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June 16, 1966
PDF icon CHIGOE FY 67 OPERATING FU[15863352].pdf243.94 KB
Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752607 - 1 6 ,J1JNJ 1966 MBNCRANDIM FOB: Depu4 Director of C1 i.iitnc, SU:4MM CBI= FY 67 Operating Funds REPEREME: �2i/S1T 1013- Approval of evntrect 4onl Project CHIGM' - memortAtum contains 0' which your spy-mu*" is requested. -vaatim 1:1 2, Y;Alor -on runding of $1 225 n1fliapos discussed later lt this memorandum Is reqa .tha. to complete the CRIGOZ multi - songor aircraft system, to per4,orm initial operational and to make a finfa ,:Ntlettion of thg-7,s system Jointly vith DOD, You will recall thst CHIGOE is *A opticsl ani infrared. multisensor -collection system in a P2V airertft, for vtich the Agency assamed development responsibility after extensive coordination with Department of Defense. The tochnil . cri-ptim 4nd funding history of the progrsm were outlins4 in referen4e which you approved on 10 March 1966. In paragrenh 8 ot that dr4sment, t FY 67 rsquirement of $1.160 million lo.,4s estimnted. The current 1)1.P_25 million estLnate is be on tb best sYsiltble vendor estimates to the system contractor end store clenrly defined operoticmal conditions in the Prvnoesii Southeast AASit. environment. 3. The CHIGOE progrla se a tatole is Theperiod Of operattms is e7petted to begin ulth th ftrt test t14-0-it in y 19G6, anfa vill continue through Southeast Asia field opertlens the period December 1966-,T= e,15167. /1-Jaipment instellati= end tett ht overlap in the july-D7.,tomber period. Adherence to the planned e will be dependent is pert upan availebility of funds and requ epprovals for contract actions on 5 timely bssis. F-2r that reason a.pprovra for further contract ections, sUbjeet to the avellability of funds, is sought tqw to assure�Me nbility to make ommItmenza es refluired in FY 67. Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752607 Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752607 Stib;18, T 6i cettag million is required are es C/otion of pertilly.funled L1ng-,4cinem.Wvught emtracts for if isation, tnstallstital fitght te,sting and mainUnsnee (funded et $1)950 mil1Lon FT1966) Completion mf e ) Wetor components end sionitor stetion inter"' lug (prinniPeal7 a ' sensor 1%ul imlal -cost of ;25X ion of seeond az Inst.; electImmis Iflesti=t LIAR and initial rep support ' S. test support L ULS 'Um Direct POL of nigh Navy . Ntiting ordnrouse Instruments cellansaus fumis TOTAL -** +4.4ists to tht co.7411 clz Ude) zeziorttre-tn viI1 b deperaden to tire tin ftam CM tional tee Q J j equi� 4 obo ttl.t requestud =do pursuant be nisde jointly Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752607 Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752607 41gbjectI CHIOOE YY 67 OperatiAg Toods 6. Ihe currea actam contrema, are being handled .OSA n ordtr to utllize their aecuritTeontraL Any fcrther informAtion revuirea, other then on evotrvetusl matters, ean be Obtained fram the 174.1.14n ti,A:r`10' Offieg of Rt!searth znd lievelopMent exteasifan 2101. 7. .As stotedin referenee, thr i i prflicnin the FY 67 budget for poet CEVAIR nur4usot to the specific instruction ef the DOL. Tb--At decision -.its mP4e on the premise that if progress vgrrentedt eowlideratioo wz.,iuld be given to requesting An additional release froa the fl:,..-serve. ,end thnt such s 4ti.1.760 of action viay net be desirible at t nt If not, eonoideration should be given to tlternstive funding arrangements. The purposes for mbish the .additional Aindingi r�ed are eneh that $.715 million (items a. b, end c. In parse:re) c� be r'onmitted prior to 10 Jane 1966 from j66Year-end 7 is, ifeve!. . The remaining $.510 U 1ic nat POmmittedtreA 1967 fund recommended thst you emce the tition eon,- ,ses described in part ,k bjed to the a. It 12 further reeommende4 tht tha ORD FY 1967 buIgat he mgmented to be extent necesstry to soVerthe 967 funds required for these otat.e4ets. The recomn-mt' 4 pe2rogrezh 8 is apsrovedt / Eic2, Lalma 23 JUN 1366 Int JUt1Cfl: Orig Adse 1 - I - DOSO 1 - D/ORD 2 - DD/BM RFgistry 2 - FPS f1w/4020(9Jmn66) ALBMTDE VagRLOU Deputy alreetoT for Selence 11-311 T.chnology 6e�t1- /Jt 0-6 4/3-CE-A- 4.-AL (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) -1-e. ai-(2_6c-LZ;- ,-i-;(1-/ .y.c.i r/5e17,716,. � ) /-----'7/9�? (b)(3) Approved Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752607