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Publication Date: 
June 16, 1967
PDF icon STATUS OF PROJECT CHIGOE[15863377].pdf304.08 KB
Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752604 �t/ kintatattPUM4Utv, 833BOXOT: DD/ST# 6 7 ORD-35851.67, 16 June 1967 111(itaitry Direttor for Science and of Project CHIGOE ' 't � "- It. � � � 171 qETIteorobjectiviaf --Project:V20100E la to titiliaeA the tfistelineariy- eft. Atiency t..;--andi. large; area -effect-Um:m*4w: at airbere�Colteet1e4/ Jaw-these litotictlderine* trim Arens_ mhete:,rXlistted or irregular warfare is a way of life, specifically in Vietnam and surrounding territory, through thetcarl*441ettel:OptitilatiAnd riot...0*u at; concept 1�itt A tactical Anriti.tensor atintraft:'-'5.a. r *Oa1d4h1s goal tlieffeRIMOitsysteurzlitillatv 17-;',.r oat itteraotanyvtese4agitV operatiCast,idlich. have as tts core, the CIA proprietary infrared scanners. These sen- sors say be' 1dC itothree gim; '..riu2tar..,7 optical and. Asagnettait5.,"--r. ;. a:-.,Iitaant. %sensors: This is the standard military forward looking lift.110 ratar used for terrain following, terrain avdidanee- -and _grtitind stappilig.--!-, 1ts prlaatrrtused,.: lint0=terraiit -Attiring night -flying. A'oCHT.Xlilaplitys isivrovidtick..�theilot copilot and one for the navigator. 4 'S :7; 14: .7.; ;..!".:�.1 r; 114i; TorWarit-- U4k41343- Ight AeVel- VA!, isystes to Ititt.I.n. nalrigatICur and mating; and Veil- tifying targets. It differs from the ratilitary versions _ in that, it,'-',,44tEssnitittlt# out to Alitk-near.,411atTitredim.;.,,..',This advantage W shigher -c-contimistioto:''ideillaeatettiater MIA (water,.. lookS Spectrak-fregtoaftif ..the iallsare in ue cht.inet_ feonfr trucks for - � tfit.34:;' 4 ';N:. ar Sallt t16ti Ira OolitiOn wh*te9,- �,,atud,.�40:1in 3teportted f_to lierL tdr5.4:.ving. estem ,74, pits- 4or ttarget, ;detec- Us t: Away; ;gboi1 use d G----SROUP 1 Excluded from actucif,i. Auwagradir.:f,awi eleciass!ficsU31 Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752604 Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752604 SECRET high resent t44WV- 1/2 mrad. t into a convergent mode Provides thermal for post strike studies. There is no co in the military' which provides IB stereo high resolution0 f. camera to provide h normal to the aircraft heading. e- to .e 41,00141 is at ion to tar- system es on parrab1e version images or such r. This IOwever des over e IR sys- military. . This is a daytime recon- ed for high shutter speeds, sax ifferent focal lengths are Umer Panoramic coverage 5. Magnetic sensor. An active magnetometer oper- ating in the audio frequency is an Agency proprietary which outperforms Present magnetometers for metal detec- tion. It is truly foliage penetrating and Permits detection of vehicles from ranges of 700-1,000 feet. . Project CHIGOE was initiated under Admiral Rayburn and was CIA funded with coordination affected with DE, Air force, and Navy. At present CIA funds have been cut off from this project and $1 million from Dop is being allocated to complete the proof of feasi- bility in the South Bast Asia environment. It is expected that the CHIGOE aircraft will be, deployed to Bangkok tn July to, conduct calibration test against the site. Subsequently, after a week of testing SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752604 Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752604 �"...)-1�141- I �I ORD-3585.47 system will perform operatimal testing out of Udorn over Laos, and Thailand with further tests in Vietnam. Except for Abe 1/10- md. scanner tha_CRIGOE.system will be turned over- to the Navy. 7� Present, for a return of the caiGok system to the U.S. to perform maintenance chores and return it to the Vietnam area for operational use with a new crew. ice of o Research and Development Distributipp,:. Orig.gfj,-AddrpSsee,, DD/$4t-Registry -1 .77-0/PrPiPt- 0/CbiOn6 - 1 - ORB Registry C/O/ORD/DD/S4T - :111/2906 (16 J11411 .07)-. ,e SFPP PT (b)(3) (b)(3) ' Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752604