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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
February 10, 2021
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
November 18, 1966
lc --- Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752623 Flight Report for Flight No. 8 Contract TE-8432 C. Michelsen C. V. Slagle COPY : D. R. Lane 18 November 1966 8-55100/6M-0133 The flight departed Majors Field on 10 Nevember 1966, at 1735 CST and terminated at Majors Field at 1905 CST, for a total flight time of 1 hour and 30 minutes. Weather conditions for the flight were ceiling and visibility unlimited. This flight was scheduled to perform the shakedown of the LLLTV system that could not be accomplished onTlight No. 7 due to a system malfunction. The system 'pre- flight checks showed the system was operating on the ground. In flight, the LLLTV platform was uncaged and sic-wed to each of its limits, as indicated on the pitch and ysw gauges on the system control panel. These limits were +100 to -400 in pitch, and right 500 to left 400 in yaw. Whenever the slew stick was activated, it was observed that the display had a momentary roll of the picture and a wavy effect on the lower half of the display. During the early part of the flight, the TV display was very good. Targets such as individual trees, houses, cars and trucks, streams and lakes were readily identifiable. The grainy section around the center of the field of view was present but had no really adverse affect on target acquisition or identification. As the sky glow decreased after sunset, system performance degraded until there was no natural targets identifiable the last 20 minutes of flight. -it was possible to dis- tinguish roadways for a distance of approximately 1,000 feet in front of a car's headlights, but no other targets (except lights) were observed. During this last few minutes of flight, horizontal bars of equal width, and evenly spaced, appeared on the display. The light condition for the Flight varied from a sunset and evening twilight con- dition to that of a cleer, moonless night. The evening was so clear that the rest of the Milky Way Galaxie was observed from the ground with the naked eye. Charles Michel/sen Lead Flight Test Engineer Extension 6251 /lw Approved for Release: 2020/12/28 C05752623