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Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 5906/ L\ \ NI-E 11-6-56 9 October 1956 N? 308 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATE NUMBER 11-6-56 CAPABILITIES AND TRENDS OF SOVIET SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Submitted by the DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE The following intelligence organizations participated in the preparation of this estimate: The Central Intelligence Agency and the intelligence organizations of the Departments of State, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, The Joint Staff, and the Atomic Energy Commission. Concurred in by the INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE on 9 October 1956. Concurring were the Special Assistant, Intelligence, Department of State; the Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Army; the Director of Naval Intelligence; the Director of Intelligence, USAF; the Deputy Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff; and the Atomic Energy Commission Representative to the IAC. The Assistant Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, abstained, the subject being outside of his jursidiction. .4 � Xt:11 s'., 11 1.!1.,"`� 4 Or' Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 � CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY DISSEMINATION NOTICE 1. This estimate was disseminated by the Central Intelligence Agency. is copy is for the information and use of the recipient indicated on the front cov and of per- sons under his jurisdiction on a need to know basis. Additional essenti dissemination may be authorized by the following officials within their respective epartments: a. Special Assistant to the Secretary for Intelligence or the Department of State b. Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, for the 0% partment of the Army c. Director of Naval Intelligence for the D rtment of the Navy d. Director of Intelligence, USAF, for th, � epartment of the Air Force e. Deputy Director for Intelligence, nt Staff, for the Joint Staff f. Director of Intelligence, AEC, r the Atomic Energy Commission g. Assistant Director, FBI, for e Federal Bureau of Investigation h. Assistant Director for tral Reference, CIA, for any other Department or Agency 2. This copy may be r amed, or destroyed by burning in accordance with appli- cable security regulatio , or returned to the Central Intelligence Agency by arrange- ment with the Offic� � f Central Reference, CIA. 3. When a stimate is disseminated overseas, the overseas recipients may retain it for a perio. ot in excess of one year. At the end of this period, the estimate should either be -stroyed, returned to the forwarding agency, or permission should be reques ,1 of the forwarding agency to retain it in accordance with IAC�D-69/2, 22 Junk 953. he title of this estimate, when used separately from the text, should be classified: WARNING This � erial contains infor affecting the Nation � fense e United States within the mea � the espionage laws, Title 18, , Secs. 793 a 94, the trans- mis ' or revelation of which in anner o an unauthorized person is prohibited by DISTRIBUTION: White House National Security Council Department of State Department of Defense Operations Coordinating Board Atomic Energy Commission Federal Bureau of Investigation Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph Conclusions 1-11 I. Administrative Factors Basic Attitude of the Regime 12-14 Organization 15-17 Planning and Control 18-22 II. Resources Financial Support 23-26 Educational Institutions 27-33 Manpower 34-37 Distribution of Effort 38-41 Quality of Manpower 42 Research Facilities and Equipment 43-45 Collection and Dissemination 46-49 Satellite and Chinese Resources 50 Foreign Aid Programs 51-53 III. Quality and Achievements 54-56 IV. Some Future Trends Planning and Control 57-58 Manpower 59-62 Distribution of Effort 63-64 Capacity for Future Advances 65-68 Appendix A: Capabilities in Major Fields Physics 1-3 Nuclear Physics 4-7 Mathematics 8 Astronomy 9-10 Geophysics 11-14 Chemistry 15-19 Metallurgy 20-22 Electronics 23-26 Medicine and Biology 27-28 Agriculture 29-30 CECTIET Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) � Paragraph Appendix B: Industrial Technology Petroleum 2-3 Steel 4-6 Automation 7-9 Military Development Lead Time , 10-13 Appendix C: Capabilities Related to Weapons Development Nuclear Energy . . . . .......... . 1 Guided Missiles 2 Aircraft and Related Weapons 3-6 Ground Force Weapons 7 Naval Research and Development 8-14 Electronics and Communications 15-20 Chemical and Biological Warfare 21-24 Weapons Systems 25 Appendix D: Scientific Manpower Estimates 1-6 Figures 1-9 SECRET iii Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 SECRET CAPABILITIES AND TRENDS OF SOVIET SCIENCE' AND TECHNOLOGY THE PROBLEM To assess current capabilities and trends in Soviet science and technology and to estimate future potential in this field. CONCLUSIONS 1. Science and technology are energeti- cally fostered by the Soviet regime, as instruments of the Communist program and particularly as means for developing the physical power of the state. Soviet education heavily emphasizes scientific and technical subjects, and scientists are a privileged group held in high esteem. Strong financial support has been pro- vided for Soviet research and product development. We foresee continued high emphasis on science and technology. (Paras. 12, 14, 23-26, 27-33) 2. The USSR has about four-fifths as many living scientific and technical grad- uates as the US. We believe that the USSR has a slightly greater number of scientific and technical graduates than 'Science" is used in this estimate to denote the natural sciences including such fields as mathe- matics, biology, and the agricultural and health sciences. The estimate is focussed, however, on -4� scientific capabilities related to national power, and most of the detailed discussion in its appen- dices is devoted to the physical sciences and their applications. has the US actually employed in scientific and technical positions of all kinds, with a higher proportion in physical sciences and engineering. This comparison of present numbers may be misleading as a measure of relative scientific and tech- nical strength, as it does not reflect, among other factors, the broader US sup- ply of scientific and technical personnel who hold no degrees. Our estimates for the next five years, however, project a hi gh rate of increase in Soviet scientific graduations and a considerable increase in the supply of technicians having sub- professional skills. (Paras. 34-37, 59-62; Appendix D) 3. The USSR probably devotes only about half as many man-hours to research as the US does, and a considerably smaller proportion of these to research in the physical sciences and engineering. Soviet research personnel, on the other hand, are concentrated in support of heavy in- dustry and military development, while �S-E-e-R-E-T- Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 1 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 2 4- a large percentage of those in the US are working in the consumer goods field. Existing studies do not permit any ac- curate comparison of the magnitude of the current effort of the two research establishments in support of programs di- rectly related to national power. (Paras. 38-41; Appendix D) 4. The Soviet scientific effort, closely con- trolled in line with state planning and party direction, has been focussed pre- ponderantly on the building of a strong industrial base and the development of modern weapons, to the relative neglect of other fields. Although close research controls and the high priority of military- industrial development will continue, we believe that increasing Soviet scientific resources will permit greater flexibility, and that individual initiative will be en- couraged, basic research in new fields will be undertaken, and more scientific and technical effort will be allocated to agriculture and the consumer sector of the economy. (Paras. 12, 15-21, 57-58, 63) 5. The quality of Soviet science and tech- nology as measured by personal compe- tence, training, research facilities, and achievements varies widely. In all these aspects, the best in the USSR compares well with the best in the Western world, but the average, though good, is still be- low Western standards. In general, qual- ity is high in fields related to military and heavy industrial development, where some outstanding advances have been made. We believe that the unevenness in the quality of Soviet science and tech- nology will gradually diminish. (Paras. 42-45, 54-56, 62-63, 65-67; Appendices) 6. In priority fields the USSR is progres- sively less dependent on foreign research and development. Nevertheless, a new policy of acknowledging foreign achieve- ments and encouraging maximum use of foreign experience has been adopted in order to make Soviet scientists fully con- versant with developments in the West and to take advantage of the possibilities of international scientific interchange. We believe that this policy, which has been accompanied by a reduction in ideo- logical interference with scientific work, will be an aid to further Soviet progress. (Paras. 13, 22, 46-49, 50) 7. The Soviet foreign technical aid pro- gram will probably be selectively ex- panded. Soviet scientific and technical resources will almost certainly be ade- quate to support a continued and moder- ately expanded program of scientific and technical aid to underdeveloped coun- tries without serious detriment to do- mestic programs. (Paras. 51-53, 61, 64) 8. We believe that the USSR will continue to make important progress in the funda- mental sciences, probably breaking new ground in physics, nuclear physics, geo- physics, and electronics. The poor qual- ity of Soviet biological-agricultural sci- ences will almost certainly be improved. (Paras. 54, 65; Appendix A) 9. We expect Soviet heavy industrial tech- nology to become more uniform in qual- ity. For the immediate future, we esti- mate that the over-all level of Soviet tech- nology will remain below that of the US, although the most modern Soviet plants will be on a par with those in the US. Research and technology in the consumer Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 SECRET 3 JO- goods field will almost certainly continue to lag far behind. (Paras. 55, 66; Appen- dix B) 10. In the military field, significant So- viet advances are probable in electronics applications, nuclear energy, guided mis- siles, and aeronautics. We estimate that the USSR will continue to show capability not only in developing new individual weapons but also in organizing the devel- opment of integrated weapons systems. (Paras. 56, 67; Appendix C) 11. In at least some strategic fields, the best Soviet scientists are estimated to be as gifted and competent as the best in the West and must be conceded a similar potential for wholly new discoveries. However, we believe fewer technological breakthroughs in the sense of successful attacks on recognized barriers are likely to occur in the Soviet Bloc than in the West because the West has more first- rank scientists and scientific resources. (Para. 68) DISCUSSION I. ADMINISTRATIVE FACTORS AFFECTING SOVIET SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Basic Attitude of the Regime 12. The Soviet regime has consistently placed great stress on science and technology, in part because its Marxist ideology is materialistic and most of its leaders have been convinced that science is the key to progress, but par- ticularly as a means for developing the physi- cal power of the USSR. As one of the state's most valuable tools, science and technology are geared to planned objectives and subject to close administrative control. They have been directed preponderantly toward the building of a strong industrial base and the development of modern weapons. 13. Despite an impressive tradition of scien- tific research in prerevolutionary Russia, the Soviet regime inherited a technologically back- ward state and was forced to borrow heavily from the West. As the intensive industriali- zation program gained momentum, however, the premium placed on strengthening native scientific-technological capabilities was re- flected in increasing Soviet technological inde- pendence. Under Stalin Soviet scientists were largely cut off from direct contact with the rest of the scientific world, to the detri- ment of Soviet scientific progress. More re- cently, however, Soviet leaders have recog- nized and taken steps to overcome the dele- terious effects on their scientific development of this extreme insularity. They have empha- sized that scientists must learn from abroad, as well as from Soviet experience. They have instituted a far wider and more systematic dissemination of foreign scientific informa- tion and a new policy of encouraging contacts and exchanges between Soviet scientists and their professional counterparts outside the Communist sphere. These changes from the restrictive policies of the Stalin period have probably stimulated creative work in many fields. 14. Scientists as a class constitute one of the privileged groups within the USSR. They en- joy a high social position and are well paid. In addition, many scientists receive large monetary prizes, honorary awards, and other benefits such as houses in town and country, limousines, paid vacations at exclusive resorts, and special stores in which to shop. Since the death of Stalin, Soviet scientists have en- joyed a new degree of personal security and professional freedom from ideological inter- ference with their work, and relations between the scientific community and the regime have improved. Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 4 Organization 15. Academy of Sciences. All Soviet research institutions are administered by the state and there is no organized private research in the USSR. The heart of scientific endeavor in the USSR is the Academy of Sciences, which has affiliates and associated academies in 13 of the 15 Union Republics.2 The academies are working institutions with research and teach- ing facilities, and employ about 10 percent of all Soviet natural scientists, including much of the best scientific talent. Their attention is focussed on theoretical work, although some applied research is also performed. The academies take an important part in formu- lating national scientific objectives, in coordi- nating research with other institutions, and in selecting and training promising scientists. Membership in the academies is generally based upon high professional standards and is achieved through election by Academy mem- bers after nomination by scientific groups. 16. Ministerial Institutes. In addition to in- stitutions under the academies, there are a large number of research institutes under in- dividual ministries. The emphasis in these is on applied research and development in sup- port of the industrial, military, or other func- tions of each ministry. We estimate that these institutes employ about two-fifths of all Soviet scientists, who concentrate heavily on research and are relatively free of other re- sponsibilities. Facilities range from plant lab- oratories engaged in the more routine produc- tion problems of individual plants to large research institutions serving all or a large part of their respective ministries and capa- ble of the type of basic research normally found in the academies. For example, under the Ministry of Aviation Industry there is the Central Aero-Hydrodynamics Institute (Ts AGI) , comparable in the scope of its work to The Academy of Sciences, USSR, is directly re- sponsible to the Council of Ministers, USSR, and the Union Republic academies are responsible to the councils of ministers of their respective Union Republics (see organization chart, follow- ing page) . In addition to natural science as dis- cussed in this paper, the Academy and its affili- ates are also responsible for similar activities in the humanities, law, and social sciences. our National Advisory Committee for Aeronau- tics laboratories, where both basic and applied research are conducted. The ministerial insti- tute category also includes the Academy of Medical Sciences under the Ministry of Public Health, and the Academy of Agricultural Sci- ences under the Ministry of Agriculture. 17. Higher Educational Institutions. Since World War II, higher educational institutions have devoted increasing attention to research in both theoretical and applied sciences. Nearly half of all Soviet scientists are em- ployed in such institutions. Since they are concerned primarily with teaching, they de- vote proportionately less time to research than the scientists employed by the academies and ministerial institutes. Planning and Control 18. Administrative Control. Soviet scientific research and development, like other Soviet activities, is subject to centralized planning and party control. On the basis of established broad plans, each research organization works out its own annual program and coordinates it with appropriate bureaus of the Academy or ministerial directorates. The precise na- ture and extent of party control is not known, but all scientific organizations are known to have party units, which probably participate in developing the research programs as well as exercise general supervisory and trouble- shooting functions. In addition, research pro- grams are subject to approval by operational planning agencies such as the State Economic Commission for Current Planning. 19. The effects of the attempt to apply plan- ning principles to scientific enterprise are mixed. The large size and diversity of the total scientific effort complicates the coordi- nation of research plans. Moreover, research planning is compartmentalized by adminis- trative organization and in practice there is a great deal of duplication. As a partial remedy, in the past year the Academy of Sci- ences has set up committees to coordinate a limited number of specific activities be- tween various ministerial institutions and the Academy. Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 �CONFIDENTIAL GENERAL ORGANIZATION OF SOVIET SCIENCE Council of Ministers, USSR State Planning Agencies 25627 9-56 Academy of Sciences Departments Research Institutes A Typical Ministry Chief Scientific- Technical Directorate Research Institutes Chief Directorates of Production Research Institutes Plants and Plant Laboratories �CONFIDENTIAL- Ministry of Higher Education Division of Scientific Research Work Chief Directorate of Educational Institutions Specialized Higher Educational Institutions and their Installations Directorates of Universities and Specialized Institutes Universities and Specialized Higher Educational Institutions and their Installations Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 SECRET 5 20. The general Soviet tendency to overplan- ning and excessive bureaucracy is likely to hamper the enterprise, creativeness, and cross- fertilization which contribute so heavily to progress in scientific inquiry. Constant pres- sure for fulfillment of planned goals may also tend to lower the quality of Soviet scientific output. While failure of fulfillment is not al- ways punished, it is an invitation to criticism and possibly serious consequences. Meeting planned schedules sometimes leads to poor quality work and a tendency to undertake only easily-accomplished projects. The Soviet government has recently attempted to make scientific plans more flexible in order to en- courage more initiative and responsibility. 21. On the other hand, the Communist Party and the Soviet state have powers of interven- tion and command which are unparalleled in free societies. For projects of high priority they can make personnel and resources rap- idly available without the normal play of com- peting demands common in other countries, and can exert pressure at all levels to expedite these programs at the expense of those of low- er priority. Soviet accomplishments in the nuclear field, in weapons development, and in industrial technology demonstrate that the Soviet system is capable of concentrating its scientific potential in a highly effective way in fields of primary concern to the state. 22. Degree of Ideological Control. Before the death of Stalin there was a strong tendency to apply ideological tenets in the evaluation of scientific hypotheses and to judge the va- lidity of a scientific theory by the political authority of its proponents. Scientists were required to accept such doctrines as that of Lysenko in biology on the inheritance of ac- quired characteristics, and to reject such the- ories as those of the resonance bond in chem- istry and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle in physics. These dogmatic requirements probably hindered research to some degree, but do not appear to have caused serious harm except in some of the biological sciences, where ideological interference was more pronounced. At its 20th Congress the Communist Party reiterated its intention to rid Soviet science of "cliques and dogmas," and the demotion of Lysenko signified a changing atmosphere. We believe that during the next few years ideo- logical interference in scientific research will further diminish. II. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL RESOURCES Financial Support 23. The Soviet government classifies research and development expenditures in two main groupings: (a) the financing of scientific re- search establishments, and (b) product devel- opment (i. e., outlays for "mastering the pro- duction of new products" and for technical im- provements and inventions). The first group is believed to cover primarily research and de- velopment in the strict sense of the term, which includes basic and applied research and its application to new uses up to the point of design and production engineering. Funds appropriated for this purpose are included in the Soviet budget category concerned with expenditures on education, health, and social welfare. The second group (product develop- ment) includes design and production engi- neering, experimental production, testing, prototype production, and a variety of asso- ciated activities; funds appropriated for these purposes are not explicity indicated in the Soviet budget. 24. Announced expenditures for scientific re- search establishments in 1955 were 11.6 bil- lion rubles. The plan for the present year calls for an increase to 13.6 billion rubles, which is 70 percent greater than the amount allocated in 1951 (eight billion rubles). Over the last few years these announced expendi- tures have increased at a slightly greater rate than the gross national product, and now rep- resent about one percent of GNP.3 However, US government expenditures for research and development, in categories comparable to the Soviet "scientific research establishments" cate- gory, totalled $2.1 billion in FY 1955 and are expected to be about $2.6 billion in FY 1957. The latter figure is about 0.6 percent of US GNP. It is roughly estimated that the comparable US nongovernment expenditure is about equal to these figures. Thus, total US expenditures in these categories are probably somewhat more than one percent of US GNP. Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 CECRET 6 it is not known whether these expenditures cover all outlays for scientific research (ex- cluding product development) . A considerable portion of the explicitly indicated funds is probably devoted to military research, but ad- ditional amounts for research on military projects may be included elsewhere in the So- viet budget. Consequently, total expenditures on research and development in the strict sense may be larger than the amount explicit- ly appropriated for "financing of scientific re- search establishments." 25. We have no direct indication of the size of Soviet product development expenditures. The only available index to a ratio between these outlays and "research establishment" costs lies in US military experience, where ex- penditures falling within the Soviet concept of "product development" are probably at least equal to those the USSR would label as "financing scientific research establishments." If this one-to-one ratio is applied to Soviet expenditures in both military and nonmili- tary fields, it yield d a total for all Soviet re- search and development expenditures on the order of two percent of GNP.4 This procedure for estimating product development costs is a very rough one and would yield only approxi- mate results even if research expenditures proper were known with greater certainty. Although the allocation of 13.6 billion rubles for product development might account for a large part of the undisclosed scientific costs in the 1956 Soviet budget, there remains some uncertainty on this point. Hence, our esti- mate of total Soviet research and development expenditures is probably on the low side. 26. In any event, past trends and announced Soviet plans give reason to believe that strong financial support will continue to be provided for the scientific and technical effort in the USSR. Educational Institutions 27. Continued expansion of Soviet scientific and technical manpower reserves is assured No attempt is made to arrive at a comparable percentage for the US because of the difficulty of estimating US nonmilitary product develop- ment expenditures. by the Soviet educational system. This sys- tem concentrates heavily on training scien- tists, technicians, and skilled labor. The So- viet 10-year school system, which, in terms of classroom hours, is roughly equivalent to the American 12-year system, is under expan- sion. The Soviets have announced that by 1960, 10 years of primary and secondary edu- cation will be universally available. 28. We believe the average graduate of a regu- lar Soviet 10-year school to be somewhat better trained in the elements of science than an average American high school graduate. Training in mathematics and other sciences is emphasized (comprising more than 40 per- cent of total course work in the upper grades) , teacher training is improving, and the ratio of students to teachers is decreasing. Since many graduates of the greatly enlarged 10- year school must now enter nonprofessional jobs, the curriculum has been changed to in- clude vocational subjects such as machine operation and practice farming. 29. The Soviet educational system includes various levels of special schools in addition to the regular 10-year school. At the lowest level are short-term factory and trade schools which develop labor skills. At the next level are tekhnikums, roughly comparable to technical high schools in the US, which offer specialized training over a three or four-year period to young people who have finished seven years of the regular 10-year program. There are also tekhnikums on the junior college level which offer training to the increasing num- bers of 10-year school graduates who do not enter higher educational institutions. Tekh- nikums, administered by the Ministry of Higher Education but supported by the vari- ous other ministries, train personnel for work in industries under a particular ministry's control. 30. Only graduates with 10 years of school- ing are admitted to higher educational insti- tutions, and competition for entrance is keen. Selection is by competitive examination. There is some evidence of favoritism, especial- ly for entry into Moscow University, but this probably has slight effect in the scientific and technical fields. On the whole, the USSR has Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 11. a highly effective system for selecting the most promising young students and sending them on to higher educational institutions. Finally, students are channeled into fields of study in accordance with the needs of the state, by means of propaganda, draft exemp- tions, quotas, and stipends which vary ac- cording to priorities of fields. Under Soviet law, all graduates of higher educational insti- tutions are subject to State direction of em- ployment for a period of at least three years following graduation. 31. Higher educational institutions number about 800 and are administered or have their standards controlled by the Ministry of Higher Education. About two-thirds of all Soviet graduates of higher institutions are in scien- tific and technical fields. About half of such Soviet institutions specialize in training scien- tific and technical personnel, and provide training that is roughly equivalent to that required for the average US Bachelor of Sci- ence degree. There are three general types of institutions offering such training: a. Specialized engineering and technical colleges, which offer instruction for a period of four to six years to prepare specialists in such fields as machine building, construction, medicine, and agriculture. Most Soviet higher technical educational institutions are of this type. b. Polytechnical institutions, which offer five and one-half years training in a wider variety and slightly broader fields of science and technology such as metallurgy, electrical engineering, and civil engineering. Students graduate as engineers and production special- ists. There are 25 such institutes. c. Universities offer much broader training. Courses of study last five years. Graduates enter the teaching profession or become re- search scientists. There are 35 universities. 32. Standards in these institutions are gen- erally high, and the over-all student-teacher ratio is similar to that in the US. Graduates in science and technology possess good theo- retical background, although their practical training generally appears to be inferior to that of their US counterparts. Only in some areas of the biological sciences, particularly in the agricultural field, does the present qual- ity of Soviet higher education in science and technology appear to be decidedly below US average standards. 33. At the post-graduate level, there are near- ly 500 institutions authorized to conduct train- ing for the Kandidat degree, and 60 percent of these are authorized to accept dissertations for the higher degree of Doktor. Both of these degrees are conferred by a special commission of the Ministry of Higher Education. The Kandidat degree requires at least three years of graduate study, two foreign languages, and a dissertation. In the physical sciences, engi- neering, and some of the health sciences, it represents training roughly equivalent to or slightly lower than that of the US Ph.D. or D.Sc. In some of the biological sciences, nota- bly in agriculture, however, the Kandidat is believed closer to the US master's degree. The degree of Doktor has no exact equivalent in the US. Manpower 5 34. While the USSR has slightly less than half as many living college and university graduates in all fields of study, both scientific and nonscientific, as the United States, a greater relative emphasis on science and tech- nology raises the number of Soviet graduates in scientific fields to more than 80 percent of the United States total. Moreover, since So- viet citizens have less opportunity to change to professions other than those for which they were trained, we believe that the USSR has slightly more graduates actually employed in scientific and technical positions than the US. (See Appendix D, Figure 1.) Of these, the pro- portion in the physical sciences and engi- neering is somewhat higher in the USSR than in the US. (See Appendix D, Figure 2.) On the other hand, many Soviet scientific graduates, though employed in scientific and technical positions, are believed to perform technical duties which in the US would be handled by -nongraduates. For a discussion of the basis for estimates of scientific manpower, and the probable accuracy of these estimates, see Appendix D. Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 CRT� 8 35. In number of scientific graduates per year, both the USSR and the United States show wartime losses and rapid postwar in- creases, which in the United States, because of the veterans education program, reached a peak in 1950. Between 1950 and 1955, grad- uation trends in the physical sciences and en- gineering heavily favored the USSR. In 1956, the number graduating in these fields rose in the US, but was still only slightly more than half the number of Soviet graduates. (See Appendix D, Figure 3.) 36. Soviet holders of the Kandidat degree in scientific fields are estimated to total about 79,000 (including several thousand Doktors). In the physical sciences and engineering, where the degree requirements are comparable to those in the US, the USSR has about 41,000 Kandidats, as against about 35,000 Ph.D's and D.Sc's in the US. (See Appendix D, Figure 4.) Of greater significance than any compari- son of present totals is the fact that in the period 1950-1956, the number of Kandidat degrees granted per year in the USSR has more than doubled, whereas the number of Ph.D's and D.Sc's granted per year in the US has remained about the same. (See Appendix D, Figure 5.) 37. Although considerable progress has been made during the past decade in training the skilled technicians and mechanics also needed in modern technology, the USSR is not as well supplied with them as are Western countries, where broader sections of the population have acquired mechanical skills over a considerably longer period. The USSR is currently inten- sifying its training program to increase the supply of such technical personnel. Distribution of the Scientific Effort 38. Of the nearly 1.4 million Soviet graduates employed in scientific and technical positions � slightly more than in the US � the bulk appear to be used for technical work in engi- neering, control testing, inspection, mainte- nance, etc. Only about 190,000, or fewer than 15 percent, are engaged in research and teach- ing. The comparable US figure is 280,000. (See Appendix D, Figures 6 and 7.) 39. In terms of man-hours devoted to research as opposed to teaching and administration, we estimate that the USSR uses only the equivalent of about 125,000 full-time scientists for research of all kinds, only about half the research effort of the US. The US also has a considerably greater proportion of its research scientists in the physical sciences and engi- neering than the USSR. However, in the USSR there is a great concentration of re- search effort in support of heavy and military- related industries, while a large part of US research is in support of consumer-related industries. Hence, the comparison of num- bers alone is not an indication of the extent of effort of the two scientific research estab- lishments in support of programs related di- rectly to national power. Existing studies do not permit any accurate comparison on this subject. 40. Of the total Soviet research effort repre- sented by the equivalent of about 125,000 sci- entists, about one-fifth is devoted to basic research, divided about equally between the physical and biological sciences. Imponder- ables in the allocation of basic research effort among fields of potential application make it impracticable to define the proportion of basic research which supports military and heavy industrial programs as against other possible applications. 41. In terms of distribution among Soviet in- stitutions, about 15 percent of the total re- search effort is conducted by establishments of the Academies of Sciences, 25 percent by higher educational institutions, and 60 per- cent by the ministerial institutes, where ap- plied science and development work are em- phasized. The Academies stress basic re- search and perform about 50 percent of the work in this area, with educational institu- tions handling about 15 percent and the min- isterial institutes about 35 percent. Quality of Scientific and Technical Manpower 42. The quality of Soviet scientific and tech- nical manpower is good but uneven. A rel- atively small group of older scientists, who were closely associated with prerevolutionary CIECIZET Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 CRET 9 teachers, has continued much of the best of Russian scientific tradition. Among persons outside this group, quality tends to vary according to age, since standards of higher education, low until the early 1930's, have improved considerably during the last 20 years. In many fields, there is no apparent difference in quality from the Western level. In the USSR, as in the West, scientific ad- vances are made by a few brilliant individuals; and the work of the best Soviet scientists is generally comparable to that of their Western counterparts. In broader areas of engineer- ing and technology the average quality of So- viet personnel remains below that of their Western counterparts because of the large number of persons less well trained in earlier years. Research Facilities and Equipment 43. The USSR has a large number of labora- tories and institutes engaged in research and development in science and technology. Lit- erature identified with about 9,000 different Soviet institutes, departments of higher edu- cational institutions, laboratories and research stations was received in the US during 1955. Facilities appear generally adequate, though perhaps in many cases cruder than those of the West. Among major institutions recently observed, the Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology (Gamaleya) of the USSR Acad- emy of Medical Sciences had facilities compar- able to those of US National Institute of Al- lergy and Infectious Diseases; an important Soviet electronics research complex at Myti- shchi, near Moscow, resembles in many re- spects the US Army Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories at Ft. Monmouth; and the Mos- cow Higher Technical School (Bauman) has laboratory facilities comparable to those of the best US colleges. The facilities of average Soviet institutions probably compare much less favorably with average US institutions than those cited, but we estimate that lab- oratory facilities are sufficient for effective utilization of Soviet scientific manpower. 44. We believe that although programs of routine priority may still suffer a considerable shortage of scientific instruments and equip- ment, those of major importance are little hampered in this respect. After World War II, the USSR at first drew heavily on equip- ment designed or produced in the industrial- ized Satellites and the West, but made rapid progress in developing a native instrument industry, gradually introducing improvements on foreign design and designs of its own. So- viet orders for East German optical and sci- entific instruments, at first the mainstay of this East German industry, have declined to a very modest volume for the past two years. 45. Soviet industry now produces rapidly in- creasing quantities of many kinds of instru- ments, some of them showing considerable originality and excellent design and workman- ship, notably in the electronics and optics fields. The USSR is known to have several advanced high-speed electronic digital com- puters. Although a portion of Soviet equip- ment requirements is still filled by imports, and some specialized instruments will con- tinue in the future to be obtained from the Satellites or the West, the establishment of 30 new instrument factories called for in the Sixth Five-Year Plan will probably make the USSR substantially independent of outside sources. Collection and Dissemination of Information 46. The USSR's acquisition of foreign scien- tific and technical information is many-sided and constantly expanding. Foreign books and journals are purchased through repre- sentatives abroad, and through library ex- changes. The Library of the Academy of Sci- ences in Leningrad exchanged literature with nearly 2,500 scientific institutions in 84 coun- tries during 1955, receiving about 70,000 in- dividual publications during the first half- year. Since the death of Stalin the USSR has increased its efforts to establish direct contacts with Western scientists. In 1955, Soviet representatives attended some 34 in- ternational scientific or professional confer- ences, and Western groups were invited to attend 10 scientific congresses in the USSR. Collection of information is also accomplished by espionage operations, and we believe that Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 10 in some cases the USSR has gained signifi- cantly from such operations. 47. The most obvious exploitation of non-So- viet Bloc scientific-technical knowledge has been in military equipment, especially nuclear energy, electronics, guided missiles, and air- craft. The USSR exploited equipment which it received under lend-lease or which fell into its hands during World War II. In the Korean conflict it acquired many US items of recent design. It also benefited greatly in postwar years from the transfer of German scientists and technicians into the USSR, and from the declassification and release of information by the US and the UK, particularly in electronics and radar. Western technical and trade pub- lications, particularly those of the United States, continue to contain a wealth of detail concerning the development and character- istics of new military equipment, and are readily available to the USSR. These factors have saved several years of development time in some fields. 48. The USSR currently assists research work- ers by an extensive program for the dissem- ination and exchange of both foreign and domestic scientific information. Scientific and technical meetings and conferences are held frequently. Numerous scientific books, journals, and monographs of domestic and foreign scientific information as well as trans- lations, abstracts, and indexes are now readily available. The All-Union Institute of Scien- tific and Technical Information of the Acad- emies of Sciences publishes monthly abstract journals surveying several thousand Soviet and foreign journals, and also weekly infor- mation bulletins for industry. Thus, at least in high priority fields, Soviet scientists have access to the full range of published world- wide scientific research. 49. A considerable portion of Soviet research, including military and other sensitive projects, is not published in open literature. This restriction probably does not seriously hamper the dissemination of information among those persons having an obvious and direct need to know. However, secrecy denies useful infor- mation to investigators in related fields and thus hampers general scientific progress. This problem was recognized at the recent 20th Congress of the Communist Party, where re- moval of secrecy restrictions on scientific in- formation was urged wherever possible. Utilization of Satellite and Chinese Resources 50. East Germany and Czechoslovakia, and to a lesser extent Poland and Hungary, provide a significant increment in scientific and tech- nical manpower and facilities to the total re- sources at the disposal of the USSR. East Germany is strong in pharmaceuticals, elec- tronic instruments, optical equipment, and synthetic fibers; Czechoslovakia in communi- cations equipment; and Hungary in electron- ics and pharmaceuticals. On the other hand, Communist China, because of an extreme shortage of scientific and technical manpower and facilities, is unlikely to contribute to So- viet science for some time but on the contrary will be a drain on aggregate Bloc scientific resources. Although Satellite scientific and technological capabilities are growing, their relative importance to the USSR is likely to diminish because of the increasing Soviet sci- entific capabilities. Foreign Aid Programs 51. The USSR has been sending substantial numbers of scientists, engineers, and techni- cians to other Bloc countries, including Com- munist China, since World War II. Since late 1955, the export by Soviet Bloc countries of scientific-technical personnel to underdevel- oped, non-Bloc countries has been rapidly ex- panded both in numbers of persons, which now total several thousand, and in the num- ber of recipient countries involved. Bloc tech- nical aid has been concentrated mainly in Egypt, Syria, and the South Asian coun- tries � India, Burma, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Indonesia. Communist China's first offer of any magnitude was made to Cambodia in April 1956. 52. In addition to sending technical personnel abroad, the USSR has for some years been providing scientific and technical education at its own institutions to substantial numbers 3ECILET Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 SECRET 11 of Chinese Communist and Satellite students. More recently, similar educational facilities in the USSR have been provided for students from countries outside the Bloc. The Sixth Five-Year Plan calls for continuation and ex- pansion of the educational aid program. 53. The USSR assists Satellite and Chinese Communist nuclear energy programs. It has proposed aid to non-Bloc countries in this field, but only a few firm agreements have been made. The USSR would be capable of providing reactors and related equipment, and of providing training programs for foreign personnel. III. QUALITY AND ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE SCIENTIFIC EFFORT 54. In the physical sciences, published Soviet research is of high quality and indicates that the authors are well informed on international developments in their specialties. It shows particular strength in a number of fields of physics and theoretical mathematics. In the geophysical sciences Soviet capabilities are generally comparable with those of leading Western nations, and the USSR has planned one of the most comprehensive programs of any of the countries participating in the com- ing International Geophysical Year. In the chemical field Soviet scientists have done sig- nificant original work, for example in organic synthesis and in combustion studies. They are somewhat behind the West in work on synthetic rubber, fibers, and plastics. Soviet metallurgical research is generally on a par with that of the West in fundamental aspects, but lags slightly in some practical applica- tions, especially in the light alloy field. In electronics the USSR is crosely behind the West in fields where equal effort has been applied. In medicine and the biological sci- ences quality ranges from very good in medi- cal research to low, though improving, in genetics and biochemistry. A major effort is currently under way to overcome the serious lag in developing aids to agriculture and ani- mal husbandry. (See Appendix A.) 55. The quality of Soviet industrial tech- nology is much more uneven than that of the pure sciences. Even in the priority field of heavy industry, while the best plants and products are on a par with those in the US, the average is somewhat below the US aver- age. These differences within the USSR, as well as differences between Soviet and West- ern practices, appear to lie less in the devel- opment of new techniques than in the extent to which universally known techniques are ex- ploited, as for example in the Soviet emphasis on certain oil extraction procedures, in the lag in Soviet steel rolling and finishing tech- nology, and in the USSR's thus far highly selective application of automation systems. Soviet success in shortening in some instances the development lead time on military prod- ucts appears to be due to administrative fac- tors rather than to any technological supe- riority. In areas of secondary priority, as in heavy electrical equipment, development is largely concentrated on the exploitation of Western experience, and Soviet technology generally lags behind the West by several years. In areas of low priority, as in the sup- port of textile, canned goods, and footwear production, Soviet technology is far behind. Insufficient development of farm machinery and mineral fertilizers, along with unsound practices in seed and stock selection, have contributed to the persistent lag in Soviet agricultural production. (See Appendix B.) 56. The qualitative capacity of Soviet scien- tific and technical resources, however, is illus- trated by current achievements in the mili- tary field. The high calibre of. nuclear re- search is evident from the relatively early dates at which nuclear and thermonuclear explosions were achieved. The Soviet guided missile program is extensive and well ad- vanced, and Soviet plans for earth satellite launchings are similar to those of the US. Aeronautical research in the USSR is gener- ally equal to that in the US, with excellent capability in theoretical aerodynamics and improving competence in its applications. In hydrodynamics Soviet theoretical research has been equal and in some respects superior to Western research. However, the lack of an experimental research program has led to a failure to apply its results. Military end- products show effective adaptation and im- provement of complicated foreign equipment E Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 CECRET 12 designs, and the latest advanced electronic equipment, in particular, appears to be pri- marily the result of Soviet research and de- velopment. More important, Soviet scientists have demonstrated the ability to develop and produce modern weapons systems of native design. (See Appendix C.) IV. SOME FUTURE TRENDS IN SOVIET SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMS Planning and Control 57. The basic framework of Soviet planning and control of science and technology will almost certainly continue along present lines. However, the directives of the Sixth Five-Year Plan emphasize the need for closer relation- ships between scientific research and indus- trial applications. The recently published re- sults of the Fifth Five-Year Plan noted that "insufficient contact with production work is an important shortcoming in the work of many scientific institutions." Such criticisms have been repeatedly voiced in the past, and do not appear to indicate a drastic shift. Nevertheless, in the ministerial institutes, there will probably be a continuing trend in the direction of such closer ties to. industrial application. While research and development programs will remain under strict adminis- trative control, it is probable that programs will be more flexible, affording more scope for individual initiative and encouraging labora- tory and institute directors to assume greater responsibilities for direction of their programs. 58. On the other hand, with respect to the USSR Academy of Sciences, its president in- dicated at the Twentieth Party Congress that steps are being taken to free the Academy and higher educational institutions from routine industrial problems so that they will be able to concentrate on "the most important and fundamental tasks of science and on scientific research in new directions which are little investigated but show much promise." In view of his subsequent statement that "the direct satisfaction of current production re- quirements is not the only or the main func- tion of science," Soviet scientific researchers in the top scientific establishments will prob- ably gain a freer rein in probing new channels of investigation, though still within the frame- work of the national economic plan and in accordance with the principle that the func- tion of science is service to the state. Manpower 59. As yet there have been no indications that Soviet rates of growth in scientific and tech- nical manpower will slacken, and Soviet plans call for increasing the numbers of graduates and post-graduates. Reasons for this con- tinued high rate of expansion are to be found in the needs arising from the rapidly expand- ing Soviet economy, in the belief of Soviet leaders that further increases in scientific and technical manpower will improve economic productivity, and in the Soviet intent to chal- lenge the West in economic competition. 60. If present trends continue, the numbers of Soviet scientists, engineers, and technicians will increase, in the period through 1961, con- siderably more rapidly than in the US, and by about 1961 aggregate Soviet manpower in these categories would be about equal to that of the US. The number of Soviet scientific and technical graduates per year will probably continue to increase through 1961, leveling off for a period thereafter, in part because of the low birth rates of the World War II years. (See Appendix D, Figures 8 and 9.) 61. In the engineer category, we estimate that the Soviet supply will be generally adequate to carry out internal objectives, and that sub- stantial numbers could be employed in export industries and in scientific-technical missions abroad without significant detriment to do- mestic programs. On the other hand, because of increased demands for nonprofessional technical personnel, the deficiency in this category will continue through 1961, although it will be significantly reduced by the large training program designed to produce such technicians. Similarly, because of increasing demands within the Bloc, as well as demands created by Soviet technical aid programs in non-Bloc countries, we believe that shortages of scientists will continue through this period. 62. As the large number of postwar graduates gain experience and assume positions of lead- ership there should be a general rise in the Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 SE 13 quality of research. The increase in numbers will permit greater research coverage, and with more attention paid to fundamental re- search in the Academy, ad hoc research will become less necessary in supplying answers to specific problems. The utilization of scien- tific graduates and post-graduates will almost certainly become generally more effective as subordinate training programs produce an increasing number of technicians. Distribution of Effort 63. The USSR will continue to give very high priority to research related to the development of weapons systems. Up to the present time, the Soviet leaders appear to have concentrated their highest-grade scientific resources in mili- tary and basic industrial fields at the expense of other areas of the economy, and we believe this policy will be continued when necessary for the attainment of priority goals. Increas- ing Soviet scientific resources, however, will probably make it possible for the USSR to devote greater efforts to basic research with- out hindering military development. In ad- dition, more resources will probably be allo- cated to scientific effort in those fields which until the present have had relatively low pri- ority, including agriculture, public health, and consumer goods. 64. The Soviet technical aid program will al- most certainly expand in countries already receiving Soviet technical aid and will prob- ably be extended to other countries. We esti- mate that the USSR will continue to expand its technical aid program on a selective basis in the underdeveloped countries of Eurasia and Africa and in Latin America. Soviet sci- entific and technical resources will almost certainly be adequate to support a continued and moderately expanded program of scien- tific and technical aid to underdeveloped coun- tries without serious detriment to domestic programs. Capacity for Future Advances 65. We believe that the USSR will continue to make important progress in the fundamental sciences. It is likely to break new ground in several fields of physics, nuclear physics, geo- physics, and electronics. It is expected to overcome a current weakness in the applica- tion of theoretical mathematics to other sci- ences. The lag behind Western science in certain fields of metallurgy, such as the devel- opment of light alloys, will probably be re- duced. The poor quality of Soviet biological- agricultural sciences will almost certainly be improved. (See Appendix A.) 66. In industrial technology the USSR also has the capability to make important ad- vances over the next few years, in part through the further development and in- creased use of special-purpose tools and auto- mation techniques. While Soviet industry is at present characterized by sharp contrasts in technology, the high growth rate of the economy and the introduction of more mod- ern production techniques tend to indicate that the gap between "best" and "average" performance may narrow considerably in the future. (See Appendix B.) 67. The prospects for Soviet scientific and technical progress are particularly great with- in the high priority military and related fields. For example, significant advances are prob- able in electronics applications, nuclear ener- gy, guided missiles, and aeronautical research and development. We have no reason to doubt that despite the increasing complexi- ties of modern equipment, the USSR will be capable of continuing the successful design and development of modern weapons systems for its ground, naval, and air forces. (See Appendix C.) 68. In many fields of scientific endeavor, the likelihood of major Soviet advances beyond ex- isting levels of science and technology � "tech- nological breakthroughs" � must be consid- ered. (A "breakthrough" may comprise either a wholly new discovery or a successful attack on recognized barriers to the application of existing knowledge.) We believe that first- rank Soviet scientists and engineers have the capability for such advances, and Soviet tech- nology has shown itself able to develop new ideas and to realize their military or eco- nomic potential when priority is sufficiently OECItET Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 SECRET 14 r.! high. In at least some strategic fields, the best Soviet scientists are estimated to be as gifted and competent as the best in the West and must be conceded a similar potential for wholly new discoveries. However, we believe fewer technological breakthroughs in the sense of successful attacks on recognized barriers are likely to occur in the Soviet Bloc than in the West because the West has more first-rank scientists and scientific resources. Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 15 APPENDIX A SOVIET CAPABILITIES IN MAJOR SCIENTIFIC FIELDS Physics 1. The present capabilities of the USSR in im- portant fields of physics are generally com- parable to those of the leading nations of the West. While the scope of Soviet research in physics, in terms of range of problems under investigation, is less than in the US, its qual- ity in areas given greatest priority is consist- ently high. For basic knowledge in fields of lower priority, reliance has been placed on the published work of foreign scientists. 2. The USSR has shown particular strength in theoretical physics (e.g., theory of quantum electrodynamics and elementary particles) , solid state physics (e.g., semiconductors) , and low temperature physics (e.g., first experi- mental observation of second sound in liquid helium, and Landau's theory of superfluidity) . We believe that in these fields the USSR will continue to concentrate its efforts on key problems and will make significant advances. 3. We estimate that, if present trends con- tinue, within a decade the USSR will have achieved equality with the US in scope, mag- itude, and quality of research in physics and that the number of active Soviet physicists will exceed that of the US. Emphasis has been given thus far to theoretical aspects at the expense of the experimental, but, as num- bers of physicists increase, a better balance will probably result. Facilities for experi- mental work should be adequate to support research programs. Nuclear Physics 4. Present capabilities of the USSR in nuclear physics research are estimated to be second only to those of the US. Work in high energy physics has been of good quality and compara- ble though probably not equal to that of the West. Cosmic ray research has been of par- ticularly high quality and on a par with that of the US. In the low energy region the USSR has also shown considerable competence. Neutron physics research, for example, is also comparable to work performed in the US. 5. During the last year the USSR has an- nounced that it has a number of particle ac- celerators, including a synchro-cyclotron, the largest machine of its type in existence, which was allegedly rebuilt a few years after its completion in 1949 to attain its present energy of 680 Mev. The USSR also announced that it expected to complete in 1956 a 10 Bev proton synchrotron; this would be the largest accelerator in the world. The US is presently operating a six Bev proton synchrotron, the largest currently operating; higher energy machines will not be completed until 1960. However, the US has more accelerators of lower capacity than has the USSR and is therefore able to carry on a greater volume of research in this field. 6. The USSR has recently organized the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, which has as its announced purpose international coopera- tion in solving the most important problems of contemporary physics. The new organiza- tion will incorporate the Laboratory of Nu- clear Problems and the Laboratory of High Energy Physics (sites of the 680 Mev and 10 Bev accelerator, respectively) . The Joint In- stitute will also acquire a Laboratory of The- oretical Physics which will include an elec- tronic computer department, and a Labora- tory of Neutron Physics which will have a high neutron flux experimental reactor. An accelerator for multicharged ions will be built. Also being considered are cosmic ray lab- oratories and other facilities. All facilities of the Joint Institute will be located in the USSR. Representatives from all of the Soviet Bloc countries have signed an agreement to par- ticipate in this Institute, and it has been an- nounced that membership will be open to non-Bloc countries. CECIZET Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 16 7. We believe that establishment of this Joint Institute will result in a somewhat better or- ganized attack on nuclear research problems, probably with greater stress on fundamental aspects. It will also provide increased train- ing facilities for both Soviet and Satellite sci- entists at an advanced level in high energy physics. The Joint Institute program will serve to focus attention on the USSR as a world center of nuclear physics research. While we are unable to predict with certainty the future Soviet progress in nuclear physics research, rapid gains in this field in the past indicate that Soviet nuclear physicists will be able to furnish strong support to all phases of nuclear energy programs. Mathematics 8. Soviet scientists display outstanding ability in pure mathematics, and have achieved in- ternational recognition in nonlinear mechan- ics, probability theory, and topology. Al- though top level mathematicians are prob- ably fewer in the USSR than in the US, the Soviet lag in numbers will probably be con- siderably lessened in the next 10 years because of the emphasis on mathematics training during the last decade. Soviet weaknesses in applying theoretical mathematics to other branches of science and technology may be largely corrected by the growing emphasis on channeling the results of mathematics re- search into high priority areas such as weap- ons development. Thus Soviet over-all math- ematical capabilities may be brought close to those of the US. Astronomy 9. The science of astronomy appears to be de- veloping rapidly in the USSR under an effort now comparable to that devoted to it in the US. Although Soviet astronomical instru- mentation is not as fully developed as that in the US, astronomical facilities have been im- proving steadly. Soviet literature in astrono- my touches on all phases of the science and shows emphasis on work in stellar astronomy, the study of variable stars, solar physics, the study of minor planets, and cosmogony. 1 One sub-field in which Soviet astronomy is signifi- cantly behind the US is that of astrophysical observations for the determination of physical and chemical properties of stars and nebulae. 10. Soviet work in positional astronomy and astronomical contributions to geodesy and gravimetry illustrate the full exploitation of studies which contribute to the more precise location of points on the earth and therefore to long-distance target positioning. Solar studies are emphasized for their importance to the interpretation and prediction of terres- trial phenomena, as in long-range forecasts of climatic trends, especially in polar and sub- polar areas. Geophysics 11. Soviet capabilities in the geophysical sci- ences, including meteorology, hydrology, ocea- nography, geology, and terrestrial and arctic geophysics, are generally comparable with those of leading Western nations. Among the geological sciences, the USSR has maintained outstanding capabilities in engineering geolo- gy, permafrost research, and geochemical and geological mineral prospecting methods. So- viet geophysical research conducted on ice floes in the Central Arctic and at many per- manent stations has materially aided shipping operations along the Northern Sea Route and could be of great importance for military oper- ations in the Arctic area. 12. The USSR has one of the most compre- hensive and well-planned programs of any of the countries participating in the Interna- tional Geophysical Year (1957-1958) . The USSR will probably intensify its central Arctic research, and already has a large and well- equipped expedition in the Antarctic. During the next few years the already high Soviet capabilities in geophysics will almost certainly be substantially increased through procure- ment and analysis of the voluminous data aris- ing from IGY activities, which will be avail- able for the first time on a world-wide scale. 13. The USSR is currently engaged in the development of earth satellites for research at very high altitudes and we believe that its Radio astronomy is treated under electronics, in paragraph 26 below. R E Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 17 efforts will be intensified during the Interna- tional Geophysical Year. Research of this nature is likely to enhance Soviet capabilities for further development of guided missiles and result in increased knowledge in many fields of geophysics. Rockets and guided mis- siles currently estimated to be within Soviet capabilities could also be effectively utilized in gathering upper atomsphere data. Im- portant meteorological advances could result from a current Soviet program involving the use of high-speed electronic digital computers in weather forecasting, and from high alti- tude and weather control research that will probably receive high priority. 14. In terrestrial geophysics and geodesy the USSR is expected to expand observational programs, particularly during the IGY. Im- portant advances are possible in Soviet knowl- edge of the precise size and shape of the earth which could increase Soviet capabilities for long-distance target positioning. 2 Possible Soviet advances in terrestrial geophysics could result in the development of a geomagnetic guidance system for missiles, and of instru- mentation for aerial gravimetric surveys. Chemistry 15. Organic Chemistry. Soviet organic chem- ists have contributed significant original re- search on the synthesis of organic materials. From the high quality of this work it is evi- dent that the USSR has the capability to car- ry on programs of research and development necessary to produce new liquid fuels, petro- chemicals, and lubricants. Soviet research on organosilicon components is conducted by outstanding chemists and offers promise of useful new materials, though it is slightly behind the US. Soviet products and publica- tions indicate that US developments are stud- ied closely, and that advantage Is taken of ex- tensive world-wide literature on the subject. In many fields, the Soviet economy has not required organic chemical research, and in these fields Soviet scientists appear satisfied to remain somewhat behind the US. = This subject will be discussed in greater detail in the forthcoming NIE 11-5-56, Soviet Programs and Capabilities in Guided Missiles. 16. Physical Chemistry. The USSR has con- ducted important research on combustion, flame propagation, and detonation, occasion- ally in advance of Western research. Soviet physical chemistry is strongest in the study of fundamental mechanisms of combustion and reaction. In the well-developed field of basic combustion chemistry, further advances are probable which will be of use in combus- tion chamber design or in the selection of pro- pellants. The USSR has for many years had both outstanding scientists and many workers generally versed in reaction kinetics, the con- cepts of free radicals, and the behavior of car- bon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen systems at elevated temperature. 17. Macromolecular Chemistry. Soviet scien- tists have demonstrated their capability to do basic research in macromolecular chemistry, and their level of technology is only slightly behind the West in such fields as synthetic rubber and plastics. In the field of synthetic fibers, current Soviet practice is to rely on the European Satellites for research and develop- ment. Although the USSR once led the world in the research, application, and production of synthetic rubber, it has recently depended on published Western technology for such ad- vances as oil extended rubber, low temperature polymerization, and cis-polyisoprene. 18. In the field of plastics, development and application efforts in the USSR have followed closely the pattern set by the West, though use has also been made of East German re- search. The USSR has been slow to adapt for general use much Western information on the newer and more important plastics (e.g., poly- amides, polyethylene, polyesters, fluorocarbon polymers, and silicones) , and has attempted to acquire plants and know-how from the West. Despite considerable research activity in the field of macromolecular chemistry, we believe that Soviet technology will not over- take that of the West during the next several years. 19. High Energy Fuels. The USSR is known to be interested in boron hydrides and other compounds as high energy rocket fuels. On the basis of present knowledge we estimate that the USSR is in an early stage of basic SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 18 -- research related to the synthesis and thermo- dynamic properties of boron hydrides. If adequate priorities were given, the necessary engineering technology could be developed to produce boron hydrides as rocket fuels. Research on hydrazine hydrate as a high en- ergy fuel has been carried forward to the test- ing stage, but there is only limited evidence of any other extensive activity related to high energy chemical fuels. Metallurgy 20. Soviet fundamental metallurgical research is generally on a par with that of the West, and has developed some original concepts. In physical metallurgy, Soviet metallurgists have been very active in the theory of elasticity and plasticity and its application to industry. Considerable research has been performed on creep and relaxation of metals at elevated temperatures. The theory of dislocations has been applied to the study of fatigue or en- durance of metals under cyclic stress. Frac- ture, impact and notch brittleness of metals have also been given considerable attention. 21. Soviet metallurgy is presently devoted chiefly to meeting the requirements of heavy industry and the military forces. The USSR has an extensive ferrous metallurgical re- search program in progress to increase the productivity of related industries and to de- velop new alloys to alleviate the problems im- posed by shortages of certain alloying ele- ments. Research on high temperature mate- rials for aircraft applications, while closely parallel to that of the West, indicates Soviet competence, particularly in alloy conserva- tion. 22. In the field of light alloys, the USSR will probably continue to exploit Western alumi- num and magnesium research, but it will probably make increasing effort toward origi- nal work in this field. Soviet publications in- dicate that the USSR is fully aware of the military and industrial significance of tita- nium metal and its alloys, which are in the pilot stage of production. The USSR has probably assigned a priority to research on titanium in view of its application, for exam- ple, to aircraft and guided missile compo- nents. Research on ceramic cutting tool ma- terials has been outstanding though present Soviet materials are somewhat brittle. Electronics 23. The USSR has a well balanced and exten- sive program in a number of basic science areas which contribute significantly to elec- tronics research and development (e. g., di- electrics, crystallography, semiconductors, and ferrites) . In addition, extensive and capable work is being done on theoretical studies and experimental research in areas which contrib- ute more indirectly to electronics research and development (e. g., information and propaga- tion theory) . In other fields of basic science, electronics is extensively used as a tool in both instrumentation and in control applications. Recent Soviet radar designs reflect original work of high quality. 24. In phases of basic electronics research in which the USSR and the West have equal in- terest, the USSR is closely behind the West; and in at least one case in which the USSR has made special efforts, in communications theory dealing with noise studies, it now leads. We estimate that over the next 10 years So- viet scientists will be capable of making sig- nificant further advances in the electronics field, and will be generally on a par with the West in most areas. 25. Communications Theory. Soviet scien- tists have investigated the probability theory, correlation analysis, and information theory in an endeavor to obtain a comprehensive un- derstanding of communications. The range and depth of published native research is on a par with unclassified research on the same topics in the West. The type of research im- plies that considerable classified research on novel communications techniques, such as squirt transmission and noise modulation, as well as speech encryption devices and band reduction systems, may be under way. While no specific information is available on the USSR's progress on these techniques, its classi- fied research effort is probably also compara- ble to that of the US. We estimate that sig- nificant progress will be made in applying communications theory to such fields as data Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 19 transmission, data handling, and servo-mech- anisms. One significant result may be the achievement of communications systems which are at once secure, reliable, and of high capacity. 26. Radio Astronomy. Soviet research capa- bilities in radio astronomy are believed to be comparable in quality to those of the West. Significant work has been performed in the detection of weak signals in radio spectro- scopy and in meteor studies. This work indi- cates the attainment of a high level of experi- mental proficiency which could have direct applications in military fields of microwave radio reception. Medicine and the Biological Sciences 27. The USSR has made impressive progress in medical research, and its work in this field is more advanced than in most of the non- medical biological disciplines. In the field of hematology, the USSR has developed one of the world's largest and most complete research organizations for the study of blood, its de- rivatives and plasma extenders. Important advances have also been made in biophysics, epidemiology, radiobiology, and physiology. Major strength has been displayed in Soviet research on the physiology and functioning of the central nervous system. In certain sub- fields of Soviet microbiological research, such as those related to genetics and biochemistry, the quality of work is low, though improving. 28. The major problems investigated by So- viet clinical scientists will probably continue to be those of heart disease, cancer and in- fectious diseases, and those related to indus- trial hygiene. In the more fundamental areas of the medico-biological sciences the emphasis probably will be on using developments in the physical sciences for further research on the basic nature of living matter, disease, and radiation damage. In the aggregate, we be- lieve that the USSR is now somewhat behind the West in clinical research but will advance at about the same pace as the West. Agricultural Sciences 29. For several decades preceding 1953, agri- cultural science was accorded a very low pri- ority in the Soviet Union, and progress was much slower in agriculture than in any other major segment of the economy. Research in agricultural science was further restricted during the last decade of this period by Ly- senko's influence. Currently, however, Soviet agriculture enjoys a considerably higher pri- ority. Present efforts to send agricultural specialists to the US, recent widespread appli- cations of US research findings, published statements by Deputy Premier Matskevich on the superiority of US agricultural research and technology and direct observations made in the USSR by US agriculturists � all indi- cate that the USSR is attempting to make improvements from a relatively low base of agricultural research and technology. 30. The Sixth Five-Year Plan calls for a doub- ling of grain output, with 80 percent of the increase to be achieved by increasing per acre yield through utilizing the results of research and technology. Evidence indicates that ma- jor emphasis will be placed on improving ferti- lizer technology, on development and utiliza- tion of herbicides, new insecticides and fungi- cides, on developing disease-resistant and high-yielding varieties of crop plants, on im- provement of vaccines and antibiotics for ani- mal diseases, on food technology, especially preservation and storage methods, and on methods for improving livestock quality. In addition, the USSR will almost certainly con- tinue to strive for a technological break- through in photosynthesis research in the hope of developing techniques for synthesizing food. In summary, Soviet progress in agri- cultural research and technology over the next five years may result in substantial means for improvement of the Soviet food supply. CECI1ET Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 20 APPENDIX B SOVIET CAPABILITIES IN SOME IMPORTANT FIELDS OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY 1. Soviet industry has demonstrated a capa- bility for adapting and introducing modern techniques into the rapidly expanding indus- trial base of the USSR. To a considerable extent, however, Soviet progress has been made possible by duplication or adaptation of the machines and methods already in use in the West. Soviet industry is characterized by contrasts in technology, since new tech- niques are not generally extended to existing facilities as quickly as in the more competi- tive industries of leading Western nations. Thus while the best Soviet heavy industrial technology is in some cases as good as the best in the Western world, the average is somewhat below average practice in the US. Partly as a result of this, over-all industrial productivity in the USSR is only about one- third that of the US. This weakness, however, is related to a number of factors in addition to the scientific and technological capabilities of the USSR. We estimate that for the im- mediate future, the over-all level of technology in Soviet industry will remain below that of the US, although in its most modern plants technology will be on a par with that in the US. Petroleum Technology 2. Soviet technical literature and statements by senior officials of the Ministry of Petroleum Industry, USSR, indicate that modern geo- physical methods for locating and evaluating petroleum deposits have been in use for sev- eral years. In addition to gravitational, mag- netic, and seismic methods already in use, a radioactive method (probably utilizing the scintillometer) was introduced in 1954. It appears that the theoretical development of geophysical methods of petroleum exploration in the USSR is approximately on the same level with that of the West. Although the Soviets are among the leaders in the field of geochemical exploration for oil, they appear to be several years behind the West in the efficient use and the relative extent of appli- cation of other modern techniques. 3. The Soviets seem fully cognizant of the latest advances in the techniques of petroleum production throughout the world. Soviet boasts of technological success, however, are at times nothing more than references to pro- duction techniques which have been applied for years in the US. Two examples of the above are hydraulic fracturing of the geo- logical strata to increase the flow of petroleum toward the well, and contour flooding as a secondary recovery system to increase produc- tion from fields where strata pressures are low. The Soviets are currently claiming world leadership in developing new drilling tech- niques. While it is true that certain tech- niques are far more widely applied in the USSR than in other areas, this use seems to reflect peculiarities distinctive to the geology of the USSR rather than any great techno- logical advance. Steel Technology 4. Soviet steel making technology is generally on a par with that of leading Western nations, including the US. Results obtained by the application of technological advances to the various metallurgical processes have had a significant impact on product quality and on productivity in the Soviet steel industry. While most new steel plant technology is well known to all advanced industrial nations, the USSR, now engaged in building up its steel capacity in an effort to compete with the US in quantity production, is incorporating new CLICRET Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 CECIZET 21 techniques on an ambitious scale in its newly constructed plants. 5. The Magnitogorsk and Kuznetsk plants and several others are the equal of the best in the US in terms of output of iron and steel per unit of productive capacity. Investment for technological improvements at these plants, above all in the furnace facilities, has been unstinted in a conscious effort to outstrip the best plants in the world and to serve as models for other Soviet steel works. Output per work- er at Magnitogorsk is twice the average for the Soviet steel industry. 6. The application of new technology to dif- ferent segments of Soviet ferrous metallurgy has varied markedly. The Soviet effort has been directed primarily to blast and open hearth furnace processes, and on high tem- perature alloy steels, widely used in military end-item production. In comparison, rolling mill and finishing line technology has lagged. The failure to broaden the range of finishing equipment has resulted in less variety of fin- ished products to serve specific applications than in the US. Automation and Mechanization ' 7. In systematic knowledge about automation the USSR has at least kept pace with the West. A survey of the Soviet industrial appli- cations of automation to date shows that the USSR has placed priority on selected indus- trial applications. The literature indicates that the Soviets are not satisfied with prog- ress to date. It is apparent that a majority of existing automatic lines were set up by tying together existing machines by transfer mechanisms of various types. Thus many Soviet claims of achievements in automation involve only the elimination of hand labor For the purpose of this section, automation is defined as the automatic direction, regulation, and control of industrial operations or processes by physical or chemical means. This involves not only mechanization of materials handling, but also automatic programming and regulation of a set of operations and the automatic detec- tion, analysis, and correction of errors, so that acceptable end-items are produced in quantity with reduced human observation and interven- tion. by mechanization of materials handling and use of individual semi-automatic or auto- matic machines. In the production of com- ponents for motor vehicles, including trucks, automation and mechanization have proceed- ed extensively in both countries, with the USSR lagging behind the US in the extent of application for the most part. 8. During the recently completed Fifth Five- Year Plan, antifriction bearing output in the USSR increased greatly, partially through the establishment of semi-automatic lines. The first fully automatic line for roller bearings with new specially designed tools and com- plete transfer equipment between machines went into operation late in 1955. This line is set up to take forged parts of a six-inch diameter conical roller bearing and to perform automatically all the operations of machin- ing, grinding, heat treating, testing, assem- bling, lubricating, and packaging. 9. During the period of the Sixth Five-Year Plan (1956-1960) additional semi-automatic lines are to be established using existing ma- chinery. Plans for construction of fully auto- matic lines are not known. The indications are, however, that the USSR is counting on automation and mechanization to increase the productivity of labor. Soviet ability to en- force standardization and to control design changes is inherently favorable to the exten- sion of automatic production methods. Military Product Development Lead Time 10. In at least some areas of military produc- tion, the USSR has translated developmental results into initial series production in times shorter than those achieved by the US. For example, Soviet lead time, in this phase, on the BISON jet heavy bomber appears to have been substantially shorter than that for the US B-52. This appears to have been true in other cases of aircraft development as well. 11. Where the USSR has succeeded in com- pressing lead time, its success appears to have been due more to design choice, planning de- cisions, and a willingness to assume risks than to any inherent scientific and technological Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 22 superiority. In general, components of even the latest Soviet air weapons systems are of less sophisticated design than similar US equipment. It appears that the USSR makes it a practice to use existing tested components to a maximum extent in developing a major air weapon system, in order to reduce the complexity of the over-all development pro- gram. 12. Soviet aircraft and other weapons sys- tems reveal a wide range in the quality of the various parts and components. Those por- tions of the system that are critical to its per- formance are usually equal in quality to West- ern counterparts. Less critical portions may be designed and constructed in a manner that results in lower levels of quality than those required in the US. We believe that the Soviet philosophy is to obtain weapons "good enough" rather than "best in all respects." The result of this philosophy is the acceptance of small reductions in performance if those reductions effect significant savings in time and effort. 13. Soviet success in reducing lead time in air weapons systems has also been due to an ability to follow through without delay on high priority projects, and to a willingness to take shortcuts and risks such as those attend- ant upon starting series production before all features of the prototype have been complete- ly tested and evaluated. In many cases, series production has been achieved more rapidly by holding design changes to a minimum, by using as few different materials as possible, by limiting the design of parts and compo- nents to the minimum loads and functional requirements, and by designing to maximize the use of semi-skilled labor and to eliminate bottlenecks in capital equipment and scarce skills. This procedure with its attendant risks, while generally rewarding to the So- viets, has not always met with complete suc- cess. In the case of the BISON, recent evi- dence indicates that, probably at least in part because of production difficulties, there has been substantial delay in achieving high- volume output after the initiation of series production. Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 23 APPENDIX C SOVIET SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES RELATED TO WEAPONS DEVELOPMENT " Nuclear Energy 1. Details of the Soviet nuclear energy pro- gram are discussed in NIE 11-2-56, published 8 June 1956. 1 In brief, the USSR has shown the ability to produce fissionable materials in quantity for the military and research phases of the nuclear energy program and to develop a variety of air-deliverable nuclear weapons with yields from a few kilotons to the megaton range. It has also demonstrated a generally well-developed capability for nuclear reactor design and operation. The announced Soviet nuclear electric power program for 2,000-2,500 megawatts of electric power by 1960 is of con- siderable magnitude but could be attained with a very high priority effort. Successful development of reactors for aircraft propul- sion applications probably will not be realized for some time. It is also improbable that the USSR will produce economical power from thermonuclear processes for many years. Guided Missiles 2. Detailed information on Soviet guided missile capabilities will be presented in NIE 11-5-56, now scheduled to be published in No- vember 1956. To summarize briefly, we be- lieve that the USSR is engaged in an exten- sive guided missile program and that it now has missile systems in all categories (air-to- air, air-to-surface, surface-to-surface, surface- to-air) in at least limited operational status. Guided missile testing facilities are believed to be well-equipped, modern, and operated by well-qualified personnel. The USSR is believed to be well advanced in the development of mis- sile guidance and control and of propulsion systems. We believe it possesses, or is rapidly acquiring, the necessary data for attacking The Top Secret version of this estimate is NIE 11-2a-56, published 5 September 1956. the aerodynamic, structural, and guidance problems of intermediate-range and intercon- tinental ballistic missiles. We also estimate that the USSR possesses the basic scientific capabilities, technical skills, and other re- sources required to develop, build, and launch an unmanned earth satellite vehicle. Aircraft and Related Weapons Systems 3. Soviet literature indicates that in its the- oretical aspects aeronautical research in the USSR is generally equal to that in the US. The new and varied aircraft types observed in the USSR in recent years give evidence of sound practices in applying these aeronau- tical research capabilities, and indicate that the USSR has probably achieved better match- ing of airframes and engines than the US has. On the basis of Soviet research papers, the characteristics of current aircraft, and recent observations at the Zhukovskiy Air Engineer- ing Academy, we believe the Soviet air weap- ons development effort is not restricted by lack of research facilities or high-quality equip- ment. 4. The USSR has an excellent capability in theoretical aerodynamics over the entire speed range. For example, its boundary- layer specialists are second to none. We have seen evidence of a high capability in the the- oretical aspects of transonic and supersonic aerodynamics. We have not yet seen evidence that this capability has been applied as well as in the US, but recent observations indicate that rapid progress is being made in the devel- opment of advanced aircraft. Some Soviet aircraft, particularly fighter and light bomber types, show evidence of advanced transonic or supersonic concepts, although there are in- dications that some of the present operational and prototype aircraft are unstable at high speeds. We believe that the USSR will nar- Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 SECRET 24 row the gap and may equal the West in apply- ing theoretical aerodynamic knowledge dur- ing the next five years. 5. Two significant features of Soviet aircraft propulsion work to date have been the devel- opment of the 19,000-lb-thrust axial flow turbojet engine powering the BISON and BADGER bombers and the 12,000-equivalent- shaft-horsepower turboprop engine powering the BEAR. Improvements in both these en- gines are probable in the next several years, and in addition, we estimate that Soviet en- gine technology has progressed to the point where a 22,500-lb-thrust turbofan engine could appear in 1958. A major factor in So- viet turbojet engine development has been simplicity, dictated by the desire to obtain the necessary engines in the shortest possible time. We believe future turbojet develop- ment efforts will probably emphasize basic technical improvements in axial flow engines. The existing Soviet design for axial flow en- gines permits great flexibility in this effort, particularly with respect to high-thrust en- gines with a weight-thrust ratio of less than .25, necessary for the design of aircraft for extended supersonic flight. 6. Some experimental work on high-energy aircraft fuels, reportedly including metallic slurries, has taken place in the USSR during the past five years. Although little is known of this Soviet activity, we estimate that the USSR has the capability to develop within a few years an aircraft fuel system using either a combination of petroleum and high-energy fuels or high-energy fuel exclusively. Ground Force Weapons 7. The Soviet research and development pro- gram in ground force weapons has yielded many new and improved designs which have appeared in weapons and other items of equip- ment in the last few years. The primary So- viet objective in the development of new ground force weapons is to increase firepower and mobility for ground troops. In this con- text, we estimate that over the next few years the USSR will be able to develop new weap- ons to fill the few existing gaps in ground force weapons systems, such as certain self- propelled artillery types and antiaircraft weapons for defense against low altitude at- tacks. In vehicle design, we believe it prob- able that Soviet experimentation with gas turbines for automobiles has been or soon will be extended to military vehicles. Soviet ex- periments with light-weight, high-strength metals and alloys suggest that these materials will be used to decrease the weight of military equipment. Further development of known Soviet capabilities in both solid and liquid rocket propellant could lead to high-perform- ance field and antiaircraft rockets. Signifi- cant advances may be made in ammunition design. Naval Research and Development 8. For about the last 50 years, Soviet the- oretical research in hydrodynamics has been equal to, and in some respects superior to, Western research. Only recently, however, have there been enough model basins and other research facilities for an adequate ex- perimental hydrodynamics research program to supplement theoretical research. Conse- quently, the failure of naval architects in some cases to incorporate refinements of de- sign reflects the lack of an adequate experi- mental research program. 9. In the structural design of ships, Soviet theoretical work has been superior to Western work. Advances in the structural field have now become dependent on empirical research, however, and a lack of intelligence on Soviet structural test facilities and programs pre- vents us from determining the present status of the USSR relative to the West. 10. Published research in the field of marine diesel engineering has been voluminous, but known Soviet naval diesel engines are copies or derivations of Western designs. There are indications, however, that the engines in the largest of the postwar Soviet submarines are modern high-speed types, possibly of native design. A sizable amount of research has been published on naval gas turbines and a 2,000-HP plant has apparently been designed, but no shipboard gas turbine installations have been detected to date. Although Soviet CECRET Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 25 4." scientists continued German World War II developments in closed cycle hydrogen-perox- ide submarine propulsion plants, and also did extensive work on a recycle diesel, we believe that progress in nuclear propulsion has prob- ably been sufficient to permit the dropping of these two projects. 11. Soviet design of conventional propellers has been generally similar to US and Western practice. An original and probably signifi- cant advance was made in the 1940's, how- ever, when a Soviet academician announced his theory of "supercavitating" propellers. Although we have no information permitting an assessment of Soviet progress in super- cavitating propeller development, we believe that research on such propellers is continuing. 12. Naval Ordnance. The results of a strenu- ous postwar research and development pro- gram in naval gunnery have become evident in warships built or modernized since 1953. Gyroscopically stabilized fire control directors and gun mounts have received special em- phasis with apparently successful results. A Soviet capability to provide servo-mechanisms, computers, and associated electronic equip- ment for modern automatically loaded guns with automatic tracking against air and sur- face targets is evident. While refinements to these systems will continue, naval guided missiles for AA defense also may be developed for use in large vessels and new naval con- struction. 13. The Soviets have the scientific knowledge which would enable them to develop sophisti- cated acoustic, magnetic, and pressure devices for use in underwater ordnance. A magnetic mine recovered in Korea (1950) was judged to be very good and reflected a knowledge of advanced World War II concepts. In the field of torpedoes, the Soviets have apparently de- veloped a high-speed long-range weapon using a hydrogen-peroxide propulsion system; such a torpedo could be fitted for pattern- running. Since 1950 there has been evidence of a program for developing an acoustic hom- ing head for an electrically driven torpedo and it is estimated that such a weapon is now available for operational use. 14. Soviet capabilities in the theoretical as- pects of acoustics related to hydro-acoustic detection are believed to be excellent. Re- search and development in this field are strongly supported by the Acoustics Institute of the Academy of Sciences. Unclassified arti- cles in Soviet journals reveal understanding of the acoustic principles underlying LOFAR and SOFAR, and the recent awarding of an Academy of Sciences prize for research on low- frequency hydro-acoustic emanations of ships indicates that the USSR attaches importance to this field. Available evidence does not per- mit an estimate of the degree of Soviet suc- cess in applying these principles. Electronics and Communications 15. During the last five years, the USSR has made great progress in electronics research and development. In the initial years after World War II, Soviet electronics was heavily dependent on copying from the West. How- ever, some recently developed electronic equip- ment appears to be primarily the result of native research and development, indicating that the Soviets have achieved considerable independence in this field. They have devel- oped and put into production many types of radar and other electronics equipment com- parable to the latest Western designs in oper- ational use. Significant advances are believed to have been made in such militarily impor- tant fields as electronic countermeasures, mis- sile guidance and control, high-speed digital computers, and airborne intercept radar equipment. Although the development of proximity fuzes is within Soviet capabilities, we have no evidence that it has taken place. 16. Radar. Some 40 types of Soviet radars have been reported during the past five years, including advanced types for air, ground, and naval use. Many older ground radar sets are still in use, but are rapidly being supplemented by more advanced types which should over- come some of the previous deficiencies, for ex- ample in height-finding. There is consider- able evidence of advanced native Soviet re- search and development in naval radar, par- ticularly for surf ace and air search and fire control applications. For example, the SEA Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 26 ' NET air search radar appears to be an ad- vanced design based upon native effort. The airborne intercept radar set in the FRESCO "D" fighter, although of comparatively short range, has complex search and track charac- teristics not similar to those of any other known radar, and the FLASHLIGHT is equipped with an airborne intercept radar which is probably different and considerably larger than that of the FRESCO "D". We be- lieve that Soviet research and development capabilities in the field of radar will be gen- erally comparable with those of the West over the next few years. 17. Communications. Soviet electronics re- search and development establishments are capable of providing communications equip- ment equal in quality to that of the West. Although to date Soviet communications equipment designs have been conventional, with little indication of miniaturization, re- cent Soviet advances in semiconductor re- search and in the development of transistors should permit the de-sign of lighter, more com- pact communications equipment. Improved Soviet competence in television research and development will probably result in a greatly increased industrial and military use of tele- vision. 18. Navigation. In the development of air navigation equipment, the USSR has relied rather heavily on conventional and depend- able instruments, the principles of which have been proven through wide use by Western nations. Improved airborne navigational aids, including automatic astronavigation and vis- ual omnirange systems, will probably come into more extensive use during the next sev- eral years. Future Soviet techniques for long and short range air navigation are expected to be adaptations of well-established basic theory for the most part. 19. Electronic Countermeasures (ECM). The USSR has devoted substantial efforts to the development of electronic countermeasures equipment since the end of World War II, and we believe that ECM activities will almost cer- tainly continue to receive priority considera- tion. The USSR is currently employing groundbased, shipborne, and airborne signal detection equipment, probably extending from the very low to the microwave frequencies. We believe that Soviet researchers have in- vestigated the potential of antiradar coating and are continuing to extend their efforts in this direction, but we believe that these ef- forts will be only partially successful. Al- though evidence is scarce, we believe that the USSR is devoting considerable effort to the development of active jamming equipment in many forms for the entire usable radio spec- trum. Intelligence reports reveal that Soviet scientists are aware of the recent develop- ment of the carcinotron, which has great po- tentialities in the development of highly effec- tive jamming equipment, and that they have directed that development work be done on it in East Germany. Although CHAFF tech- niques have been known since World War II, the USSR has only within the past year or so become actively engaged in developing tech- niques for its production, dispensing, and tac- tical employment. 20. Infrared. Although intelligence informa- tion on Soviet work in infrared is scanty, we believe the USSR's military infrared program includes the development of equipment for air-to-air detection systems, guidance, hom- ing, and fuzing systems for missiles, and near- infrared night vision equipment for ground forces. Infrared communication equipment is probably in use by Soviet ground and naval forces at the present time. We believe the USSR will remain approximately on a par with the US in infrared research and over the next several years could surpass us in opera- tional employment of certain applications of infrared such as terminal guidance for ground-to-air missiles, if the necessary effort were allocated to them. Chemical and Biological Warfare 21. Chemical Warfare (CW). The USSR has a well-established CW research and develop- ment program which we believe to be capably staffed. The program probably emphasizes the development of more effective nerve gases. Soviet scientists have also conducted research on phosgene oxime, tabun, fluorine-containing organophosphorus compounds of the sarin Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 27 type, and sulfur-containing organophosphorus compounds of the "V" agent type. They are probably conducting research on psychochem- ical agents. Research to increase the effec- tiveness of older known gases is also probably being conducted to a limited extent. 22. We have evidence of Soviet research in aerosols (applicable to dissemination of toxic agents and smokes under field conditions) , the acetylcholine-cholinesterase enzyme sys- tem (essential to an understanding of the bio- chemical and physiological action of nerve gases and the development of antidotes for them) , surface chemistry (applicable to the removal of toxic agents from the atmosphere) , detection and identification of industrial toxic vapors (applicable to detection devices for CW agents) , aluminum soaps (usable as thicken- ers in fuels for flame weapons) , and therapy for industrial poisoning. The accumulated results of this research will probably add sig- nificantly to Soviet CW capabilities. 23. Biological Warfare (BW) .2 Accumulated evidence shows that the USSR almost certain- ly has an active BW research and development program which encompasses antipersonnel, antilivestock, and possibly anticrop agents. Relatively little is known, however, about the nature and magnitude of this program, par- ticularly its offensive aspects. The causative organisms of at least four human diseases (anthrax, tularemia, plague, brucellosis) and of two animal diseases (foot and mouth dis- ease, rinderpest) are believed to be under con- sideration as BW agents. The USSR has con- ducted research and development in fields which have direct application to BW, includ- ing aerosol production, decontamination, micrometeorology, air sampling for organic materials, and storage of micro-organisms. In these fields, Soviet scientists are considered to be competent and their research is of much potential value to the defensive and offensive 'Soviet BW capabilities have been treated in de- tail in the Scientific Estimates Committee esti- mate SEC 3-56, dated 17 September 1956. aspects of BW. The USSR also possesses the facilities, scientific personnel, materials, and experience in related fields which could be used for the mass production of BW agents. Future Soviet BW research and development probably will be on suitable agents and meth- od of dissemination. 24. Soviet developments in the field of immu- nology, such as the vaccines of brucellosis, tularemia, and anthrax, are of potential sig- nificance to the BW defensive capabilities of the USSR. The USSR probably will continue the emphasis given to medical research and other fields which will improve Soviet BW defensive capabilities. Weapons Systems Development 25. In addition to its capabilities for develop- ing individual weapons and items of equip- ment, the USSR has shown the capacity to develop complete weapons systems, by timing and integrating individual developments in vast and complex programs using resources and scientific and technical skills from many contributory fields. A good example is the postwar development of a modern air defense system, which now includes a series of jet in- terceptors equipped with airborne-intercept radar, modern early-warning and ground con- trol equipment, communications and data- processing equipment, radar-directed antiair- craft artillery, and surface-to-air guided mis- siles. Similarly, Soviet development of a long- range nuclear-air offensive weapons system includes not only the long-range bombers themselves, but also air-deliverable nuclear weapons and facilities for refueling the deliv- ery aircraft in flight. In general, we estimate that Soviet weapons systems development ca- pabilities are well advanced and compare fa- vorably with those of the West. Despite the increasing complexities of modern warfare, we estimate that the USSR will be capable of con- tinuing the successful development of weap- ons systems necessary for up-to-date air, ground, and naval forces. 3ECIZET Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 CECRET 28 APPENDIX D SCIENTIFIC MANPOWER ESTIMATES 4 1. This appendix presents data in graphic form comparing Soviet and US scientific and technical manpower as to numbers of living graduates from higher educational institu- tions (Figure 1) , field of employment (Figure 2) , annual rates of graduation, by field (Fig- ure 3) , annual rates and distribution of higher degrees (Figures 4 and 5) , numbers employed in research and teaching, by field and place of employment (Figures 6 and 7) , projected annual rates of graduation (Figure 8) , and trends (for the USSR only) in the number of living scientific and technical graduates (Fig- ure 9) . In the interpretation of the graphical data the following points should be borne in mind. 2. Personnel statistics are not by themselves accurate measures of national scientific and technological strength. There are a number of factors, some of which are discussed in the body of this estimate, which must also be noted. Among these are the number of non- professionally trained individuals working in professional positions, the general utilization of scientific and technical manpower, includ- ing the availability of technicians to support the professional scientists and engineers, the stage of development of the economy and general technological level of the country. These are factors which are not amenable to numerical treatment but which nevertheless have a great bearing on the comparative sci- entific and, technological strength of nations. 3. The data used in the calculations for the USSR are drawn from open Soviet literature � statistical year books published up to 1940, and postwar journals and newspapers. The following considerations support the reliability of the Soviet data: a. Data from the prewar statistical compila- tions have proved consistent in other respects with subsequently ascertained facts. b. The manpower figures in the 1941 Soviet plan, which was classified by the USSR but seized by the Germans and later published, agreed well with the information which had previously appeared in open Soviet publica- tions. c. Data since the war, while generally scarce, are consistent with prewar trends. While an analysis of the Soviet Statistical Handbook published in 1956 has not been com- pleted, a preliminary examination reveals no significant discrepancies with the data used in the calculations. 4. The Commission of Human Resources and Advanced Training of the National Research Council and the Department of Health, Edu- cation and Welfare supplied most of the mate- rial upon which the US figures are based. Some adaptations and extensions of US and Soviet materials have been made in order to reduce them to comparable categories. 5. The data for both the USSR and the US are, in some places, estimated or incomplete. Dur- ing the postwar period up to 1956, data for the USSR have become increasingly scarce, while for the US the reverse is true. In breaking down raw data into more useful form and in supplying data to fill gaps in certain catego- ries or for certain years, statistical methods have been used. The numerical data on sci- entific and technical personnel are believed to be correct within plus or minus 10 percent. 6. While every effort has been made to arrive at comparable categories of scientific person- nel in the US and USSR, there are inevitably differences in the definitions of corresponding Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 29 groups in the two countries which make exact comparison difficult. For the purposes of the breakdown among scientific fields illustrated in Figures 2, 3, 4, and 7 the sciences have been categorized as follows: a. Physical sciences and engineering Physics Chemistry Mathematics Metallurgy Astronomy Meteorology Geology and geography Engineering (mechanical, chemical, civil, electrical, etc.) Other fields based on physics, chem- istry, or the earth sciences (e.g., seismology) b. Agricultural Sciences Agriculture (agronomy, animal hus- bandry, forestry, entomology, etc.) Other biological sciences related to ag- riculture (e. g., plant genetics) c. Health sciences Medicine and medical sciences Dentistry and dental sciences Other fields supporting health and sanitation (excluding nursing un- less based on 4-year curricula) Other biological sciences relating to health (e. g., epidemiology) Persons in residual fields of biology not clearly associated with agricultural or health sciences (e. g., microbiology) have been di- vided equally between these two categories. Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Figure 1 �C-014FH,ENT-Filt� RELATIVE SIZES OF MAJOR GROUPS OF SCIENTIFIC MANPOWER AS OF MID-1956 ' lbf� MILLIONS OF PER SONS 3,125,000 living graduates of higher educational institutions in all fields 1,690,000 living scientific and technical graduates 1,360,000 graduates employed in scientific and technical positions 190,000 scientists in research and teaching ... � .0"..*_� � �_� � # � 25628 9-56 USSR CONFIDENTIAL US 6,40Q000 living college and university graduates in all fields 1,970,000 living scientific and technical graduates 1,240,000 graduates employed in scientific and technical positions 280,000 scientists in research and teaching Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 s� Figure 2 CONFIDENTIAL NUMBER OF GRADUATES ACCORDING TO FIELD OF EMPLOYMENT AS OF MID-1956 25629 9-56 44. 765,000 - in physical sciences and engineering 56% Total� 1,360,000 USSR CONFIDENTIAL 590,000 in physical sciences and engineering Total � 1,240,000 US Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 -CONFIDENTIAL - Figure 3 NUMBER GRADUATING PER YEAR FROM HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ACCORDING TO FIELD 1930-56 u). *14 90 80 70 60 C:11 z 50 0 z 40 30 20 10 i I I I �I i - PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING USSR # / / / \ \ � US - / / / / \ \ % � \ \--4' / _ .... ,....... ....."" � ,.. ....,... .� I, I / // ... ... . i I I I Noe I 1 _ 1030 50 40 10 '32 '34 '36 38 1940 42 44 46 48 1950 52 54 195 . I I I � AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES _ . _ USSR / � I ...... ��.0...... / ......'"'"'"'"....' 0.,........, II/ I I I I 1 i 1930 50 40 z 30 0 z 20 10 '32 '34 '36 '38 1940 '42 '44 '46 '48 1950 52 105 1 1 1 1 1 i HEALTH _ SCIENCES "....... "....... , 7 USSR � US NM 111.111 ����� "ft� MOM MM. ...." 01..... /930 25630 9-56 '32 '36 '38 1940 '42 '44 46 CONFIDENTIAL 48 /950 52 54 /956 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 CONFIDENTIAL Figure 4 NUMBER OF PERSONS HOLDING HIGHER DEGREES AND DISTRIBUTION WITHIN SCIENTIFIC FIELDS AS OF MID-1956 ALL FIELDS PhD's and DSc's Kandidats PhD's and DSc's Kandidats z.z, /Jai r I I I SCIENTIFIC FIELDS US 57,000 USSR 79,000 USSR 92,000 0 10 20 30 140 so 60 70 THOUSANDS 41,000 in physical sciences 52% USSR Kandidats Total-79,000 80 90 100 110 US PhD's and DSc's Total-57,000 These charts do not take into account the fact that in some biological sciences, which moke up o port of the agriculture and health sciences, the Kandidat degree is more nearly equivalent to the US master's degree than to the Ph. D. or D. Sc. Figures for US holders of master's degrees are not included. /20 25631 9-56 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 2 3 THOUSANDS 9 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 -CONFIDENTIAL - Figure 5 HIGHER DEGREES IN SCIENCE AWARDED ANNUALLY 1933-56 _ I I I i 1 � Soviet Kandidats _ � � U.S. PhD's and USc's 0% _ / / / / '... % � ����" 00' i � � N . ...0 / / � do .0. � ...... .... 1 1932 25632 9-56 '34 '36 '38 1940 '42 '46 CONFIDENTIAL '48 l950 '52 54 1956 'Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 CONFIDENTIAL Figure 6 NUMBER OF SCIENTISTS IN RESEARCH AND TEACHING 1930-56 THOUSANDS 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 /00 80 6o 40 2 _ I I 1 / , / / / - / / / / / - ----US USSR _ / / / / / / - _ � / / � I / / - _ / / / / / / _ _ ..I .0.� ..... '''... - I I I I I I �- 1930 '32 25633 9-56 '34 '36 '38 /940 '42 '44 '46 '48 1950 '52 1956 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 CONFIDENTIAL Figure 7 DISTRIBUTION OF SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS ENGAGED IN RESEARCH AND TEACHING AS OF MID-1956 By Place of Employment 50% in higher educational institutions 25634 9.56 (industry, agriculture, health, etc. 60,000 in health sciences 32% 40,000 in agricultural sciences 21% in higher educational institutions 60% in industry, agriculture, health, etc. By Field of Employment 90,000 in physical sciences and engineering 47% Total- 190,000 USSR 30,000 in agricultural sciences 11 225,000 in physical sciences and engineering 80% Total- 280,000 US CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 -CONFIDENTIAL Figure 8 THOUSANDS 260 240 220 200 180 i6o /40 /20 100 80 60 40 20 NUMBER OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL GRADUATIONS PER YEAR 1938-61 I i I I I 1 � � USSR US � IS 0 � � �, .-- . 1% A ### � I. � � I� -, � ' �� � _ . F' / / / / % % % �� �..* � � � ....... � ro�� of / i i i I r Pro ections*��- � ,� I I I 1 I � I /938 1940 '42 25535 9-56 '44 46 '48 /950 '52 '54 '56 *Projections are hosed on current enrollments adjusted for attrition on the basis of past experience. -CONFIDENTIAL '58 1960 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Figure 9 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 (f) 2.2 2.0 1.8 /.6 1.4 1.2 I.0 .8 .6 4 .2 0 TREND IN THE NUMBER OF LIVING SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL GRADUATES IN THE USSR I I I I I I � � _ � _ � � I�d � I - � I � � _ � , �� I if I I � � � 1-*-- Pro'ection*--*- 1- - I I I I I --. I /938 1940 '44 46 '48 /950 '52 '54 '56 '58 /96o Projection is based on current enrollments adjusted for attrition on the basis of past experience, 25636 9-56 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925 -SECRET-- Approved for Release: 2019/04/11 C06038925