism. Second; that between the 'legitimate rights and interests of Amerios political refugees on the one hand verses the Swedish serykmts, class allies of U.S. imperialism on the other. Third; that between the will of the American people for peace and soc justice versos the ruling class' vested'interosts in maintaining-mono poly capitalism. . , . . The ADC, therefore,: is a working group whose aims. are-to assure. the victory of the Indo::.himese peoples', the interests of American poli � tical exiles, and the 'achievment of the goals of the American ;feople: These alms are inseperab....e from each other. . ( ( ., . .�. . ..� � 1. U.S. out of Indochina - � , . - . ,, .. .- - - . . .. . ' The struggle in Indochina today is of central'itportance for all peoples struggling for independance'and peace. The heroic people of . Vietnam are fighting not only for themselves but for all the world'ts people: Indeed, their struggle is the focal point An the �struggle 1: against Americand.Mpeialidm. Full' support mus be given to. the peeple ,of Vietnam) Cambodia,.and�Laos on their own .terms Our major task a't f moment, therefore ie to-mobilize mass Suppari,to force the U.S. out of Indochina. � ' � 2. Politioal Asylum to all American political refugees . As.aggression'abtoad and.repressien at.home�.increase, the resistn of Americans to theactions of their government has also intensified. Many have chosen or been forced to flee into exile. The illegal and.,ar bitrary refusal of the Swedish government.ta rscegnize the political --nature of the acts of 'desertion, draft resistance and those of other American exiles not Only-makesthem'subject to deportations but result in their being denied .the rights and opportunities necessary for all refugees. An important task therefore is work to expose the developing characteristics of political repression and persecution in the United States and give our actual Support to all American political refugees. 1 3 Support the American People's fight for peace and social justice The moVement for peace has led many Americans to realize that the war in Indochina is but the .otherside of a war at home against workers minorities and the poor.. .We' fight then, to organize a mass movement to resist- and change the 'illegitimate eXirceeof power by the military corporate structure, to radically transform America and place power in the hands of the 'people; ;teal justice for all cannot 'exist alongside � rule by a few. Monopoly capitalism must be c rushed. ,All efforts must be made to strengthen the fight of the American people and develope th solidarity of the Swedish people with their struggle.! In conclusion, we are organized as an American group because we a an integral part of a mass movement in the United States. Since we fin ourselves in Sweden because of resistance to American aggression, we therefore cooperate-,closely with our friends in the Swedish.solidarity movement for Vietnam whose.aims are the same as ours. We express' our full support to the United PNL 'groups of Sweden who stand in the fore- front of the struggle here against American imperialism and � � - . , for the strategy, of united front which t Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C06083022 Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C06083022. - � r � SECRET � � An essential part cf 'our new program is not only to continue in the direction that ADC has worked for during the'last few years, but , also to earnestly. .intensify and expand our efforteLtalmobllize mass . support for.the Iddochinese peopres and opposition against U.S. aggression. � Our Major taeke e the following: � '1..-"to increase' s.upport.for-the.political Solution to-the Indochinese -: qdestion as outlined in the:Proyisionalsaevolutionary Government � 'Of the liePhbfiC of south Vietnam, ( point�propd6a1 at " .the Paris talks and'nli further clairifications,thereof. ' : it i 2.-TdectivelY participate in Swedish campaigns to mobilize mass de- 1 :cifilitidtions; relAeS, etc. and oppose U.S. escalation and continuation of the war. , . � .:.-- �, .� . . .3.. to'Work io bring about a' aWidisk recokni.tion of-the PRG as well as. zmnnd'to Swe'dish.eupport to the U.S. dollar..., . . . � 4. 'To'fight for the rights of every. genuine:.exile opposed to the ruthless policy of the American goVernmentto. political asylum, and ' to ensure with the Swedish people tihsir right's to gainful employment as Well as physical., educational and cmlturel Opportunities. . ,r1 . � . .4'' ..5.-tTO.continde end expand programeor serious.ideological study for ' 'ell members and otfie.r:interested.people. 6. To join with all pogressive ?..mericans.who.dre.seriously-interested � in-.building'en'ind'epemdent mass moV.ement.led!by working� de- fend democratic rightsand to,oppoeeiracisM, sexism,'ebonoMic exploita- � tion and, viblent.t;eprescion in order to radically transform the basis of our society .so.that power is.jdetly:exercised by the...people. , 7. To learn from the 'Swedish.people.and at-the,same time to promote .'.dtual-understandi'nd and cooperation .in our joint sttaiggle. io ., 8. To criticize:and oopose decadent :American "culture" which poisons'odrjeoPle and prevents them from effectively waging the 4 , � . i � �� '-setruggle'for our own ?.ib'eration,..anC:to:33.rotote.a healthy, vigorous -* i people's .culture. . .., it..:.;,. , ,:.,.k. .t,r ;0 ,�:.: -::,t4,:1:4.7: z,2,�,. :;. � - l; ; ;�,...;..A .11 .-8'. .ont of ,IM:d.o.!7lina,.pop70,. reC:ing:n14e-thePRGL! , - '- %,',',', i'4:.:v . %; X '.4ts; Political asylum : to all :p..0.-10, . ' � -; -' ' MAT to the AM:enjoin peoplehs' 'struggle .flo11::3pedde and . � '''" � - . � - -.-:-; .'social ..jidetipel: . - I. 4 F.10 . g :,z.. ,.;;.. ''..,,(...jt:'-.I.J;tw:):7 9':.% 1 rl '': ' 4 "e , . .. ��. 6 . .,.! �,J\\.,i -, q '� .4..,t) i; vz-1.-...z t, . t :. L, .':`.,(Tr.`.1t '. _....�: :, ��%fT .-.14.i:�ti.ti-ii., � i� , -�;...1,.1..,:i 7 .5.,a 0 r: ..!3;:i . F. 1 '1' ''''1:7 A 4ri4'. :!13.(.1.ati:'7in......:)t�:.ncr: f!(3:� 1:-. .A. , .i.,f_ .�,.e;,,..b.i,, .Aiw4o:-A,�,',.:4!::...1117t qa ;)cti7 '.,:,'T'sie.haT>..ii,:imiq' -1- .ki , !.., :,.._ ,_, ,..,.._ ,_:,., .,..i., ..:,..)�,ba, fl ..c :7;4 a ..i I.".�"":'.;11TAGO'fig0 In *-iqw. .1.4w ::::--1--. ......' .3, � ' ''.Of.7?..,:.'...=iie.:,:li1B146N.-WI.COTB .' 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I 1.- ul ��_.r �� - :" �:, i �':) it a �Irr;� :-, (Po . � - � !,:-:�i.� :?.. ..1 c, ' .4 o .11% % - �'.:'.-r..e,:-... T.. n, 4..1:a Oln; till ..)fiJ 1 o 111019. � . !.A ��tY-ii -,T...L r ��,(f.�� � p;,, L: , t..,f; I :i :. a:4; y44:-!:PI.; r�./1. irl u `I 0 ': r? 0 .1 ty-t Tr4 cilI*3 �74.-Ci . . � � " / - Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C06083022