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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
May 1, 2019
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Publication Date: 
February 25, 1970
Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C05977317' The President's Daily Brief 25 February 1970 46 (b)(3) Top Secret Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C05977317 Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C05977317 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY THE PRESIDENT'S DAILY BRIEF 25 February 1970 PRINCIPAL DEVELOPMENTS As evidence mounts that Arab terrorists are respon- sible for sabotaging two Israel-bound airliners, the Israeli Government may add direct retaliation to its diplomatic representations. (Page 1) NR Record FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C05977317 Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 005977317 � FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY ARAB STATES - ISRAEL (b)(1) (b)(3) In regard to the crash of the Swiss airliner on the same day, spokesmen for the several associations of fedayeen groups have been categorical in denying over-all fedayeen responsibility. They have, however, dodged the point of a specific retraction by the PFLP General Command, the terrorist group that initially claimed credit for the bombing. The US Embassy in Amman doubts whether the group ever explicitly dis- owned the claim. Thus far, the Israeli Government has bent all its efforts toward engendering inter- national action against an international threat, drawing on the worldwide revulsion against the two incidents. Should diplo- matic efforts be unavailing, however, the Israeli instinct for retaliation could take the form of a counterblockade against civil airports in the Arab states. FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 005977317 Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 005977317 NR Reco rd Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 005977317 Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C05977317 - FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY R Record FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C05977317 Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C05977317 ' FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY NR Record FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C05977317 Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C05977317 � FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY 4 NR Record FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C05977317 Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 005977317 NR Rec ord Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 005977317 Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 005977317 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY 5 NR Record FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 005977317 ' 'Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C05977-31-7 Approved for Release: 2019/01/17 C05977317