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Publication Date:
June 1, 1972
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-1 EN 1G72
Program Objectives
� 'II. Program Interagency Relationships:
III. _Operational Program
IV7 Program' Manpower Resource Requirements
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1 JUi 1972
'Program Objectives
Special Operations Group, Counter Intelligence Staff
. responsible.forman-..
- aging and implementing the Agency program for coliection
. .
..and dissemination of information on the eountersubversive .
aspect of counterintelligence. This *responsibility includes:
-Th -
A. Collection: Clandestine collection _abroad--
. of information on foreign (Soviet, Chinese Communist,
Cuban; North Korean; North Vietnamese�.the Communist
Front-of South Vietnam, and the various Arab Fedayeen
- groups) efforts t0 support/encourag'e/exploit-domestic
-'-extremism and dissidence-in the United States. These
efforts include funding, training, propaganda, iro-
vision of safe haven, provision of alias documenta-.
tion, etc. The collection emphasis is on foreign.
involvement, whether directly or by indirect third
national leftist groups or individuals. Principal
concern is for coverage of foreign involVement in'
the extremist antiwar -movement , - extremist. student/-
� youth/faculty groups, black extremism, Chicano exPrem-
'ism, Puerto Rican extremism,'deserter/evader slipport
� and'induceMent, and international aspects of domestic--
.underground media. Examples of organizations of inter-
est with': respect to possible foreign involvement therein -
include the Peoples Coalition for Peace and Justice,
the -National Peace Action Coalition, the Student Mobi-
lization Committee; the Black Panther-Party, the. .
Puerto Rican Socialist Party, the Students for a .
Democ-ratic Society, Dispatch-News ServiCe,
Liberation News Service, Ramparts, etc.
B. Dissemination: Information on the above subject,
collected by all elements of this Agency, Including,-
the Clandestine Service,.the Office of Communicatis,
the Foreign Broadcast Information Service; and the
Domestic Contact Service, is disseminated as obtained
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via special reports series. The bulk of the
disseminations are to the Federal Bureau of Inves-
tigation but disseminations are also made to other
agencies, including the White House as appropriate..
C. Data Base Maintenance: Since .all cable and
dispatch correspondence in relation to the program is
compartmented for reasons of operational security and
sensitivity, and is not processed by either the Cable
Secretariat or the Information Services Division (TSD): -
of the Clandestine Service, a. complex, highly'soPhis- ..-
ticated system is utilized.for the control and retrieval
of this' information.. (An additional reason'for.the:':
needfor such a. system is the receipt of a.large volume-
Of reporting from the Federal Bureau of Investigation
which requires detailed retrieval capability for_perti-
nent nathes cited, and whiCh would not otherwise-. e:
retrievable under existing ISD procedures.) The con-
trol and.retrieval.systeM has an On-line remote query
and remote input capability and is linked to an IBM:
360/67 computer.of the Offica0f-Computer Services. -
Hardware involved includes nine IBM 2260 Cathode Ray-
Tube Terminals, � five IBM 2741 Typewriter Terminals,
one Data 100 Offline Printer; and one Data 100 Card.
D. Production: .In addition to disseminating
pertinent information as collected, the Agency is - -
1 responsible for preparation and provision of special:- -
reports, studies, and estimates on the sub-para'graph
A above subject, in response to requirements levied
upon It by other .elements of the Government. To -
maximize compartmentation, such special studies,
reports, or estimates are prepared by the Special
Operations Group, rather than the-DDI, utilizing
either all information available to the Agency or
all information available to the Government, depend- -
ing upon the nature and scope of the particular.
requirement.' �
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r- �^1.11-,/
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Program Interagency Relationships
Special.Operations Group, Counter Intelligence Staff
1 JUN 19:
. Implementation of the Agency's program for collectiori-
and disseminatidn of information -on foreign exploitation
di' domestic dissidence and extremism involves a complex
series of interagency relationships.. These fall into the
following categories:- operational; .dissemination or
information; and'proviSion of speCial Studiesi.reports,
and estimates.
.- A. Operational: Despite the disruption of
liaison.between the Agency and the Federal Bureau
of Investigation in the Spring of 1970, the.FBI*
has cooperated operationally with the Special Opera-.
tipns Group along three lines:
� 1. Exploitation of FBI Sources Abroad: .
Most common (about 18 cases since January 1971)
has been participation by.the Special Operations
� Group in the briefing and debriefing of FBI New
Left and racial extremist sources who travel
aloroad as part of their undercover activities.
Some such travel (five cases, not.inclUded in . figure) has even been arranmed
to, meet Special, Operations Group needs. )5 Travel
has included :visits to Peking, Pyongyan , Havana,
� and a major international antiwar conference in
'few cases, either in response to a specific request 1
� .
2. Provision of.Sources By the-FBI: In a - �
for a specific type of�.source.for long-term us . -t
abroad by the Agericy, ot because an .FBI informant' '
who has slone a good job fbrthe FBI and who wants
.to work abroad has asked for it, the FBI has made 1
available FBI sources in this country for turn:, i
- -!-
over to the Agency and use abroad. .There are,/liree
such sources now active abroad under Agency control:
and direction
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1=1": �
3. Provision of Informant 'Leads To the FBI:
As a converse of sub-paragraph 2 above, the Agency
on occasion has provided the FBI with leads on .
possible informants in the United States on extrem-
ist and dissident activity. Such leads arise from
efforts to spot and recruit assets suitable for
� .dispatch abroad against targets of this program.
. -13, Dissemination of Information:..Pertinent infar-.-
!nation is disseminated as collected in response to -
.general standing requirements-of the Federal .Bureau of Investigation, the-Secret-Service; and the Immigra- -
tion.and.Naturalization Service. Most-of this ihforma- -
-tioh goes only-to the FBI: Roughly-20 to 25-percent-
of that is responsive to specific FBI requirements.
The Special Operations Group evaluates its diss6minated
product by regularly checking with the FBI on its ade-
quacy and relevance. Counterintelligence of exceptional
importance is disseminated over the'signatura of the. ..
.Director of CIA and is sent, as appropriate, to the -.-
White House; the Secretary of State, the Attorney General
and the Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation. The
principal White House addressee is the Counsel to the
President who has special cognizance oirer domestic .
affairs; when appropriate, the information is also sent
to the Assistant to the President for National Security
C. Provision of Special Studies, Reports, -and-
Estimates: In the earlier phase of the program, special
'studies and estimates were requested by and prepared for
the President, his Counsel, and/or the Attorney General.
.Since mid-1970 such special reports and estimates have
been prepared for a highly sensitive interagency com-
mittee physically located within the Department of Justic.
� and working on behalf of the White House.- This is the -� -
Intelligence Evaluation Committee, composed of represen-
tatives of the Federal Bureau of InvestigatiOn, the Depai-
ment of Justice, the Secret Service (oft behalr-of the -
Treasury Department), the Department of Defense, the
National Security Agency, and the Central Intelligence -
-F+HET- .
r\7-.2 ).!
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Agency. The primary function of the Committee is
the evaluation of domestic intelligence for agreed-
on national estimates, and the levying of collection
requirements related thereto. The CIA contributions
are limited to the foreign aspects. The Chief of the
Special Operations Group serves as the representa-
tive for the Agency on the Intelligence Evaluation
Committee Staff, and as the alternate to the Agency
representative in the Committee (who is the Chief,
-Counter Intelligence Staff)..
. �
NOTE: Special Problem: The e s no written agree- .
ment governing the activities of Legal Attaches'abroad-
in dealing -with foreign liaison services on-collection of
-information.on foreign exploitation of domestic U.S. dissi-
dence and extremism. The DCI has enunciated 2 policy that
the Agency is the action'instrumentality of the U.S. Govern--
ment in this field with foreign liaison services. In actual
practice, the FBI levies pertinent requirements directly .
upon its own Legal Attaches and may or may not come to -
the Agency for assistance. An informal,, usually followed,
agreement has been reached, under which the Agency handles
FBI Tequirements in this field (a) in countries where
there is no Legal Attache, and (b) in situations in .which
several -countries are involved (including countries in
which there is a Legal Attache). Unilateral collection -
effort is requested of the Agency, however, whether or not
there is a Legal Attache.
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1 Till
. Operational Program- -
Special Operations Group,' Counter Intelligence Staff
To accomplish its objectives, the Special Operations.
Group seeks to achieve the maximum feasible utilization..
of existing resources of the Clandestine Services. Per _.:..
assets have been recruited and are being run exclusively
for this program. Instead, emphasis has been placed on 1
the exploitation of new and old Agency assets who. have .
.a by-product capability or a Concurrent capability for
provision of information responsive to the Drogram's
requirements. This involves close continuing liaison
with briefed officers in all area divisions and the Soviet
Bloc Division; and provision of custom'-tallored.colleCtion -
requirements and operational guidance. Where special tar--
gets exist, a fey agent asse hare been.speciallY recruited
and deployed' against them. In addition, a highly successful
audio operation provides coverage of a target of special
interest and other such audio operations either are in the'
.*process of being attempted or have been attempted. --There
are appi-oximately 20 important areas of.operation4 interest
Paris, Stockholm, Brussels, Copenhagen, The Hague, Berlin,-
Frankfurt, Algiers, Dar es Salaam, Conakry, Mexico City;- .
Santiago, Port of Spain, Santo Domingo, Kingston, Ottawa,
.. .. ...
lanila, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Vientiane.
The actual number of assets utilized at any one time
varies as new ones arise and old ones are lost. -At present
'approkimately 160 assets are being used,
15 of these assets. are either entirely or primarily targette
.against individuals-or rdu s of s e iaLconern to -1:-;l'ods-
. -
collection program. . The rest.
. .
are used only in .part against piogram targets.'
. . � .
The assets are dispersed geocraphically roughly as
follows: Europe - Africa - Western Hemisphere
(except U.S.) i7ia -r dtr Targetting
these assets inc_upes the groupings. (from a
variety of-access/vantage points): Black Panther Party -
assets; Tanzania expatriates/extremists (Black African
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Skills. Group, Cong9 of African People Center for
Black Education) -L JFrente de Unidad P iStockho1m
Conference on Vietnam Puerto Rican ex remists -
etc. The bulk of the asset,s, however, are either nu_t.1-
targetted or used as special needs arise which they can
help meet.
This collection program must be viewed also as an -
integral part of the recruitment programs of China Opera-
tions, VietnamOperations, Cuban Operations, Soviet _Baoc
Division operations, and Korean-Branch operations. Agents
who have an American "Movement" background or who have
known connections with the American "Movement" are useful -
as access agents to obtain biographic and Personality data
to discern possible vulnerabilities and susceptibilities, .
and to develop operationally exploitable relationships with
recruitment targets of the above programs. These assets .
are of interest to our targets because of their. connections
with and/or knowledge of the American "Movement." Thus, - -
the Chinese Communists and the North Vietnamese, for examp,
seek information on and are willing to engage in discussion
On. the status and future of the American "Movement" with .
such assets. � Information derived therefrom can be of sub-
stantial counterintelligence interest in the collection -
program of the Special Operations Group. '
� -
Because of the emphasis on exploitation of existing _
assets to the extent feasible and of liaison service Capa-
bilities where appropriate, this has been and continues...
to bea later-cost collection program, particularly in rela-
tion to the total number of assets involved and the produc-
tion therefrom. At present, operational expenses directly
chargeable t to the program are limited to eight approved
operational projects
The major costs of the program are '
the salaries of the Special -Operations 'Group personnel and
the computer-assOciated data base maintenance costs. These
� Headquarters resource requirements are� covered in a.separate
memorandum. .
The following statistics are a rough index of the'
extent of effort involved in the collection and related
dissemination program. They show how much is being done .
z 71
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with a relatively small resource input. The statistics
apply to cables and dispatches sent or received through
special handling channels for the exclusive action of the
Special Operations Group; to the dissemination prepared
and distributed by the Group; and to the number of FBI
.reports received by the Group for operational support and
data base maintenance purposes.
� Cables In
. 2593
� Cables Out
Dispatches In
Dispatches Out
- 347
*DiSseminations �
(Special memos,
studies, estimates)
1 Jan-3/ May 72
'. 1071
- 99 .-
.. -.
. 307
Incoming FBI Reports- 10,486 10,110 - 3,O43
cvcT ';'.!1 V
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MI] 34
1 JUN 19'
Program Manpower Resource Requirements
Special Operations Group, Counter Intelligence Staff
The program of the Special Operations Group origi-
nated in instructions of the Deputy Director for, Plans on
15 August 1967,based on instructions to him by the Director,
Central Intelligence Agency. These instructions -were to
establish' a program for collection and dissemination of
information on foreign inVolvement in domestic extremism
and dissidence; and to maintain an adequate supporting data
base, including full control of' pertinent related informa-
tion received from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. �
The program started with one officer and one IA, building
strength gradually as Personnel could be obtained.
The first formal strength- authorization was provided
in mid-1969 when a total of 36 positions was authorized
with the understanding that, if this should prove insuffi-
cient, additional personnel would be authorized. (The
Chief of the Special-Operations Group estimated that a
force of about 60 would be required as a mihimilm to fully
implement the required program.)
To facilitate a rapid qualitative buildup of the proL.
gram, a memorandum was sent .in September 1969 by the DOI
tO-each-of the Agency Directorates requesting-full support
to the program; i.e., especially by the Office of Security
and Office of Communications in the Support Directorate;.
by the Foreign Broadcast Information Service and the Domestic
Contact Service in the Intelligence Directorate; by the
Office of Computer Services in the Scientific and Technical
Directorate; and by all pertinent elements in the Plans .
Directorate. As part of the buildup of the Special Opera-
tions Group, several key personnel assignments were made in
mid and late 1969; i.e., three branch chiefs and a deputy'..
- -
By mid-1970 the authorized strength of 36 had been
achieved and was inadequate for the workload, despite
use of a very large amount of overtime. .
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As a result, the question of overall strength was
reviewed and a decision made in late Spring of 1971 that
an additional 18 positions would be authorized for the
Special Operations Group for fiscal year 1972. Due to the
lack of an effective directed assignment system, the Group
has been unable to date to build up to its authorized
strength (and still is short of the space needed to accom-
modate.that strength).
As of 2 June 1972, the Group has an on-board strength
of 42, with two additional officers scheduled to repol't .
by early July., Four Group officers, however, ate .scheduled _
for transfer out by. mid-July. The Group thus needs not -
only to complete its. buildup to authorized strength by
filling existing vacancies, but also to obtain replaceMents-:._
for officers still in the Group whose tours with the group '
either are already over or are close to their end. The
early satisfication of these personnel requirements is.
esential to bring a halt to the physical drain-on *the'
health of the Group's officers trying to keep up with the '
enormous 'continuing volume of work: The Group has been
staffed to date primarily by junior officers who are bright
and hard-working but who require relatively close super-
vision because of lack of prior experience.: The management
span of the senior officer is thus larger than desirable; -
additional middle.grade, experienced officers are requi-ned.
Replacement of officers at or near the end of their tour
of duty is also required to maintain a concept of rotation-
tour-staffing which has proven the only effective means of
attracting qualified, experienced personnel Or bright, .
ambitious, young personnel. -
. . In ftdfillment of a requirement set.forth when a 54
strength Group was authorized, a formal Table of Organiza-
tion has been recently approved. The Group is organized ..
around two worldwide operational branches, each of which
is concerned with the collection and dissemination of
information on foreign involvement in certain, specific
aspects of the domestic U.S. scene. These branches are.
supported by a special operational unit and by sections
concerned with the control of correspondence and the mnin:-
tenance of a retrievable data base.. Ii addition, the /
Office of Computer Services provides five full man yeays
and two partial man years of programming and system design .
.111, � �-� � � � � �
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support for the computer systems under development for
and utilized by the Group. Without such computer support,
it would be impossible to run this program with the rela-
tively small number of people authorized and with the
short time deadlines required to provide effective require-
penes and guidance for field operations, and to respond
effectively to special studies and estimates requirements
levied upon the Agency.
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Date: 07/18/1948
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r U-
''14-77.0P.:"ir_T �
SUBJECT: Audio Surveillance
� ECLA. audio surveillance is .aoprooriate only against fa--_-.eign.
targets ,..rith_in the U. S j CIA ;will not ope.rate. audio
. .
otLse actively assist other aseacies in such operations against
domestic targets.
ray be merle avalla'ale -in -such Ca.
1. There is full disclosure of the operation-n
� - �
there is no legal inhibition against it. -crhen carried._
Out by the agency.
2. ro CIA participation is involved.
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I. I
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, 1-�
� rE.A. Divisiou's project i�TLODEST.A.Rjis aPproved as a..neceS ary-
� � � � � � - --
su-ort.. to foreiga operatioas. . Care will be take
. .
th--trairling a:ad. development period. of such agents
- �
StiLtes 62ey will not be opera.ted. by CIA agaiust
�mastic_ targets. To the exten.t that incid.ent al kno-.4-1edse is
_ ga.d of. such rthtters, it =ay be passed to the 17 or,. the-
.apnroval of the DePuty Director for Operations.
I 7
; � . � .
' ;.;
. � �
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� 4.. ,
� lir Ci-T!!,.CS is restricted. to the collection abroad_ of information. -
� .
on foreign activities related to acr-estic matters- CIA 'will focus
_ �
- _
cleezly_ on_ the foreign ork-3anizat.ions ar.d individuals involved and:
only incidentally on their American cantzlf-tc. As a-corsequence,
- � -
CIA1ot :.t.ek.e� an;the..-orimaz-j- responsibility for-,folloifing �
-Americans-.abrOad, although CL can accept a re.cluest by the �F31. to.
-oass..-_,d. to an appropriate liaison s,=."--Tice in a foreign count.zy -
- - -
for the sur-veillance. Of such an Ameri Can and the transL-4�.-ission of
the results back to the FBI.: It. must be -ola_inly ciemonstrated..ilri.
�each such t-ransmission. that the CIA is merely a the:74e/ of co=uni�
_. � - �
- .
. -
cation betiree.n the FBI and the ap-or-ooriate foreign service and. is-
�- �
riot to be directly engaged in the surveillance or other action.
. .
against the.American involved_
With respect to .ericans abroad -who becoue suspect for
security or courterintelligence reasonz-,, any official
. - -
sormel rlll be reported to their parent agency's security;-
-.ties, CIA merely serve as a trans-miss-J...3p_ belt for the
inforr.�_ation concsr7.2(1. Sciic CI one.-_�rations 1;111 not be r.01.-r..t..,;�,
. .
� asairist they i11 be reported wheel their -
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co-ne as aa incideatt--0 result of other CIA foreign
or counterintelligence opera.tions., With. respect to -
-private_ American citizens abroad, any such informa.tion. arising
will be re-Parted to the mi... CIA involvement thereafter will be
restricted. to following intelligence or counterintelligence aspects
of the caSe. and transmitting any F31 reauests for assistance from
foreign security or intelligence services on. the natter, in. the
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� Approved for Release: 2024/12/20 C05840161gin,11,7
In the course of _foreign inte_r_ii-s-ence or counterinte/lig-mc..e;
opez.-.ations, itmay on occasion .be annropriate to-Conduct surveil- -
_ - . .
lance of for=in individuals teorarily vithin the Unite.d2..S.,,:c.!7-
be conducted i. coo.-cdination iti the' .
- FBI- ----_Such Surrreillance by C.L& will also be i.17Litc.d. to the oz-eign
_ - � -,. �
perso=e1 and. will not be extended to include su_rveiflance.of -
� - � .
-American contacts or associates.
c.77.:7T77 r-771
.A I. t" � '�
t_. _
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1. !. L-1.4 � 6311,..1
� .. .
lio sur7eiUaac, telephone. tap,
_ -
or surreptitiou.s -fl 1. �
be con&zcte.c3. age-inst em.nloyees or ex-eployees of the
. .
. .
� �
t1.7.ency in the event that threats to intellig-enze.
-soltrces.ezld methods az-Deez- Size:Loy- eiroloyees or ex-e.ur-ployees,
. .
. _ . � . ' .. �
- --- the author.ities will be advised; :the Age.ncy-
� -
- coonere.t.--vith _the appropriate authorities in the_intrestige_tion of
- �
. _
violation of :Lev.
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� 7 7Z:Z.1
,;-1.. ,�?
� SUBJECT: Projec4OCKIE::=1), Project CELOTEX I and 6==x 16
o sux-Te.ille..-,ce, telFen:zone tan, surreptitious en.tz7 or �the,-
action will be taken by Agency personnel in the United States
aga-...7nst United. States citizens not connedted -with _CIA, under. the
cleii4:ed-a_uthority of-"-orotection of intelligence sources and. �
'provision. of the. law lays a charge and duty- on'the.
Director :and the. Agency to act so as to protect :intelligen-ce sources
and. r_-.,ethods. It does riot give it authority to te2�e action-with re�
to other American citizens. If a threat or exposure ot
in.telligence sources and. mer:ods occurs, the ..fis-ency can. appro-- .
p2-.ia.tely assemble its. info=ation on. the tonic and_ conduct such
.. -
stems within its orgaza, ..zation as may be e.ppropriat.e. With .respect
� to ou_tsiders, ..the aopro=i.ate
for. assistence on the natter,. e.g.,
- �
authorities must be approached.
the FBI or local 'police. -
r�-� -� -�
j:11.4 � 11 -1
-; J
- Approved for Release: 2024/12/20 C05840161-
Approved for Release: 2024/12/20 C05840161
�c� :az
SU3JECT: Project [SRPOEIT4 and Project Lia-souREvico .
Projects (S-R?01.1il's...Itjand.51:-OtiP,.DOUGVare ternina.ted. -it is .
a-coronr.ia.te under certain circunstances to record the ai1 addresses.
of senders and. receivers but .no such lists should be develoned as
. _
a "gatch -list on. Ane.rican -citizens, such as, for exa�ole, the list
- . � � �
of .doctors Ito studied abroad-
- Approved for Release: 2024/12/20 C05840161_
Approved for Release: 2024/12/20 C05840161'
� ;
SUBJECT: Proj ect
Per our discussion With,the'retirfas--- Director of BID, Project
will be -phased. out crik will not deve.log oPeralions .t.ct
. �
' - �
Penetrate another C-overn=ent .agency, 'even pith the apProTra1. of.' its
7' r"
� .� \
= Approved for Release: 2024/12/20 C05840161:
Approved for Release: 2024/12/20 C05840161
IS 'c1LY.
./..a'.10E1[117.4 �
. � �
It is appropriate for the Office of Security to develcn
-srate sources among CIA-emploYee.s. It is not appropriate foz'
to penetrate domestic a-,-ou-os external to CIA, even for the purpose
--� of loce.tim-g threats to the Jtgency Notice of such threats�.e.rOtld'.----
- .
- � �
be reported. to the appropriate lar enforceme.nt bodies and: CIA.....7,611j.
cooperate 'with .the in any action recuired vhich does not involve
� . �
direct CIA partickcation in covert clandestine operations againit
citizecs in the United States.
71: :
Approved for Release: 2024/12/20 C05840161_