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September 8, 1973
PDF icon THE PRESIDENTS DAILY BRIE[16319304].pdf223.33 KB
Approved for Release: 2023/08/29 C05993926 The President's Daily Brief 8 September 1973 45 Approved for Release: 2023/08/29 C05993926 a Approved for Release: 2023/08/29 C05993926 (74: a Exempt from general declauilication uhedule of E.O. 11652 exemption category 5B(1),(2),(3) declassified only on approval of the Director of Central Intelligence Approved for Release: 2023/08/29 C05993926 Approved for Release: 2023/08/29 C05993926 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY THE PRESIDENT'S DAILY BRIEF 8 September 1973 PRINCIPAL DEVELOPMENTS Cambodia, (Page 1) The North Vietnamese are building roads in Laos that will enable them to resupply their forces in South Vietnam and Cambodia virtually without regard to the weather. (Page 2) EC political directors, in preparation for President Nixon's visit to Europe, made some progress this week toward a draft declaration on US-EC relations. (Page 3) A number of reports have been received from Chile indicating the possibility of an early military coup attempt. (Page 4) Libya has laid a minefield outside its territorial waters. (Page 5) FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Approved for Release: 2023/08/29 C05993926 Approved for Release: 2023/08/29 005993926 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY CAMBOD IA (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) 1 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Approved for Release: 2023/08/29 005993926 Approved for Release: 2023/08/29 005993926 North Vietnamese Building New Road (b)(3) � Dong Hene 110 THAILAND TOP SECRET RUFF 5545512 9-71 CIA VIETNAM 1Duang Khe Dong Hoi Ban Karai ass Se 13.^9 L ' r ' - Pokse 'ern Pang CAMBODIA 9 1the bah 0 5,0 Miles New construction -4 Probable alignment kOemilitotired Zone \N, Quong,Tri Do Nang VIETNAM Kontum Approved for Release: 2023/08/29 005993926 "tr Approved for Release: 2023/08/29 005993926 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY INDOCHINA (b)(1) (b)(3) intercepted mes- sages from engineer units show that construction of a new, high-speed, all-weather road south through the Laotian panhandle is progressing at more than a dozen sites. Since March, about one third of the total mileage between the two entry points in North Vietnam and the probable end-point in Cambodia has been constructed. The widespread construction suggests that, far from abandoning the Ho Chi Minh trail, the North Vietnamese may be preparing for another substantial dry-season logistical campaign. Supply shipments would not only augment or replace existing military stores, but would probably contain nonmilitary supplies for Communist-held areas. The road will not be sufficiently complete to carry traffic before the first of the year, however. Like the new north-south routes along the west- ern border of South Vietnam, the Laos corridor is a two-lane road and well drained for speedy travel and year-long use. When completed, the two systems will give the Communists increased flexibility and mobility for their widely scattered mili- tary forces in Indochina. Links will probably be developed between the two corridors. This means that during the Laotian rainy season the south would be accessible via the route through western South Vietnam; during the winter rainy period in Vietnam the Laotian panhandle corridor would be open. Once the roads are operational, Hanoi will probably give first priority to improving the lines of communication among the major military strongholds for easier unit rotation and replacement of troops and equipment. FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Approved for Release: 2023/08/29 005993926 e, Approved for Release: 2023/08/29 005993926 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES - US Representatives of the member states of the European Communities met in Copenhagen this week at the working level. According to the US Embassy in Denmark, they made progress toward an agreed draft declaration on US-EC relations, calling for close links between the two. The draft will be presented to the EC for- eign ministers, who will begin their meet- ing next Monday. If it is approved, EC Council President Andersen will want to discuss the paper with Secretary Kissinger, possibly at the UN in New York. There is no certainty, however, that the draft will be approved by the ministers. Danish and West German officials have implied that French Foreign Minister Jobert may not be as "businesslike" as his subordinates. The French have emphasized that their price for going even this far is an understanding that there would be no permanent machinery created between the EC and the US. Arrangements for President Nixon's visit to Europe apparently went no further than an "exchange of views." FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Approved for Release: 2023/08/29 005993926 Approved for Release: 2023/08/29 C05993926 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY CHILE A number of reports have been received from Chile indicating the possibility of an early mili- tary coup attempt. unrest centers in the navy, whose per- sonnel have been on edge about the imminent naming of a new service chief. Navy men plotting to over- throw the government now claim army and air force support. (b)(1) (b)(3) There is no evidence of a coordinated tri- service coup plan. Army generals. in fact, lately have been talking of ways of building snterservsce unity with a view to increas- ing the military's influence on the gov- ernment. Should hotheads in the navy act in the belief they will automatically receive support from the other services, they could find themselves isolated. There are also indications that naval officers could be planning joint anti-government actions with militant civilian opponents of the regime. The far- rightist Fatherland and Freedom Movement has been blocking roads and provoking clashes with the na- tional police, adding to the tension caused by con- tinuing strikes and opposition political moves. President Allende earlier this week said he believed the armed forces will ask for his resigna- tion if he does not change his economic and polit- ical policies. He raised the prospect of an "armed confrontation" between his followers and the mili- tary. Allende said his supporters do not have enough weapons to prevail in such an event and that it would do no good to try to distribute more arms now, since the military would not permit it. He concluded that the only solution is a "political one." Allende seemed to be trying to convince that the situation is se- rious and requires cautious handling, and that some tactical political retreats may be in order. He is worried about the sustained opposition pressures against him and, especially, about the intentions of the military. 4 (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Approved for Release: 2023/08/29 C05993926 � Approved for Release: 2023/08/29 005993926 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY NOTE Libya: Libya announced on September 4 that a minefield has been laid in the Mediterranean north- west of Tripoli. It covers approximately 300 square miles and is outside Libya's proclaimed 12-mile territorial limit. Other minefields were laid in June by the Egyptian naval contingent in Libya; these were �northeast of Tripoli, but within Libya's territorial claim. 5 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Approved for Release: 2023/08/29 005993926 Approved for Release: 2023/08/29 C05993926 To ecret Approved for Release: 2023/08/29 C05993926