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May 16, 1961
PDF icon COMPARISON OF IRAN TASK F[15890135].pdf655.87 KB
� Approved for Release 2021/04/05 005850273 � MET Noted by DD/I 1611g MEMORANDUM FOR: DDI SUBJECT 16 may 1961 : Comparison of Iran /lask Force Paper with State Cable 1379 (Tehran to Secretary of State) 1. The following comments are based on the semi-final draft of the Iran Task Force Paper. According to the CIA member the final version is substantially the same. 2. Ambassador Wailes cautions that the US Government should not support Amini personally nor identify with him to any greater extent than with any other friendly Prime Minister. He points out that the Shah remains the focal point of power in Iran and that Amini's staying power is unknown. The Task Force paper goes further. It recommends that we take vigorous action to support Amini and to impress upon the Shah that his stake in Amini's success is greater than our own. It urges that we not be deterred from backing Amini by the fear that he will fail and calls the new government the best instrument in sight for promoting evolution in Iran. However, the paper does caution that we should act discreetly to protect Amini against under- cutting by the Shah and states the US must maintain some freedom of action in the event that Amini fails. 3. The cable does not consider Amini as the last chance for the Mosadeclists and the paper agrees. The paper also states, however, that Amini may be the last hope of averting political chaos and possible loss of Iran to the West. I. The cable states that we should be cautious about giving the Shah desirable but unwelcome advice. The paper urges that we encourage the Shah to move toward a more constitutional role,which is clearly one of the cases where a cautious and careful approach is desirable. 5. The cable states that the US should not urge the devolution of local government powers to local elected assemblies because elections cannot be expected for the foreseeable future to produce responsible representatives. The paper agrees. ARNIFT- Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 005850273 a Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 00585027 I 1111 6. The cable and the paper are substantially agreed that the US political objectives should be political, social and economic development which will promote a strong, stable government with popular support and ability to resist subversion. 7. The cable recommends that the US not join CENTO but that it inform the CENTO countries the US has plans for allocating nuclear weapons outside the ':CENTO area to support CENTO in the event of hostilities with the USSR. The paper states that it would be militarily desirable for the US to join CENTO but agreed that the US should not do so for political reasons. It recommends that the US make plans to dispose military forces in support of Iran and inform the government of Iran of these moves. 8. The cable recommends a reduction in Iranian armed forces from about 200,000 men to perhaps 150,000 men with an accompanying improvement in quality. The paper concludes that even larger military forces would be militarily desirable but recommends only the present force level be maintained. 9. The cable states that cash grants are the only way to insure timely receipt of new aid. The paper emphasizes the urgency of timely aid but does not specify a method of insuring it. 10. The cable states that forty million dollars will be required by the plan organization to complete the second plan. The paper believes that it may be as little as twenty-five million dollars. 11. The paper discusses US assistance for the Iranian Third Plan. This discussion appears to be consistent with comments in the cable)which do not go into any detail. LCUIS MARENGO (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 005850273 \.� itC,OMING TELEGRAM irApproved for Release: 2021/04/05 C05850273L Oiepartrnerti uj ot 1414. Fts�� �45 Action � /ZA Info SS S P E UR SECRET- . Control: Roc'd : FROM: TEHRAN TO: Secretary of State NO: 1379, MAY 10, 6 PM (SECTION ONE OF THREE) PRIORITY � -FAC "ACC REFERENCE: DEPARTMENT TELEGRAM 1229. JO P SC TELEGRAMIlIR CIA z 1 pm.) ct_y,�,NELTtiut SUPPORT Ay,":W..LPESONALLY NOR' . NSA 1 raiikr,.t,t,.:sti,g, ANY GEATE1i1rXICLMT THAN WAS'rN OR SHOULD BE, ?RprE13,Ly DONE WITH ANY OTHER PRIM MtN1SITtra'qfp tus cr-FrirribrY�-fd---GSAND WHO SEEMS TO BE DOING HIS Ittf 3014� PAWITK_,�,,�471WFX,t40,:�Iitg.' AL-m-606i SHAH'S litirSmitTai"-' A _ ottIZlIiNsa PAST TWELVE MOTM--AND7ILTHOUGH HE PROBABLY APPOINTED AMINI RELUCTANTLY AND OUT OF SOME MEASURE OF FEAR, AT TURN OF EVENTS, HE REMAINS FOCAL POINT OF POWER IN IRAN' 'AND. HEAD OF REGIME IN WHICH AMINI IS AND A Lf WILL REMA N A SUBORDINATE THERErORE; WE spouLD NEITHER IDENTIFY US GOVT VIIH A PR I ME P41 N STER wo05,Lautitig_paituLls� UNKNOWN NOR GET; INT o 44, posfirTbrrruOp---oR atg�,tutAGAIN5T THEHAH. WE BELIEVE, HOWEVER, WE SHOULD BE symPATAIN�,jo,,,Amutt_EacjimAnisamEs) sama., se-ojy__r..a.mxFIYI.,ggisTsik"--.m5�,,��ctgticBzj.,jtfg..uts, MOST,..,ms�j Np,. OF THESE ARE ECONOM IC IN AND WHAT HE WI LL EXPECT FROM US 15 FINANCIAL ASS I STANCE WHICH HE HAS ALREADY MENTIONED, WHICH HE ALMOST CERTAINLY WILL NEED AND WHICH WE SHOULD GIVE HIM IN SUCR A WAY THAT HE CAN MAKE I MMED I ATELY EFFECTIVE USE IT.OF- (EMBASSY TELEGRAM 1371) . FOLLOWING ARE EMBASSY COMMENTS M ON NUBERED QUESTIO � efiddt evt44444.,__i0140,.. 6127 MAY 10, 1961 44449646.64.1 2:17 PM REFERENCE 2. AMINI APPOINT NT IS SIGNIFICANT AS INDICATION OF SHAH'S ,V4,,,..5.1,44 =0, 1/14106.4. PER T URBAT I ON OVER DETERIORATION POL 1 T AL AND ECONOMIC SIT UAT ON AS AMINI REPRODUCTION FROM THIS COPY IS PROHIBITED UNLESS "UNCLASSIFIED" SECRET 4t"1,4*VAPproved forRelease: 2021/04/05 005850273 Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C058502 SFCRET 79, MAY 10 6 Pm FROM TEHRAN (SECTION ONE OF THREE) NI HAS DEMANDED AND PR0BABLY WILL INITIALLY AT LEAST GREATER RDWERS THAN CENT PRFDrCrS2RS. IT FrwmYT TO BE SEEN HOw MUCH AUTHORITY AmINI CAN RUAIN IF SHAH, A3 PECTED, CONTINUES UNABLE REFRAIN FRONJ: INTEIRFTW-NC,- DAY-TO-DAY AFFAIRS OF GOVT. v!sacLum�ws4.40AmmilikrFz.�- _ T C4NEfQRE "MO --c " WHICH TERM WE LISM ISM AND CHAOS. ;In T LIKELY INTERYITING STEP WOULD 5E II'967ER WITH FULL P,c,,,,,..�'Vlf-,ALITHER 9Y A- 'l AR Li7b INTERPRET AS E T AT HER, WE CONSIDER AKHTIAR ASIME P.1 SHAH OUT OFDESP I:IR TA Li EXTENT AND ON THOSE OCCASIONS WHEN .47. U-NSID'R ERATi THAN HAVE AS YET OBTAINED viAtt,at jANCES CIDADVIC: WOULD BE TAKEN, THIS W.iLD TH SUGGL.STED ADVICE RE PAHLAVI FOUNDATIc:-. 'LAir-RAT7' AT Wr: BELIcVE: -LCOmED" AEVER BE GIVEN SHA.' !c; Tfl APPOINT CERTN ADVICE SHOULD SELDOM BE GIVEN TO FIRE CERTAIN PECIFIED VIDUAL. ADVICE INVOLVING PERSONAL. AFFAIRS DELICATE GROUND OF ALL. SHAH'S FAMILY IS MOST T IS NECESSARY SEAR IN MIND AT ALL TIMES THAT ADVICE BY FOREIGNERS DIFFICULT TO RECEIVE. IT IS OUR OPINION THIS IS SOMETHING WHICH T ET PLAYED BY EAR BY AMBASSADOR ON SPOT. DEFINITELY DO NOT BELIEVE y�_sHoup uRGEJA.ANLmAtap KILASSEISL4E34� IS COUNTRY DO NOT NOW,AND CANN9T-gLUIRELIEDLIN E FUTURE TO PRIPPIX(EM�IPIT REPRESENTATIVES OF �CAL GOVig'-WIE CONTINUE TO BE APPOINTED REGARDLESS TEM. LOCAL GOVT POWERS 'ARE MEANINGLESS WITHOUT ABILITY TO T LOCALLY MOST OF REVENUES REQUIRED FOR LOCAL PURPOSES. IN SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 005850273 _AskApproved for Release: 2021/04/05 005850273 11, � SECRET m9,.IvAY 10, CPM FROM TEHRAN (SECTION ONE OF THREE) IN OUR VIEW LOCAL GOVTS WILL CONTINUE MAINLY TO RELY ON CENTRAL GOVT FOR REQUIRED FUNDS. 9. INTERNAL POLITICAL OBJECTIVE OF US IN !RAN PRESUMABLY CONTINUES TO BE POLITICAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WHICH WILL PROMOTE STRONG STABLE GOVT WITH SUFFICIENT POPULAR SUPPORT AND WITH CONTINUING RESISTANCE TO COMMUNIST � INFLUENCE AND SUByeRSION. .WHETHER THIS IS REASONABLE, AS OPPOSED TO HOPEFUL, OBJECTIVE. FOR FIVE YEARS, WE DO NOT KNOW. PROBLEMS FACING REGIME ON ONE HAND AND THE UNPLEASANT ALTERNATIVES TO THIS REGIME FROM US POINT OF VIEW ON OTHER MAKE IT MORE REASONABLE IN CUR VIEW TO LOOK ONLY TWO OR THREE YEARS AHEAD AT MOST. WE KNOW OF NO ACTION BY.US GOVT AND WE ANTICIPATE NO ACTION BY ANY ANIAN tzfriSInr TirtallfleDrtrtY�TO-1 YEARS AHcAP-0- 6. IT HAS BEEN AND SHOULD CONTINUE TO BE PRACTICE THIS EMBASSY ATTEMPT INFLUENCE GOI LEADERS AND MINISTERS TAKE STEPS TOWARD ACCOMPLISHMENT SPECIFIC REFORMS AND ACTIONS WHICH US IS CONVINCED ARE BOTH FEASIBLE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT AND IN IRANIAN AND US INTERESTS. INSTANCES WHERE THIS EFFORT HAS BEEN SUCCESSFUL, AND THERE ARE A NUMBER, HAVE PROVEN THAT IN GENERAL THIS PROCESS IS MORE EFFECTIVE TO EXTENT LEADERS ACCEPT OUR IDEAS AS THEIR OWN AND LESS SUCCESSFUL AS "PRESSURES" ARE APPLIED BY US ON THEM. KEA.121 1 � SECRET WAILES P'Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 005850273 MUG MEDAN Ais _ Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 005850273 e 45 Action NEA Into FROM: TEHRAN SECRET � Control: 6342 Reed: MAY 10, 1961 5:49 PM TO:. Secretary of State SS SP NO: 1379, _ MAY 10, 6P M, (SECTION TWO OF THREE) E UR PRIORITY BFAC , BIOC I- 8. AL T____LINIGIUM_PRE$T I GE ALREADY COMMUTER �IQ Mal) 71( AND AL THOUGH ,CKNIO � *,,Nor 12.:-OUR:114 I NG*, _4 0NOT, IOP REco_21LEwilitlittILIHAT- CENTO SHOLLD NSC SOMEHOW BE INV IGORATED BUT IF THE UN I TEA jTATES JO INS WE BELIEVE INR US. WILL ACQUIRE TREMENDOUS RESPONS IB IL ITY NOT SIMPLY FOR ITS CIA SUliV I VAL tWit$34R1,