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Document Release Date: 
February 25, 2019
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Publication Date: 
April 21, 1967
Approved for Release: 2019/02/19 C05973762 The President's Daily Brief f�ap----Seerel-- 21 April 1967 (b)(3) 23 Approved for Release: 2019/02/19 C05973762 Approved for Release: 2019/02/19 005973762 (b)(3) DAILY BRIEF 21 APRIL 1967 1. North Vietnam 2. Communist China Premier Pham Van Dong has returned from his early April trip to Moscow Sticking to the hard line on the war. .Pham said he believes the US probably will increase military pres- sures, Nevertheless, he declared, Hanoi can now surmount any foreseeable step. Pham did not seem to overrate anti- war protests in the US. He said he does not believe the Americans will necessar-, ily lose the will to continue. Other regime spokesmen, however, have been mak- ing much of the idea that US resolve will weaken. Regarding U Thant, Pham said the secretary general's recent proposals had conceded too much to the Americans and that therefore he no longer has Hanoi's confidence, Premier Chou En-lai remains Peking's chief spokesman, but he may be losing ground to the radicals. Some of the more rational policies Chou put into effect in February have lately been reversed. The heavy attacks on his protege,.Foreign Minister Chen Yi, are also part of the picture. Chou has, as best we can determine, been running China with very little help. The new politburo installed last August had 25 members; the leadership's scorpion- in-a-bottle performance has left only seven of these active and clearly in good standing. The seven include Mao,.Lin Piao, Chou himself, one propagandist, two policemen, and one economic administrator. (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/02/19 005973762 Approved for Release: 2019/02/19 005973762 (b)(3) 3. Sino-Soviet 4. West Germany Peking's deep hatred for the Soviet leadership came out in a discussion late last month. Chou again charged Moscow with se- cret US-,Soviet collusion against China and accused the Russians of undercutting Nasir's efforts to inspire revolt in South Arabia. .Chou even said he was thinking of ending the periodic talks in Warsaw between the Chinese and US ambassadors be- cause the talks were exploited .by the So- viets. Hanoi had-re-- leased the letters between President Johnson and Ho Chi Minh because the North 'Vietnamese wanted to make it clear that no meaningful discussions were-underway. This is much the same line taken in Hanoi propaganda, Initial German endorsement of the US troop rotation plan is eroding. he Germans ave strong feelings about the planned pull-out of 144 combat aircraft. They fear this would greatly reduce-al- lied strike capability Bonn also is concerned about the with- drawal of two US brigades--not so much because of the numbers involved, but be- cause there is some apprehension that this may be only a prelude to a larger reduc,L- tion. (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/02/19 005973762 (b)(3) ' a-aP----S-EeRET Approved for Release: 2019/02/19 005973762 (b)(3) 5. Non-Proliferation Yesterday the North Atlantic Council �Treaty gave the US its approval to move ahead in talks with the Soviets aimed at getting a draft treaty on the table when the 18 Na- tion Disarmament Committee meets at Geneva on 9 May. 6. France 7. Greece .Neither the Italians nor the Germans, however, are committed to any treaty draft and still have major reservations. They are reluctant .about provisions on safe- guards and those which might preclude a European nuclear defense community some- time in the future. They also would like any treaty to have an expiration date. The French do not intend to sign a non-proliferation treaty. The French launched their first.bal- listic missile from a submerged submarine on Wednesday. It was strictly an early test, however, and it will be about three .years before there is anything like a Polaris weapons system ready for duty at sea. The government of Premier Kanellopoulos was toppled early this morning by a group of military officers �in a fast-moving, well- planned coup, One of the military's first acts was to arrest left-wing leader Andreas-Papandreou (Brief of 19 April). Kanellopoulos also has been taken into custody and a guard has been placed around the palace. .The army controls Athens and the city is quiet. There appears to be no danger to Americans. The coup is not likely to affect Greek relations with the US. Approved for Release: 2019/02/19 005973762 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/02/19 005973762 _T-09241-4-errer Approved for Release: 2019/02/19 005973762