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Publication Date: 
November 26, 1970
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� Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C05977819 n The President's Daily Brief 26 November 1970 11 (b)(3) Top Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C05977819 r 1 Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 005977819 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Li THE PRESIDENT'S DAILY BRIEF 26 November 1970 PRINCIPAL DEVELOPMENTS In Greece, dissatisfaction with Papadopoulos' lead- ership continues, but the Prime Minister remains in firm control. (Page 2) NR Record NR R ecord FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 005977819 Approved for Release: 2018/08/01005977819 71 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY .1 - NR Record FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 005977819 1 Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C05977819 rl FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY GREECE US officials in Athens report that opposition to the leadership of Prime Minister Papadopoulos may soon come to a head. The opposition comes from those officers who joined with Papadopoulos in the coup of 1967. Ambition for power rather than disagreement over a significant issue seems to be the dominant factor. The challenge to Papadopoulos surfaced early this fall when he threatened to re- sign over his colleagues' insistence on greater participation in the government. Papadopoulos' critics backed down at that time because they could neither decide on an alternative to him nor muster support in the army. There is no substantial in- formation at present to indicate signifi- cant erosion of the army's support for the Prime Minister but tensions are high and acrimonious gossip against Papadopoulos is mounting. 2 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C05977819 Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C05977819 R Record [_1 Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C05977819 I I Approved for Release: 218/08/01 605977816 M FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY 3 NR ecord FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 005977819 Li ri AirToroved for Release: 2018/08/01 005977819 I FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY 4 NR ecord FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 005977819 Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C05977819 NR R ecord Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C05977819 M Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C05977819 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY 1 NR Record FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C05977819 7 =1 c = =1 M Cn Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C05977819 =I ED 1=1 M FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY 6 NR Re cord FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C05977819 � Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C05977819[::] 1] 1=1 Approved for Release: 2018/08/01 C05977819