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Approved for Release: 2013/06/24 C06000160 (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(7)(c) (b)(7)(d) SE APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: 06-24-2013 Approved for Release: 2013/06/24 C06000160 Approved for Release: 2013/06/24 C06000160 EC�T APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: 06-24-2013 Approved for Release: 2013/06/24 C06000160 . _ Approved for Release: 2013/06/24 C06000160 APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: 06-24-2013 Approved for Release: 2013/06/24 C06000160 Approved for Release: 2013/06/24 C06000160, van s.....1�u-16.71.-7 .1. - - OFFICE:. OF INSPECTOR GENERA4, Revi�of an OIG Interview Report , u hp.,Ve,been requested to review an official Office of Inspector General (OIG) Interview Repokt. The accuracy and completeness of OIG reports is of paramount importance to this Office. ...In.order to assist, in this gOal, please review the attached OIG Interview Report that relates to information you previously provided to this Office.. You have also been provided the accompanying OIG form, INV-4. If you determine that the information in the report is accurately reported and is complete, please acknowledge that on the INV-4 form, by writing, "Accurate" on the form. In the event that you determine that there is information of consequence contained in this report that you believe was inaccurately or incompletely reported, you are asked to: * Provide what you recall to be the acourate and complete information. * Cite the paragraph number of the report where the information is contained. * Identify the words, or sentence that is incomplete or inaccurate. Following that please provide the words or sentence that would correct the perceived inaccuracy or. incompleteness. * Please do not write on the Interview Report. * Please sign and date this form below to acknowledge your understanding of this process. Thank you for assisting in this important matter. Attachment: UNCLASSIFIED/�.Wr Date APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: 06-24-2013 INV-4A (12/08) Approved for Release: 2013/06/24 C06000160 Approved for Release: 2013/06/24 C06000160 APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: 06-24-2013 Approved for Release: 2013/06/24 C06000160 S Approved for Release: 2013/06/24 C06000160 OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Review of-an OIG Interview Report You have been requested to review an official Office o Inspector General ,(OIG) Interview Report. _ The accuracy and completeness of OIG reports is of paramount importance to this Office. In order to assist in this goal, please review the attached OIG Interview Report that relates to information you previously provided to this Office. You have also been provided the accompanying OIG form, INV-4. If you determine that the information in the report is accurately reported and is complete, please acknowledge that on the INV-4 form, by writing, "Accurate" on the form. In the event that you determine that there is information of consequence contained in this report that you believe was inaccurately or incompletely reported, you are asked to: * 'Provide what you recall to be the accurate and complete information. * Cite the paragraph number of the report where the information is contained. * Identify the words, or sentence that is incomplete or inaccurate. Following that please provide the words or sentence that would correct the perceived inaccuracy or incompleteness. * Please do not write on the Interview Report. Please sign and date this form below to acknowledge your understanding of this process. Thank you for assisting in this important matter. Attachment: UNCLASSIFIED// 'Date APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: 06-24-2013 INV-4A (12/08) Approved for Release: 2013/06/24 C06000160 Approved for Release: 2013/06/24 C06600160 OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Review of an OIG Interview Report Youj:layebeen requested;. to review an official Office: of Inspector General (OIG) Interview Report The accuracy and Completeness of OIG reports is of paramount' importance to this Office ...In order to assist in this goal, please review the attached- OIG Interview Report that relates to information you previously provided to this Office. You have also been provided the accompanying OIG form, INV-4. If you determine that the information in the report is accurately reported and is complete, please acknowledge that on the INV-4 form, by writing, "Accurate" on the form. In the event that you determine that there is information of consequence contained in this report that you believe was inaccurately or incompletely reported, you are asked to: * Provide what you recall to be the accurate and complete information. * Cite the paragraph number of the report where the information is contained. * Identify the words, or sentence that is incomplete or inaccurate. Following that please provide the words or sentence that would correct the perceived inaccuracy or incompleteness. Please do not write on the Interview Report. � Please sign and date this form below to acknowledge your understanding of this process. Thank you for assisting in this important matter. Attachment: UNCLASSIFIED// Date APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: 06-24-2013 INV-4A (12/08) Approved for Release: 2013/06/24 C06000160 Approved for Release: 2013/06/24 C06000160- OFFICE OF INSPECTORGENERAL_ Review of an�ao-Int,exvi.eyff:Report You.have::been. reqiiested-to-review an official Office Inspector General ,(OIG) Interview Report The accuracy and completeness of OIG reports is of paramount importance:to.this Office In order to assist in this gcel, please review the attached OIG Interview Report that relates to information you previously provided to this Office. You have also been provided the accompanying OIG form, INV-4. If you determine that the information in the report is accurately reported and is complete, please acknowledge that on the INV-4 form, by writing "Accurate" on the form. In the event that you determine that there is information of consequence contained in this report that you believe was inaccurately or incompletely reported, you are asked to: * Provide what you recall to be the accurate and complete information. * Cite the paragraph number of the report where the information is contained. * Identify the words, or sentence that is incomplete or inaccurate. Following that please provide the words or sentence that would correct the perceived inaccuracy or incompleteness. * Please do not write on the Interview Report. * Please sign and date this form below to 1rrrIrrvivr linrig,rqtanding of this process. s important matter. is mg Date Attachment: UNCLASSIFIED! !AO APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: 06-24-2013 INV-4A (12/08) Approved for Release: 2013/06/24 C06000160